Read Mind, Body, Home: Transform Your Life One Room at a Time Online

Authors: Tisha Morris

Tags: #Body; Mind & Spirit, #Inspiration & Personal Growth

Mind, Body, Home: Transform Your Life One Room at a Time (9 page)

oak tree that partially blocked the energy from the street.

40 Your Home’s Origin

In order to not completely block the home’s energy, I placed wind

chimes in the tree and on my front porch. Unfortunately, I was not able to escape this rushing energy by retreating to the backyard either, because a train track ran parallel to the home as well. A natural row of

trees helped block the rushing chi, but unfortunately did not block the train’s startling horn. Needless to say, I was not adept at feng shui when we purchased the home, but certainly was by the time we moved.

Streams and rivers show up on your immediate property as drive-

ways, sidewalks, or pathways. If you have a driveway, notice if it points directly to your home or whether it winds around to the side or back of your home. On some lots the driveway will make a large curve in front

of the home to easily drive in and out, similar to what you would see

at a large castle. This arrangement creates the best feng shui for a driveway. Because the cars curve around, the poison arrow energy from the

driveway or even the cars is never directly pointing at the home.

The same goes for the sidewalk or pathways around your home,

often leading to your front door or out your back door. In my current

home, I had a standard sidewalk that led from the neighborhood’s side-

walk that brought the chi up the front porch and into the front door in a standard fashion. However the concrete was full of cracks and even

broken in some places. This was unsightly to come home to every day,

not to mention being a heavy weight on the subconscious mind. We re-

placed the sidewalk and then added a curved path around the landscap-

ing that led around the home to the side gate door.

It was important that the pathway was curved as opposed to a

squared off straight line. Not only was it aesthetically more pleasing, but the curved sidewalk created a meandering stream-effect around the

front of the home. The same is true with any pathway around your

home. Even with a simple stone pathway to your garden, it is best to

place the stones in a meandering arrangement as opposed to a straight

line. This meandering curve mirrors sacred geometry, which can be

seen in the natural curvature of rivers, streams, and even the spine.

Your Home’s Origin 41

Meandering Pathway versus Poison Arrow Pathway


Dead Ends, and Cul-de-Sacs

There are certain road configurations within subdivisions and neigh-

borhoods that are inauspicious due to the lack of flow that is created.

T-intersections create a poison arrow of energy pointing at the house

where the two streets meet. The same is true for dead-end streets. The

best way to know whether this applies to you is if car headlights beam

into your home at night. This rushing chi can lead to health issues, depletion of resources, and lethargy.

Since this situation in effect creates a poison arrow, the remedy

would be the same as curing a poison arrow. A tree or landscaping that

blocks the point where most of the chi comes into the home is the best

solution. While trees blocking the front door are generally not advised, this situation would be an exception. Hanging a wind chime over or

beside the front door is also recommended as it helps disperse the chi.

Another remedy is to place a Pa Kua mirror over the front door or out-

side the home where the rushing chi reaches the home. This reflects the energy away from the home, protecting it from the harmful energies.

Homes located at the end of a cul-de-sac or dead-end can experi-

ence similar issues that should be remedied accordingly. Cul-de-sacs and
42 Your Home’s Origin

dead-ends should ideally be avoided altogether as they tend to collect

stagnant chi. There is no flowing chi. Instead the energy stops coming

to a “dead” end. If you live in a cul-de-sac or on a dead-end street, it is important to generate a flow of energy into your home. Using fountains, wind chimes, or birdbaths can stimulate the energy and help in-

vite it into your home. Be sure to trim overgrown shrubs and avoid any

yard clutter whatsoever. Ample outdoor lighting, colorful flowers, and a welcoming front door are also recommended.

Poison Arrow at T-Intersection

Your Home’s Origin 43

Poison Arrow at Cul-de-Sac or Dead End

The energy around your home cannot be underestimated in just

how dramatically it can affect your destiny while living in your home.

I have had many clients (including myself ) who absolutely loved their

home, but couldn’t stay there due to issues surrounding the home.

Usually, the issues will be compounded. For example, an underground

disturbance on the land will set in motion certain patterns within the

neighborhood, which then affect the types of neighbors and activities

that occur.

In one client’s home, electromagnetic energy registered extremely

high in a certain area of her bedroom when tested with my trifield

meter. There were no apparent electronics, wiring, or lines in or around the area, and I never got to the source of the high level. Nevertheless, it is no coincidence that on that same side of the house she experienced

rude neighbors, which forced her to move.

In another case, a client purchased a foreclosed home in a desired

subdivision. From Day One, there were problems with the house. It

got so bad that she and her husband referred to the home as “cursed.”

When I came to their home for a consultation, I noticed many feng shui

problems all of which were remediable. However, when I looked out

back, I instantly knew the source of the problem. The drainage system

44 Your Home’s Origin

for the entire neighborhood ended in their backyard. The source of the

problem was the land or lot itself. From the land, the problems trick-

led up into the home, manifesting into feng shui issues and eventually

wreaking havoc on its occupants.

Using Intuition

One of the best determinants in knowing whether a site or location will work for you is intuition. Intuition most often comes in the form of a sign, a feeling, or a visceral knowing. My client, Susan, walked up to

look at a house and immediately noticed a dead black bird in the yard.

She noted it to her husband as a bad sign about the house, but he dis-

missed it as nothing. They signed a rental agreement on the home, but

never finished out their lease. They were forced to leave the space early because it was completely contaminated and uninhabitable due to black

mold underneath the house.

These situations are a great example of importance of watching for

signs and trusting them. Omens or warnings would include dead birds

or any type of dead animal around the premises, an unpleasant smell, a

sudden headache or upset stomach, a rude neighbor appearing, or sim-

ply an odd or negative incident with someone walking by the house. I

once went to look at a home and had a sneak peak of what life would

be like if I lived there. The house shared a driveway with the neigh-

boring house. We drove up the driveway and parked at the respective

house. The neighbor came out and was extremely rude in regard to our

parking. It was clear that this was not the house for me.

Positive signs might include finding a feather in the yard, feeling

goose bumps as you enter the home, or simply a knowing that you are

home. Just like meeting someone for the first time, your immediate

first impression of a home is the most important. Just driving up to

a house or setting foot inside, you either know you are home or you

know you want to leave. Trust your first impression. We often end up

discounting our intuition because the home seems like such a good deal

or it just makes sense.

C h a p t e r 2

Your Home’s



Geometry existed before the creation.


Another consideration in choosing a home is its numerology. Each

house has its own personality and is as unique as its occupants. Even

beyond the blue shutters or soaring ceilings, your home holds an en-

ergy not too unlike that of one’s astrology sign. Just like a relationship, a home will support you and at times challenge you. It is the numerology of a space that best identifies its personality and how it will affect its occupants.

Numbers are one of the oldest archetypal symbols and therefore

carry a powerful energy. In fact, numbers have been used as symbols

for thousands of years, most likely before actually being documented.

Interpretation of numbers is said to have preceded astrology and was

used by the Ancient Mayans, the Mesopotamians, and Cabbalists, with

Pythagoras being the first official numerologist. The Roman architect,

Vitruvius, who is the subject of Leonardo Da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man,


46 Your Home’s Personality

was a proponent of the Sacred Geometry of Pythagoras and actually

designed temples based on the proportions of the human body.

Sacred Geometry

Sacred geometry has been called “the pattern behind God’s handiwork”

in creating the Universe.7 The Phi or Golden Mean sequence, also re-

ferred to as the Fibonacci, is a mathematical sequence of numbers with

each being the sum of the previous two (i.e., 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13). This sequence is the basis of all growth—from shells to crystals, plants to planets, and rivers to humans. Because the human body’s proportions are

based upon the Fibonacci sequence, it has been used as the measure for

architecture by early Roman architects such as Vitruvius.

Geometry and numbers are the hidden order behind the Universe.

They are implicit in everything in our physical world. When we mani-

fest ideas and concepts from the spirit world into the physical world,

numbers are inherent to this process. Just as a blueprint is used at the conceptual point of building a home, every idea that we conjure up

starts with an energetic blueprint. It is then up to your inner construction workers to bring forth the idea into a manifested, physical form.

Whether you liked math class or not, numbers are behind everything

created in the physical world.

This concept is also exemplified with music. Music is not only based

on numbers, but also on finding order and harmony in numbers to cre-

ate beauty with sound. It was Pythagoras who realized that harmony

in music was based upon whole numbers. This concept was carried

over into architecture to create harmony with the design of buildings.

The Parthenon is the quintessential example of using whole numbers

as the basis of architecture. Numbers play an important role even in

our décor. For example, you’ve most likely at some point considered

whether your furniture is in proportion to the size of the room, or perhaps the symmetry or asymmetry of your fireplace mantle setting, or

in hanging a group of pictures on a wall.

7. Stephen Skinner,
Sacred Geometry
(Sterling Publishing 2006), 12.

Your Home’s Personality 47


Whole numbers have become, in effect, archetypes in and of them-

selves, and the basis of a field known as numerology. I have always had a personal affinity and understanding of numbers from a young age. I

can recall around age three when I was being taught numbers in pre-

school. In order to help me remember them, I assigned a personality

to each one of them as if numbers 1–9 were a large, extended family.

It was only a few years ago when I was learning numerology that I re-

alized my assigned characteristic of each number was in fact exactly

consistent with its archetypal meaning. These archetypes or energies

are part of our collective consciousness and part of the power that lies within numbers.

In numerology, all numbers are added up until you reach a single,

whole number. It is the whole numbers 1–9 wherein you find the mean-

ing. For example, the number
would hold the energy of a

The number
would hold the energy of
(1+2+3). Each whole number has its own characteristic or meaning. Numerology is most

commonly used on birthdates to determine personality characteris-

tics and even life path divination. By assigning letters with a numeri-

cal value, numerology can also be done on names to determine certain

personality traits.

Numerology for Homes

Numerology is also used for homes based on its street address. When

a house is built, the lot is associated with and assigned a street number.

The house immediately takes on the energy of that number. In fact, the

street address can sometimes affect the house before it is even built. I often find that the architecture of the house takes on the energy of the home’s numerology. For example, a 3-House will often have a strong

triangular shape, while a 4-House will have a solid square shape. Re-

gardless however, the numerology will affect the overall energy of the home and directly affect the occupants.

Once you become familiar with the numerical energies, you can walk

around your neighborhood and make a good guess as to the number

48 Your Home’s Personality

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