Read Green Card Online

Authors: Ashlyn Chase

Green Card (5 page)

No one had given him a blowjob without the anticipation of getting off, too, so he had no idea what the polite protocol was. Come quickly and save her mouth from tiring? Hold on and show her how much enjoyment she gave him?

“Damn, Katia. You’re incredible.”

She grinned around his girth then sucked him almost all the way in again. Mason braced himself and groaned in rapture while she withdrew. He watched her as she made love to his cock, and every now and then she’d glance up to make eye contact. He swore he actually saw her eyes sparkle.

There was no hint of displeasure at what she was doing. He knew some women didn’t like to give head and some outright refused. He was very glad Katia wasn’t one of them. So he closed his eyes and allowed himself to enjoy every swell of sexual power as his awareness mounted and multiplied.

Soon, too soon, he reached his peak and shuddered as a powerful orgasm tore through him. His body involuntarily lurched, triggering an avalanche. He gluttonously held onto every ripple and aftershock and only slowed to return to earth.

When he opened his eyes, Katia was licking the corners of her mouth. The gratification in her eyes shook him to the core. He had barely touched her, yet she glowed with the kind of satisfaction a woman showed on the receiving end.

“Holy shit.” Mason shook his head and laughed. It probably wasn’t the most romantic thing he could have said at that moment, but she grinned and giggled, as if she loved what he said and knew what he meant by it.

A knock at the door startled him out of his reverie.

“Mason? Are you and your lady friend in there?”

“Eddy!” The couple scrambled for their clothes. “We’ll be right out.”

He heard Eddy chuckle on the other side of the door. “Don’t forget to zip your fly, roomie.”

Chapter Five




Mason introduced Katia to Eddy. She shook his hand and eased into the armchair next to the sofa. Mason patted the couch and said, “Sit next to me, sweetheart.”

He may have been doing that for Eddy’ benefit, but her nerves calmed when she slipped into the warm space beside him and felt his arm across her shoulders.

“So this is the mystery woman? Where did you two meet?”

She watched Mason for direction, having no idea how he wanted to explain her presence in his life to his friend.

“She was in my life drawing class, Saturday.”

“Saturday? You only met her on Saturday?”

“What can I say? When it’s right, it’s right. You might understand someday.”

Eddy frowned. “I might understand now.”

Uh oh
. She didn’t like the expression on his face, and letting Mason treat him like a kid wouldn’t help. She squeezed Mason’s thigh and interjected, “Eddy, in my country you would not be considered too young to understand. In fact, your roommate and I would be considered too old to be unmarried.”

Eddy leant back in his chair and stared with his mouth open. “Is that what this is about? You’re getting married?”

Katia stammered. “Oh no, I—I didn’t mean that. I…ah, just—”

Mason grasped her hand. “No, like you said, it’s too fast for anything permanent. We just want to live together for a couple of months and see how it goes.”

“Oh.” Eddy’s posture relaxed, and the smile returned to his face. “So where are you planning to live?”

Mason’s voice took on a less confident tone. “Well, here. If you don’t mind…”

Katia quickly added, “And I’ll do the cooking and cleaning. Even laundry if you don’t mind a stranger handling your underclothes. I need a discount from my part of the monthly rent.”

“Well, now it’s getting interesting.” Eddy leant back with his fingers interlocked behind his head and grinned, as if he knew something they didn’t.

“It would only be temporary,” Mason stressed, again.

Why was he making such a point of that? Was it for her benefit? Even though she knew it was true, she didn’t like hearing it several times.

Eddy lounged with one foot crossed over the opposite leg, and his foot wagged while he perused the two of them wearing that same sly smile.

Mason leant towards his roommate. “What’s so funny?”

“Ah, nothing. Look, I’m happy for you, roomie. But in order to make room for Katia in our place—especially the bathroom if she’s like most women with all her bath stuff—I need a favour.”

“Really, like what?”

Eddy beamed a wolfish grin at Katia. “I want you to fulfil a fantasy of mine.”

“If I can, of course, I will. What is it?”

“I want a threesome.”

“Whoa! Hold on, roomie.” Mason leapt to his feet.

Katia grabbed his hand and held him back. “It’s all right. I’m not upset that he asked.”
In fact, I’m unbelievably flattered.
“Let’s listen to what he has to say.”

Mason still glared at Eddy, nostrils flaring. “I hope you don’t expect anything to happen between you and me, dude.”

“Hell, no. I don’t swing that way, either. I just want to share your beautiful lady. Just once. I was thinking about moving out if I can find a job in California. My sister wants me closer since we’re each other’s only family. I didn’t want to leave you in the lurch, so this couldn’t be more perfect. You and Katia can have the place all to yourselves. I just paid my half of the rent for the coming month, and you can keep my security deposit since I’m giving you no notice.”

“You’re kidding.”

“Nope. I couldn’t be more serious.”

“What about in the meantime? Isn’t living with us after the sex going to be problematic? I mean, talk about awkward!”

Katia’s head swirled with different emotions. First, she’d love to be with Mason. Just the two of them, living like honeymooners. That situation would make her the happiest woman on earth, however, she couldn’t pay half the rent on a nice apartment like this after the lease ran out. She was sure of it.

“And what about school?”

Eddy laughed. “I quit. I took just enough foolish classes to know that college isn’t where it’s at for me. I think I’ll be happier with my welding job. If I can get into a union, I’ll make more than a lot of college grads, anyway.”

Mason fixed his gaze on Katia, and she couldn’t read his expression at all. With trepidation, she asked, “What are you thinking?”

A slight smile played at one side of his mouth before he spoke. “I’m thinking this might turn out to be a good solution—for
of us.”

Mason squeezed her shoulder, which she interpreted as a warning not to say any more. She glanced at Eddy, and he smiled at her. When she turned towards Mason, he kissed her. She leant back and studied his face. He smiled and nodded.

The meaningful look she read in his eyes couldn’t mean what she hoped, could it? Using the other bedroom for the baby—if there was one? “I’ll do it.”

Eddy slapped his thighs and jumped up. “Well, if that’s all settled, roomie, I’ll be getting back to school. I have to fill out a bunch of forms to get part of my money back.”

Mason nodded. “Yeah, fine. Listen, when do you think you’ll be moving?”

“I don’t know. I’ll tell my sister it’s a go and let you know what she says tonight. I might be able to move in with her while I’m job hunting.” He shook Katia’s hand. “Congratulations and welcome to the apartment.” Then he waved to Mason and departed.

Stunned, she didn’t know what to say. She almost didn’t dare speak for fear that her hopes would come crashing down around her as soon as Mason said the word
one more time.

He turned her to face him. “Katia,” he said softly but seriously.


“How soon can you find out if you

“I’ll be first in line tomorrow, but I’m worried about affording the rent.”

“I have a meeting on Friday, and if it’s successful, I may be bringing in a whole lot more money. You won’t need to pay rent or waitress as many hours if you don’t want to after that. You could look for a better job, or… Well, it all depends.”

“Wait. I don’t understand.”

Mason cleared his throat and gathered her hands in his. “I’m not going to ask you to marry me. Not yet. I really do want to see how it goes for a couple of months, but after that…”

He stopped speaking. How could he stop there? “And after that?”

“Well, if we still like each other, then…”

Was he trying to drive her crazy? “Then what?”

He smiled and cupped one side of her face. “I think you know. But let’s worry about that after a trial period. If I’m not completely wrong about you, I think we’ll be signing a pre-nup and getting your green card sooner rather than later.”


“Well, yeah. I’m not going into something like this completely blind. If I marry you, I want to know it’s not all about getting your green card and—”

She put her finger to his lips, “Shh…” and waited for him to relax. “I just didn’t know the name for what it was you wanted me to sign. Don’t worry. I wouldn’t marry a man I didn’t love and want to stay with, but I will sign whatever paper will give you peace of mind.”

Mason drew her into his arms and kissed her soundly. When he broke the kiss, he jumped up and held out his hand to her. “Come on, if we want any of this to happen, we have work to do.”


* * * *


On Wednesday, Katia couldn’t wait to see Mason to tell him about her negative pregnancy test. The doctor said that stress and a crash diet could make her miss multiple periods.

On the other hand, this was the day Eddy would move out, and she would move in—after having sex with him. She quivered with an odd mixture of anxiety and anticipation. Eddy met her at the door, wearing a towel.

“Come in, beautiful.”

She couldn’t get over the idea of two men finding her beautiful, and it relaxed her a tiny bit as she stepped inside. “Where’s Mason?”

“Right here,” he called from the kitchen. Wearing only black boxers, Mason emerged carrying three champagne glasses and a chilled bottle. He proceeded directly to Katia and gave her a peck on the lips. “Can you have some of this?”

She nodded, grinning. “I can have all I want.”

He returned her grin as understanding passed between them. He grabbed her and kissed her again, almost spilling the champagne. She accepted one of the glasses. “This is to celebrate, yes?”

“Yes.” Mason poured. Katia downed the wine then wiped the back of her hand across her mouth.

His eyebrows arched.

“I’m sorry. Were we supposed to give a toast?”

“Are you
you’re ready for this?”

Eddy smiled and said, “Ease up, man. She just thought it was Wodka.”

Mason filled her glass again—and once more after that.

“You know you don’t have to do this, Katia.”

“I want to. The more I thought about it, the more I wanted to try it—at least once.”

“As long as it’s fun for
of us.” Mason glanced at Eddy.

“Don’t worry, man. I promised you that if she changed her mind, even in the middle of it, I’d respect her wishes.”

Katia squeezed Mason’s hand. “I’ll be fine.” She giggled. “Maybe a whole lot better than fine.”

When they had all toasted to their new lives, he scooped up her hand and led her to the other bedroom. The one that had been Eddy’s and would be theirs soon. She hoped the champagne buzz would help her handle the unknown.

He opened the door, and she marvelled at a bed larger than any she’d ever slept in alone or with a partner.
Well, that will make it easier.
It appeared that Eddy had made the bed with clean sheets. The scent of fresh linen made the big bed all the more inviting.

At last, they all stripped out of their clothes and tossed them in separate piles. Eddy’s cock was much smaller than Mason’s, and she breathed a sigh of relief guessing that she might be experiencing the first anal sex of her life.

“Lie down, beautiful,” Eddy said.

She scooted to the middle of the bed and reclined stiffly.

Mason got in on the other side. “Are you nervous? You don’t have to go through with it, you know.” The concern in Mason’s voice and eyes touched her.

“A little, but I won’t back out. A promise is a promise.” Wetness between her legs revealed that she was unbelievably excited, too.

“Hey, roomie. Why don’t you relax her a bit, first.”

“Good idea.” Mason vaulted down to her knees, spread her legs and knelt between them. “You look good enough to eat, honey.”

“Oh, yes please. Eat my honey.”

He launched right into lapping up her wetness and swirling his tongue around her bud but never brushed it. She arched and moaned. Eddy slipped in beside her and gently began massaging her breasts, and the combination spiked her desire.

Mason continued to frustrate her clit with just occasional licks, and she jolted each time. Eddy pinched and tugged her nipples. She couldn’t stand much more stimulation without an orgasm so tried to chase Mason’s tongue with her clit. “Come here, you!”

He chuckled, and they moved in for the kill. Eddy bent over and suckled her breasts as Mason lolled his tongue around her clit and kissed it. At last, he fastened onto her clit and flicked it with his tongue. She was so turned on it took only seconds for her to shiver and go off. Luscious circles of pulsating bliss radiated out, and she climaxed hard. Mason and Eddy managed to stay with her, still sucking her, as she bounced and screamed.

When at last she could speak, she whispered, “Dear, Lord. You two are incredible. I want to make you just as blissful as you made me.”

“Really?” Eddy smoothed her hair. “Because there’s something I’ve always wanted to try.”

“What is it?”

He lowered his eyes and his voice. “I’d like to fuck your ass.” Then he raised his head and stared at her with intensity. “But you don’t have to… There’s nothing saying I won’t be just as—”

“Yes,” she said.

Mason crawled up beside her. “Are you sure?”

“I—I will at least try it.”

Eddy stroked her cheek with the back of his hand. “Thank you. I’ll go easy. Tell you what? We’ll relax you with another glass of champagne and another orgasm, first.”

“I don’t need any more champagne. I’m already feeling a little tipsy, but I’ll take the orgasm.”

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