Read Rescuing Lilly Online

Authors: Hallie Miller

Rescuing Lilly (17 page)

"Honey, do you understand why I'm doing this?" Jake leaned down closer to ear.

Lilly nodded and sniffled. Jake pulled her up off of his knee to stand before him. She dropped to her knees almost immediately and wrapped her arms around his waist.

"Jake! Please! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to be rude downstairs! And I feel so horrible for how I treated you yesterday. And all I wanted when that guy was all over me was you and I thought you'd never forgive me. I don't know why I'm such a screw up Please, please don't ever leave me!" Lilly rambled as she sobbed into his lap.

Jake didn't know it was possible to feel so full of emotion. He had been so angry and worried yesterday. His heart swelled with love and affection at her words. He wanted to take care of her, love her, and promise her that nothing bad would ever happen to her again. He knew he had to make sure he knew just about how much he cared about her and her behavior before he could move on. He had to set the right tone between the two of them.

"I will never leave you baby. I hope you know that. I love you more than anything in the world, but I cannot allow you to behave the way you did downstairs. And the way you scared me running off yesterday needs to be dealt with as well. I love you too much to not take care of this situation. I know you will not like me very much for what I'm about to do, but I hope you will respect why I'm doing it and know that I'm doing it for your own good and because I care."

He gently pulled her up to her feet, wrapping and arm around her waist, and walked with her to the bathroom. Pulling a fresh bar of soap out of the cabinet under the sink, he ripped open the box and began lathering it under the running water. He glanced up in the mirror to see the trepidation in her eyes. After several seconds, he turned with soap in hand.

"Open up."

Lilly glanced at his face and back at the bar of soap. She wanted so badly to refuse and run back downstairs, but part of her knew she pushed him to the limit. For some strange reason, she knew a part of her wanted him to follow through, to show her that he would always be there and be the person that always followed through for her, both for good and bad. She slowly opened her mouth and squeezed her eyes shut.

"That's my good girl," Jake soothed, so happy she wasn't fighting him. He stuck the bar in half way and told her to bite down. He grabbed her under the arms and lifted her to sit on the counter. "You have three minutes. I want you think about how you should speak to people, especially guests in our home. I won't put up with swearing. You and I have spoken about this before. And I definitely will not put up with disrespect. Do you understand?" Lilly nodded her head, a fat tear rolling down her cheek. "Good girl. Stay here and think. When your time is up, we will finish your spanking."

Jake walked out to the bedroom and pulled back the covers on her half of the bed. He knew she would be exhausted after her punishment and figured it would be a good time for her to take a nap and rest. He glanced at his watch, noting just over a minute had passed.

Lilly couldn't believe how disgusting this soap was in her mouth. She ached to spit the thing out in the sink and wash her mouth out for the next hour to rid herself of the taste. Sitting on the counter, with the bar in her mouth, made her feel even more childish. She couldn't wait for this to be over and for Jake to hold her in his arms telling her he forgave her.

"Alright sweetheart, time's up," Jake noted, glancing at his watch as he walked back into the bathroom. Lilly was still sitting on the counter and glanced up at him, clear remorse in her eyes. Both eyes were red-rimmed from crying and soap was running down her chin. He couldn't believe how sweet and innocent she looked to him that moment. He pulled the soap out of her mouth and set her on the floor in front of the sink as he filled up a Dixie cup with water. "Rinse up quickly." He knew he had to remain firm for the rest of this lesson. He steadied himself as she continued to spit in the sink, trying to rid herself of the distasteful soap. After a moment, he grabbed her arm and started pulling her towards the bedroom. "Come on young lady, let's get this taken care of right now. The sooner the better."

Pulling her back towards the bed, he sat down at the ottoman on the foot and placed her over his lap. Her pants and panties had fallen to her ankles. He tightened his hold around her waist and picked up the hairbrush.

"Lilly, give me your hand," he demanded, reaching by her side. She placed her hand in his. She was already sniffling and wiping her face with her other hand. He took a deep breath before making his intent known. "Lilly, I'm not going to go easy on you this time. I know you are feeling guilty about what happened. There is going to be a point where you think you cannot take anymore. 'm going to give you more. I would never seriously harm you, but I will make sure this does not happen again. You're going to get a long hard paddling with this hairbrush and then I'm going to take off my belt and give you twenty with that as well."

Before Lilly could even process his words, he began paddling in earnest. He didn't start with any type of warm up, but then again maybe that's what the hand spanking he already gave her was supposed to be. She knew she deserved this, but as the hard strikes continued, she was doing everything she could to move out the way of the heavy wood.

"Jake! Please! I can't take anymore!" She knew her backside must be bruised by now owing to how hard and fast he was smacking it. She had a death grip on his pant leg and was sobbing into his calf.

After a couple of minutes of solid, fast spanking, Jake stopped to survey the damage. Her bottom was a deep, dark red, with a faint purple patch just under the curve of the bottom. At first glance, he felt he had gone a little overboard. He hated to leave such an array of marks, but he knew some marks would be better than the memory and traumatization of a rape. Lilly was sobbing over his knee, struggling to catch her breath. He rubbed her back in circles to calm her before they continued.

"Going forward, when I tell you not to go somewhere or not to do something, you need to understand that I'm looking out for you. I will not stand by and watch you put yourself in danger or in a bad situation. I give you rules and boundaries to protect you and because I care for you more than anything else in the world. Do you understand?"

"Y-y-yes," she whispered.

"Yes what?"

"Yes Sir," Lilly answered softly.

Jake smiled in approval at her submission. His heart was burning with desire to love and ravish this sweet girl putting herself in his hands.

"Good girl," he purred, leaning down to kiss her shoulder. "You don't know how much you mean to me, baby. I will be your lover, your friend, your mentor, and anything else you want me to be, so that you need to make sure you know you are taken care of every single day. And because I care so much for you, I'm going to finish this punishment just as I started it. I want you to know I will be firm with you, but always considering your needs. I know there's a part of you that still feels a little guilty. I'm going to lay you over the edge of the bed and give you twenty strokes with my belt. After that's over, we are laying this whole issue to rest. You are completely forgiven and it never needs to be mentioned again. You hear me?" As he spoke, he lifted her off of his lap to rest her on the bed, her hips situated over a pillow at the edge of the bed. He leaned down to her face to hear her answer.

Lilly gave him a watery grin and nodded. She couldn't believe she would ever want to be in this position, must less getting the spanking of her life. But she knew Jake was going to take better care of her than anyone else ever had, and she wanted nothing more than to please him. She locked her hands together under her chin, vowing to herself to keep them out of the way. She'd never experienced his belt before, and to say she was nervous was quite the understatement; especially considering the current condition of her backside.

"From now on I want you to answer me with words, young lady. No more head nods or shoulder shrugs. There will be no confusion about the rules and consequences going forward."

"Yes I understand," she said with as much conviction she could muster. "Thank you for forgiving me. I didn't know anyone could love me this much." Lilly's eyes began watering again as he leaned back down to her face, resting a hand on her swollen behind.

"Words can't describe how much I love you," Jake answered, kissing her temple and pulling himself back to finish the punishment.

Each belt stroke felt like a line of fire striking her behind. She didn't know how she made it through all twenty of them, but as soon as Jake cracked the last one, he threw the belt to the side and threw his arm around her waist, kissing her face and hair. Without a word, he gathered her into his arms and moved her to the head of the bed. Spooning her from behind, he rubbed her hip and thigh until she nodded off to sleep Gathering himself, he strode to the bathroom to get some cream for her behind.




Lilly tried to get comfortable at the kitchen table Even with the two hour nap after her spanking, she couldn't believe how sore she was She'd shyly glanced at Andrew and Sara when she returned to the kitchen, knowing they must've heard the entire ordeal upstairs after breakfast. Surprisingly, both of them just smiled as Jake added an extra cushion to her chair. Jake kissed her cheek, asking her what type of sandwich she would like for lunch.

Her mind kept replaying everything that happened since that summer. None of it would have happened if her car hadn't broken down in the sweltering Texas heat. She laughed to herself thinking about how much had changed since then. A voice broke her out of her reverie. She glanced up to see Sara staring at her nervously.

"So I was wondering if you would want to be my bridesmaid?"

Lilly realized Sara was trying to talk to her while she'd been lost in thought. "I'm sorry, what?"

Sara's face fell slightly when she realized Lilly wasn't even listening to her. "I said," she paused, hoping she wouldn't be turned down. "I was hoping you might be my bridesmaid." Before Lilly could say anything, Sara continued, "I mean, the only other girls that will be there are my step sister and Andrew's cousin. I don't really have many close friends, and I thought... well, I hoped that since we've kind of become friends and all that..."

"Of course!" Lilly jumped up and ran around the table to hug Sara.

Both girls stood up and began jumping in circles while holding each other at arm's length.

Andrew grinned. He looked over at Jake, giving him a knowing smile. "I think we are going to have our hands full with these two,"

"Yes we sure will!"



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