Read Excessica Anthology BOX SET Winter Online

Authors: Edited by Selena Kitt

Tags: #Erotica, #anthology, #BDSM, #fiction

Excessica Anthology BOX SET Winter (90 page)

took off after her leaving Sean and Indy semi-alone in the cargo bay.

do I get a sneak peak?”

took a step closer. “Would you like a sneak peak?”

nodded, smiling down at her.

meet me in my quarters, tonight.” She slipped away, heading up to her quarters.
Inside she set the bag on her bed, and took out the items. She’d purchased some
everyday clothes pants, shirts, and a pair of boots. Then there were her two
other outfits which she hoped where to the captain’s liking.

* *
* *

couldn’t concentrate on anything. The only thing flitting through his head was
Indigo in a sheer frilly dress. A playful scream erupted from the recreation
area. Erin raced a crossed the bridge over head, that connected the rec area
and the galley, giggling the whole way. Behind her ran Indy laughing, and
calling, “You little cheat.”

think that’s all about?” Clair asked.

shrugged, turning back to the electrosetic. “So what do we need to fix this

driver and a electo-spike.” Clair muttered scratching his chin. “A tantric
mobilizer would be great, but expensive.”

we run without it?”

be bumpy but yeah.”

stood, wiping his hands on his pants. “Get Harley, take the raindart and go get
whatcha need.”

nodded and headed to find Harley. Sean looked down at himself, covered in
grease and dirt. Well a quick shower wouldn’t kill him.

* *
* *

paced in her quarters.
Why was she so nervous, she’d done this before
not for herself
, her mind pleasantly reminded her.

the sapphire colored silk over her hips, she looked in the mirror. The bodice
was a lighter shade of blue lace, with the same color roses in the center. She
swallowed, and picked up the cream colored shawl, draping it over her

stomach dropped, when she heard a light knock on her door.

in.” She called trying to keep her voice steady.

door slid open and Sean entered. She smiled, looking coyly away then back to
him. He grinned, moving closer he took her hand and pulled her against him.

are the perdiest thing I’ve seen in the six galaxies.”

gave him a confused look. “Six galaxies?”

He laid a finger over her lips. “No more questions.”

smiled and nodded, as he replaced his finger with his lips. She surrendered to
him, melding her body against his and sliding her arms around his neck. His
tongue parted her lips, diving in to tease and torment hers. As he pulled her
tight against him, she could feel his hardening member through his pants,
against her stomach.

the world crashed down around them, the intercom system crackled. “All hands to
cargo hold, we got visitors.”

Sean let her go and stormed over to the small box next to the door. “Leroy if
this is a joke…”

joke cap’n. The UIA wants a surprise inspection.”

looked over at her with a longing gaze. “Rain check?”


on.” He helped her straighten her shawl then walked down to the cargo area.
Harley, Erin, Lucco, Clair, and Kyle already stood waiting. “Where are Chloe
and Leroy?”

cap’n.” Leroy called from across the way as they headed down to the main area.

turned to Indy. “Remember you’re a pleasure slave.”

course. You might want to…” She pointed down.

thanks.” He straightened his shirt and pants. Trying to make his erection not
so visible. They headed down the stairs. “Le, got the papers?”


open the doors and let in our guests.”

hung back behind the others, as was the place of a slave. Truth was she didn’t
want to be noticed.

bay doors opened and a small group of five men entered. Four wore soldiers
uniforms, the other one wore an inspectors uniform. Sean handed the inspector
the crew’s papers.

your fingers in anything illegal, Casey?”

Sir. All on the up and up.”

inspector glanced at him over the papers. “Oh yeah. There are eight names on
this roster. I count nine heads.”

my newest acquirement.” Sean turned back toward her. “Indigo come here

her eyes down cast she made her way to his side. “I just bought her. Trader out
by Chikio sold her to me. Got a great deal. Receipts in there with the other papers.”

slipped his arm possessively around her waist. The inspector continued to look
through the paperwork, glancing at her.

right everything looks in order.” He handed the papers back to Sean. “Now if
you’ll just show us your new cargo, then we can all get back to what we were
doing.” He smirked.

nodded. “You’re all dismissed.” Looking at Indy he said, “Wait for me

Sir.” She did as she was told.

* *
* *

could you treat her like that?” Chloe demanded after the inspector left. She
whirled on Indy before Sean could speak. “And how could you let him treat you
like that?”

please.” Indy spoke quietly. “I have no papers, if they checked they’d have
found this chip in my head. How else could those be explained? It was the best

still don’t like it.” Crossing her arms over her chest, Chloe sank down on the
arm of Kyle’s chair.

gazed up at Sean, he glanced down at her then around the rec room. “Listen we
take off in the morning I suggest we all get some sleep.”

left with Erin tagging beside her.

you an’ the Cap’n.”

gave her a sharp look.

I ain’t sayin’ it’s a bad thing. It’s just…” She sighed. “He doesn’t have the
best track record with women.”

stopped in front of Erin’s room. “Thank you, Erin, but I’m a big girl and can
take care of myself.”

shrugged, as her door slid open. “Ok, but when he breaks your heart an’ drives
you away don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

smiled, and shook her head, walking toward her own quarters. Erin was sweet but
she was only seventeen. Entering her room, Indy tossed the shawl on the bed and
yanked the dress off over her head. Who was she kidding any way, who really
wanted a convict slave for anything other than a quick romp? Besides, the
captain probably just thought she was accessible, being in close confines
aboard the ship.

hanging up the dress and shawl, she lay down. But hell it would have been nice,
to see if it was different now that she was making her own choices. Her door
slid open, startling her, she pulled the blanket up over her naked body.

stepped inside, turning briefly to seal the door. When he turned back he just

I thought…” She loosened her grasp on the blanket.

corner of his mouth twitched into a smile. “Well I couldn’t wait to cash in.”

smiled, lowering the blanket. “Do you sweet talk all the girls?”

eyes grew wide, as her breasts were revealed. Slowly he removed his boots, and
started walking toward her, shedding his shirt and pants in the process. “Only
the special ones.”

raised one eyebrow skeptically but kept her comments to herself. Tossing the
blanket aside she patted the bed. He crawled in, his cock standing tall and
proud. Indy wrapped her hand around it as he lay down, running her hand up and
down the silky shaft. He groaned, reaching over to stroke her breast then run
one hand down between her legs.

hips jerked forward as his fingers found her clit. Pinching her nipple he
slipped a finger into her wet pussy. She gasped, bucking against it. Removing
his finger he pulled her on top of him. Indy guided his cock into her, giving
herself a moment to adjust, before she began to ride him.

hands cupped her breast as she rode faster, pulling them down so he could suck
on each. His cock hit her sweet spot over and over again. The lack of sex for
both of them, drove them into a frenzied pace. Grasping her around the waist,
Sean rolled so she was on the bottom. Indy whimpered as her orgasm came, fast
and hard, her pussy contracting around Sean’s member. He grunted as his climax
erupted into her, after a long moment he rolled off her.

lay snuggled together for a while in silence. Before Sean got up and began to
get dressed.

we keeping this from your crew? I mean they're all pretty smart and are going
to figure it out, if we keep it up.”

not keepin’ anything from the crew. I don’t care to know their personal
business and I like it if they stay outta mine.” He leaned down, kissing her
lightly on the lips. “We are gonna keep it up, aren’t we?”

sighed looking up at him, as he buttoned his shirt. “Only if you make it

grinned. “You’ve got a deal.”


light giggle came from amongst the crates, then a quick shh. Clair glanced at
Sean, raising an eyebrow. “Who do you think?”

grinned, he knew exactly who that giggle belonged to. After three weeks in
space, he’d heard it quite often, mostly in Indy’s quarters.

through the crates he found Indy and Erin sitting on the floor in front of one.
Indy tipped her head back looking up at him smiling.

his hands on his hips Sean asked, “What do you think you’re doing?”

with the Henkio,” she replied, slipping an apple slice through the bars. Inside
the small purple monkey like creature grabbed and devoured it.

shouldn’t play with them.”

not? According to the papers they’re tame.”

they’re not de-venomed. One bite can kill you.”

Indy jerked her hand back from the bars.

knelt next to her taking her hand. Blood ran down her arm, she jerked away

touch it.” Standing, she ran away.

under his breath Sean took off after her. Hoping she was headed to medbay.

found her alone in the medical bay. “Where’s the Doc? He’ll need to deal with that.
Maybe he can …” He trailed off as he noticed she was running a scanner over her

Doc doesn’t need to look at me. They excrete Laxtico, same thing I do. I’m
immune to it.”

stared at her in shock for a moment. “Say that again?”

turned to look at him. “It’s right on the slave transaction graf. I’m a Jenkio.
I thought you read all the papers that came with me.”

suddenly made just a little more sense. A female Jenkio would be the perfect
assassin. During their evolution the females developed a way of making Laxtico
and secreting as a protective measure.

you could’ve killed me at anytime?”

looked horror struck. “I’d never do that.”

raised one eyebrow, skeptically.

frowned. “If you’re so afraid of me then at the next port have the UIA turn on
the slave chip or sell me.” She stormed past him, leaving him once again
feeling like an ass.

* *
* *

sat on her bed, why did she care what he thought? She wasn’t a monster or a
murderer. A hard knock sounded on the door. Wiping at her cheeks she called,
“Who is it?”



door swished open, and Chloe stepped in carrying a small box. “I have something
for you.”

smiled, as Chloe walked over and sat down next to her on the bed. Taking the
rectangular box she pulled off the top. Inside was a phallic shaped object,
with a wireless remote.

a pleasure bot, mini. Even if you have a partner, sometimes you need a little
alone time.” Chloe winked. Reaching over she asked, “May I?”

nodded, looking slightly bewildered. Picking up the pleasure bot and its
remote. Pushing a button on the remote the thing began to vibrate. Chloe pushed
another and it curved slightly. Pressing the third button the bot began
oscillating. Chloe pressed the first button again and it stopped.

looked from the bot to Chloe. “I don’t know…”

take it, trust me, once you try it it‘ll be your best friend.” She placed
everything back in the box. As she did the door slid open.

looked up to find the captain standing there. Indy felt heat rising to her

your mother teach you how to knock?” Chloe snapped, standing.

didn’t reply, just looked at Indy. “I’d like to speak to you alone.”

nodded. “Thank you for the gift, Chloe. But would you excuse us?”

frowned. “Don’t let him sweet talk you.” Indy nodded, as she left, then turned
her attention to Sean.

edged closer. “What’s that?”


frowned at her, then sighed and sat down on the bed. “I deserve that.”

can’t believe you, said those things.”

He looked up at her. She saw the truth in his eyes, he was confused. “You make
me feel all jumbled. Since you’ve been on board I don’t know if I’m comin’ or
goin’ half the time. I keep findin’ out things about you…”

right.” She sat up a little straighter. “What do you want to know? I’ll tell
you everything I can.”

the ship pitched to the right send everything flying and dumping Sean on top on
her. Over head the loud speaker crackled. “Cap’n your attention is needed in
the cockpit.”

looked down at her. “I’d love to stay here like this, but it appears my pilot
has forgotten how to fly.” Stealing a quick kiss he pushed himself up and got
to his feet.

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