Redemption (The Restoration Series Book 1) (2 page)

 We followed her instructions and found our room minutes later. I slid the small square plastic card into the door lock, waited for the small light to switch from red to green. When it flashed, I turned the knob and entered what would be our home for the next seven days.

 I rushed to the bedroom first, taking in the large bed that was covered in blue and white linens, multiple pillows, and sheer white material hanging from each of the four canopy posts. I unzipped my suitcase and freed my toiletries bag from its secure location, before shuffling through the room to the bathroom and tossing it on the counter, leaving plenty of space for Evie’s things. I glanced quickly in the mirror, running my fingers through my wild curls, attempting to tame them slightly. Figuring it was the best it was going to be, I hit the light and turned out of the room. 

 “Hey, come check out this view!” Evie called from the living room, which I had bypassed in my excitement to unload my bags and see the bedroom. I stepped into the front room and looked around.  There were two white couches settled in the middle of the room, facing a large set of windows. She pulled back the curtains and it took my breath away. In front of me sprawled the whitest beach I had ever seen, leading to the shining blue of the Pacific Ocean. I rested my fingers against the glass, taking in the scene, watching as people lined the sand and rested on towels or brightly colored plastic chairs. There was a volleyball game going on to the left, and a young mother generously applying sunscreen to her young copper-haired daughter.

 I grinned, glancing at Evie. “Let’s go.”

 “Yay!” She jumped up and down, then dragged me by the hand into the bedroom, tossing her suitcase on the bed. I reached over and pulled out my brand new swimsuit and headed to the bathroom to quickly change. The royal purple suit covered everything and wrapped around my neck, giving me a sense of security. My favorite part of it was the large turquoise flowers that were accented across the front. 

 I stepped back into the bedroom, finding Evie pulling a white sheer cover dress over her black bikini. Her long brown curls were pulled up into a messy bun, and she slipped a pair of white sunglasses on her face.

 “Don’t forget the sunscreen.” I smiled and tossed her the large blue bottle from my bag.

 We spent the next few minutes generously applying the white creamy lotion and gathering our things. Making sure I had my key card, wallet, and book, I hooked the bag over my shoulder and looked at Evie.

 “You ready?” I opened the front door, stepping out. 

 “Yes. Lead the way!”

 We walked side by side, down the stone pathway until our feet slid into the warm sand. We stood for a minute letting it sift between our toes. Joyous laughter bubbled out of me and grabbed Evie’s hand, dragging her forward.

 I located a small open space between a group of men playing volleyball and another young family. Setting down my bag, I pulled out my large pink towel and tossed it lightly into the air, catching the wind. I gently settled it across the white ground, and used my various items to secure the corners. 

 “Let’s hit the water first.” I suggested. Evie just bobbed her head in excited agreement.

 I walked slowly toward the foaming edge of the water, letting my feet adjust to the temperature as I moved forward inch by inch. It was cool, but not cold, and against the hot sun it was a welcome reprieve. I shuffled my feet through the damp sand beneath the water’s surface, moving forward until I was submerged to my waist and could feel the push and pull of the tide flowing around me. I felt so small, staring out into the vast ocean. Evie was behind me, giggling like a small child as each wave crashed against her tanned skin. We stayed like that for hours, alternating between water play and resting in the sun. I finally fell asleep on my large towel, feeling the warmth of the sun kiss my face.

* * *


(Location Unknown)


 I rested limply on the mattress, holding back my cries of pain, listening as the men cleaned themselves before walking out of my prison cell. My blood soaked the mattress below me and my right side was swelling with a large bruise
across my ribs. I couldn’t move.

 I laid there for hours, attempting to numb myself from the pain and emotions of what was happening all around me. There was no reference for the time of day other than a small hole in the far wall that you could see daylight trying to break through. The rattle of keys sliding into my door forced me to turn my face. In walked the older man, who I had decided to call Demon. I had no idea what his name was, but I knew his face and body would haunt me for the rest of my life.

 Following Demon was a frail older woman with graying hair. She looked to be about the age of fifty and wore a simple cotton dress, with sleeves going to her knobby hands. In her hands, she carried a metal tray, on top of which rested a small metal bowl, a bar of soap, a wrapped sandwich and a new rag.

 “Do not hurt her, girl. One finger on her and you will regret today even more than you do already. Do you understand?” Demon asked, his dark voice dripping with venom.

 All I could do was blink and nod in affirmation. He stepped out of the room, locking us inside. The woman didn’t attempt to speak, and quickly soaked the cloth in the metal bowl full of water, reaching to clean the puncture on my lip. She gently prodded and poked, and then reached for a small tube of glue, dabbing a little on to the bite mark to seal the wound. She took turns dipping the cloth in water and rubbing it on the bar of soap, then my face.

 I closed my eyes and felt her examining the rest of my body. She pushed her fingers
down my ribs, checking for any broken bones, then put a dark muddy salve across the large blackened area on my torso.

 “Please…” I whimpered, grabbing her close to me. “Please, help.”

 Her eyes moistened as she stared into mine, shaking her head back and forth. She whispered something to me, but I couldn’t understand her. Even so, I felt her regret and sorrow flow through her touch into me.

 Placing the sandwich in my hand, she pushed it close to my mouth and instructed me to eat. I attempted to take a bite of the bland meal, knowing I would need my strength if I were ever to find a way out of this. She reached over and pulled the discarded t-shirt off the ground, shaking it out a few times. Gently, she helped me slide my arms inside and pull it over my head and down my body. I winced as my arms raised above my head, but she quickly situated the shirt and moved away.

 When we were finished, she grabbed her supplies and knocked twice on the chamber door. Moments later, the door unlocked and creaked open. The woman walked out, never looking back. Demon tossed a small blue quilt inside, then turned to lock my cage again. I was a prisoner. A slave. I listened to the tears of the girls around me and fell asleep, tightly wrapped in the only comfort I could find.

If I live through another day, please… please… if you’re listening…I need help. Give me a sign you’re listening.

 I was woken by the clanging of chains. I sat up, pulling the quilt around my shoulders. My eyes darted quickly around the room and then trained on the door, waiting for whoever was about to enter. The click unlocked and Demon walked in. In his hands rested a large rusted chain.

 “Stand up,” he commanded me, his eyes cold. I didn’t hesitate to fight him this time, knowing it would bring more pain. I dropped the blanket and stepped off the mattress.

 “Feet together.” He knelt down and began wrapping the hard crusty chain around both my feet, wide enough I could shuffle to walk, but tight enough that I would not be able to run.

 “Hands in front.” He looked at me, waiting for my compliance. I moved them in front, side by side. He secured a plastic tie around both wrists and pulled firmly. They were secured together. His fingers found my chin, forcing my eyes to meet his.

 “You will follow me out of this room. Do not attempt to do anything. Do as you’re told and stay quiet. Do you understand?” He waited, face firm, for me to nod in understanding. He stepped out of the door and I shuffled my chained feet behind him. As I walked through the makeshift door, the flickering lights swinging above my head glared down
on me. The hallway was long and made of concrete, doors lining the hall on both sides. My room was located near the middle. Girls, similarly bound, were being pushed out of their doors, each looking as ripped and bloodied as myself. 

 I glanced around, trying to find Evie. I didn’t see her, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t here. I gripped my fingers together and turned to face the back of the dark-haired girl in front of me. She was sobbing loudly, uncontrollably. Demon had moved toward the front of the line and had his head bent toward few other men.

 “Hey,” I whispered, keeping my eye on Demon.

 She sniffled and turned her swollen face towards me, tears falling. “What?”

 “You might want to stay quiet.”

 “How am I supposed to do that?” she spat, causing people’s heads to turn. Demon’s head whipped around and his eyes pierced mine. I stood back against the wall as he angrily marched toward us. The girl in front of me began to whimper and a sob escaped her trembling lips again. Demon halted his steps in front of her as she cowered down on her haunches and tried to hide her face. He tangled his rough calloused hands into her hair, pulling her up to face him.

 “SILENCE!” His voice bellowed throughout the cement hallway. She whimpered again, and he yanked harder, pulling her closer to him. His voice was deadly quiet as he spoke into her ear. She went as white as a sheet and nodded before he quickly let go, causing her to fall
into me. I tried to catch her, but my bound hands kept me from gripping appropriately. She fell to the floor, hitting her head against the concrete wall beside me. She rubbed at the spot, slowly pushing herself up as blood began to trickle down her pale wet cheek.

 “You will follow me through this door. Do not speak, do not touch, do not do anything. My men will be around and you will be punished should you decide to do something stupid.” Demon spoke loudly so everyone could hear him. He turned and walked through a door, propping it open. The girls began to file out behind him, sounds of clanking chains echoing through the hall as each set of feet shuffled across the floor.

 I passed the solid wood doors that lined the walls, and followed the girls before me toward the exit. Demon led us down an adjoining hallway that opened into a large tiled room. When we were all inside we were commanded to sit along the far wall. I slid myself down, the cold of the tile seeping into my bare skin.

 “This is where you live now. You are here to do what we say and to earn us money. You are to keep silent unless spoken to. You are to eat when given food and to shower when told.” He pulled out a long dagger from his waistband and slid his fingers across the silver blade. “Being let out of your chamber is a privilege. Should you choose to be disobedient, you will suffer consequences. Trust me, you do not want to know what those will be. It is in your best interest to be as compliant as possible.” He stopped his pacing and stood to face us. “More than one of you have already cost me a good deal of money. You are never to lay a hand on a customer. Should you leave any marks on them, you will be punished. To help you understand what can happen to those girls who choose to fight, we’ve opted for a little demonstration.”

 He turned his head and nodded at one of the men behind him. “Bring her.”

 A few moments later a girl was dragged inside by two young men. She was limp in their arms, head sagging down, feet dragging behind her. Demon pulled a chair in front of us and the men sat the girl down, tying restraints against her limbs.

 “Wake her up,” he commanded. One of the men nodded and pulled a dingy white bucket from the other side of the room and turned it upside down
above the girl. Water flooded
over her as she jolted awake, gasping for
air. When her face turned up toward us, it was unrecognizable to most, but I knew who it was. Evie. Her face was distorted and puffy, lined with knife marks across her cheeks. Her eyes caught mine and a small sob escaped her lips as Demon backhanded her.

 “This is what can happen if you choose to disobey.” He took his time looking at each and every one of us, drilling us with the hatred and venom that ran through his cold veins.

 “You will shower. Make sure you are presentable. You will be brought food, I expect you to eat it. We’ll be back to take you to your cells before the day begins.” He turned and walked out the door, followed by a few of the men. There were a few other men with guns attached to their belts that stood by the door, eyes roaming over us all. The lights dimmed as one of the men hit a small button on the wall. A flooding sound echoed against the tiled walls. I glanced
above us and watched as water began to spray from a cluster of shower heads lined
across the ceiling. I stood and rushed through the spray toward Evie.

 “Oh, Evie,” I whispered. She looked into my eyes and let her tears mix with the flow of water.

 “Are you okay?” she questioned, straining against the bindings on the chair. I nodded, attempting to use my fingers to work through the rope.

 “Hey! Help me!” I glared at the girls nearest me. Most of them turned away, attempting to clean themselves as much as possible. The dark-haired girl from before walked cautiously over to me.

 “Come on,” she grunted as she helped me work through the ropes. Eventually, we got her free and helped her stand under the flow of water.

 “Thank you.” I nodded to the girl and worked my fingers through Evie’s hair, rinsing it as best as I could. We took turns helping each other. The water was freezing cold and we were shivering by the time the guards hit the button to shut off the water. We stood against the wall and waited as the older lady that had taken care of me earlier came into the room carrying a tray of cups. Each Styrofoam cup was filled with steaming liquid.

 “Drink” She commanded in broken English as she handed each of us a cup. It was soup, hot and filling. We took our cups and sipped, letting the warmth seep into our bodies. I carefully held Evie’s cup to her cracked, bloody lips and tipped it forward.  

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