Here She Rules: The Chronicles of Erla: Book 1 (39 page)

The women that Kara and Leandra fought froze as they saw their leader being held submissively by Cassie, and, one by one, they dropped their weapons.

Cassie, Kara, and Leandra grinned at each other.

“Excellent demonstration, Lady Cassandra!” Nera’s voice rang out from her seat in the stands overlooking the training field.

Nera flew down the steps and made her way to where her Commander stood, smiling widely at her.

“You have certainly regained your strength, and I believe you may even be stronger and faster!” Nera exclaimed, slapping Cassie on the back.

“Thank you, Your Highness.” Cassie wiped sweat off her brow with the back of her hand after she retrieved her sword and sheathed it.

Kara and Leandra joined them as Cassie thanked her warriors and dismissed them. The women walked off the field, talking of training and Cassie’s upcoming trip to Leandra’s country to retrieve Princess Danai.

As they cleared the fence, Cassie looked up and saw Garen standing there, waiting for her. The hero-worship in his eyes indicated his pride in her performance. She grinned at him and motioned him to her.

Nera looked at him with a caressing gaze as the other two women eyed him appreciatively.

The sun shone on the multicolored highlights in his long, blond hair—making it shine, and his sky-blue eyes glowed with love and desire for his Mistress.

“Garen, what are you doing here?” Cassie asked gently.

“Forgive me, Mistress. I was going into the village for supplies when I saw you on the training field. I have long wanted to see you fight, and it was so exciting.” His full lips parted, and his breathing became rapid as he looked at her longingly.

Cassie thought it was very, very nice to be able to elicit this type of response from such an incredibly sexy man, and she sighed in pleasure.

“I hope I have not angered you, Mistress, by having done so without your permission.” He bowed his head, and his hair flowed onto his chest.

Cassie lifted his chin and smiled into his eyes, then pushed his hair back gently.

“I am not angry, my love. I had no idea you desired to see me train.”

“Oh yes, Mistress. We all do, and the others shall be jealous when they find out I have.” He grinned at her mischievously, and Cassie tugged lightly at his chin.

“You are a very bad boy to tease the others . . . I shall have to punish you properly.” His eyes flew to hers quickly, but he relaxed when he saw the playful look there.

“Yes, Mistress. I look forward to your instruction.” He blushed and looked down again.

“You spoil them horribly, Cass, but I can’t say I blame you,” Kara said, grinning at her friend.

“I believe they are worth it,” Nera quipped as she waggled her brows at the other women and Cassie laughed.

“Go run your errand, Garen. Then, hurry home to me.” His breath caught in his throat at the promise in her eyes.

“Yes, Mistress, I shall.” He bowed to her and then to the others before taking off at a full run towards the village.

The laughter of the women floated on the breeze as he dashed away.

“Cassie, I believe you will miss them when we journey to my home country,” Leandra said. Cassie nodded and raised her eyebrow. “I am sure my Queen will see to it you are well cared for, though, and we do have many beautiful men in our country.”

“Well, they do say variety is the spice of life!” Cassie laughed as they continued to the Palace.

“Indeed, it is,” Nera rejoined.

Kara broke away from the group and waved as she headed home, and the others entered the cool halls of the Palace, going to their individual apartments.

When Cassie entered, she stopped in the threshold and admired the sight of the beautiful men scattered about the sofa and rugs in the living area. It was her habit to do so as she never got tired of looking at the gorgeous creatures who belonged solely to her.

They had turned to smile at her as they rose and dispersed to make ready her bath. Cassie sighed deeply and allowed Mika to lead her to the bathing room and disrobe her. Staring into his warm, golden eyes, she literally absorbed the love and adoration coming from them.

“How are you, Mika?”

“I am very well, Mistress. I trust you were not injured?” Concern lit his eyes as Cassie had winced slightly when he removed her leather vest.

“I think I may have pulled a muscle during a training fight, but not badly. I’m just a little sore and stiff.”

“With your permission, we will give you a massage before dinner.”

“I would enjoy that immensely, sweetheart. Thank you.” Cassie stroked his cheek softly and then turned to enter the hot water as Mika blushed at her touch and endearment.

Taylyn and Arn entered the tub and washed her hair and body gently and reverently. Then, at her command, they left her to soak in the warm floral-scented water. In the end, she finally forced herself to get out, and Mika toweled her off. He then held out a silky pink robe which fell halfway down her thighs.

Kissing him lightly on the cheek, she walked into the lounge area and dropped her robe before lying down on the floor cushions and allowing her men to massage away the aches in her body.

Mika had rubbed a liniment into her aching shoulder while the others used sweetly scented oil on the rest of her. Between them, they had reduced her to a state of complete relaxation. Finally, she told them to stop, and as she rose, Arn settled her robe onto her shoulders while Kai tied it snugly.

Cassie moved languidly to the balcony and settled herself into a cushioned chaise lounge, crossing her feet at the ankles and leaning her head against the soft fabric. She enjoyed a moment of pure peace as she took in the beauty of the gathering twilight.

She heard the door to her suite open and the sound of Garen’s voice as he spoke to the others, who were busy getting dinner ready. Cassie sighed luxuriously and grinned; she loved her life here, and her beautiful slaves knew her so well by now that they could anticipate her needs and wants before she even voiced them. Cassie worked very hard nearly every day, and she was rewarded every day with pampering and the complete devotion of her men.

She called out for Garen to bathe and then join her as the others came onto the balcony with dinner. Pulling a table closer to her, they loaded it with platters and bowls. Mika bowed, and the others followed suit. He then loaded a plate for her while she watched his graceful movements appreciatively. He sat at her side and offered her choice bites, and Cassie lay back, allowing them to feed her.

Kai moved in closer and offered her some sweet pastries. As she gazed into his warm, chocolate-colored eyes and smiled, she pulled his head down and kissed him deeply. When she released him, his face was flushed, and she could see the evidence of his desire surging against his loin cloth. She ran her hand against it and grinned when his body jerked in reaction.

Aidan came onto the balcony, sinking to his knees before her. Cassie ran her hand through his long, damp, russet locks before she pulled him beside her on the chaise, motioning for the others to bring him some dinner.

Arn filled a plate and made to hand it to Aidan, but Cassie intercepted it with the intent of feeding him herself. The others sighed in envy as they watched her use her fingers to place the food in his mouth, and Aidan found his breath coming heavily as his Mistress served him. When they had all finished eating, she excused all but Aidan.

She pulled his mouth to hers as the others filed out, walking silently into the lounge. Biting down on Aidan’s full lower lip, Cassie stared deeply into his eyes as he sighed blissfully. Chills ran down his spine at the lust he saw in her eyes. Moving from his mouth, she chewed lightly at his jaw, working her way to his ear. Aidan trembled, aching to touch her, but she pushed his hands away.

“Be still, Aidan. I will tell you when you may move,” Cassie growled into his ear, her breath raising gooseflesh on his neck.

“Yes, my Mistress,” he obediently replied as his voice shook with desire.

Cassie’s tongue ran around his ear and very lightly inside. His breathing was ragged as he struggled to be still under her ministrations.

Cassie grinned, enjoying the control she had over him as her mouth moved down his neck and across his broad shoulder, sinking her teeth into his bulging bicep before moving towards his hard, pink nipple. She shifted positions, so that he was on his back as she straddled his hips. The shortness of her robe allowed him flashes of her sex, which further inflamed his desire. Running her tongue across his well-developed pecs, she finally reached the aching peak of his nipple and bit it sharply, causing him to cry out in pained pleasure.

“Oh! I am so sorry, my love,” she murmured as she laved the tender bud with her tongue before sucking on it firmly. Aidan’s hip bucked under her in response, and she laughed, pinching his other nipple with her fingers in punishment for his movement.

“Aidan, do I need to restrain you, my sweetness?” she asked, raising one brow.

“No, Mistress. Forgive me. I will try to be better.” His voice was husky.

Cassie laughed again. The sound sent more shivers through his body. His reaction to her touch was making Cassie hotter and hotter as her fingers stroked up and down his muscled abs. His hardness pressed against her intimately with only his loin cloth separating their flesh. Aidan’s jaw clenched. The tendons stood out on his neck as he fought to keep his body still.

Not yet through torturing him, Cassie slid down onto his thighs and removed his loin cloth—allowing his thick length to spring free—and he moaned as the night air hit his heated member.

Cassie traced the tip with her finger, and he emitted a strangled sob, while she grinned into his tortured eyes. Slowly, she slid her finger down to the base and then again back up to the tip, and Aidan panted. He was trembling and begging her with his eyes. Gripping his shaft tightly, she leaned over to touch her tongue to him, licking him lightly up and down.

Aidan was beside himself. Pleasure rippled through his body, and he wanted so desperately to touch her and give her pleasure. He knew he could not move until she gave him permission to do so, however, and the torment was exquisite.

Lifting her head, she met his fevered gaze and smiled, repositioning herself over him and rubbing the head of his manhood against her clitoris in lazy circles until she climaxed.

“You may move now, Aidan.” Her tongue caressed his name like an endearment, and Aidan’s hands buried themselves in her hair, pulling her down to his mouth, kissing her feverishly.

Cassie slowly lowered herself onto him, impaling herself on his hardness, making Aidan cry out and grab her hips. He held her still while he thrust up and into her deeply. Cassie moaned as her desire got the best of her, and their voices mingled when they finally reached their peak together. She remained atop him, his softening member still within her, and she looked into his eyes as he recovered his breath.

“I love you, Mistress,” he said, still slightly breathless. Cassie bent down and kissed him deeply.

“I love you, too, Aidan.”

He smiled blissfully as she slid her leg over and lay at his side, burying her face in his chest and inhaling the sweet fragrance of his skin. After a few moments, Cassie rose and adjusted her robe, reaching down to offer him a hand up and kissing him when he stood.

“You please me greatly, Aidan.” The man flushed in pleasure at her words. “I love your beautiful red hair and how it flows around us when we make love.” Her hands played in the soft mane gently.

Aidan caught his breath at her words and stepped forward, hugging her and burying his face in her neck. Cassie held him tightly for a moment before she stepped back, kissing his cheek and heading for the bathing room to clean up.

The others smiled, stood, and bowed to her as she entered the room, and she waved away Mika’s offer of assistance. When she re-entered the room, Aidan had already dressed and was sitting with the others. His face still carried the afterglow of their encounter.

“I must tell you all something. I leave in three days to fetch our Princess from Tayliss. Lady Leandra and I will ride out a day ahead of the warriors who will make up her Highness’s escort.” Their faces fell at her news and revealed a trace of fear. “Nothing bad is going to happen; we have vanquished our foes.” She smiled at them as she sank into the comfort of the sofa, pulling Garen’s head into her lap, so she could run her hands through his long, blond hair.

“Mistress,” Taylyn spoke, “would you consider bringing some or at least one of us to serve you and see to your comfort on this journey?” he asked as he bowed his head meekly.

“No, Taylyn. We will be traveling fast and light, and I would be unable to provide for your comfort and safety on the trip. Have no fear. I will not be gone for too long, and you have spoiled me far too thoroughly for me to stay away.” She grinned, wrapping Garen’s hair around her wrist, admiring the highlights which sparkled in the candlelight as he smiled up at her.

“Yes, Mistress.” He was clearly disappointed and unhappy, but he would not press her further. Cassie leaned over and caressed his face, soothing him.

“I know you are worried, but I can take care of myself.”

“Yes, Mistress. There are none as strong and courageous as you. Please do not believe I meant to suggest any weakness on your part,” he replied as his earnest eyes met hers.

“I know you did not, Taylyn.” She smiled softly at him. “Come. Let us play cards for a bit before we go to bed.” They rose and found the cards, forcing smiles onto their faces.

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