Read Ignite Online

Authors: Kate Benson

Ignite (12 page)


The only regret I have is not knowing whether or not she’ll forgive me in the morning, still want me.


I’ve always known that losing her would hurt, but as I continue to push into her, it’s clear it would do much more than just hurt.


As we find our release together, I think losing Addie now might kill me.



Chapter Seventeen




The next morning as I wake, I’m surprised to find Zeke already awake, sitting on the windowsill at the foot of my bed. Stretching slightly, I wince at the slight soreness between my legs and glance up to take in his concerned expression.


“Hey,” he says quietly, offering me a tight smile that doesn’t reach his eyes.


“Hi,” I smile cautiously, sitting up. “You okay?”


“Yeah,” he nods, his eyes traveling over me. “How about you? Are you okay?”


“Mhm,” I hum, searching his features. “Did you sleep?”


“Some, yeah.”


Taking in his uncharacteristically quiet demeanor, a sting of unease fills me. Some people wake slowly, needing time to let everything settle to break the silence. Looking at him, it’s hard to determine how long he’s been awake, but that doesn’t really matter.


Nothing about Zeke Turner screams ‘the silent type.’


“What’s the matter?” I ask when I decide I can’t take the quiet any longer, his refusal to meet my eyes making me wonder if he was regretting what we’d done.


“Nothing,” he says in a soft voice, still looking away. “I was just thinking about last night.”


“What about it?”


“I just…” he starts, shaking his head and making my stomach drop. “Addie, I need to know something…”


“What?” I ask nervously, everything within me stopping.


“Last night,” he starts, finally giving me his tortured blue gaze. “Add, you remember everything, right? You don’t… you’re not mad at me, are you? You don’t regret it?”


Once I take in the scared look in his eyes, I can’t help the smile that crosses my lips. When he sees it, he uncharacteristically begins to blush.


“I’m sorry,” I manage, straightening my face out as I release a sigh of relief. “I just thought you were pissed at me for getting drunk and trying to seduce you with vodka and Battleship.”


“Well, ridiculous as your plan was,” he smirks over at me before standing and moving back over to the side of the bed. “No, I’m not upset with you at all,” he says, climbing in beside me and extending his arm out. “I’m guessing from that goofy look on your face, you’re not pissed at me either, right?”


“Not at all,” I tell him honestly as I rest my flush cheeks against his chest. “In fact, I very much enjoyed myself.”


“Oh yeah?” he asks, the familiar cheeky grin I’ve grown to love so much over the years finally making an appearance as he twists my chin to face him.


When I nod slightly, he twists to face me, propping his head against the headboard and leans over me. As he hovers over my lips, he rests his arm over my middle, gently skimming my bare hip below the sheet.


“Yes,” I admit, closing the distance between our lips and giving him a soft kiss.


Slowly, he deepens the kiss and I feel myself sinking into the mattress. When he begins to palm my breast in his hand, I melt further. As he pulls away, my lower lip between his teeth, my head is in a haze.


“I also enjoyed myself last night,” he murmurs against my mouth, moving his hand between my thighs and rubbing me gently. “I’m glad I didn’t hurt you. Are you sure you’re okay?”


“Yeah,” I nod, my brainwaves working slower with his hand where it is. “Although, you know… I
a little drunk, so… you know… we might have to double check.”


“Well, we do need to be sure,” he smirks against my lips. “I have to go get more condoms, though. I only had two…”


Before he can finish, I shake my head at him and stop his words.


“I have some in my nightstand,” I tell him, pulling a questioning look from him which I reluctantly address. “My dad stashed them there a few months ago.”


“Seriously?” he asks, his eyes wide in a combination of amusement and disbelief as he flips over and pulls the drawer open. “Holy crap!”


“Yeah, I know it’s weird,” I sigh, shaking my head again. “He also put one in my backpack and in my purse along with some pepper spray.”


“Oh my God,” he laughs, turning back to face me. “You know he probably knows exactly how many of these are in here, right?”


“Yeah, so?”


“So if he comes back to check, he’s gonna know we used them.”


“Yeah, I guess you’re right,” I nod, chipping away at my nail polish nervously while I think.


I’m mid-thought when I hear the box drop back into the drawer and he turns back to me. Carefully, he pulls the sheet from my bare body, greedily taking me in.


“You know,” he starts, kissing my neck and surprising me when it feels tender to his gentle touch. “There are other things we can do without tripping the radar.”


“Hmm, like what?” I ask as he works his way lower.


“Trust me?” he asks, a wicked smirk in his eyes.


“Absolutely,” I nod, the vague memory of the last time he asked me that crashing back in a wave of anticipation.


“Good,” he chuckles, licking his lips and sending a wave of excitement through me. “Lie back, babe.”





I don’t know how to explain it, but it feels like since the second I felt Addie from the inside, I was hooked. The way she moves, the way she feels, tastes… Creepy as it might have been, I wasn’t kidding when I said I would live inside her if I could.


Once we finally make ourselves get out of her bed, we lock the house up tight, making sure to tell her to set the alarm. I make it a point to take a look out at the street and am relieved when I don’t see any suspicious vans parked anywhere in sight.


We peruse the drug store hand in hand and by the time we make it to the checkout, the items we’d thrown in our basket had us looking like a couple of nympho stoners. Climbing into the passenger seat of the messy Corsica I hadn’t driven since high school and I’d left behind when I left for spring semester, Addie pulls the sunshade down. I’m backing out of the space when a sharp gasp leaves her lips, causing me to stop fast.


“Oh my God!” she says, adjusting the mirror in front of her before turning her head to gape at me. “You gave me a hickey?”


“No, I didn’t,” I argue, knowing I’m full of shit as she deadpans and shows me the bruised skin on her neck. “Oh shit…”


“Yeah, oh shit is right!” she cuts me off, swatting my arm. “My dad is gonna totally freak the hell out, Zeke!”


“Ouch! Addie, stop,” I laugh, shielding her from smacking me again. “You know, I didn’t hear you complaining when I was giving it to you.”


“Oh shut up,” she mumbles as her cheeks redden and she redirects her eyes out the window, making me chuckle as I reach for her hand across the seat.


“You hungry?” I ask her before pulling out of the parking lot and onto the main road.


“A little,” she nods, pulling her feet into the seat and shifting to face me.


“What do you want to eat?” I ask her, smirking as I take in her messy bun while she considers her options.


“Tacos,” she eventually says.


“It’s nine-thirty,” I laugh, glancing over to see her shrugging.


“My stomach doesn’t know what time it is,” she reasons as she pulls her bright orange sunglasses over her eyes. “And Taco Bell opens at like nine, so I can’t be the only weirdo eating tacos for breakfast.”


“Is that really what you want?”


“Yep,” she smiles. “I want two tacos and a suicide Slurpee.”


“Ugh,” I cringe, making her grin widen as I pull onto the road. “Alright.”


After a quick trip through the drive-thru and a stop at the gas station for her insane excuse for a breakfast, we waste no time in getting back to her house. Pushing the door shut behind us and locking the deadbolt, she sets her drink onto the kitchen counter. When she turns to face me, her heaving chest matches mine. The house is completely silent, but the pounding in my chest is near deafening for a split second.


Instinctually, we move toward each other at the same moment, but Addie surprises me by planting her palms on my chest roughly pushing me against the wall. Wrapping her arms around my neck, she pulls me down to her lips and kisses me deeply, shooting warmth all over me at once.


“Fuck Addie,” I groan as she holds my eyes, pulling my shirt over my head in haste as I go to work on her shorts. “I think I may have created a monster.”


“I can’t help it, Zeke,” she admits ignoring my smirk, unconcerned with the way the heat fills her cheeks as she pulls her shirt over her head.


“I don’t want you to,” I tell her, burying my lips into her neck as I unhook her bra, loving the low mewl it pulls from her chest. “This is so much more fun than sitting on your roof.”


As we lower ourselves onto the carpet below us, we end up tripping all over the mess we’ve made of the entryway. Stifling our laughter and not concerned with moving any further into the house, I toss her shorts to the side before grabbing the box of condoms we’d left to get in the first place.


Holding her eyes, I rip the package open with my teeth and watch her follow my hand as I slide it over my swollen cock, swallowing hard before I push into her right there on the floor. We let out simultaneous sighs of pleasure, mine turning into a growl as I watch her eyes begin to flutter shut.


“Oh my God,” she gasps, her voice low and husky as I begin to move inside her.


“You’re so fucking hot, baby,” I groan, watching her hazel eyes open slightly through the haze as she hooks her ankles around my waist. “I had no idea how much I wanted you until last night, Addie, but I have to fucking have you.”


“You do, Zeke,” she swears in a whisper, gripping my arms as they cage her in.


Those three words are so simple, but the effect they have on me is insane. Leaning forward, I kiss her hard, knowing we’re as close as we can be but still craving more of her. Rocking into her deep, she lets out a low whimper as her fingers grip onto my arms harder.


“Does it hurt?” I ask her and immediately, she shakes her head.


“A little but don’t stop,” she pants, driving me wild. “Please don’t stop, Zeke. I want more.”


Her words are nearly my undoing. After giving her a quick kiss, I move away, pulling out of her, causing her to look up at me in confusion.


“Turn over, baby,” I tell her, helping guide her into position before sliding into her from behind.


Finally feeling every inch of me for the first time, she lets out a sharp gasp of surprise, fueling my ego. After a moment, she adjusts and lets out a contented sigh, resting her head against the floor in front of her.


“That’s it, baby,” I croon, stroking my fingertips lightly over her skin as I continue to push into her from behind. “Feels good, doesn’t it?”


“Yes,” she husks out in a whisper.


As I grip her hips and slowly stretch her, we fall into a rhythm and she begins to let out louder cries of pleasure, growing wetter with every thrust. When I feel her beginning to tighten around me, it pulls me closer to my end. Reaching around her waist, I drive into her harder as I massage between her thighs. In seconds, our names are echoing off the walls around us.


When we pull away with heaving chests, I roll over onto my back beside her, catching my breath. After a moment, I turn to find her hazel eyes on me, her arms tucked under her as she rests on her stomach beside me.


“Can I ask you something?” she says, her voice quiet.


“Duh,” I smirk, turning onto my side to rest my head in my hand. “Why would you even say that?”

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