Read Fifth Vision of Destiny - Brett Online

Authors: Kallysten

Tags: #short story, #romance, #love, #seer, #seduction, #vampire

Fifth Vision of Destiny - Brett (3 page)

Leo only answered when they were standing at
the foot of the bed. “She told us to have fun, didn’t she?” he
asked, an eyebrow raised, as he worked on unbuckling Brett’s

Brett caught Leo’s wrist and gently tried to
pry his hand off the buckle. “I’m not really in the mood for—”

“Well, I am,” Leo said with a teasing grin.
When Brett answered with nothing more than a blank look, he shook
off the grin and leaned in, resting his forehead against Brett’s.
“Listen, if we go to her now, she’ll still be upset, and she won’t
listen to a word we say. Give her half an hour, an hour tops.
She’ll feed, she’ll dance, and when we go talk to her, she won’t
run off the other way.”

“Talk to her?” Brett repeated, disheartened.
“And say what?”

He had thought of what words he would offer
with the rings for days, and that hadn’t turned out so well in the
end. He couldn’t even begin to imagine what he could tell Lisa now
that would change anything.

“I haven’t thought that far yet,” Leo
admitted. He pulled back and started grinning again, his fingers
playing once more with Brett’s belt. His voice dropped to a deep
whisper, as though he were sharing a secret. “Mostly, I’m stuck on
‘blow gorgeous boyfriend.’ Maybe once I’ve gotten past that, I’ll
be able to think more clearly.”

Sighing softly, Brett tried to still Leo’s
hands again, but this time he couldn’t stop him from tugging his
belt out of his pant loops. It fell to the carpeted floor with a
muted thud.

“Leo, I don’t—”

“Do you trust me?” Leo cut in, voice gentle
yet firm.

Without thinking, Brett reached up to brush
his fingers against the two puckered scars on his neck. Leo always
bit in the same place he had that very first night, reopening the
same scars again and again, and touching them always sent flashes
of warmth and lust coiling around Brett’s balls. If there was a
better way to prove his trust, he didn’t know what it was.

Leo’s gaze followed his gesture, and he
leaned closer to press his lips over Brett’s fingers.

“Then believe me,” he said as he pulled back,
smiling softly. “She’ll be in our bed tonight, and she’ll be
wearing that pretty ring.”

As unlikely as it seemed, Brett wished he
could believe it. He
believe it, wanted to believe Leo. At that moment, nothing scared
him more than the thought that he might have upset the balance of
their relationship deeply enough that they might lose Lisa. And
then, it struck him: he couldn’t recall Leo ever disappointing him
in any way. If he was so certain that Lisa would return to them, it
had to mean she would.

Grabbing the back of Leo’s neck, Brett pulled
him forward and crashed his mouth onto Leo’s. He pressed inside at
once, caressing Leo’s tongue and palate and putting all his love,
all his trust, all his gratitude into their kiss.

“Now, that’s more like it,” Leo said,
grinning, when he ended the kiss. His hands were back to the front
of Brett’s pants, and he now made short work of the zipper and
button there. When he pushed the pants down, Brett tried to reach
for the waistband of Leo’s boxers, only to have his hands batted

“Nuh uh,” Leo said with a cluck of his
tongue. “My game for now. Your dick in my mouth, that’s the plan,

It really was difficult to argue with that,
or even find a reason to argue. Letting his arms fall to his sides,
Brett let Leo finish undressing him. His shirt was next, and Leo
only undid the cuffs and two buttons at the top before he pulled
it, then Brett’s undershirt, over his head.

“That’s more like it,” Leo murmured, grinning
his approval of Brett’s compliance. Thumbs hooked over the sides of
Brett’s boxers, he eased them over his bobbing cock and pushed them
down to his knees, along with his pants. “Sit down for me,” Leo
instructed, and there was no teasing left in his voice, only lust.
“There you go.”

One last tug, and Brett’s clothes were on the
floor, leaving him bare as he sat on the edge of the bed, propped
up by his hands on either side of him.

As often as it
had happened over the years, Brett would never tired of watching
Leo slide down to his knees in front of him. He always wore the
same hungry, dirty smile, lips shiny and wet from licking them.

Shuffling forward, Leo rested a hand on each
of Brett’s knees and pushed back lightly, spreading his legs so he
could move between them. “Still worried?” he asked as he closed his
fist at the base of Brett’s cock and gave him a coy look from
beneath his eyelashes.

Before Brett could say a word, Leo leaned
forward, his closed lips pressing against the tip of Brett’s cock
then parting slowly to let it slide in and onto his waiting

Brett made an indistinct noise and brought
both hands to Leo’s head, threading his fingers back through Leo’s
short hair. Eyes wide and mouth open to let out quiet gasps, Brett
watched Leo move lower and lower still. Wet, unrelenting suction
wrapped around his cock, sending sparks of fire coursing through
his entire body until Brett couldn’t keep still anymore. His hips
started jerking forward every so often, and he could feel Leo
grinning around his dick.

When Leo was in a playful mood, he could make
a blowjob last for what felt like hours, bringing Brett so close to
pleasure he was sure he would come, then pulling back, just barely,
and letting him calm down again before starting all over. By the
end of these sessions, Brett was always a babbling mess, pleading
and begging for release, clinging to Lisa as she watched, indulgent
and serene, and more often than not she was the one who finally put
an end to that sweet torture, demanding with a word or a touch that
Leo let Brett come at last.

This time, it was different. There was no
teasing, no delaying. Leo took Brett’s cock into the back of his
throat, cradled his balls in his hand, and there was nothing left
but the constant pressure of his lips and tongue, the contractions
of his throat, the dance of his fingers against sensitive skin.
Nothing left for Brett to do but hold on for this fast ride, and
let Leo take him as high as he ever had.

Moans were spilling from Brett’s lips almost
continuously now, wordless pleas and grunts that only urged Leo on.
From the first night, he had known how to wring pleasure out of
Brett, quickly learning when to add just a hint of a blunt tooth to
that one special spot beneath the crown to make Brett gasp, make
him shudder, make him spill himself onto Leo’s waiting tongue.

Brett cried out as pleasure flashed through
him, his fingers tightening in Leo’s hair until it had to hurt, and
yet Leo never complained. Sucking more gently now, he drew the last
of Brett’s pleasure out of him, and didn’t let one drop of come go
to waste. Leo cleaned up Brett with small licks, then finally
allowed his cock to slip out with a wet sound before standing.

Just inches
from Brett’s heavy-lidded eyes, Leo’s cock tented his boxers, and a
wet spot was widening around the tip. His mind still floating on
pleasure, Brett leaned forward, tracing Leo’s cock with his mouth
through the fabric. Leo raked his fingers through Brett’s hair,
making him look up at him and smiling almost predatorily when he

“Down you go,” Leo said, eyes blazing, and he
led Brett to recline on the bed, then made him move a little higher
toward the headboard.

Still breathing very hard, Brett let Leo
manipulate his body, arranging him like he might have a model
posing for a painting. Leo drew up one of Brett’s feet to rest flat
on the mattress, pushed Brett’s other thigh farther away to open
his body to Leo’s eyes and hands. Only after he had reached for a
pillow and pushed it beneath Brett’s hips did Leo look

Lube was never far from reach. Leo found a
tube and uncapped it with one hand while the other stroked over
Brett’s still-trembling thigh, then his cock. Limp after coming
such a short time earlier, it gave a valiant effort to rise against
Leo’s fingertips, but even that soft touch was too much.

“Please,” Brett gasped, and he wasn’t even
sure what he was pleading for.

Leo didn’t ask. He slicked his fingers then
dropped the tube of lubricant on the bed and shoved his boxers down
his legs before kneeling on the bed between Brett’s parted thighs.
His fingertips were wet and cool as they circled the entrance to
Brett’s body, teasing until Brett couldn’t stop himself from
pushing back against Leo’s hand.

Grinning down at Brett, a grin so wide it
bared his fangs, Leo finally pressed forward, pushing one finger in
slowly, much more slowly than years of sleeping together warranted.
He watched Brett’s face the entire time, and Brett couldn’t help
but be overly aware of how his own eyes widened as Leo’s finger
slipped deeper inside him, or how he pressed his lips very tightly
together at first, and then let them fall open on a quiet, shaky

As though Leo had only been waiting for that
moan, he pulled out, squirted a little more lube onto his fingers,
and slid back in. Three fingers, this time, and no more teasing.
The groans that tumbled from Brett’s lips only urged him on. He
pushed a little harder still, stretching his fingers as wide as
they would go until Brett started seeing stars. Then Leo hunted
down that one spot he was always so very good at finding.

Brett’s hands closed on the sheets on either
side of him. His hips jerked up, and an almost painful jolt of
pleasure shot through his dick as it twitched back to life. “Oh

Leo smirked down at him. “I bet you want to
touch yourself now,” he whispered, his words dark and low like a
dirty, little secret.

Swallowing hard, Brett nodded jerkily. His
right hand was already moving toward his cock, but Leo stopped it
with a cluck of his tongue.

“Don’t. No touching what’s mine.”

He withdrew his fingers from Brett’s ass and
stroked his own cock, spreading what was left of the lube over

That’s what this ring means, isn’t it?” he
asked as he pushed Brett’s legs up and
at him, like his heart and soul were right there,
bare like his body.

“Means you’re all mine just as much as I’m

On the last word, he snapped his hips
forward, pushing his cock all the way inside Brett.

“Oh fuck,” Brett gasped again. “Yes!”

He was already shaking under Leo, blinking
very fast and licking his lips. Leo leaned down for a quick kiss,
then pulled back, almost all the way out—and slammed back in.

The rhythm Leo established was as fast-paced
and unforgiving as his mouth and tongue had been earlier. As Brett
clung to the sheets with both hands and he let Leo fold his body in
two and fuck him hard enough that Brett could have sworn he could
taste it, his cock hardened again on his stomach. Each press of
Leo’s dick against his prostate sent liquid fire pulsing through
his veins, and it wasn’t long before he was moaning continuously.
His eyelids felt heavy, and he wanted to screw his eyes shut,
wanted to feel and nothing more, but Leo’s gaze remained focused on
Brett, demanding his complete attention as Leo continued to pound
into his ass.

Leo never breathed unless he was close to
coming, and his harsh panting, a caress against Brett’s sweat-slick
skin, only pushed Brett closer to his own pleasure.

Without thinking, Brett arched his throat,
offering it along with his blood to Leo’s mouth. He screwed his
eyes shut as he waited for the bite, his entire body tensing,
pleasure coiling beneath the surface of his skin everywhere Leo’s
flesh was touching his, hands gripping his hips, chest pressing
against his, cock sliding inside him as sweetly, as strongly as
Leo’s mouth when it brushed a kiss to his throat. The bite was
quick; Brett came hard, splattering semen over Leo’s chest before
he was even aware of the pain.

Leo didn’t take much blood at all; he never
did. His lips were crimson when he raised his head. He arched it
back as he buried himself inside Brett. He came with a groan that
reverberated through Brett, causing him to shiver against Leo when
he collapsed on top of Brett. Humming quietly, he closed his arms
around Leo’s back, holding him in place even though his weight was
a little uncomfortable. Leo’s mouth returned to the bite marks as
though drawn to a beacon, and he licked the two puncture wounds,
each slow, sensuous slide of his tongue drawing shivers from

Brett wished they could have stayed there
forever, in that cocoon of warmth and contentment, but the more he
tried not to think of Lisa, the faster his disappointment was
returning, chasing away his afterglow. Leo must have noticed Brett
was beginning to tense up beneath him, because he rolled over onto
his side and gave Brett an indulgent smile, the same smile he
always offered when telling Brett he worried too much. Usually,
though, it was when Brett worried about the club, not about

“All right.” Leo pressed a peck to his lips
before he slipped out of bed. “Here’s the plan.” He pulled clothes
from his dresser, glancing back over his shoulder, and said, “You
get something to eat. Then you get dressed, and you come find us.
We’ll probably be dancing.”

He stood there, clothes in one hand, the
other scratching idly at the come drying on his chest, a
conspiratorial grin on his lips, looking absolutely certain that
everything would go exactly the way he wanted. Brett wished he
could have been as sure.

“And then what?” Brett asked, sitting up

A small shrug wasn’t all that reassuring.
“We’ll take it from there. Everything will go fine, you’ll

Leo flashed him a smile before leaving the
bedroom. Lying back with his hands linked behind his head, Brett
listened to the water running in the bathroom. Part of him wanted
to join Leo for that quick shower; another part could only worry
about all that had happened so far—and what was yet to come. Leo’s
confidence was fine and dandy, but that was also his natural state;
Brett had yet to find something Leo could worry about for more than
a few moments. It could have made things difficult between them,
but instead they seemed to balance each other out. Brett sometimes
wondered if Lisa had known this would happen when she had pulled
Leo into their bed. It had all happened very fast, but somehow he
wouldn’t have put it past Lisa to have weighed possibilities and
options in just a few seconds. That was usually the way she made
her decisions, and Brett envied her that ability. Every decision he
ever made was carefully thought out and reasoned—except that last

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