Read Friends With Benefits Online

Authors: Anne Lange

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

Friends With Benefits (17 page)

BOOK: Friends With Benefits
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Angela’s father entered first.

“Hi, Dad.”

He leaned in, kissed her cheek. “Hi, sweetheart.”

“Hey, honey. Is there any beer in the fridge?” Tyler spoke up from behind her father. “Hi, Maggie.” He beamed at her mom.

“Hello, dear. How’s my favorite son-in-law today?”

Tyler laughed. “He’s doing fine.” He nodded toward Connor. “You remember Connor? You met him the other day.”

“Of course. Hello, Connor. It’s nice to see you again. Are you going to join us for dinner?”

Angela closed her eyes. How could she sit there and eat a casual meal with her parents, when her husband and her lover were sitting on either side of her? She opened her eyes and lifted her head. Her gaze bonded with Connor’s. He smiled, back to his old self again, but his eyes held a look of hope, and a question. She knew without a doubt that he wouldn’t stay if she’d be uncomfortable.

“Yes, Connor.” Angela cleared her throat to strengthen her voice. “Please stay. It’s nothing fancy tonight, but there’s more than enough. Are you OK with grilled chops?”

She hoped her parents had no plans to wander around upstairs. If they did, they’d find evidence of their houseguest.

“Sounds better than anything I would have come up with. I think my fridge is pretty empty right now. Thanks, Angela.”

His slow, teasing grin caused goose bumps to form along her arms and her nipples to tingle beneath her shirt.

“Here, bud. Have a beer.” Tyler winked at her and handed Connor a cold bottle from the refrigerator, breaking the connection. “Honey, do you need any help?”

Angela smiled at her husband. “Not in here. Mom’s got the table ready, and I just have to assemble a garden salad. You guys can go outside and start the grill.”

The men filed out the back door to do her bidding. Angela’s heart raced in her chest as she fought to calm her nerves. Until now, the three of them interacted alone. Nobody knew Connor lived with them. She feared they’d give something away.

Would her mom notice her reaction to Connor? She could never stop the arousal from building whenever she and they guys were together. Her pussy quivered and wept. Oh, God. She needed to get through this meal without squirming in her seat or her mother would know something was up for sure. She hoped she wouldn’t notice the erections contained within those tight jeans on both her men.

“I’ve got the table ready, dear.”

“Thanks, Mom.”

“Anything else?”

“If you could slice the tomato and some cucumber that would be great.”

While her mom chopped, Angela completed the remainder of the meal and then got everything to the table. Tyler came in to get the pork chops and then he, Connor, and her dad stood around waiting and talking sports as the grill did its magic.


* * *



Tyler lay snuggled between Angela’s succulent thighs, feasting away on his dessert. Following Angela’s parents’ departure a few hours before, the three of them had hoofed it straight up to the master bedroom. Trying to hide his arousal from his in-laws had been torture for Tyler. Poor Connor had turned down offers of leftovers and a ride home too many times to count.

Now, his wife had one hand gripping his hair, the other fondling her own nipple. Tyler grinned at the sight. In the last couple of weeks, Angela had truly come out of her shell. They’d had sex in the pool, beside the pool, in all the rooms of the house, on most surfaces in the house. She’d had Tyler alone, Connor alone, and both of them together. But she had never had them both inside her at the same time.

Tyler paused, snickering at his wife’s whimper. He took the opportunity to stretch over to the night table, where he retrieved the lube and a couple of condoms.

“It’s time to switch it up, folks.”

Connor paused from his task of sucking Angela’s tits, and looked up. His eyes glowed with excitement. “You sure she’s ready?”

“She’s ready.”

Tyler could hardly wait. He yearned to have Angela sandwiched between the two of them in the most intimate way imaginable. He tossed a foil package to Connor, who caught it one-handed as his other stroked Angela’s thigh. Opening the other package, Tyler removed the condom and sheathed himself in record time.

“Time to roll over, honey.”

Connor shifted out of the way while Tyler helped her flip over and then lift her to her hands and knees.

Beneath his hands, her body trembled. He rubbed his palms along her spine and over her rear. He leaned down and placed a kiss on each globe. “OK, baby, I’m going to open you up now. Try to relax?”

She looked over her shoulder at him, giving him a tentative look. “I’ll try. But I admit I’m a little nervous.”

Tyler smoothed his hand over her flesh, using slow, firm strokes. Holding the container of lube over the crease in her ass, he squeezed out a few drops, letting it run down between those beautiful cheeks. Then he capped the container and dropped it within reach.

He scooped up the oil before it could drip onto the bedding and rubbed it over his wife’s tiny rosette. With circular strokes, he massaged round and round, applying steady pressure with one finger until she relaxed enough that he popped the tip of that finger through the small puckered opening. He pushed the digit in and out of her hole slowly, going deeper each time, warming it up, like he’d done almost every night for the last couple of weeks.

“That’s it, honey. We’ve gone this far before. No biggie, right?”

“I’m OK.”

“Now, I want you to take a deep breath. When you breathe out, push out, too.” As she exhaled, he added a second finger. She stilled for a moment and gasped, took a couple of breaths, but then relaxed again, and with a heavy sigh, dropped her head, so it hung between her shoulders. “Still OK?”

“Oh, yeah.”

“Why don’t I help?” Stretched out beside them, stroking his cock, Connor reached up between her legs to play. Angela rewarded him with a throaty growl of appreciation.

Tyler spread his fingers wide inside her tight channel, scissoring them back and forth. “It’s going to feel so great when I get in here, baby. You’re so hot and tight.”

“Please, let’s just do it.”

“There’s no rush, honey.”

“I don’t think I can wait much longer.” Sweat popped out along her spine, her skin flushed a deep red now.

“Are you sure?”

“I want you to fuck me. Both of you.”

Connor rolled onto his back at the bottom of the bed, his legs hanging over the edge, feet flat on the floor. He grabbed the condom and covered himself. When Tyler drew his fingers from his wife’s ass, she uttered a little cry of disappointment.

“Come here, sweetheart.” Connor reached for Angela’s hand and pulled her over to straddle him. Holding her at the waist, he lifted her up, and then lowered her in slow motion over his stiff erection.

“Oh, shit. That feels unfucking believable.”

Tyler stood back and watched his wife settle onto Connor’s shaft. She eased down, lifted and dropped again, taking another inch. The next time, another. Soon her pussy consumed it. When they were groin to groin, both of them moaned long and deep.

Taking a deep breath, Tyler stepped forward, placed a hand on her back, and, with a gentle nudge, tipped her forward until she lay chest to chest with Connor. “Now, hold still you two.” He squeezed more lube into his hand and worked it up and down his rigid cock. He placed the head against Angela’s opening.

“Now, take a deep breath, Angie, and push out against me as I push in. If it hurts too much, tell me and I’ll stop.”

“I’m good. Nervous, but good.”

He rubbed her back with one hand while he eased forward, stepped between Connor’s spread legs, and tucked up nice and close to his wife’s behind. He teased her opening, brushed the tip back and forth, anticipating the tight glove that would soon squeeze his length. He pushed against her, slow and steady.

She tensed and he paused to caress her back until she settled. Then he continued forward again, this time not stopping until he popped through the tight muscles, the head of his cock disappearing, sliding deep.

His gasp echoed hers.

Tyler’s voice returned to him, strained, on edge. “Hard part’s done, baby.”

He gripped Angela, a hand against each side of her hips, and pulled her back against his groin while he pushed deeper inside her snug ass. So. Fucking. Tight. He restrained his movements, a slow tunneling in and out, as perspiration dripped from his brow.

With two large men settled secure within her body, little room remained. Tyler retreated, sliding out, skimming Connor’s shaft, separated only by their latex and a thin membrane. Angela’s pussy quivered around both of them, rippling along Tyler’s cock, stroking him, forcing him closer to climax.

Tyler slipped back in, this time with ease, and a little more momentum. When his balls slapped against her pussy, she jerked.


“Oh, is right. OK, nobody move for a minute. This won’t last long, and I want to enjoy every second.” He took a few deep breaths to calm the roaring in his ears.

Connor gulped. “Buddy, I’m ready to explode here.”

Connor’s raspy whisper caused Angie to groan. Small tremors ran through her body. Up till now, his friend had kept still, letting her adjust to accommodating the two of them. But Tyler knew he must be feeling the pain of holding himself in check, desperate for the need to fuck.

Tyler pulled out, and Connor surged up. When he dropped back, Tyler drove in. It wasn’t the smoothest rhythm, but it did the job. Moisture trickled down the side of Tyler’s face.

“We want to hear you, Angie. Come on, baby. Scream for us.”

Tyler withdrew and then plunged deep into his wife’s ass. As he thrust in and out, each move drove her down onto Connor.

The crescendo built. Harder, faster, they pumped against each other. Their bodies became slick. Gasps and moans filled the room, growing in volume and pitch with each lunge.

With a grunt, Connor stilled, he eyes squeezed shut, a look of supreme ecstasy on his face. “Oh, fuck,” he shouted, as his body shuddered beneath them.

His release seemed to trigger Angela’s. Her moan turned into a cry that escalated until she screamed.

Her contractions tightened the wall of her pussy and her ass, clutching Tyler’s cock in a death grip.

“Oh. My. God.” Tyler drove into her one last time and then came with hard, harsh jerks, spilling hot, thick streams inside his wife. He collapsed in a heap over her back. What little strength remained he used to lock his arms at the elbows, to keep from dropping his full body weight on top of her. His chest heaved in and out, desperate for oxygen.

“You’re squishing me.”

Tyler attempted a chuckle. His arms felt like wet noodles at his sides. He forced himself to a standing position and withdrew from her warmth. He stumbled to the bathroom, his legs shaking. Grabbing a cloth and soaking it in warm water, he cleaned up, then grabbed a clean one to do the same for Angela.

When he returned to bed, the other two were as he’d left them—sacked out lumps of flesh and bone. He cleaned his wife and then drew her away from Connor, repositioning her to the middle of the bed so they could stretch on either side of her.

Angela flipped onto her side to face Connor. Tyler wrapped his arms around her from behind, securing her against his chest.

“Your hair is in my face.” Tyler blew it out of the way and kissed her shoulder. “That was awesome.” Raising his head the slightest bit, he glanced across her shoulders to Connor. “Buddy, you OK?”

Connor lay sprawled beside them on the big bed with his eyes closed, his chest rising and falling.

“Hell, yeah,” he croaked. “Just need to get my breath back to normal. Angela, honey, how about you? You fine?”

“If I were any finer, I’d be a thread of raw silk.” She imitated a sexy purr low in her throat, but then she grew serious. “We need to figure out what to tell our families. I don’t like keeping secrets from them, and it’s getting harder to pretend all the time. Tonight, I had to stop myself from sitting in Connor’s lap, from showing him affection. I don’t like that.”

Connor rolled to his side and shifted to a sitting position on the edge of the bed. He reached to the floor, grabbed his sleep pants, and hauled them up his legs, standing to adjust them on his hips. Tyler searched his friend’s face, noticed the tic and tightness in his jaw as he clenched his teeth.

Angela glanced up, made to reach out to him, but missed, and her arm fell, bouncing off the bed.

“Where are you going?” She yawned.

The man opened his mouth, then closed it, and shook his head.


“I’m not ready for bed yet. I think I’ll go down, have a glass of milk and watch a little television.”

Tyler’s gut told him that’s not what Connor had planned to say.


Chapter Seventeen



“Let’s go out tonight.”

Angie looked up at Tyler in surprise. “Go out? Where? You and me?”

“And Connor.” Tyler’s brows lifted. “We haven’t been out in a while. I think we could use a night out.”

“But you want Connor to come too?”

“Yes, I do. I think the three of us need to start going out together.”

“What if somebody says something?” Angela worried about the reactions from others. The few times they’d gone shopping or for walks and she’d made the mistake of holding both their hands, people looked at them with strange expressions on their faces. She could only imagine what went through their minds.

“Angie, honey, we can’t stay holed up here forever or only go out in pairs.” His gaze dropped away, and he turned to shuffle through the mail sitting on the table. “I’ve already talked to Connor. He’s up for it. We’ll go over to McCurdy’s for dinner and maybe some dancing.”

“McCurdy’s?” Angie squeaked. “But that’s so close.”

“Yes. That’s the point.”


“Honey.” Tyler dropped the mail and walked over to pull her close, wrapping his arms around her waist. “It will be fine.” He dipped to drop a kiss on her nose. “It’s a pub. It’s a Friday night so it will be busy. It’s dark inside, and I don’t intend to walk through the door announcing our relationship. We’ll grab a corner booth, have some burgers and then move over to the bar for a bit.”

BOOK: Friends With Benefits
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