Graham, Jan - Finding Angel [Wylde Shore] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (34 page)

Unlike Daniel, whose room was always in order, Christian didn’t see the need to have a place for everything. Having cleaned both men’s rooms, Angel knew that sometimes the right place for Christian’s items was wherever they fell. Like the fact his dirty clothes were always on the floor next to the dirty clothes hamper rather than in it. She crawled out from under the sheets and walked into the bathroom. As she began to move toward the bathroom, she let out a soft moan. Her pussy was feeling a little tender this morning, more so than she had initially realised. After finishing lunch in the shed, they had all returned to the house to clean up and spent the afternoon in the dungeon where Angel had been bound, disciplined, and thoroughly fucked. Several times in fact. She wasn’t surprised her cunt was tender. A full afternoon of having two large cocks taking turns pounding it into submission was bound to leave anyone a bit sore.

Angel looked in the mirror that ran the length of the bathroom wall. She could feel her pussy moisten as she admired the marks left from the previous afternoon’s play. There were faint lines were she had pulled against the thigh cuffs Christian had placed on her before attaching the spreader bar. Angel knew it had been futile to attempt to close her legs with such equipment in place, but after coming numerous times due to the strong vibration of the Hitachi, she had attempted it nonetheless. She turned to admire the straight, pinkish lines that ran across her butt. Daniel’s skill with the cane had surprised her. She’d been caned before but with Daniel, it seemed different, and she had enjoyed the experience rather than dreading it. She felt a flood of moisture between her legs as she ran her hands over her arse, fingers tracing over the straight, red marks. Daniel obviously had a steady hand and a good eye. The marks he had left on her were smooth, defined, and still visible even eight hours after they had been made. There was a precision to them that Angel had never seen before. Twelve strokes delivered in three sets of four. The sting had been exquisite. Her cunt had quivered in response to each stroke, the pleasure-pain combination of the act increasing her wetness markedly as the discipline proceeded. Angel didn’t really understand the whole pleasure-from-pain scenario. She had stopped trying to figure out why the sting from a cane or bite of a firm hand on her arse aroused her. All Angel knew was that it did, and she was happy to accept that fact as part of her sexual desire and need.

Angel wandered back to the bed and watched both men still sleeping. She would have loved to stay in bed with them again all day, but she knew today was the day they intended to visit their father, and Angel was a tad nervous at the thought. As she stood at the edge of the bed, she wanted to have them both inside her again, but with them having not slept the previous evening, she decided to leave them sleeping and went to the kitchen to make coffee. Angel started the coffee machine and went to look in the fridge. As she leant forward to get the tub of yoghurt from the middle shelf Angel felt a sharp smack on her arse. Her nipples puckered as the cool air of the fridge hit them and the sharp slap to her bottom saw them instantly bud into even harder peaks.

“Good morning, my Angel,” Daniel said as he ran his hand over the marks on her behind. Angel felt a shiver of delight run through her. “Nice marks you have there. I must remember to give you some more.”

“I’d like that, Sir.” Angel turned to face him as she closed the door of the fridge behind her. Before she could say another word, he was kissing her, and she felt herself being pushed away from the fridge back toward the kitchen bench.

“And can I just say I love being greeted by a naked woman in the kitchen of a morning. Does your nudity indicate you want to continue where we left off last night? Is your cunt still wet and ready for me?” he asked, turning her around and leaning her over the bench.

“I’m a bit sore this morning.”

“So are you telling me you don’t want me to fuck you?” he asked, running his hand over her stomach and down in between her thighs, his erection pressing firmly against her back. His fingers slid into her wetness, and she opened her legs to give him greater access to her.

“No, I want…” Before she could finish speaking, he had lifted her onto his cock and was slowly pressing into her. She grabbed for the handle of the overhead cupboard to steady herself, her other hand pressing flat on the bench’s surface. Her feet were no longer on the floor, her lower stomach rubbing the lip of the bench as he buried his cock deep within her. The slight tenderness of the previous day’s pounding increased her awareness of each thrust as she started to moan with the pleasure rippling through her.

He thrust into her faster as her pussy began to spasm around him. Her soft mewlings filled the room as she relaxed farther onto his hardness and began to come. Her cunt pulsed over him and her body shuddered in response to each thrust. Waves of orgasm flowed over Angel. She gasped for breath as she rode each and every plunge into her. She felt like she was in a dream where she was falling, but there was no fear, only wave after wave of pleasure rippling through her. Heat flooded her body as she heard Daniel groan deeply, his body shuddering as his cock filled her with cum. Angel felt her feet touch the floor as Daniel lowered her back down, gently withdrawing from her. Her hand still gripped the cupboard, not sure if her trembling legs would hold her up. She felt his body lean against her as he wrapped his arms around her and held her tight.

“I love you, Angel, and even though you can’t say it just yet, I know you love me, too.” The kiss on the top of her head that followed his statement was so gentle and filled with love she almost cried. She did love him. She loved them both. She just couldn’t tell them yet, not with her past hanging over her head like it was. To declare her love now would mean throwing Daniel and Christian into the firing line with Adrian, should he decide to hurt her. Angel wasn’t prepared to risk their lives in that way no matter how much they loved her. Once Adrian was out of her life, then she would be free to declare her love, but not before.

“So tell me,” Angel said, turning around within his embrace, “does walking around naked guarantee that I’ll be fucked like that again?”

“As long as I have a hard-on like this morning’s, it does.” Daniel laughed as he released his arms from around her and poured the coffee.

“Well, if you can ensure the hard-on, then I’ll guarantee the nakedness.” Angel flashed him a cheeky smile as she opened her yoghurt.

“Oh God, the smell of a naked, aroused woman and freshly brewed coffee filling the kitchen, does life get any better than this?” Christian strode into the kitchen wearing a smile and a pair of silk pyjama bottoms that did nothing to hide the erection underneath them. He planted a kiss on Angel’s cheek and added, “You and me, ten minutes, my shower…No need to dress.”

Angel laughed. She was amazed how she had found these two incredible men. They seemed to have an insatiable appetite for her, which suited her libido just fine. And they loved her. Angel realised it was a perfect combination, love and sexual hunger…It was the stuff dreams were made of. They were so different from each other, but at the same time they supplemented each other perfectly. The thought of being with two men had initially daunted her, but she was beginning to realise that one man probably couldn’t embody all the characteristics that she so desired in a partner.

When Angel had accepted the offer to stay with Christian and Daniel, she had accepted knowing it would only be for a short period of time. She thought the men would have their fun with her, and after finding out where she had come from and what had happened in her life, she would be discarded. After all, Angel had not been a saint and neither had the people she had spent most of her life with.

She had nothing to offer these men in the way of financial support, not that they needed it, and Angel knew there were women that were far more refined and socially acceptable than she was. So far the parts of her life she had shared didn’t faze them, and Angel hoped that once she decided how to tell them about her trouble with Adrian, they would be understanding of that issue as well. It had been one week since she had decided to stay at the house, longer since she had first met them at the club and spoken to them on the phone, and neither man seemed to be getting tired of her. Both men openly declared their love for her, and they hadn’t made any statements about her returning to her own home. Angel had six day left before she needed to contact Adrian and she intended to make those six days count.

Living with Christian and Daniel seemed like the most natural thing in the world for Angel. She was slowly adjusting to the idea of staying with the brothers long term. Even though she had initially been sure that something would happen to change Daniel and Christian’s minds about having her live with them, as the days progressed, she started to become hopeful that everything would work out.

After Christian made good on his promise of shower sex, Angel dressed for the outing to meet Daniel and Christian’s family, in particular their father, Andrew Shore. Angel was nervous as she looked at herself in the bedroom mirror. She wore a cotton sundress fitted at the bodice with small cap sleeves. The dress flowed loosely over her hips and ended at mid calf. The floral pattern of black, cream, and reds wasn’t something she would probably have chosen for herself, but Daniel had picked this dress for her when they had gone shopping. Angel smiled, remembering the look on Daniel’s face when she had stepped out of the dressing room to show him the dress. It was a mixture of delight and lust that made Angel blush, as well as indicating the dress was definitely a winner. She had paired the dress with a pair of black ballet flats and the ruby jewellery that was fast becoming her favourite set of accessories.

Angel had swept her hair up at the front and sides with a few stray curls left around the frame of her face. She had applied a light makeup in natural tones and gloss to her lips rather than a solid lipstick. Angel could see a difference in herself. Even though she had only been with Christian and Daniel a short time, she knew she was different both inside and out. Angel wondered what living in a loving environment on a long term basis would do to her. If the changes so far were any indication, then she would end up glowing.

Already Angel looked more relaxed. She no longer had frown lines beginning to invade her brow, her eyes looked brighter, and the tense, sometimes painful, feeling in her neck and shoulders had gone. Angel found it easier to smile, and she had laughed more in the last week than she remembered doing in her entire life. Her emotions seemed more stable, and the nightmares had been virtually nonexistent except for the ones two nights ago. Talking about the attack and the emotional turmoil of Friday night hadn’t resulted in the stress reactions Angel normally experienced. In any other situation, she would still be reeling from the memories. Nightmares would continue for over a week, she would be unable to eat, constantly feeling physically sick, and every little touch to her skin would have her jumping in fright. This time she was having none of that. She’d had the nightmares for only one night and felt a bit ragged the next morning, but once she was wrapped in the Shore brothers’ arms, life seemed to achieve a balance again. Angel put it down to her feeling safe and protected with both Daniel and Christian.

“Ready to go, beautiful?” She glanced up to Daniel standing in the doorway.

“As ready as I’ll ever be.” She smiled, feeling the butterflies in her stomach turn into stampeding elephants.

Angel hoped everything went well during the visit. According to both men, Andrew Shore was the nicest man in the world. Angel knew they were biased by blood and her experience of fathers hadn’t been a great one, but by all reports, Andrew was a down-to-earth, compassionate business and family man with a good sense of humour. He had been widowed when the boys’ mothers had died in a car accident and re-married about five years after their deaths.

Andrew’s wife,
Denise Harris-Shore, was described as a nice woman, somewhat traditional, and very much in love with their father. In recent years, her semisilent concern at the brother’s choice of lifestyle had morphed into a dislike of both Christian and Daniel.

Denise had decided to blame both men for what Denise referred to as “their stepsister’s decline into amoral behaviour.”

Mercedes Harris had studied business and law at university and paid her way through the five years of study by working as a Madam. Since leaving university, she had built one of the finest BDSM gentlemen’s clubs in the city. Mercedes revelled in being rebellious. She had been a wild child from the moment she had been born, and everyone except Denise knew that Mercedes’s choice of lifestyle had nothing to do with either Daniel or Christian. At the age of twenty-six, Mercedes showed no sign of ever conforming to her mother’s standards of what a nice girl should be.

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