Read Once Within A Lifetime Online

Authors: Phyllis Georgina Rose

Once Within A Lifetime (3 page)

No, we met recently at a fashion show where he’d come up with the idea of fashion being a clue to jewelry sales. This inspired him to check out your show,” Phylicia replied.

amazement showed as he looked at her, “I am sure I will find some interesting items and am desirous to see them. May I sit near you during the showing so that I may ask any pertinent questions which may come to mind?”

Certainly,” she answered, “I will be glad to help you in any way I can.”

food was delicious and they talked as they dined. Then he helped the ladies up, escorting them to the showroom. There was just enough time to get settled down before it began.

You certainly have a great class of models who are doing a fantastic job with your fashion line,” he told her.

Thank you, I looked for the best because it makes all the difference to the fashions to have them presented in the proper light. A good model can sell the item and she is worth her weight in gold. I am pleased that you noted the connection.”

Yes, I can see that,” he replied. “It is a well-planned delivery. You have a talent for that as well as the fashion designing.”

Thank you,” she responded with a smile. “I feel a love for my work; it is the prime quality for doing a good job.”

the end of the show they discussed the items of interest. “It is difficult to make a few selections from such a lineup and I will take one of each,” he exclaimed. “I will be taking them back with me to discuss with some shop owners in my area.”

was pleased with his interest. “Thank you, I will have arrangements set up for your order. I’ll be right back.”

watched her walk away and felt this had been a really special day in his life. Triessa felt the same and was very impressed with him.

they started to walk out of the room, he turned to her and asked, “May I take you for a drive and show you some of my favorite sights? I am sure you will love them. It is still a beautiful day and it would be sad not to use it for something very special.”

I would love to learn more about this beautiful country,” she smiled. They walked to his car and she was delighted to see a beautiful red 1952 MG-TD parked in the drive in front of the Pavilion. It had been kept in mint condition. She exclaimed delightfully, “How did you know this was one of my favorite cars? And the color is magnificent. I have always liked them. What a truly special delight it shall be to ride in it.”

opened the door for her, she got in, removed her hat, and arranged her teal silk scarf over her hair. It matched her outfit setting off the blue color of her eyes in a special way because they were already sparkling with all the excitement of the day and her cheeks were very rosy. The whole time since her arrival had been just too wonderful for words. She had never felt so overwhelmed by anyone.

looked at her and remarked, “You look lovely and very excited. I am so glad I met you, and feel as if I have known you for a long time. I hope this doesn’t upset you for, after all, we just met today. Please understand that I am not trying to be bold or forward, just sincere. I am simply very impressed with you and all you’ve done.”

No, I don’t mind your telling me this,” she told him honestly. “I strangely feel the same way. Why shouldn’t I just take you at your word? You do seem sincere and I appreciate that in a person.”

drove down the hill and around the edge of the city to take the road to another slope which faced the opposite direction from her hotel. As they got part way up the hill, a majestic waterfall cascaded down the craggy hill into a ravine below which was bubbling, frothy white and boiling. The sight was simply breathtaking. Gorgeous wildflowers adorned the hills and the aroma was like a delightful perfume, reminding him of her new scent that she wore today.

Your perfume makes me think of the aroma from all the wildflowers. It was as if you had been here, bottled it, and captured and blended the rich smells together, yet they seem to stand out individually. When I met you, your perfume reminded me of this place so I wanted to bring you here and have you see it and smell the flowers. What is the name of your perfume?” he asked meaningfully. “I felt you would be enchanted and now I can see it in your face and appearance. I’m so glad I could help you experience this.”

My new perfume is named Presence. It seemed to fit my idea of it fitting into any situation.”

Why, that is a very good idea. I can see how it could apply,” he replied.

looked around for a moment, “It is breathtaking and wonderful. How enchanting, I want to soak it up to keep it vivid and alive in my memory. I had no idea such a grand place existed. How very nice of you to bring me here to experience this. I have always loved this place but felt there was so much I did not know about it, but I am beginning to learn now because I have met you. Thank you for coming to my show and into my life.”

is I who am grateful for such a marvelous opportunity,” he remarked slowly with great feeling in his voice. “But let’s drive up to the top to see even more of the splendor from there.”

got in the car, drove to the top of the hill, and parked at a lookout point to watch and listen to the near thunder sounds as the water tumbled down to join the already busy, frothy water below. Rocks moved around from the mighty force of the water as it fell and caused them to strike each other from time to time. She had never been here before but loved it very much. The breezes were warm and gentle carrying the mist across the hill, barely discernible in the air where they stood, though a fine spray added dampness to the air making it cool. He put his jacket over her shoulders. As she snuggled into it, she smiled up at him.

Let me know if it gets too cool for you. I don’t want you to be uncomfortable in any way,” he related to her.

I will be fine now,” she answered snuggling deeper into his jacket. “This is nice and warm. But won’t you be too cool?”

Oh, no, I am fine. I am used to it. I come here often. I am not so sure the jacket matches your outfit, though,” he laughed teasingly.

too, laughed, and he put his arm around her to add warmth.

talked about their interest in the area and of their visits here. It seemed only fitting that they should have met here at this very time. They lingered until dusk began to settle in, then he helped her into the car and they started down to the city.

Are you hungry? I know a charming place to eat. We can go there now if you would like.”

It sounds delightful. I do feel quite hungry, maybe it is from being outside in the air. I am rather eager to eat.”

the water, in the direction of her hotel, he took her to a quaint little restaurant for dinner. Inside the candles were lit and the waiter, who knew Todd, took them to a very private table which overlooked a garden and a fountain. He could read the feelings on their faces and knew they wanted to be alone to talk and get better acquainted. He had never seen Todd here with a woman before and found this quite interesting.

assured her, “You will love the food here, it is scrumptious. I am sure you can find something very enchanting and pleasing.”

I am sure I will. What a charming spot. I love it; the view is heavenly.

nice that we got here before dark to see how it looks, though I am sure it will be delightful after dark as well when the lights come on.”

How long have you been in this business?” he asked, smiling at her.

About five or six years. I got out of school at age seventeen and began right away with my design studies. It has always fascinated me.”

I have been in the jewelry sales about the same length of time, maybe a little longer, about seven years,” he replied.

waiter came back and took their order. It was amazing to feel so comfortable and pleasant when you had just met someone a few hours ago, but that was the way they felt about each other. French music played softly in the background and it seemed difficult to think of ever leaving such splendor and peace.

they ate, they talked, laughed, and enjoyed the evening immensely. But, alas, as with all things, it became time to go. He helped her up and escorted her to the car, took her to the hotel, saw her to her door, and asked, “How long will you be here in the city? I would like to see you again. I have enjoyed being with you and want to get to know you much better. You fascinate me and I want to learn much more about your life.”

smiled and replied, “My trip is shorter than usual this time because I have to return home to work on some marketing details for my designs. But tomorrow I plan to visit the area of the city where I can find some exquisite fabrics and have them shipped to my home to use in designing and making my fashions.”

Do you mind if I come with you to observe the buying end of the fashion business?” he queried. “I would truly enjoy seeing how it is done and never expected to get in on the ground floor like this. How wonderful. You can help me understand a lot more about your world and I would love that, as well.”

I would enjoy having you go along with me. It is nice to do things with someone and it will be a pleasant change for me. I have always been alone on these trips so truly appreciate your interest. I would love to explain it further to you. Meet me early here at the hotel so we can catch a bus to the shops and have plenty of time to look around. We can stop to eat on the way. Dress casually to be comfortable because we will do a lot of walking.” 

Surely, I will be here in plenty of time so we can leave when you are ready. I will dress in comfort; it will be a pleasant change after having to wear a suit so often. Why don’t I take you in my MG? You really like it, and it would be much more convenient.”

That sounds like a great idea. That will be such fun. Do you think we will have room for all the packages I will be picking up? Oh, but then, most will be shipped.”

Oh yes, there will be lots of room. We have the back seat and trunk which is larger than it looks. Don’t worry another minute; it is settled then. It will be such fun helping you take care of your purchases. Good night, I will see you in the morning and we will have a grand day together.”

left and she went into her room and got ready for bed. She felt such a flush of excitement and knew that sleep would not come easily or right away tonight. A new element had entered into her life and suddenly many things were quite different.

she slept and awoke to a beautiful day with pleasant temperatures. She showered, dressed, and went downstairs to have coffee and a croissant with cream cheese before she left. She brought her portfolio and samples container with her. It would be a busy day by the time she found all she wanted in the fabric shops. She usually did this at a slower pace but, with limited time, that would not be possible this time. The pace would be a little more hurried. She was so eager for Todd to get here. What a pleasant situation this was turning out to be.

arrived and they went to a small cafe nearby and had breakfast. They finished and got in the car to find the fabric stores. They strolled down the sidewalk to begin her search and soon they found a small looking shop which seemed to expand once they entered. Colors, patterns, pastels and solids abounded, all arranged in perfect order and the colorful arrangement was most pleasant and striking. After looking around, she found some Pure Wool Crepe Georgette in white, outstanding coat material, and a floral pattern in white Crepe Georgette with large, delicately etched flowers which looked like they had been painted by hand.

These will give me some nice ideas for a new line of fashions,” she explained to him. “I am so glad to have you with me today. It is pleasant to show you how I do the buying.”

I truly enjoy it as well,” he remarked. “I appreciate being able to see your mind working on putting the materials together. Do you have to do this often?” he asked.

It depends on how much fabric I buy ahead,” she replied. “I still have a pretty large amount of fine material left at home.” She chose another selection of white Crepe Suzette strewn with branches of stylized pink flowers. She made several more selections and set up arrangements for delivery so they would arrive after she returned.

second shop had fewer selections which appealed to her, but she ordered two bolts of Satin. A Silk Crepe Jacquard with tiny flowers spaced close together appealed to her and she ordered some. A Fantasy Silk Jersey would be elegant in a special occasion dress. Fine red Pure Honan Silk was also added to the collection. These brought some ideas for a new style which would fit perfectly with this material, a rich specialty item, and she was very pleased to have found it at this time in just the right color.

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