Read Highlander's Challenge Online

Authors: Jo Barrett

Tags: #Romance, #Fantasy, #Historical, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Historical Romance

Highlander's Challenge (11 page)

Geez, doesn't anyone ever sleep at night in the sixteenth

The two men moved closer to the horses, hiding and shifting in the shadows, but never moving into an attack position. Only watching. She hadn't seen so much covert activity since the army, but who were the bad guys and who were the good guys?

She continued to parallel the two men as they moved closer to the others, wishing she knew which side they were on. Putting them out of action would be a snap, but she didn't dare take the risk. They may be on recon duty for MacLean, and as far as she was concerned, the MacLeans were the good guys.

Okay, so she had a soft spot for a few of them, like Elspeth and Ian, although he wasn't a real MacLean, but
Colin MacLean. No siree, she did not care a whit about that man. Still, she couldn't let anything happen to him either. It was obvious how much Elspeth loved the big ape. The thought of his sweet aunt hurting because he'd gone and gotten himself killed or something simply wasn't acceptable. 100

Highlander's Challenge

by Jo Barrett

Shaking her head, she couldn't believe how soft she'd gotten in so short a time. With a silent sigh, she crouched low in the brush as one of the horsemen dismounted and studied the ground.

A tracker. But whom was he tracking? Her or these two bozos lurking in the bushes beside her?

The man stood as the moon slipped from behind a bank of clouds. The dark strands brushing his shoulders appeared blue-black in the meager light.

She sucked in a silent breath.
. Although nothing more than a silhouette, he did something to her, and she hated it.

He pointed in the direction of the clearing. "She's gone that way," he said softly, then mounted his horse. He was looking for her. A small spurt of pleasure shot through her, but died quickly. Had she lost her mind? He wasn't tracking her for some romantic midnight rendezvous. The ogre was no doubt ticked because she'd escaped. He and his posse started to move again. She glanced at the two men hidden in the shadows, then back to her former jailer.

Should she nab these two spies or should she just slip away and let him deal with them himself? If he'd managed to locate her trail so easily, and she knew darn well she'd done a good job of covering her tracks, it wouldn't be long before he realized he was being watched.

But he wouldn't be out here at all with two unknowns
circling him, if I hadn't decided to take off in the first place
. 101

Highlander's Challenge

by Jo Barrett

She stifled a curse and carefully made her way to the nearest spy. Honor could really ruin a girl's day. Slapping her hand over one man's mouth, she promptly knocked him out and laid him on the ground. She moved on to the other one and knocked him out as well, but he managed to make more noise than the other.

"Colin," one of his men whispered harshly, pointing to the small hedge disguising her presence.

Her luck was running thinner by the minute. She wouldn't be able to sneak off and leave the goodies behind now. Eyeing them through the bush, she noted each of his men had a hand on a weapon. The way things were going for her lately, they'd pin her to a tree with their dirks first, then ask questions later.

With a defeated sigh, she silently sheathed her knife at her calf and stood up very slowly.

"Out for an evening stroll, fellas?" MacLean vaulted down from his horse and stomped toward her. As he churned the earth beneath his heavy feet, the musty smell of the forest teased her nose. She kept the hedge between them, knowing full well from the look on his face that he was not a happy man.

"You've caused me enough grief for one day, woman. I suggest you hold your tongue."

She crossed her arms, hiding her wince at her injured wrist. "Ah, gee. And here I thought you'd be happy to see me."

His low growl rumbled through the tense night air, sending waves of electricity coursing down her spine. 102

Highlander's Challenge

by Jo Barrett

Not good. Not—good—at—all.

Colin's jaw clenched so tightly, he was certain he'd cracked one of his back teeth. He was too damn happy to see her alive and well with the moonlight kissing her creamy skin, and that galled him to no end.

He snagged her by the arm and jerked her through the bushes. She didn't bother to struggle, making him pause. Why did she risk her capture? Why did she not simply make off in another direction as they passed? She'd obviously circled back on him and he'd not known it. Holding her against his chest, steeling himself against the pleasure it brought, he looked into her eyes nearly black in the dim light.

"Why did you not run?" he asked, his voice low but firm. The corner of her mouth quirked up. "What, and miss all the fun?"

He lowered his face closer, barely stopping before he tasted her. "I want a real answer." Her tongue darted out and dampened her lips, leaving them glistening. A sweet, quivering breath caressed his skin as she stared up at him, her expression warm. White-hot heat surged through his body and pooled in his groin. He wanted her ... and no other woman.

A low moan split the tense silence. For a moment he thought the sound had come from him, until he noticed his men rushing through the hedge behind him.

"There are two men here," Michael, the youngest of his guard, called.


Highlander's Challenge

by Jo Barrett

She tilted up her chin, her look much cooler than before, but just as tempting. "I bring you a present and this is the thanks I get?"

Pulling his gaze away, he looked toward his men.

"They're not wearing any crest. I dinnae think they're MacKenzies," Michael said.

All eyes focused on the unsettling female at his side.

"What do you know of them?" he asked, jerking her slightly.

"They were following you, so I followed them. Once I realized who they were following, I decided you might want to talk to them."

"Aye." Abruptly releasing her, not willing to openly credit her for her sound reasoning, he spun on his heels and faced the captives. "Who are you, and what are you doing on MacLean land?"

"Our boat sank in the loch and we washed ashore. We were lookin' for a safe place tae camp for the night, when one of yer men attacked us."

"Oh, brother," Tuck muttered. "I got the jump on you, you moron."

Colin shot her a look.

She folded her arms and shrugged with a smirk so lissome, he nearly smiled. God, help him, he was beginning to actually like the woman!

He quickly turned back to the captives before he made a complete fool of himself. "I'll ask you again and I suggest you answer truthfully this time. Who are you, and what are you doing on MacLean land?"


Highlander's Challenge

by Jo Barrett

Their gazes darted about, nervously taking in his wellarmed men, but they said nothing more. Colin motioned in the direction of the castle. "Take them back tae the keep. We'll finish this there." Looking at the female thorn in his side, he said, "You will ride with me." Holding up her hand, she shook her head and backed away. "Oh, no, Sasquatch. You got your little present, now I'll be on my way."

She ducked to the side as quick as a hare, but he was quicker. He caught her by the collar of her odd coat before she could disappear into the shadows.

"You'll be going back tae the keep, whether you like it or no."

"I suggest you let me go, if you don't want to be embarrassed in front of your men," she said with a snarl. Whirling her around, he pinned her to his chest, his arms wrapped tightly around her. "You can ride astride, or you can ride with your backside in the air, but you are going." She looked beyond his shoulder at his men awaiting their next order. They hadn't been over pleased with this hunt. Someone had started a foolish rumor that she was a kelpie or some such nonsense. That she would bewitch them and take their souls. He'd never heard so much grumbling in his life, and these his best men. But they would cut her down, of that he had no doubt.

"Fine. But this isn't over," she hissed.

"I dinnae dare have a hope."


Highlander's Challenge

by Jo Barrett

Thankful to see she would not fight him, unnecessarily risking her life, he dragged her to his horse. He placed one hand around her wrist and stilled at her sharp hiss of breath. He gently slid his grip up her arm and examined her hand in the dim light. "What have you done to yourself, you daft woman?"

A small sense of relief eased some of the tension from his neck. He was afraid, for a brief moment, that he'd been the one to hurt her with his rough handling, but he'd not touched her wrist until now.

"Nothing you need to worry about." She moved to jerk free of his grasp, but instantly stiffened. With her eyes clamped shut, the grim press of her lips, there was no doubt she was in pain.

"Maighread will look at it once we return," he said.

"The hell she will," she said, her tone venomous.

"For the love of—! Bloody nettlesome shrew," he finished on a murmur.

"Overbearing ogre."

He clamped his hands around her waist and hoisted her onto his horse before their asinine relay could continue any further then seated himself behind her.

He set his teeth at the feel of her legs brushing against his, her backside nestled between his thighs. His arms wanted to close in around her and pull her back against his chest, while his lips wished to seek out the side of her neck and taste her fair skin. Luckily, she wore her knit cap, her hair carefully secured beneath, or else his nose would surely find its way into the curls, exploring their scent and texture. 106

Highlander's Challenge

by Jo Barrett

Stifling his groan, he kneed his horse on. As they moved toward the castle, she settled against him, seemingly comfortable while he was aching in the worst possible way imaginable.

"You realize that if those men aren't MacKenzies then there's something fishy going on around here," she said.

"Fishy?" he asked, hiding, as best he could, his continued annoyance at her use of words he did not understand.

"You know, suspicious, underhanded, sneaky." She turned slightly, displaying her profile, her chin tilted high into the air.

"Untoward," she added haughtily. He refused to allow himself to smile at her playfulness, but the lass had a point, blast her hide. "'Tis none of your concern."

She twisted to look him in the eye. "Of all the—I hand you those two lowlifes on a silver platter and that's the thanks I get?"

"Cease your prattle, woman." He jerked her back around, unwilling to test his willpower with her lips so close to his. He'd gone daft, to be sure.

"The name is Tuck," she growled. He swallowed hard against the sensual rumble. What sin had he committed to deserve such torment? He could not possibly want this irritating female!

"You just can't stand it that I escaped and caught those two."

"What I canna stand is a woman who doesna know her place."


Highlander's Challenge

by Jo Barrett

"Oh, I know my place, all right. And it sure as hell isn't here."

He snapped his jaw shut, nearly taking off the tip of his tongue. He despised the truth in her words. She did not belong with him or to him. His life, his clan's future, did not include a woman who had more grit than some men he knew, and who constantly refused to behave as she ought. He still knew little to nothing about her. She could be in league with his enemies, although he wanted to believe otherwise. Once they arrived at the castle, he pulled her down from his horse. Taking her by her uninjured hand, he firmly guided her to her room. He discounted how perfectly her long slender fingers wrapped around his. She was not to be his.

"Sit," he said, pointing to the bed. She tilted her chin and propped her hand on her hip, blatantly disobeying him.

"By the saints, you're a stubborn woman." He turned to the door and ordered one of his men to bring him some cloth to bind her with. Her eyes widened, and he quickly realized what she thought he intended to do. He almost smiled.

She slowly edged away. "If you think I'm going to let you tie me up, you've got one seriously rude awakening coming, buster."

"You're in my keep and on my land. I'll do what I like with you, and there's no one tae stop me."

"I'll stop you."


Highlander's Challenge

by Jo Barrett

He chuckled. "I know your tricks, lass, and you'll not be using them on me. I'll not give you the chance tae catch me unawares."

Michael appeared with an armful of rags and Elspeth on his heels. She bustled up in front of him, placing her round body between him and his female tormentor.

"I'll not stand by and let you harm the lass, Colin. I've put up with your bad manners, but you'll not touch a hair on her head."

He gently took her by the shoulders and placed her in Michael's care, then snatched the rags from his guard's hands.

"I'll not do anything she doesna deserve. Now, off with you, Aunt. I've work tae do here." With his back to the woman, he gave Elspeth a wink.

She sputtered and blustered a moment, her gaze darting back and forth between them. Eventually, she allowed Michael to take her out of the room.

The door closed with a solid thud, echoed by his guest's small squeak of disbelief.

"Will you sit, or do I have tae use force?" he asked. Her eyes narrowed. "You'd lose." Oh, but she was a fiery female. He had to admire her spirit, her determination, but it was based on such utter codswallop. She had no chance against him. She had to see that.

He took one step in her direction, and she shifted into a defensive stance. Her weight properly balanced on both feet, 109

Highlander's Challenge

by Jo Barrett

her hands in an odd, but obvious fighting position. The woman was fully prepared to stop him whatever the cost. He ran a hand down his face, exhausted with this game. "I only wish tae bind your injured wrist, you taupie. Now, sit down!"

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