Read More Than One Night Online

Authors: Marie Tuhart

Tags: #erotic romance

More Than One Night (3 page)

“Fine.” She was anything but fine. She never expected this, even if her friends had. A dance was all she thought would happen, but now that Jake voiced the words, she couldn’t get the idea of hot, sweaty sex out of her mind. And she wanted this man.

The music stopped and she gazed up into his incredible forest green eyes. Her insides turned to jelly and her body heated. Never had a man turned her on so fast.

“Shall we sit down and have a drink together or would you rather keep dancing?”

“Can we go some place more private?” If she didn’t get out of here, she’d jump his bones in the middle of the dance floor. And the thought frightened her, that this man could cause such a reaction in her.

No! He wasn’t asking for a life time and neither was she. One night. She could be a modern woman and have a one-night stand and her heart was going to stay blissfully uninvolved. Her mother might fall in love at the drop of a hat, but not her.

“I like your thinking.” Arm around her waist, he guided her back to her table where her friends sat watching with rapt attention.

Reaching down, she plucked her purse off the table. “I’ll talk to you guys on Sunday.” She was surprised at how normal her voice sounded, when her entire body was burning for Jake’s touch.

Her friends’ mouths dropped open and Beth couldn’t help but grin. “Let’s go,” she said to Jake.

He chuckled as he ushered her away from her gaping friends.

“What are you laughing about?” she asked.

“Your friends didn’t expect your announcement, did they?” He pushed open the door of Raven’s and held it for her.

“No, they didn’t.” Beth knew she was acting out of character, but didn’t care. Glancing up at the night sky, she saw the traditional San Francisco fog rolling in. The cool night air kissed her bare arms and she shivered.

Jake stopped at the next building, turning her to face him. “If you don’t want to come with me, Beth, then don’t. I’ll understand.”

He was giving her a way out. And she didn’t want one. She wanted this night, she wanted this man, she wanted everything.

She cupped his cheek. “I want to be with you, Jake.”

Relief filled his green eyes before a smile creased his lips, then his hand was at her chin lifting her face to his.

Warm lips brushed against hers, once, twice, almost as if he was testing to see how she’d react. Letting her arms slide around his neck, she opened her mouth to his.

Tonight she wanted to let go and have fun. To have no strings sex. She was more than attracted to Jake, there was something about him that made her want to throw caution to the wind and live.

His tongue caressed hers briefly before he pulled away. “My apartment is a few blocks away, if you don’t mind walking. Or I can hail a cab?”

She rested her forehead against his shoulder, trying to catch her breath. Instead she took in his scent of spice and leather. A honking car brought her head up. They were still in public.

“Let’s walk.”

His grin lit up his face, grasping her hand, they continued down the sidewalk.

His apartment.
Well, he wasn’t a visiting business man, he lived here. Oh man, what if they frequented the same places? Having a one-night stand might be a little difficult if they ran into each other. San Francisco maybe big, but it could also be very small.

“Do you go to Raven’s a lot?”

“Occasionally. It’s a great place to relax and unwind.”

Well, that meant it was now off limits to her and the girls. They’d just have to find a new place to hang out. But another nagging question forced itself into her brain.

They stopped on the corner waiting for the light to turn green, she glanced down. No wedding ring, but that didn’t mean anything. Most men she knew didn’t wear one. Lord knows none of her mother’s husbands had.

“Jake?” She tried to gather her courage to ask the question.

“Yes?” He gazed down at her and she almost forgot her own name. Damn, he could affect her so easily.

“You’re not…” She swallowed. “Umm, what I’m trying to say is…” She couldn’t get the words out. “Ah…the light’s green.”

Beth stifled a groan, that wasn’t what she wanted to say.

“So it is.” He led her across the street, but then pulled her to a stop once they were on the other side. He turned her to him and captured her gaze once again. “Ask your question.”

She cringed on the inside, but knew she had to make sure. “You’re not married, are you?” The words rushed out before she could lose her nerve.

“No.” Warm fingers tilted her chin. “I’ve never been married.”

Someone jostled her from behind and she realized they weren’t alone. All her concentration had been on Jake and how he made her feel. She’d never noticed the other people out tonight.

“I’m glad.”

“So am I.” His fingers trailed down her throat to meet his other hand at the small of her back, to gather her close. “You can ask me anything you want, but I’d rather we do it in private.”

There was no mistaking the bulge behind his slacks. “Oh my,” she whispered.

He leaned down until his lips rested above her ear. “That’s what you do to me, Beth. I haven’t been this hard since I was a teenager.”

A strange boldness possessed her body and she slipped her hand between them, cupping him through his clothing. His cock pulsed against her palm and she couldn’t resist a bit of mischief.

He groaned as she squeezed his cock.

“I think we better hurry,” she whispered, her lips caressing his cheek. “I don’t think this big boy can wait much longer.”

Was that her talking? It was her voice, but she’d never been this brazen in her life.

“Oh, he’ll wait. He has wonderful staying power.” His hands tightened on her back, then he released her inhaling a deep breath. “Okay, I think I can walk now.”

He slipped his arm around her shoulders and began walking with her at his side. Their hips brushed with each step. Heat and need coiled in her stomach.

Before she realized it, Jake was opening a glass door to one of the high rise apartments. The lobby glowed with blue and gold mosaic tiles, giving it a Mediterranean feel.

She’d read about this building about a week ago. Her stomach dropped to her feet. Who was this man she was with?

“Good evening, Mr. Masters. Ma’am,” said an older male voice.

Beth fought against blushing when she saw the security guard. He probably saw a lot of women coming and going from here.

“Good evening, Sal.” Jake returned the greeting, before guiding her to the open elevator and stepping in with her at his side.

Once inside, he pulled out an electronic pass, pushed it into the slot, then jabbed a series of buttons.

“Nice security.”

“Yes. No one can access any of the floors without a card key.” The doors slid shut and Beth shivered.

“What about a fire?”

“Once the fire alarm goes off the key device is automatically deactivated.” He grinned down at her. “Don’t worry, the fire we create tonight will be kept between us.”

Before Beth could think of a retort, the elevator opened and Jake escorted her to a set of double doors. He unlocked them and flung them open.

“Welcome to my home.” He gestured for her to precede him.

Always a gentleman. “Thank you.” She slid past him, but not before she caught another whiff of his spicy scent. Heat coiled in her belly once again.

“Living room off to your left.”

Beth caught her breath at the sight of the fireplace on one wall, a large black leather sofa, and a chrome coffee table. But her attention was caught by the big bay windows.

She padded across the room and stared out at the city lights, knowing Jake’s living room furniture cost more than she made in six months. Heck, his apartment rent was probably what she made in a year.

Music filled the air and she swallowed, hard. The soft sax and sultry trombone caressed every inch of her body. Images of silk sheets, limbs entwined and hot sex filled her mind. Without thought she began to sway to the music.

“You like jazz?”

“I love it.”

“I’m glad.”

The glass window allowed her to watch him when he strode up to the built-in bar. Her gaze followed his movements. His lean fingers as they moved over the bottles, goose bumps burst out on her skin when she thought about those same fingers playing with her nipples, caressing her to a climax.

Their gazes met and heat flooded her. He picked up a champagne flute filled with rose colored liquid and held it out to her.

Turning away from the view, Beth crossed the room and took the flute from his hand. “You have a beautiful view of the bay.”

“No more beautiful than the woman in this room.” He tapped his flute against hers. “Here’s to a wonderful night with a beautiful woman.”

She lifted her glass to her lips and sipped. She had no idea of how to respond to his statement. While a part of her was pleased, another part warned her it was meaningless flattery. The cool liquid slid down her throat.

“Ardeene and raspberry Chambord, very nice combination.”

His eyes widened slightly and if she hadn’t been watching him so closely she never would have noticed. Setting his glass down, his fingers curled around hers.

“Most women wouldn’t recognize the French champagne or the raspberry liqueur by brand.”

“I’m not most women.”

“So I’m learning.” Slipping the glass from her fingers, he put it next to his before guiding her back over to the window.

Once there, he stood behind her, her back against his chest, as he guided her hands to her side.

She stared at their reflection in the glass, as he slid his fingers up her bare arms, to her shoulders. Her breathing hitched when his rounded nails teased the column of her neck, moving past her throat to the first button on her blouse.

Was he going to make love to her in front of the window? Her heart pounded with excitement and trepidation. His apartment was high enough so she didn’t need to worry about someone seeing them. The white button slipped through the hole, then his fingers moved to the second one and the third until her blouse hung open.

Unable to help herself, her hands rose, but he caught them. Their gazes locked in the window.

“Let me take care of you. Let me make this night special.”

Beth could barely breathe. Could she let him take the lead? Why not? She didn’t have much experience in one-night stands and she wanted this night to be good for both of them.

She nodded and he released her hands. She let them fall to her sides, hoping she wasn’t making the biggest mistake of her life.


Every muscle in Jake’s body was on alert until Beth nodded her head, then he relaxed, pleased she was allowing him to call the shots.

His instinct warned him of Beth’s inexperience in one-night stands. While she might have had lovers, the way she kept nibbling at her lower lip gave away her nervousness.

He would take this slow and show her a night she would never forget. His lips nuzzled her neck and a tremor swept through her body.

“You have the softest skin,” he whispered against her neck, before his lips trailed down to her collarbone. The subtle scent of cinnamon tickled his nose when he inhaled her scent.

While his mouth played against her skin, his fingers traced lightly over her abdomen. Her shallow breathing told him she was aroused.

He dipped his fingers beneath the top of her skirt to tease her belly button before walking his way up to the undersides of her breasts. He flicked the front clasp of her bra, freeing her breasts. He wanted to tease her, to drive her into a frenzy before he took her to bed.

Keeping his mouth on her neck, he traced the undersides of her nipples, his touch light. Another tremor swept through her.

“You are so beautiful. I love how you react to my touch.”

“And how is that?” Her words came out slightly breathless.

“The delicious little shivers I feel going through you, the way your breath catches when I do this.” His finger brushed over her already taut nipples and she gasped.

“You feel so good to me.” He continued to trace her breasts with his fingers, then cupping them, he squeezed, gently.

A hiss escaped from her lips and her ass jerked against his already straining cock.

“I think you like that,” he said before his tongue traced the shell of her ear.

“Oh yes.” Her ass ground against him.

“Good.” His questing fingers slid down to the top of her skirt, and he slipped his palm beneath the waist band. Her belly tightened beneath his skin.

“Jake.” There was a bit of uncertainty in her voice.

He didn’t move his hand, instead his lips trailed over her shoulder, nudging the fabric of her shirt out of his way.

“Am I moving too fast for you?” He mumbled in between the soft kisses he placed on her smooth skin.

“No.” She turned her head, her lips caressing his chin.

“Then what is it?” Her body was still a bit tense, so he kept his hand still under her skirt not wanting to frighten her.

“I’m not very good at this.”

“Honey, if you were any better, I’d be dead.” Pressing his hand over her belly, he ground his cock into the cleft of her ass. She let out a small gasp before she squirmed against his cock.

“But…” She turned her head away, but not before he saw the uncertainty in cross her features.

“Beth.” Removing his hand from beneath her skirt, he curved it around her waist. “If you want me to stop, just say the word.”

It might be the last thing he wanted to do, but he’d respect her wishes. Something inside him yearned for a connection to this woman, be it physical, emotional or mental.

Keeping his gaze on their reflections in the window, he watched her head turn toward him, and her hand raise to his cheek.

“I don’t want to stop.” The skin on her hand was slightly rough, making him wonder what type of work she did. “I’ve never felt this way before.”

Her words inflated his ego, but he knew he had a responsibility as well. “Tell me what you want me to do.”

“Kiss me.”

Turning her in his embrace, his lips captured hers. He only meant to brush his mouth against her, but before he could pull back, she opened to him and her tongue thrust into his mouth. Raspberry liqueur from their drink earlier teased him. Her tongue danced around his, and his arms tightened around her waist. His hips pressed forward as their tongues tangled and dueled, only to draw apart and start all over again in their own little mating ritual.

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