Read Lawmakers Online

Authors: Tressie Lockwood,Dahlia Rose

Lawmakers (12 page)

“Open,” Santi ordered, and Della spread her legs wider. He wrapped an arm about her hips and drew her to him. The material of her panties separated, and he found the slit that uncovered her sweetness. Hungry, he laved her soft lips from base to top and tasted her cream. He moaned and pushed his tongue between her folds. Her juices only enticed him to want more, and he delved as far as he could go. When he shifted to her clit, Della cried out and rode his face. She dug her nails into his shoulders, and he pleasured his sexy goddess until she shuddered through an orgasm.

Santi could hold back no longer. He released her and tore his pants open. His cock strained against his boxers, and he had just managed to get them down when Della sank to her knees and took his cock into her mouth. She peered up at him with those big, brown eyes as she sucked him deep into her throat, let his shaft slide out, only to take it again. He hissed between his teeth, struggling to hold out. Each time her lips straddled the head of his cock, he lost it. Santi cupped the back of her head and arched slow and easy. He watched in fascination as his dick, shining and wet eased into her mouth and slid out again. The pressure she placed on it tightened his balls and had them rising. He would explode if he let her keep it up, but he didn’t want her to stop.

“Della,” he grunted, trying to hold on. She knew his needs and was an expert at bringing him to a head. He had spent hours teaching her how to please him and spent more time learning all that satisfied her. Her name fell from his lips over and over, and he coaxed her to speak his. Just hearing it sent him to the brink. “
You’re going to make me come.”

He brushed a thumb over her cheek, but she didn’t back off. She kept at him, sucking and pulling on his cock until he knew it was too late. He came, hard and powerfully. His load shot into her mouth, and he stared in awe as she drank his juices. A bit of his come dribbled from the side of her lip, and Santi captured it. Della grasped his hand to draw it to her and took his entire thumb into her mouth, licking it clean.

“You are incredible,” he murmured.

She smiled at him, and he couldn’t help himself. He drew her into his arms and placed her on the bed. When he lay beside her and cupped a full breast, his shaft stirred. Already he’d begun to get hard again. Santi rolled Della to her back and began exploring her beautiful body. He visited every spot he knew was sensitive to his touch, and he gave special attention to her clit. A caress just above the tiny bud had her shaking. He scooted down the bed to blow on it. Della cried out his name. He let her eagerness spur him to finger apart her nether lips and lave the swollen bud. She thrashed about. Santi raised a thigh, and her sweetness opened wide to him. He stared as he teased it and then pushed a finger far into her pussy. Just doing so hardened his cock even more, but he held off a little longer.

Taking his time, he worked his finger in and out of her opening, and soon when he pulled it out, Della’s juices covered it. Santi climbed up the bed to wipe a bit of cream on her nipple. Then he sucked it off while moaning.

“You’re dirty.” She panted.

He looked up at her. “You don’t like it? I will give you what you want.”

She pointed between her legs, amusement making her so much more beautiful. “I want you in here so bad.”

“Your wish,” he said and positioned himself between her legs.

He paused to breathe her in while he stared, registering every curve, every hollow. He saw the stretch marks she had mentioned to him, but they meant nothing. In fact, nothing at all could make him see her in a different light. Della was quite simply—perfect.

He raised her knees, and her pussy opened to him. He pressed the tip of his cock at her entrance and let it sink just an inch inside. Right away, her inner muscles encased his shaft, squeezing it, welcoming him deeper. He pushed in, and Della dug her nails into his sides. She pleaded for more. He looked up at her face. She was lost in ecstasy. He thrust forward, and at last, every inch of his cock filled her. He paused to gather his wits and pull in a breath. The pleasure blew his mind because it had been so long. He didn’t lie when he told her he hadn’t been with another woman. How could be? Della’s pussy, her body, her face, her mind, her voice—he breathed in.

I love you,
. I will not let you go!

Santi pumped into Della, letting her consume him while he claimed her over and over. He flipped her to her belly and ravished her that way, then to the side of the bed, on a chair, and even against the wall. Santi refused to back off until he had worn them both to a frazzle, and at last, he carried her back to the bed, tucked her tight in his embrace, and fell asleep in total satisfaction.

* * * *

Morning dawned, and Santi opened his eyes to his hotel room. He recalled the night before right away and smiled. This time, it hadn’t been a dream. He really had made love to Della all night. Sighing in happiness, he shifted to his side and found the other half of the bed—

he called out. The suite was silent. He left the bed and checked the bathroom. She wasn’t there. Something told him a further search would be fruitless, but he did so anyway. Della had gone, without a word. Santi ground his teeth and clenched his hands at his sides. He shut his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. This was always a possibility. He had gone over the scenarios countless times before returning to America. Della’s stubbornness was not a surprise, but he would not give up.

Santi showered and dressed. He checked his cell phone and fielded a few business calls. Before coming to America, he had cleared his calendar and promised to bring his brothers to Madrid for a visit when he returned. Thinking of the boys, he wondered how they would like Della. Then he dismissed the thought. Who would not love her? His woman would have his younger brothers eating from her hands within days. Then again, he might have to watch Matias, who fashioned himself a ladies’ man at his age.

Santi chuckled and left the suite. He drove his rental to Della’s uncle’s house and shook his head as he pulled into the drive. Did she really think he couldn’t hire someone to find out where she lived? He would never let his
get away from him. Not without a fight to win her back.

He stepped from the vehicle and approached the house to ring the bell. A young woman opened the door, and Santi introduced himself. “Is
Hayes available?”

“May I ask what it’s about?”

He didn’t hesitate. “I’m involved with his niece.”

After a few minutes where he had to turn on the charm, the nurse let him in. Striding into the living room he recalled well, he found Della’s uncle sitting in a chair watching television. The feisty man of three years ago was gone, to be replaced by a frail shell of his former self. Santi made a mental note to inquire about his care. He would make sure the elderly man was getting the best.

Hayes, how are you?”

Leonard Hayes turned his head and frowned at Santi. “Oh, you’re back?”

“I said I would come back.” He strode across the room and extended a hand to the old man. Hayes ignored it. Nor did he offer Santi a seat. Santi took one anyway on the couch.

The old man waved a hand. “I didn’t believe you would come back. Guess after you’ve had your fun, you remembered Della?”

Santi tightened his jaw. “You know that wasn’t the arrangement we made.”

For an answer, the old man grunted. He focused on the TV, but Santi wondered if he paid attention to what was on the screen. Every now and then, he winced, and Santi narrowed his eyes at the old man. Hayes noticed and bellowed for his nurse. Santi assumed he was about to be put out, but Hayes ordered iced tea to be brought in. When his arrived, Santi thanked her and took a sip. He preferred wine but didn’t complain.

Several times, Santi attempted to talk to Hayes, but the old man put him off. When he had been there a good half hour, Santi’s patience grew thin. “
Hayes, I want to know what happened to the ticket. Why does Della think I abandoned her?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” was the stubborn reply.


Hayes bumped a small fist on the arm of his chair. “You said you would give her time.”


“You forgot about her, didn’t you?”

“Never!” He stood up. “You said—”

“What? What did he say?”

Both Santi and Hayes started, and Santi looked toward the doorway to find Della standing there. He took in the entirety of her being in a heartbeat. The tight line of her soft lips told him of her anger.

“Well, Santi?” she insisted. “When did you talk to my uncle, and what did he say?”

Santi glanced away from her to her uncle. The man remained silent, not looking at either of them. Santi sighed. “I came to meet with him just before I left.”


He hated admitting it. Knowing Della there was a risk that his admission wouldn’t make her happy. “I told him I wanted to take you to Spain. He in so many words told me I was a selfish
for even considering it.”

“I said a dick,” Hayes interjected.

Santi clenched his jaw. “He said I needed to let you finish school and work in your chosen field, that it was wrong for me to take you away from your dream just for my happiness. I admitted he was right.”

Della’s eyes widened. “You what? How dare either of you think you can make my decisions for me!”

Santi massaged his temple. “You are right about that too. I was selfish, thinking only of myself, and I wanted to do the right thing. Despite knowing the truth, I hoped you would come. I left you a ticket to join me if you chose. You never did.”

Della’s mouth fell open. “You left a ticket?”

I didn’t abandon you,
I never would. You mean too much to me.”

Chapter Twelve


All of it was too much to take in. Della swung away from the living room door and strode across the hall to the dining room. She scraped a chair over the hardwood floor and dropped into it. First Santi’s leaving had devastated her because she thought he left without a word. Then she found out her uncle was the cause. Seriously, she should have suspected something since he’d been an angry old fart all her life, but how could she know? Why would she ever think in a million years Santi would go to him and not come clean with her? This was Santi’s fault too.

“Della,” he said behind her.

Goose bumps popped out on her arms, she was so aware of him. “You never told me you loved me, Santi.”

She dared to look over her shoulder at him. Confusion colored his expression. “But you knew, surely,
I invited to you stay with me from now on. I have expressed my feelings many times while we made love.”

“That was…” she began and fell silent, thinking about it. “Can you blame me for not being sure? You speak Spanish, and you tell me what it all means, but you’re like this born lover. You were made to please a woman. Your employees even said—”

His expression grew tight. “
did they say?”

“Nothing. I mean, it’s obvious you’ve been with many women, and that’s your lifestyle. I didn’t see myself as anything different.” She stood up and pushed the chair under. When she started to move away, he caught her arm, and she faced him. “I needed to hear you say flat out that you love me, not when we’re in the throws of sex. I couldn’t ask you for it myself, and I didn’t know about the ticket.”

Santi cupped her face between two huge palms. The tenderness in his eyes brought tears to hers, and they ran down her face. He brushed them away with the pads of his thumbs. “You,
—mean everything to me. I love you.
Te amo.
I want you with me in Spain, as my wife.”

A tiny squeak of fear erupted from her mouth, and she slapped a hand over it, sniffing. Santi removed her hand and stroked her lower lip. He repeated the words so she wouldn’t mistake them, and she sagged into his arms, scared mindless.

“Santi, you don’t mean it.”

“I mean it.”

“But marriage.”


She raised her head and pushed at his chest. Santi let go with a struggle, but he didn’t move far. “I have a lot going on here.”

“So nothing has changed.” He paced, his brow creased in concentration. “I will have to shift some things around.”

“What are you thinking?”

He stopped walking and faced her. “I won’t give you up again. We’ll have to figure out how to make it work.”

She smiled. “Oh, I’m going to Spain with you.”

His eyes widened.

Della straightened and threw her shoulders back. “If I knew about that ticket, I would have dropped everything to come with you. Maybe it wouldn’t have been the right choice, but I know without a doubt that’s what I would have done. So...”

“So?” His eyes were brighter than they were a minute ago before she’d told him she was going.

“Back then my decision was to go with you. The same as today, but the difference is I’m a little more mature.” Della tumbled into Santi’s arms and wrapped hers around his neck. She nuzzled his neck and breathed in his heady scent. He smelled so delicious. “I’m not going to marry you yet. I want to live with you for a while.”

Santi appeared alarmed. “You don’t want to be my wife?”

She chuckled, betting he wasn’t used to people not falling perfectly in line with is plans. “I do, but I want to take it slower.”

“You’re afraid I will change when I’m home?”

She shrugged. “You have to admit it’s a possibility.”

“For you as well.”

She smirked and put a hand on her hip. “Maybe.” Joy bubbled up inside her when she saw his expression. Santi worried about losing her. Good. Let him worry a little. She was pretty sure her feelings for him wouldn’t change, but the reality of Madrid might be too much for her. This was a country that spoke a language she didn’t understand. Of course, she expected Santi would help her, and maybe there were classes. Fear and excitement mingled, and then she recalled her manipulative uncle.

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