Read Hold U Down Online

Authors: Keisha Ervin

Hold U Down (6 page)

“You damn right I do. Fuck love.”
“Wow. That's harsh.”
“That's life. Like I said, fuck love, 'cause love ain't never gave a damn about me.”
Not able to argue with that, Bigg finished the rest of his meal in silence. Once they finished eating, he paid the check. Unique was already at the car.
The rest of the trip was cool. After the incident at Denny's, Unique kind of withdrew and put her guard up once again. Bigg could understand the way she felt, so he didn't pry.
Finally, after a ten-hour drive, they reached Louisiana. Unique couldn't wait to see what the Dirty Dirty had to offer. Cezar had booked them separate suites at the historic French Market Inn. The place was absolutely breathtaking. Unique couldn't have been happier. After they checked the car in with the valet service, she and Bigg headed in.
“Hi, my name is Edward Whitaker. I'm here to check in,” Bigg lied, using one of his aliases.
“Okay, let me look that up, sir,” the desk clerk chimed. “I'm sorry, sir. Your check-in time was for three o'clock. As you can see it's five thirty. One of your rooms has already been taken, but the other room is still available.”
“So, what you're saying is that I'm going to have to sleep in the same room with him?” Unique asked, appalled.
“Yes, ma'am, that's the way it looks.”
“Oh, hell naw! I can't believe this shit.”
“Don't mind her. We'll take it.”
This turn of events had thrown Unique for a loop. She didn't know how she was going to survive three days with Bigg, let alone share a bed.
Standing in the elevator on their ride up, she turned to him and said, “While we're in this room together, there will be no funny business. We will not be having sex, so don't even try it.”
“Who said anything about having sex?”
“I know how y'all niggas think.”
“There you go with that shit again. Evidently me fuckin' you is on your mind. Don't beat around the bush, ma. All you gotta do is ask.” Walking up on her, he continued, “You want me to fuck you, Unique?” Her back was up against the elevator wall, pinned by his body, as they exchanged breaths.
“Boy, please. You better get away from me.” Unique gazed into his eyes, barely able to breathe.
“That's what I thought.” He grinned, backing up. “Trust me, fuckin' you ain't even on my mind. Besides, you wouldn't know what to do with this dick anyway. I'm too much of a man for you to handle. Continue to fuck with these li'l locs, ma, 'cause a nigga like me would tear your shit up and have you begging for more.”
“Negro, please. You and that jailhouse dick of yours can kiss my ass,” Unique spat as they got off the elevator and walked toward their room.
“You know what? You and that mouth of yours gon' get you fucked up.”
“Just open the door.”
“That's real talk. I'm gon' end up fuckin' you up before the weekend is over.” He inserted the key into the door.
“Whatever.” Unique rolled her eyes as she entered their lavish suite.
The room was quite elegant. The style was very dark and sensual. One king-size bed sat in the middle of the floor, while a desk and armoire adorned the wall. Walking farther into the suite, they saw a couch, mini bar, full bath, and Jacuzzi. Plopping down onto the bed, Unique kicked off her shoes and turned on the television. She was so into the Style Channel that she didn't even notice Bigg undressing. Then out of no where she caught a glimpse of chocolate flesh.
Quickly turning her head toward him, Unique saw that Bigg had stripped down to his boxers. Holding her breath, she tried not to let the words escape that filled her mind.
Prison did a body good
, she thought. Even though Bigg was tall, his body was ripped with muscles. His arms and legs were full, and his abs held a perfect six-pack.
She ran her eyes over his upper torso and noticed several different tattoos. Across his stomach he had the name
written in an arch. His left arm had
Bigg Entertainment
written with money and smoke formed around it. On his right forearm was a scripture, and on his hands he had
tattooed on one, and the other,
. As he turned around, she also noticed that he had a huge gash going across his left shoulder blade. It looked like someone had beaten him with a belt or cane. What really caught her eye was a tattoo of a man blowing his brains out.
Ignoring Unique's blatant stares, Bigg continued to undress. He stepped out of his boxers and walked past her like she wasn't even in the room. Unique eyed him hungrily and bit into her lower lip. There was no denying it—she wanted Bigg in the worst way. His thick, ten and a half–inch dick called her name as he bopped toward the bathroom door.
“What are you doing?” she finally asked with a dry mouth.
“What does it look like I'm doing? I'm about to take a shower.”
“You couldn't have taken off your clothes in the bathroom?”
“No, why? Is my dick bothering you or something?” He grinned devilishly.
“Boy, please.” Unique waved him off, rolling her eyes.
“Admit it, Unique. You want me.”
“Bigg, get over yourself. The only person who wants you is a nigga named Stud on cell block eight.”
“I see you got jokes,” he said, stepping closer. Standing directly in front of her, Bigg rubbed his manhood. Unique looked into his eyes and tried her best not to notice his erection, but it was very hard not to, being that his dick was damn near smacking her in the face.
“Touch it. I know you want to,” he whispered.
Unable to resist a big dick, she softly slid her hand from the tip to the shaft. Unique had never seen a dick so big in her life. Bigg was truly living up to his name. Not only did he have length and width, but the muthafucka was heavy as well. The man had a dick the size of an anaconda.
Gazing into each other's eyes, they continued to slide their hands up and down his mammoth penis.
“I knew you wanted a nigga.” He laughed, taking his dick from her hand.
Feeling stupid, Unique snapped back to reality and said, “Whatever, nigga. I was trying not to hurt your feelings.”
“Quit frontin'. You know you want to drop them drawers.”
“Boy, please. You better get yo' ass away from me.”
“You can join me in the shower if you want,” he suggested, standing in the doorway of the bathroom, giving Unique a perfect view of his muscular ass.
“I'll pass,” Unique said, focusing her attention back to the TV.
“Yeah, a'ight. Whatever, ma. Keep lying to yourself.”
“Bigg, shut the fuck up and concentrate on not dropping the soap.”
In the Middle
Not having to meet up with Cezar's new connect, Jackson, until Saturday afternoon, Bigg and Unique spent the entire day Friday sightseeing and shopping. Bigg himself had spent well over ten grand. Unique thought she could shop a lot, but Bigg spent money like it was flying off trees. Shopping at the stores in Canal Place, Unique made an impromptu stop at the Gucci store. Bigg hadn't even noticed that she stopped until he began talking and realized he wasn't getting a reply. Retracing his footsteps down the block, he found Unique sitting inside the store, surrounded by sales attendants and boxes of shoes.
Looking up at him, she smiled. Unique was in shoe heaven. Laughing at her excitement, Bigg headed over to the men's section of the store. Finding nothing for himself, he returned to Unique's side. She was in deep thought. Unique sat wondering if she should get the fifteen hundred–dollar large, black, horse-bit leather bag or a pair of nine hundred–dollar patent leather boots. She really wanted both but only had enough for one.
Cursing herself for not bringing more money, she put the Gucci bag back. Hanging her head low, she walked over to the counter.
“Will that be all for you today, ma'am?” the sales attendant asked.
“Yes.” She nodded with a sad look on her face.
Unique pulled out a thousand dollars in cash and paid for her shoes.
“I'm ready,” she said gloomily to Bigg.
They continued their stride down the street. Noticing a change in her demeanor, Bigg became concerned. It was unlike Unique to pout, so seeing this side of her made Bigg care for her even more. He saw that she really wanted the bag but wasn't able to purchase it. Spotting a little café up the block, Unique suggested that they stop.
“You go ahead. Let me stop at this store right quick,” Bigg said.
“Okay.” Unique took the bags they had accumulated back to their suite. She freshened up and headed back to the café.
Fifteen minutes later, Bigg met back up with her as promised. Approaching her, he watched as she sat cross-legged, sipping on a latte, talking on her cell phone. The rays coming from the sun seemed to be glowing upon her peanut butter skin. Grabbing his pants, Bigg adjusted the hard-on that had grown. Getting himself together, he approached the table and sat across from her.
“Tone! Will you listen? I don't want to talk about this right now.” Unique spoke firmly into her cell phone while looking at Bigg. He turned his head in the other direction, pretending that he wasn't listening, but he was. “I'm tired of hearing about you and your other hoes. It's nothing. Just be honest.” She paused for a moment. “Look, can we talk about this when I get home? Hello? Hello? Oh, I know that muthafucka did not just hang up on me!” Unique slammed her Nextel shut.
“My bad. I didn't know if you wanted anything, but I ordered you a mocha latte,” Unique said, pretending as if nothing had happened.
“Thanks, but a nigga like me needs something stronger than that. So, that was your man of five years on the phone?”
“Seem to me like that nigga stressing you out.”
“It's nothing. I just hate when people lie to me.”
“So, what you want to do after this?” Bigg changed the subject.
“We can go back to the room because I'm getting tired.”
“That's cool. I'm kind of getting tired too.”
“I see you went back to the Gucci store. What did you buy?” Unique suddenly perked up.
“Just a little something-something.” He smiled.
“What is it? Let me see.”
Without permission, she took the bag from his hand. Bigg didn't mind, though. Pulling the large black box out of the bag, she set it upon the table. Quickly, Unique lifted the top off and unfolded the paper. She expected to find a shirt or a pair of pants, but instead she was greeted with the same Gucci bag she had picked up at the store. Looking over at him, she wondered if it was some kind of joke.
“It's yours. I hope you like it.” Bigg smiled, showing off a perfect set of thirty-twos.
“Like it? I love it! I can't believe you went back and got it for me.”
“After I saw how bad you were pouting, I had to get it for you.”
“I was not pouting.”
“Yes, you were.”
“No, I wasn't, but thank you. It was so nice for you to do this for me. When we get back home, I will pay you your money.”
“Your money is no good with me, ma. It was a gift. Just enjoy it.”
“Well, thanks again. I can't wait to wear it,” Unique said excitedly as jolts of electricity graced the sky. Out of nowhere, rain began pouring down.
“Oh, shit. It's raining. We ain't even got an umbrella. I know my hair is gonna mess up, plus I got on these heels,” Unique whined, looking down at her satin Prada kitten heels.
“I got you.” Bigg stood up, taking her hand.
“What are you going to do?”
“Just slip off your shoes and put them in the bag. I'm gonna carry you back.”
“Are you sure?”
“What I just tell you? I got you.”
Unique gazed into his light brown eyes and knew that she could trust him. She placed her shoes into the bag and quickly leaped into Bigg's strong arms.
With Unique securely in his embrace, Bigg ran the block back to the Inn. Unique hid her face in the crook of his neck the entire time. The smell of his cologne sent chills up her spine. He smelled so good. Bigg was wearing Jean Paul Gaultier, which was one of Unique's favorites.
Then, suddenly, Unique had the insatiable temptation to kiss Bigg's neck. The combination of raindrops falling upon her skin and the feel of his arms wrapped around her body took Unique to a place of complete tranquility. She wanted to be with Bigg in every way imaginable. Without any warning, she began licking and sucking on his neck as he carried her in his arms.
Bigg didn't know what to do. He hadn't expected for Unique to go there with him. Loving the feel of her tongue against his skin, he slowed his pace. Bigg didn't want the moment to end.
By the time they made it back to the suite, they both were hot, horny, and wet. Not wanting to, but knowing he should, Bigg put Unique down. Looking into each other's eyes they wondered what was next.
He watched as she stood before him, shivering wet with anticipation. Not able to control his feelings any longer, Bigg grabbed the back of Unique's neck and pulled her close.
Fuck all the bullshit
, he thought. The sky shone with colors of orange and pink hues as Bigg hungrily kissed her lips. Returning the feeling, Unique kissed him back with as much intensity.
At that moment, Bigg didn't want anything but Unique. He had to have her. Her skin felt like silk as he ran his hands up her shirt and caressed her back.
Subconsciously, Unique's lips released a moan. Realizing what was going on, she abruptly stopped their kissing session.
“Why you stop? What's the problem?” he asked, confused.
“I'm trippin'. We can't do this,” Unique confirmed, pulling down her shirt.
“Come on, ma. Stop with the games. You want a nigga as much as I want you.”
“Thanks for the purse, Bigg, but I can't fuck wit' you like that.”
“What the fuck you mean you can't fuck wit' me like that?” he questioned, eyeing her erect nipples.
“I came here to do a job. Nothing more, nothing less. You're a cool guy and all, but me and you are on two different levels right now—”
“You know what? I'm about sick of you and your bullshit.” Bigg cut her off. “You too fuckin' confused for me. You think you know everything and don't know shit. But let me tell you something—these li'l games you playing gon' get yo' feelings hurt if you keep on fuckin' with me. You know what? For the rest of the trip, don't say shit to me.” He stormed off, leaving Unique standing alone.
After their argument, Unique locked herself in the bathroom. It was the only way she could avoid Bigg. She ran herself a nice, hot bubble bath. With nothing but complete silence surrounding her, Unique closed her eyes and let the day's events replay in her mind.
She knew that she was wrong for treating Bigg the way she did. An apology was what was needed, but being pig-headed, Unique let her pride get in the way.
Fuck him
, she thought. It wasn't like he was her man, she reasoned with herself. Needing someone to talk to, Unique picked up her cell phone and called Kay Kay.
“What up?” Kay Kay playfully answered on the first ring.
“You silly. What you doing?”
“Nothing. Fixing dinner for me and Arissa.”
“Oh, where is Kiara?”
“Ripping and running the streets as usual.”
“That don't make no damn sense. You need to make her come and get her child.”
“Arissa is my niece. Somebody gotta take care of her, and you know Kiara ain't. But anyway, what you doing?”
“Shit, ready to come home.”
“Why? What happened?”
“Nothing,” Unique lied.
“Come on, Nique, this is me you're talkin' to. I know something happened or else you wouldn't be sounding like that.”
“I don't know, girl. It's just that I've been thinking a lot lately—”
“Hold up. What, Arissa?” Kay Kay said, cutting her off.
“Auntie, I'm hungry,” Unique could hear her little cousin say in the background.
“Okay, Arissa, here I come. I'm fixing dinner right now. Go finish watching Raven. By the time that goes off, dinner will be done.”
“Now back to you. What you thinking about?”
“About life and shit.” Unique avoided telling Kay Kay the truth.
Love is forbidden
was their number one rule, she remembered. Unique had made it up herself. There was no way in hell she was going to tell Kay Kay that she was catching feelings for Bigg.
“Nique, are you high?”
“Naw, girl.” Unique laughed. “I've just been thinking that I need a change, that's all.”
“A change? Like what?”
“I don't know. I just need something to happen. I mean, come on, Kay. There's got to be more to life than this. I'm tired of hiding behind clothes and cars. After a while that shit don't mean nothing when you come home to an empty house.” She shrugged, knowing fully well that what she needed was love.
“I don't know what to tell you, boo. All I can say is that you're young, beautiful, and smart. What more can you ask for? We got all these hoes out here trying to be like us.”
“I guess, but anyway, what's going on up there?”
“Shit. I just met this nigga yesterday. His name is Tommy. He looks like he workin' with something. I think I can trick a couple of grand outta his ass.”
“That's what's up. Drain that nigga.”
“Oh, I got this. Don't even trip, but—oh, I forgot to tell you.”
“Forgot to tell me what?” Unique interrupted, knowing something was wrong.
“Aunt Syleena's nurse called. She said that your mom had another setback yesterday.”
“What? Why didn't you call and tell me?” Unique yelled, pissed.
“I didn't want to worry you. Plus the nurse said that they had it under control.”
“What kind of setback did she have?”
“The nurse said that Syleena had another fit. She said that Syleena was fighting with the orderlies again. This time it got so out of hand that she sprained her wrist. My bad, Nique. I should've called you.”
“I knew I should have stayed home.” Unique began to beat up on herself.
“Don't even start, Unique. There was nothing you could do anyway.”
“How could you say that? She needed me and I wasn't there!” Unique yelled into the phone, really wanting to say, “I needed her and she wasn't there.”
“Come on, Nique. You have to let go of this fantasy that Syleena is going to get better. I know that this may hurt, but Syleena is never going to be the mother that you want her to be.”
“Did they say anything else?” Unique asked, ignoring her comment.
“Only that she was asking for you.”
“She really asked for me?”
“Yeah, but don't go getting your hopes up.”
“I hear you,” Unique mumbled as her bottom lip began to quiver.
“I'm sorry I had to say it like that, but it's the truth. I don't want to see you hurt over this any more than you have to.”
“It's cool. Let me get off this phone. I'ma call you when we get on the road.”
“I know you, Nique. Don't be down there stressing over your mom. Try to have some fun.”

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