Pierce My Heart (Women of Willowbrook Book 1) (39 page)


His hand moves, his thumb sliding along my cheek as he peers into my eyes.

“Sweetheart, talk to me.”

“Could you at least let me go?” I bargain, giving in, knowing I won’t be going anywhere until we’ve talked. “Please.”

His arms give me a final squeeze before letting go and I take that as my cue to bolt upright and off the bed.

Mustering up my courage, I take a deep breath and start talking.

“I heard you this morning in your office. After last night I was worried, and when I heard my name I didn’t think, I just went for you. I heard what you said to Frank, Jake. About my past, about last night and how it was “fucking whacked” that I loved you. You promised to catch me. You
. But you were nowhere to be found when I fell and ran. I was wrong, I—”

“Stop talking,” he bites out.

My lips clamp shut when I don’t just hear but
the tone of his voice slice through me.

“First off, babe, you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about,” he says, holding his hand up when I open my mouth to argue. “What you heard was me telling Frank that the situation was fucking whacked. The scene last night, my temper directed at you, and then you choosing to tell me you love me when you think I’m sleeping. Yeah, it was fucking whacked. First time you told me you loved me should’ve been to my face, Annie, not while I was sleeping. Can’t say it back to you if I’m sleeping.”

My eyes widen at his words as my heart starts banging around in my chest at the hope they bring. I try not to let myself latch onto it too tightly but it’s impossible not to.

“Second, you break my fucking heart, sweetheart.”

“What?” I ask, confused.

“You think you don’t deserve good? Or sweet? Or happy? That you don’t deserve something beautiful even though I told you beauty like yours deserves it all? You didn’t believe me, Anna. Shit you been through, shit you put yourself through, you deserve it all
and more
. I’ve been busting my ass to prove it to you, but I slipped last night and this morning. Showed you a side of me I didn’t want you to see. Made you think things that are so far from the truth, they’re in another goddamn
. And you’re right, I didn’t catch you when you fell, but you’re also wrong. You may have fallen, sweetheart, but you didn’t hit the ground and you didn’t run. You didn’t even leave the fucking yard. You could’ve called someone, left, and I wouldn’t have had a clue, but you stuck around. So think what you want, but deep down you knew. You knew I’d catch you, you were just waiting for me to show up.”

Fuck me.

He’s right.

My phone had been in my pocket the entire time. I could’ve called Evan, Maddy, Payton, hell, even a cab. I could’ve left at
time, but I didn’t. I stayed.


Instead of confirming something he already knew (and making his head that much bigger) I decide to focus on a different matter.

One that’s
more important.

“So you could say it back?” I ask, my voice barely above a whisper.

His face gets soft as the fire in his eyes changes to something else entirely. “Yeah, sweetheart. So I could say it back.”

Silence descends as we look at each other.

“Are you gonna say it?”

“Only if you get your ass over here and promise to stop eavesdropping,” he chuckles.

My eyes get a little squinty as my hands shoot to my hips. “I was worried, Jay. Even though shit ended okay last night, it was still intense. I was making sure you were okay.”

The smile on his face dies and I feel like an ass for being the one who killed it, but seriously.


Trying to ease the blow, I close the distance between us, wrapping my arms loosely around his middle as I ask, “What happened? Last night, I mean.”

He lets out a sigh as his hands settle on my hips. “It’s not my shit to tell, sweetheart. What I can tell you is that it brought back bad memories. Memories from the night my parents died,” he answers vaguely, but the tone of his voice tells me what I need to know.

“Jake,” I say quietly.

He shakes his head and gives my hips a squeeze before wrapping his arms around me. “I’m sorry I took that out on you, Anna. You didn’t deserve it.”

“It’s fine—”

“It’s not,” he argues. “But, I’m glad as fuck you stood your ground and fought.”

“I’m just glad you decided to fight with me instead of against me.”

“If only you’d remember that,” he mutters.

My eyes shoot to the ceiling.

“Babe,” Jake calls.

My eyes roll back to him and my brows raise in question.

His hand slides along my cheek as he lays his forehead against mine and looks into my eyes.

I suck in a sharp breath at what I see, my heart slamming into overdrive.

Shit, I’m going to cry.

“I love you, Anna,” he whispers against my lips.

My smile trembles as I whisper back, “I love you too, Jake.”

I watch his eyes smile before he takes my mouth and shows me just how much he means those words.


Chapter Twenty


I Want To


By the time we remember the food on the dresser, it’s gone cold. We decide to venture downstairs in search of sustenance (and to let the dogs out).

While Jake went out back with the dogs, I hit the kitchen to take stock. A pounding on the front door has me jumping back in surprise and almost smacking my head on the shelf in the fridge. When the pounding doesn’t stop but increases in tempo, I close the fridge and head for the door.

I figure maybe Frank, Ang, and their family were stopping by to do a check-in and Miles was getting impatient. But when I open the door, I see Manny standing there holding a little dark-haired girl in his arms, looking beyond tired and
beyond frazzled.

“Shit. Anna, hey. Jake around?” he asks, looking over my head.

I nod and take a few steps back to let him in.

“He’s out back with the dogs. Do you want me to go get him?”

He just nods before walking over and slumping down on the couch.

Giving him a smile, I shut the door and hurry to and out the back door.

Jake’s eyes catch mine when he stands up from grabbing the ball and he smiles, my mission momentarily forgotten as I take him in.

Baggy sweatpants that hang on his hips but do nothing to distract from the firmness and strength of his thighs (and ass), his college sweatshirt that shows a strip of his strong stomach every time he moves, his mussed hair (from me this time), and a few days’ worth of stubble on his face.

God, he’s beautiful.

Remembering what waited inside, I move his way and the smile drops from his face as he takes in the look on mine.

“What’s up, sweetheart?” he asks, sliding his arm around my shoulders as he tosses the ball.

“Um, Manny’s inside.”

He stiffens for second before looking down at me.


My already curious mind goes on high alert when I feel it. “And a little girl…” I trail off, looking up at him.

His eyes close as he lets out a sigh.


Any good feelings I have about the situation disappears with that one word.

“What’s going on, Jake?”

Opening his eyes, he looks at me. “That shit that wasn’t my shit to tell? That’s part of it.”

My eyes widen as it dawns. “She’s

He nods.

“What else?”

“Babe, swear I’ll tell you everything, but we need to go in,” he replies, turning us and heading towards the door.

“Promise?” I ask, letting it go—for now.

“Promise,” he says firmly.

I give him a small smile as we walk in, bracing for whatever is about to happen.

Jake leaves my side and gives Manny a clap on the back and a softer, much gentler version to the little girl.

“Man,” he says, moving back to his position by me.

“Sorry to barge in on you, hermano, but we need to talk,” Manny says by way of greeting, throwing apologetic eyes my way.

“Office good?”

Manny nods and starts to move that way but pauses in front of me. “Anna, you mind watching after Camilla?” he asks hopefully, looking down at the girl in his arms.

Smiling, I answer, “No problem,” as I hold out my arms for her.

He hands her over and drops a soft touch to her cheek before heading down the hallway out of sight.

I turn my eyes to Jake and catch a funny look before he clears it and kissed my cheek.

“You good, babe?”

“I’m good,” I confirm, nodding.

He gives me a tip of his lips then follows Manny’s path, shutting the door behind him.

I stand there for a moment before a small noise draws my attention down. Big brown eyes are staring up at me, thumb in her mouth, and I melt.

“Hi,” I whisper.

She smiles around her thumb and waves with her free fingers.

Yup. Goo.

I have no clue what time it is, but I decide to ask anyway. “Are you hungry?”

She bobs her head up and down and points toward the kitchen.

Smiling, I head in and open the doors to the refrigerator to let her look. When she leans forward unexpectedly I have to lean back so we both don’t topple inside.

“What do you want, pretty girl?” I ask, trying to figure out what she’s pointing at.

She looks at me for a second before pulling her thumb almost all the way out of her mouth and whispering, “nana.”

My face scrunches in confusion as I look in the fridge. Sure enough, a lone banana sits behind a wall of water bottles.

How she saw it, I have no clue. What’s more confusing is why Jake has a lone banana in his fridge.

Mom and I both peel, break in half, and bag bananas that are turning brown to freeze for smoothies or a cool snack, but I’ve never seen anyone keep them in the fridge as a regular thing.


I reach in, grab it, then hand it over to her as I close the door and look around for somewhere to sit her while I cut it up. Seeing nothing (and deciding not to risk her on the counter) I attempt to set her down.

Both her arms circle my neck, squeezing tight as she clings to me. When I try again, a high-pitched wail leaves her mouth and has me straightening with a jerk as I wrap my arms around her, fearing I hurt her.

It’s about point two seconds after that when I hear the office door slam open and pounding feet head my way.

Manny skids to a stop with Jake right behind him as they take in the sight of us.

Jake’s eyebrows lift in question, but Manny’s face takes on a sadness that has me moving closer. He seems to realize it and wipes the look off his face, replacing it with one of acceptance.

“I’m sorry. I tried to set her down so I could cut up the banana for her. I don’t know what happened, but I don’t think I hurt her,” I explain, moving my hand soothingly over her back.

Manny nods.
“It’s not your fault. Cami’s having some trouble…adjusting,” he tells me, rubbing his hand down his face and over his hair before dropping it by his side.

I open my mouth to say something when
Bad to the Bone
starts blaring from my back pocket.

Giving him an apologetic look, I pull my phone out and answer, "Hello?”

“Anna, get your ass out here right now,” Evan screeches in my ear, making me yank the phone back.

Double checking the name (even though I know who it is by the ringer) I bring the phone back to my ear. “Evan? What are you talking about?” I ask, my head shooting up when I feel the vibe in the room change.

Manny’s face takes on another look of sadness but anger is mixed in with it, and
has my hackles rising.

I take a few steps away as Jake settles his hand on Manny’s shoulder. When he catches my eyes he tilts his head to the side, indicating I should give them space.

Which, I’m more than happy to do.


“Evan, I’m not at home,” I tell her as I move into the foyer.

“I know that. I’m outside Jake’s.”

“How do you know where he lives?” I wonder.

“Grace,” she explains.


“So get out here. We need to talk,
,” she stresses, then hangs up.

Huffing out a breath, I shove my phone in my pocket, hitch Camilla higher up on my hip, and head for the front door.

When I open the door and see Evan, ass to her Jeep’s front bumper, and a look of utter hurt and outrage on her face, everything except her flies from my mind.

Including the fact that I have Camilla attached to my hip.

Moving quick, I get close and speak low. “Evan, what’s wrong?”

Evan doesn’t answer. She’s too busy staring at the little girl I’m holding.

When Camilla turns her head Evan’s way and waves, her face goes blank, hurt and anger gone, but not before I see something awful slice across her face.

“Evie,” I whisper, reaching a hand out to her.

She jerks out of reach and starts backpedaling, shaking her head as she goes.


Both Evan and I jump at the word barked from the front door.

When I look over my shoulder, I see Manny
his way towards Evan; hurt, anger, sadness, and annoyance all flashing across his face as he watches her.

My eyes flick back in her direction to see her frozen.

Just as he reaches our huddle, Cami reaches both arms out.


Manny stops, his arms automatically reaching out, but his eyes never leave Evan.

Evan whose face has crumpled at the word.

“Evie,” I try again, getting ready to move her way after making the handoff, but Jake’s arm wrapping around my chest stops me.

Her body twitches at my jolted word, but her eyes never stop jumping between Manny and Cami.

“She yours?” Evan asks thickly, waiting for the answer she already knows.

“Yeah,” he replies, his voice just as thick.

Evan’s eyes close as she turns her head away.

“Evan,” Manny whispers, taking a step towards her, but she counters with one backwards.

“Don’t, Manny.”

“Let me explain,” he pleads.

Her eyes fill as she shakes her head.

“Angel, please.”

The dam breaks on those words and Evan moves, fast.

Not sparing anyone a look, she turns and jumps into her Jeep, starting it before anyone can make a move and hauling ass backwards, tires screeching as she flees.

“Damnit,” Manny growls, moving towards his own SUV and doing the same, though much slower since he has Cami in tow.

That leaves Jake and I standing in his driveway, both staring at the street where our friends had disappeared. Each hurt in their own way.

After a beat to let everything sink in, I whirl around, tilt my head back, and poke Jake in the chest.

“You need to tell me what the fuck is going on,
right now
,” I demand.

Jake nods and leads us back inside the house, only pausing to flip the lock on the front door as I call Evan repeatedly—the call going straight to voicemail each time—leaving messages telling her to call, before heading up the stairs and into the bedroom.

Disengaging from me, he sits down on the bed, grabs my hand and gives it a tug to pull me between his thighs, his hands resting on my hips as I stand there.

“What do you wanna know?” he asks.

I pause for a moment, trying to think the best way to start.

“Camilla,” I answer.

He sighs and nods.

“Manny found out about Camilla not too long after we met—”

“That Sunday at the park. Did that have to do with it?” I ask.

He gives me a look for interrupting.

I shrug.

“Yeah, Man was flipping out. The grandma showed up with her in tow, told him she couldn’t handle her anymore and it was time for him to take responsibility. Left him with a couple boxes of shit and a note from the mom. He called me and Roc. When we got there Camilla was in fits so Roc called his ma, Ella, to help.”

When he doesn’t go on, I ask, “Who’s her mom?”

“Nettie Wright. Some crazy bitch he hooked up with a few years ago. Woke up hungover with an empty wallet and hadn’t seen her since. Not until Manny tracked her down, pissed as fuck for keeping his kid away,” he answers.

I nod in understanding.

“Found her strung out, shit apartment, shit clothes, and shit for brains. If it hadn’t been for the grandma fuck knows what would’ve happened to Camilla.”

My gut churns as I feel my skin heat with anger at a woman I don’t even know.

“Is she getting help?”

Jake’s forehead collides with my chest.

My brows shoot up as I slide my fingers through his hair.

“Jay?” I ask softly.

He leans back and looks up at me.

“Gone. Cleared out. Apartment empty of anything of value. Her mom doesn’t know where she is. She’s wind. Only thing she did do was sign some papers forfeiting her rights for Camilla that Manny got in the mail yesterday. Bitch was fucked up, but she was a mom. Kid deserves to know her mom, fucked up or not. She took that away. Gave her daughter no choice, just left. She might as well be dead,” he grinds out, a well of emotion behind his words.

I finally get it.

All that brought up emotions of Jake losing his parents.

He might’ve been nineteen, but it didn’t matter if you were nineteen or forty-nine, losing your parents at any age was heartbreaking; the hurt and pain unimaginable.

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