Read Long Simmering Spring Online

Authors: Elisabeth Barrett

Tags: #Romance, #Suspense, #Contemporary

Long Simmering Spring (17 page)

He shook his head. “If you’d been here when someone was casing your place, it would have been worse.”

“Worse for whom?”

“For you,” he said quickly, curling his hands into fists. “And for me. Just the thought of someone watching you—”

Julie put down the packages she was still holding and touched his forearm. When he didn’t flinch, she tentatively ran her fingers down his arm and took his hand in hers. “Sheriff, again, I appreciate your concern. Truly. But you have to take a deep breath and calm down. I’m not hurt. Nothing happened. The person who did this is obviously long gone. And you’re here now.”

Something in his gaze softened fractionally. It was the entry she needed. She squeezed his hand reassuringly. And then she pulled his head down and kissed him.

He’d been on the edge, and it was as if her gentle kiss released the tension he’d been holding inside. He needed the release, God knew how much, so he let the anger go, wrapping his arms around her waist and drawing her closer. With everyone else, he simply let his temper fly, but with Julie, he couldn’t. Even imagining how she’d react wasn’t something he wanted to do. Slowly, she was changing him. For her, he might be willing to confront that dark place inside himself he never wanted to revisit. He wanted to see love in her gaze, not pity or sympathy. He wanted her to see him without flinching, knowing exactly who he was and not looking away.

He pressed the palms of his hands against her back, loving the way she felt under his fingers, strong and slender and sweet. The tastes of fruit and chocolate were on her lips, and she was kissing him back like she couldn’t get enough.

She trusted him, despite everything he’d done. It was humbling. He knew, then and there, that he would do everything in his power to ensure that he didn’t betray that trust.

“Keys,” he croaked out.

Then he felt hard metal on his biceps. She was holding the keys but kept kissing him, obviously not wanting to break their connection.

He took the keys from her and tore his mouth away, unlocking the back door quickly. He shoved the packages inside with his feet, pulled her to him, and kicked the door closed. He tossed the keys in the vicinity of the hall table and pushed her back against the door, drinking her in. Windswept hair, a touch of sun on her cheeks, mouth curled in a slight smile, and those intelligent eyes watching him watch her.

He wanted to devour her, to show her exactly how hot she made him. He couldn’t hide his arousal, nor did he try. He simply pressed his body against hers, wanting her to know how strongly she affected him. Wanting her to understand that he needed her. For a split second, her eyes opened wider, and then her expression morphed into one of pure feminine smugness. If he didn’t want to kiss her senseless at that moment, he would have laughed. Little Julia Kensington was all grown up. And she was all his.

When he captured her mouth again and opened her lips with his own, she eagerly met his tongue, thrust for thrust. A jolt of lust started in his groin and radiated outward. Something primal in him screamed for him to take her, right there, against the door. But he couldn’t—not with her.

So he stopped kissing her, just for a second, and swept her up into his arms. Then he started walking.

“Please tell me we’re going where I think we’re going.”

He reached the bottom of the staircase and looked up, then back down at her face. “If you want me to stop, tell me now,” he said, praying she wouldn’t.

She reached up and wrapped both arms around his neck. “Don’t stop,” she whispered. “Please, don’t stop.”

“Thank God,” he groaned, kissing her temple, the only part of her body he could comfortably reach. He carried her up the stairs with ease and made a beeline for her bedroom. He placed her gently on her comforter and an instant later, he was on top of her, feeling her soft body under his.

Leaning on a forearm, he cupped her jaw in his other hand, kissing her eyes, her nose, her cheeks, and then her lips. She shuddered, and he ran the flat of his hand down her neck, over her breast, across the curve of her hip, and let it come to rest on her thigh. And then he reached down and slowly pushed her skirt up her leg, barely trusting himself not to ruin this fragile, beautiful thing he had going with her.

She moaned and wrapped her hand around the back of his head, deepening the kiss. His hand was on her thigh now, and her skin felt like the smoothest silk. At that moment, she was the only woman in the world, and he would do anything to please her. To make her understand how important she was. How important

She would want to see him, first. Reluctantly, he pulled his hand off her leg and sat up.

“What are you—” she started, as he pulled off his jacket. But when his ribbed crewneck sweater came over his head, she stopped talking. She propped herself up on her elbows and was staring at him with blatant interest. As he watched, she ran her gaze across his shoulders, over his pectorals, and down his abs. Then he leaned over and unlaced his boots, kicking them and his socks off before he stood. He locked eyes with her and slowly, deliberately, undid his belt and pushed his jeans and boxers to the floor in one movement. Then he stood there and let her examine him.

But she wouldn’t break his gaze.

“You can look at me,” he said softly. “All of me.”

She blinked. A second later, her eyes flickered low, and she did a double-take.

“C’mon, Doc. You’ve seen it all before, right?”

Julie jerked her gaze up. “Let’s just say this is one for the textbooks.”

Cole laughed. At least she wasn’t staring at his damned scar, like every other woman had. He reached out his hand, and when she took it, he pulled her up. “You’re amazing, you know that?”

She shook her head. “No, but you keep saying it.”

“Because it’s true. And I’m going to make you believe it.” Then he kissed her again, and it was as if he were drugged. He’d shown his hand. Now it was time for her to show hers. Carefully, he pulled her shirt over her head and tossed it aside. Then he unclasped her bra, this time as smoothly as he could manage. That went on the floor, too. He tugged at her skirt and it fell in a soft swish of fabric. He swept a finger inside the band of her panties and pushed them off her hips. When she was as naked as he, he kissed her, then walked her backward and lowered her to the bed.

Her cheeks were flushed, her nipples hard, the soft swell of her belly moving in time with her breath. She was long and lean, but womanly in all the right places. Just perfect.

“God, you’re gorgeous,” he said, gazing at her.

She traced the scar on his cheekbone with a fingertip. “So are you,” she said, staring back.

He skimmed his hand down the side of her body, brushing past her shoulder, her rounded breasts, her narrow waist, and her flared hip. She gave a little shiver, her skin sensitive to his touch. He reversed the direction of his hand, moving up her body. When he reached her breast, he caressed it gently, and then more firmly, before bending his head to suck.

As the first wave of pleasure hit, she closed her eyes. When he began to softly twist her other nipple, she moaned and began to squirm. Keeping one breast in his mouth, he slowly moved his hand from the other breast down her body, until he found her core.

Gently, he cupped her in his hand and felt her dampness on his fingers. “You’re already wet,” he mumbled, not knowing how he’d gotten lucky enough to find a woman who responded to his touch so readily. Sliding his arm under her neck to bring her closer, he kissed her parted lips and slowly slipped a finger inside her. Her gasp was swallowed up by his mouth.

As he pressed up against a sensitive spot, she shuddered. When he moved his finger out and used his fingertip to circle her swollen flesh, she let out a ragged breath. With his fingers and tongue, he worked her up to a frenzy and as her excitement grew, so did his.

Unsure of how long he’d be able to last, he paused and nipped gently up the side of her neck. She shivered and grabbed his back. It took all of his energy to keep himself in check.

“Hang on,” he said, pulling away and moving to his jeans. He quickly found the small foil packet he was looking for and got the condom on. He hadn’t known tonight was going to be the night, but they’d been moving in this direction and he’d wanted to be prepared. As much as he wanted to sink into her waiting depths, he knew he couldn’t yet. Her pleasure was the most important thing to him.

He started kissing her again, making his own head swim. His shaft pulsed, hard and hot, but he shoved the sensations aside. Only she mattered.

When he thought she was close, he rolled onto his back, swinging her on top. Surprise was evident on her beautiful face as she straddled him. He wanted her to feel powerful, in control.

“Cole—” she started uncertainly.

“For you.”

Her eyes widened, and then she closed them tightly. When she opened them, her expression showed that she knew exactly what he was doing for her. Slowly, she moved down until he was positioned at her entrance. As his hardness touched her softness, she moaned.

Tilting her hips, she guided him, gasping as he moved inside, inch by inch. She was tight, so very tight, and he forced himself to keep still, to wait until she had worked her body around his. Her soft flesh stretched around his shaft, straining to accommodate his girth. She bit her lower lip but didn’t stop, sinking down, then moving up fractionally, going slowly to allow him to fit. The slide and pull was pleasurable agony and he held his breath, both wanting it to end and wishing it would continue forever.

Finally, after several unbearably long moments, he was fully seated in her body. He let out the breath he’d been holding, but she remained motionless, hardly breathing at all. “You okay?” he whispered, holding onto her arms.

Julie nodded, her eyes still trained on his. She couldn’t hide her surprise, as if she couldn’t believe what she’d just done.

“Come here,” he said, pulling her forward. Her body’s shifting was exquisite torture, but he ignored it. “Don’t slap me, okay?” he whispered into her ear. She began to laugh, thank God, and he wrapped his arms around her, tension leaving his own body.

Then he waited, letting her adjust to having him inside her. He was large, she was tight, and he knew she must feel shockingly full. He felt her force herself to relax, bit by bit. When he thought she was ready, he pushed her up slightly so he could massage her breasts and rub his thumbs over her nipples, hoping it would help bring that familiar need building up inside her once again. She seemed to welcome it, pressing her palms on the backs of his hands.

Cole plucked and stroked, urging her forward. She flipped her head back, that glorious golden hair spilling over her shoulders and her face glowing with sensual pleasure. When she began to make small, tentative movements with her hips, he groaned and flexed his own. She let out a soft breath of air and slid up on his body, then slowly down again, her silky hair tickling his chest. Every time he hit home, it felt like heaven.

After a few more strokes, they moved together more easily, finding a rhythm. She was bolder now, more confident. Her eyes were closed, a little crease forming between her brows as she worked toward the ultimate satisfaction. She was close—he could feel her sex clamping down, reaching for it. When her thighs began to tremble, he rubbed a thumb just where she needed it most, and she exploded, arching her back and nearly bucking off him in the process.

Watching her come undone was the most erotic thing he’d ever seen. With a roar, he rolled them both so that he was on top and plunged inside in deep strokes. She wrapped her long legs around him and pressed her heels into his back. Within seconds, he was there too, hoarsely shouting out at his moment of release.


She was a goner

Julie lay on top of her bed, covered by the comforter, eyes wide open, utterly still. Slowly, she came to the realization that she was naked and lying in Cole’s arms. He was on his side, right next to her, one of his arms underneath her neck and the other thrown over her body, its heavy weight a reminder of what they’d just done. What
they done?

Other than to have the most soul-baring sex she’d ever experienced.

He’d known how to draw her out—by showing her himself, giving her the control and letting her set the pace. He’d done everything right.

Moving her head as little as possible, she flicked her gaze over to him. His eyes were closed, long, dark lashes on his cheeks, the small white scar set off by his slightly darker skin. One lock of black hair lay carelessly over his forehead. There was a slight smile on his perfectly formed lips. He looked peaceful. Content.

A swell of emotion rose inside her. She’d thought she could do this. So easy, right? Fall into bed and then fall out again, the way she’d done in the few brief relationships she’d had before. But there was more here with Cole than that, and she knew it.

She’d been falling for him for weeks as a man, but not as a lover. Sex complicated everything, though she’d been the one pushing for it to happen, doing everything in her power to get him to step up his game. Of course she had. He’d been more than manly, the ultimate gentleman, protecting her, guarding her—how could she resist? Now she was sliding backward, second-guessing her decision to get involved, given that it was so much more than she’d bargained for.

She’d wanted it—that, she wouldn’t deny. But what had happened to light and fun? She had to get ahold of herself. This wasn’t her—this jumbled mess of emotions. She needed to get a grip on herself. Right now.

Suddenly, she wanted nothing more than to be alone, and the fact that she wasn’t wearing a stitch of clothing wasn’t sexy. It was humiliating.

But when she shifted, his arms tightened around her. With dawning awareness, she turned to Cole, knowing instinctively what to expect. He was awake, and he was watching her with his clear, blue eyes.

“Going somewhere?” he asked, his voice a husky rumble.

She swallowed, desperately trying to get some moisture into her mouth. “No. Yes. I’m—I’m leaving.”

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