Read Raine on Me Online

Authors: Laurann Dohner

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Fiction

Raine on Me (9 page)

BOOK: Raine on Me
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Animal sounds filled Brit’s ears along with the sound of their bodies slapping together and she realized she made those sharp, choppy sounds. River pounded against her body, forcing her to take him at that fast speed. She could only clutch the bed, be vocal about her pleasure, and her mind blanked out the ability to do anything but concentrate on the pending climax that was building. Her body tensed, she could feel him grinding in and out of her pussy as her vaginal walls clamped around his cock.

“Oh fuck,” he groaned. “Come for me, baby. You’re so tight I can’t hang on much longer.”

It was as though River ordering her to do it became the last nudge she needed.

White-hot rapture had her screaming out. It felt too intense, too earth shattering for her to take. She sucked in air, her body jerking and twitching violently as she rode out his climax too. He groaned loudly, uttering soft curses, slowing the hard fucking to a gentle rocking motion until he just held her.

They were both panting. Brit looked up at River, amazed that the man could do that to her body but also a little embarrassed because she realized the whole house must have heard her when she’d come both times. River didn’t blush. He winked at her.

“If you try to fuck and run this time, I’m going to chain you to my bed and I can do it. Am I clear?”

She panted, out of breath. “I heard you.” It didn’t mean she’d let him carry out his threat though. She needed to get away from River.

Chapter Five


“I can’t face those people.” Brit glared at River. He had the nerve to laugh at her embarrassment. He stood near her at the moment, a gleam of amusement in his eyes. “I want you to fix whatever you did to my car so I can get out of here.”

“Those people are my family and why the hell don’t you want to see them?”

“They had to have heard us.”

The grin spread. “Is that a problem? We’ll hear Nav and his wife. That’s just the norm in this house when women are present.”

“Well, it’s not my norm. And how many women come here?”

He inched closer, reaching out to grab her waist but she stepped back, avoiding it.


A snort rose. “Not at all.”

His hand shot out when she wasn’t expecting it to grip her arm. “Come on. You can’t hide out indefinitely and besides that, I’m hungry for food now.”

“Damn it.” She dug her bare heels into the area rug and tried to stop him from dragging her but it was a wasted effort. “You big bully.”

He laughed again, threw open his bedroom door, and turned. “Are you walking or going downstairs over my shoulder? Your choice.”

“I don’t like you.”

River laughed again. “You liked me a hell of a lot a short time ago and you’re going to like me a hell of a lot more later when we get back into my bed.”


He just laughed, pulled her out into the hallway and toward the stairs. She lifted her chin, advanced on her own, but inwardly fumed. He could be really controlling but she couldn’t hate him for it. He wasn’t a brute and he wasn’t hurting her. She heard voices come from the living room. At the bottom of the stairs River turned in that direction.

A blond man sat in an easy chair facing Navarro and Trina on the couch. Three pairs of eyes turned to the couple who walked in. Brit forced a smile at Trina. Trina’s blonde eyebrows rose and her attention focused on the grip that River had on Brit.

“Why are you pulling my new friend around?” Trina leaned against her husband’s side. “Nav, honey, teach your brother some manners.”

The blue-eyed older version of River chuckled. “I tried my best but, babe, it’s a lost cause.”

4Shaking her head, Trina carefully got to her feet in an awkward technique that her husband helped along when he gripped her ass to give her a boost. Trina chuckled and then headed for the kitchen. She paused on the other side of River.

“I hope to hell you’re not the donor. I don’t want this kid coming out all grabby.

Play nice or you can sleep in your motor home.”

Confusion rushed through Brit as she watched Trina wobble away. She looked at River and he winked. “We don’t know whose sperm ended up being the winner that got her pregnant.”

Her jaw dropped as her mind tried to make sense of what he’d said. A male voice drew her attention.

“Don’t look at me though. I wasn’t involved with that.”

Brit’s head whipped around to stare at the big blond with light blue eyes. His hair was a little shaggy and curly. He winked at her and stood. He glanced at River and then stepped closer, holding out a hand.

“I’m Trip. I live on the ranch but I have my own place. You must be Brit. I promised Dale I’d look after you.”

She jerked out of River’s hold and gave the man a firm handshake. His palms were rough, calloused, and she liked his open expression instantly. She also noticed how handsome he was.

“Nice to meet you. You know Dale Hass?”

“Everyone around here knows Dale. We all go way back.”

She released his hand. “I see.”

Trip grinned, giving her a once-over. “Did that letch hit on you? I can see Dale doing that. I got the impression he’s taken with you.”

“No.” She shot him a dirty look. “Dale has been really nice to me but not that way.”

“So how did you meet him?” Trip turned, sat back down, and watched Brit closely.

“He’s protective of you.”

“I work for him. I’m a physical therapist. I…” She paused. “I met him five months ago and he offered me a job.” She wanted to leave it at that, not wanting to inform them that she’d met him at a women’s shelter where she’d been living. “He’s an amazing person.”

“Dale? Amazing?” Navarro laughed. “I’ve heard him called a lot of things but never that unless he paid someone to say it.”

Brit glared at Navarro Raine. She didn’t care if she was in his house. “Don’t you dare insult Dale. He’s been a father figure to me and gave me a job when no one else would. He’s a wonderful, caring, sensitive person.”

“Whoa, baby,” River chuckled. “Hold your horses. My brother didn’t mean

anything bad so calm down. It’s just that we know Dale as a loud-mouthed, hard-drinking man who used to go into bars and offered jobs to women to―”

4“Don’t,” Trip cut in. “Dale obviously treats her as if she’s family and if he wanted her to know about his old days, he would have told her.”

River tensed and then softly cursed. “She kind of looks similar to Mary. I just realized. No wonder he’s protective of her and hides his past.”

“Is that his daughter who died?” Brit guessed. “He told me I remind him of her.”

“Yeah.” Trip stood. “I better get back to Adam. He’s going to be pissed if he has to pick up that hay without me.” He paused, giving Brit a smile. “Watch out for River there. He’s kind of pushy and naturally an ass. Don’t take his shit.”

“I resent that.” River chuckled. “I work hard at it so there’s nothing natural about it.”

Navarro stood. “I’m going to go help Trina find a snack.” He left the room.

Brit processed all she’d learned. She stepped back and looked River. She studied him. His smile died as he watched her.


“You slept with Trina?”

His dark eyebrows shot up. “No. You know my balls are still attached since you’ve seen them. If I touched Nav’s wife, he’d remove them.” He paused. “A bull gored Nav’s nuts and he’s sterile. When they decided to try for a kid, he called on his brothers, me included, to donate our sperm. We all did and Trina got artificially inseminated. It worked and we have no idea which sample the doctors used.”

“So you could be the father of her baby?” she asked, shocked.

He frowned. “Nav is the father. We all look alike and Trina has blue eyes. If the baby turns up with them, it’s still a mystery whose sperm worked.”

She just stared at him.

“Nav and our oldest brother have blue eyes but the rest of us have dark brown, like our father. Ryder and I have a different mother than my other brothers do. She was Cherokee and our father Apache. Navarro, Drake, and Dusty share a Dutch mother.”

“Does it bother you?”

“Having different mothers? Not in the least.”

“I meant, that it could be your biological child?”

He frowned again. “We don’t think of it that way and you shouldn’t either. Nav was always there for us growing up. Their mother died when they were young and my mother took off when Ryder and I were infants. Our father became an alcoholic and while Nav isn’t the oldest, he grew to be the father figure in our lives. He’s done everything for us and we’d do anything for him. I looked at a magazine and had some private time in a room at a clinic. That’s it. That baby is theirs, he’s the father, and that’s the end of it.”

Brit nodded. “I think that’s really great of you and your brothers to do that.”

He shrugged. “They both deserve happiness and a baby is important to them.”

5A thought struck her. “Do you have any kids?”

He shook his head. “Nope. I’m careful to always use protection. I had a scare with a girl once and that was more than enough for me. I sweated that one bad.”

“Were you really young?”

He paused. “I’d just turned nineteen.”

“I take it that it wasn’t someone you wanted to have a baby with?”

He took a deep breath, watching her closely. “I barely knew her. She showed up here a month after I nailed her, claiming she thought she was pregnant but didn’t have the money to pay for a doctor. She’d taken a grocery store test and it came back positive. I never sweated so much in my life when I took her to see our family doctor. It turned out she wasn’t and I never forgot that feeling in my gut. I’ve learned to be damn careful.”

“‘No glove, no love’ is a good motto.”

He nodded. “What about you? Do you have any kids? I guess we never got around to this. How about ex-husbands? Do you have any of those?”

Something inside Brit froze up and she had to swallow the lump that formed in her throat. If she told him she’d been married, would he ask a lot of questions? She stared into his eyes.

“Those aren’t hard questions.” He studied her. “Kids? Ex-husband?”

“No kids but I’ve been married. I don’t want to talk about it.” She decided to go with honesty. “It’s not a happy story and it’s over.”

His dark gaze narrowed. “Okay. How old are you?”

“Thirty-five. How old are you?”

“I just turned thirty-two.”

“Shit.” She had never slept with a younger man before.

“What?” He grinned. “It’s only a few years but I guess I could technically call you my old lady.”

“You wouldn’t do it twice,” she threatened. “I don’t like that term.”

Amusement sparkled in his dark eyes. “I’ll keep that in mind, baby.”

“I’m not fond of that one either.”

“Fuck And Run it is then.”

She closed the distance in one big step, gave him a dirty look, realizing again how tall he was when she had to tilt her chin to stare up at him. “I really hate that one.”

An arm slid around her waist as he pulled her against his frame. “I know. You should see how cute you are when you get mad.” He lifted his other hand and his fingertip brushed the side of her mouth. “You have a little line right here.”

Brit opened her hands on his chest and pushed but River didn’t let go. She shook her head at him. “Release me.”

5“But I like you.” He laughed again. “A hell of a lot. I’m getting hard just touching you. You do things to me.”

“I’m going to do bad things to you if you don’t let me go. You need to go fix my car so I can leave.”

“It’s not happening. Trina said you’re here for a month. I wasn’t planning on staying that long, just a few weeks, but we’ll see how we do. If it’s working out between us I’ll stay as long as you’re here.”

“Why does that sound like a threat to me?”

He threw back his head and laughed. His arm around her waist slid lower and one big hand firmly cupped her ass cheek. He squeezed, holding her securely. His head lowered until their gazes met again. “The only danger you’re in from me, Fuck And Run, is me not letting you out of my bed.”

“Stop calling me that, damn it.” Her fingers lowered, sliding down the front of his shirt. She could feel pure, hard male through the thin material. The guy had muscles and she slid her fingertips over them on her way to the waist of his jeans. “You want to be nice to me.”

“Really?” His grin died. “What do I get if I am?”

Her hand grazed over his hip and one hand slid between their bodies, had to wiggle a little but she rubbed the front of his jeans where she discovered that he hadn’t been kidding about her making his cock hard. She could feel the outline of his rigid sex and rubbed him through the denim. The hand on her ass squeezed again and River softly groaned.

“That feels good but it would be a hell of a lot better if I were out of these jeans.

Let’s go back upstairs.”

“Fix my car.”


Her fingers lowered, gripping him under his cock. His body tensed and the look in his eyes turned a little cold. “Play nice, baby. I saw what you did to my poor brother.

You don’t want to hurt me, do you?”

He didn’t tear away from her hold or try to grip her hand to remove it as she stared up at him. She gently rubbed his jeans where his balls were. “I don’t want to hurt you but I do need my car. I want to leave.”

“Why? You were going to stay here a month so do that. I would like to share my bed with you and you really like me.” His face lowered and he went nose to nose with her, a breath from touching her. “I want to do a thousand things to you. Let me.”

Brit knew she would lose this argument. He was just too sexy and she instantly reacted to the look in his dark gaze and the feel of his body against hers. She got wet just hearing him talk that way. He wasn’t her type—too crude, too young, and way too hot looking but she’d married a man who had been her type. That had turned into a nightmare.

5“You’re controlling and I don’t like that,” she said honestly. “I’m also leery of getting involved with anyone.”

“I’ll try to put my caveman tendencies away. I promise not to club you and drag you away by your hair to toss you over a rock and fuck you blind.” He chuckled. “Wait.

BOOK: Raine on Me
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