Read One We Love, The Online

Authors: Donna White Glaser

Tags: #Mystery, #Thriller, #Suspense

One We Love, The (30 page)






I know I’m going to forget someone and then I’ll be in trouble.
There are so many people in my life who let me do what I need to do in order to
make this happen.

In no particular order, I want to thank Marla A. Madison,
April Solberg, Marjorie Swift Doering, Dave Tindell, Helen Block, Darren Kirby,
and Gail Francis. You’ve all been so much a part of this process that I can
freely say it wouldn’t have happened without you. Thank you for making me a
better writer. (At least, I think you did.)

The Sisters In Crime organization has been an invaluable
resource. If you are a mystery writer, join. You won’t regret it. And if you do
join, make sure you sign up for the Guppies. There is no better place in the
world for a writer to be than in this community of amazing women and men.

To Jes Springer, Katie Swift, and Tamilyn White for
understanding that when they see that blank expression on my face, it’s not
stupidity. (Well, not most of the time!) I’m just working out a way to kill
people and not get caught. In my head. It’s research, I swear.



To my family. Always.







By Donna White Glaser


[email protected]


Kindle Edition


Copyright 2012 Donna White Glaser.


This book is a work of fiction. The characters, incidents, and
dialogue are drawn from the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as
real. Any resemblance to actual events of persons, living or dead, is entirely


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Cover design by Rickhardt Capidamonte, Booknook

Editing by April Solberg, Red Pen Proofreading & Editing

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