Read Excessica Anthology BOX SET Winter Online

Authors: Edited by Selena Kitt

Tags: #Erotica, #anthology, #BDSM, #fiction

Excessica Anthology BOX SET Winter (26 page)

me get this straight,” he said. “You found a key in the washing up and it
scared the dog.”

regarded her quizzically. “Been at the cooking sherry, have we?”

we haven’t! If you don’t believe me, see for yourself. It’s in the cutlery

went into the kitchen and returned immediately, the key in his hand. He held it
up, and Jack whimpered. “This it?”


did you say you left it?”

the cutlery drawer. You know, cutlery—knives and forks.”

have been at the sherry. It was on the kitchen table.”

looked at him in disbelief.

I put it in the drawer this morning and I was in the kitchen just before you
came home. It wasn’t on the table then.”

shook his head and started to laugh when the expression on her face stopped
him. He walked over and put his arms around her.

love,” he said. “I’m sorry, but it’s only a key. It can’t hurt you.”

know but I don’t like it, Don. Get rid of it. Throw it in the bin.”

walked out of the back door and tossed the key into the dustbin.

it’s gone. Funny though, I think I know what it’s for.”

do? We haven’t got a lock with a key like that!”

have, you know. The shed.”

converted cottage had a long garden at the bottom of which stood an old,
dilapidated wooden shed.

shed? But surely that’s got a padlock on it?”

has. But there’s an old broken lock on the door as well. Come and see.”

walked out into the warm sunshine of the summer evening, and down to the black


pointed, and Sue saw the lock in the door, painted over with the same black
paint that covered the shed. Long disused, it had been replaced by a hasp and a
heavy padlock.

reckon that old key probably belongs to it,” he said.

they started back to the house Sue took his hand in hers.

you very hungry, Don? Would you mind if we eat a bit late tonight?”

don’t mind. Why?”

fancy a drink outside before dinner. I’ll get some wine.”

skipped back up the lawn. Don turned back to the shed door, and ran his fingers
over the lock. Suddenly he was cold. The sunshine seemed paler and he shivered.
Then the feeling evaporated as he heard Sue’s voice. She was walking back
across the lawn, carrying an open bottle of wine and two glasses. She had a
brightly-coloured blanket thrown over her shoulder.

on,” she called. “Help me spread the blanket.”

What’s wrong with the garden chairs?”

don’t be stuffy. You liked the blanket before we got married. Or are you
getting too old?”

dropped the blanket, poured two glasses of wine, and put the bottle down

too old to put you over my knee and spank you if you don’t behave.”


drank half her wine, dropped to her knees and straightened the blanket on the
soft grass.

me top you up.”

gave him her glass and then squealed as Don drained it in one gulp, dropped
down beside her, and turned her across his knees. She struggled as he tickled
her ribs and held her tight.

old, eh?” he murmured. He tickled the backs of her legs and she squealed, and
then tickled her until she begged for mercy.

Don. No more!”

stopped, smoothed his palms up and down her thighs, and slowly pulled her skirt
up to her waist.

red panties! Very sexy. Now then, when I spank you, do I leave them on or pull
them down? How about three of the best with panties on and another three with
them off?”



stroked her silk covered buttocks and as she began to relax he brought his hand
down hard and delivered three sharp smacks.

screamed and wriggled frantically, but he held her tight until she lay still.

for the real medicine,” he said, and rolled the panties down around her knees. He
looked admiringly at the two firm white globes of her arse, caressed the bare flesh
with the palm of his hand and slid his fingers down between her thighs.

very wet, sweetheart,” he whispered as he pulled gently on her pubic hair and
let his fingertips slide into the hot dampness of her pussy. “Why is that, I

sighed with pleasure as his fingers probed more deeply and then groaned as he
took them away.


first.” Sue screamed indignantly and kicked her legs as he delivered three
sharp smacks on her bare bottom. She began to struggle, but stopped as his hand
moved back between her thighs, and his fingertip found her clitoris.

wetter,” he murmured. “Don’t worry, I won’t stop this time.”

spanking had already excited her, and his flickering fingers soon had her hips
jerking across his knees until she came to a shuddering climax. He held her
until her body stopped shaking, pulled her pants up, smoothed down her skirt
and let her go. She rolled away and lay on her back. Her hair was dishevelled
and her eyes were shining.

he asked with a grin.

Come down here!” She stretched up her arms.

lay down, put his arms around her and kissed her. Sue worked her hand between
them and unzipped his shorts.

I love your cock,” she whispered as she took it in her hand. She sat up and
pulled his shorts and pants away then took the shaft in one hand and ran the
tip of the index finger of the other up and down the glans, making him shudder.

hard,” she murmured and squeezed it hard. A drop of pre-come swelled from the
slit and she smeared it across the head with the ball of her thumb. She wrapped
her fingers around the hot swollen flesh and moved them up and down,
agonizingly slowly.

the first time, in the car?”

* *
* *

he remember!
Don had had his eye on Sue for weeks before he worked up
the courage to ask for a date, which had been uneventful—a quiet drink
together and a brief, goodnight kiss.
The second date—a week
later—was a meal in a little bistro. The conversation was stilted, as he
drove back to her flat, Don was beginning to think she wasn’t very interested
in him. Consequently, when she put her hand firmly on his crotch as they waited
at a red light, his head hit the roof of the car.

like to check my men out early,” her voice murmured in his ear. “There’s a
little car park just up here. Nice and dark. Why don’t you pull in there?”

minutes later, her hand was stroking expertly up and down his rock-hard cock,
and he was gritting his teeth as he strove not to come too quickly.

pass the test so far.” Her voice whispered in his ear. “A lovely big, hard, hot
cock. Come on, baby—let it come. I want to feel you coming. I can feel it
swelling, baby. You’re nearly there.”

hand worked relentlessly, and Don groaned. His thoughts were filled with
nothing other than his fast-approaching orgasm.

chuckled. “Nice, Don? Let me give your friend down there a little kiss.”

dropped her head into his lap and, as the climax hit, Don felt her soft lips
engulf the head of his cock, and he spurted stream after hot stream helplessly
into her mouth. Eventually he managed to get the world into focus and saw her
eyes laughing into his.

on,” she said. “My roommate’s away. You can’t even begin to imagine the things
we’re going to do to each other tonight.”

were married six months later.

* *
* *

I’m not likely to forget.”

you still pass the test.”

stopped stroking him, lowered her head, and took his cock in her mouth. She
worked slowly, licking and sucking, sliding up and down on his cock in a steady
rhythm, fingers massaging his balls. Gradually she increased the pace, taking
more of him inside her mouth, sucking harder, her eyes never leaving his.

felt the first warning tingle deep down spreading quickly up through his body.
As he was nearing the brink she stopped, just the tip of his cock between her
lips, fingers tickling underneath his balls.

stop!” His voice was a croak.

She squeezed her hand tightly around his balls and he groaned.

please... please...”

took a gulp from the wine bottle and lowered her mouth on him again with wine
running down her chin. Don’s head fell back at the feel of her cold lips and
she moved faster, sucking harder and harder. Her hand moved under him, her
fingernail probing, and she slid her middle finger into his anus. She moved it
in and out until he shouted out loud and exploded in her mouth. She held him
there, licking and sucking, swallowing the last drops.

I love it when you come in my mouth. Nice pre-dinner cocktail.”

rolled over and sat up. As his eyes refocused, three small, ghastly figures
appeared in front of the old shed. Their empty eye sockets were fixed on him
and fleshless fingers pointed at Sue’s back. He screamed, and fell back on the

* *
* *

somewhere far away he heard Sue’s frightened voice, and he struggled to sit up.

back,” she said. Don kept still for a moment then pushed himself up on to his

happened?” he whispered then as the awful memory flooded back he sat up
abruptly and looked frantically about him.

fainted. Don, what is it?”

clenched his fists and forced himself to calm down. “I’m not sure, Sue. Let’s
get inside.”

poured a large whisky, gulped it down, and refilled the glass. Shivering, he
put off Sue’s questions. He stood for a long time under a hot shower, dried
himself, and pulled on a heavy dressing gown. Sitting in the lounge, he told
her what he had seen. He left out that fact that the figures had been pointing
at her, not at him. They talked for a long time, not eating but drinking their
way through most of the bottle of Scotch. Finally, Sue stood.

on,” she said. “Bedtime. You need some rest. I’ll ring in tomorrow and tell
Charles you’re sick.”

stood and stretched. “I need some water,” he said. “All that Scotch will leave
me with a mouth like a gorilla’s armpit in the morning.”

me some please. I’m off upstairs.” Sue kissed him lightly.

went into the kitchen and switched on the light.

key was lying in the centre of the table.

looked at in disbelief, then picked it up and examined it carefully. It was the
same key he had thrown in the bin, of that he was sure. For a moment, he
wondered if Sue was playing tricks but remembered how scared she had looked
earlier. Eventually he shrugged and dropped it into the pocket of his dressing
gown. He poured two glasses of water and took them upstairs to the bedroom. He
said nothing to Sue about the key, and hung his dressing gown behind the
bedroom door.

slept late. Sue called Don’s boss to explain that Don had come down with a bad
stomach. She took Jack out for his walk mid-morning, and left Don alone in the
house. He took the dressing gown off its hook and reached into the pocket, half
hoping there would be nothing there, but his fingers touched cold metal. He
took the key, went downstairs, and sat on the couch. He turned the rusty piece
of metal over and over in his hands. After a long while, he stood and took down
the bunch of keys from the hook behind the back door. The sun was shining as he
walked down the garden to the shed. He unlocked the padlock and pulled it away.
He pushed and pulled at the door but it wouldn’t shift.

the rusty key from his pocket, he put it in the lock and twisted it. It turned
easily and silently as if the lock was freshly oiled. The door swung inwards.
Don stepped inside, blinking in the dim light. He wrinkled his nose at the
musty smell that held a hint of decaying flesh. A noise behind him made him
jerk his head around, and he watched as the door swung closed with a soft thud.

stood in shock for a moment in the sudden darkness before turning and moving
towards the door, his hand stretched forward.

faint greenish light glowed from above him. Don realized, in a surge of panic,
that he was in not the wooden shed full of tools and boxes but in a stone cave
with a rocky ceiling high above his head. The air in front of him shimmered and
the creature he had seen in the bedroom appeared. Its arm rose, and the
fleshless finger pointed at his heart. Don, terrified, turned to run. He
stopped as he saw he was ringed by a dozen of the child-sized, skeletal
figures, all with their fingers raised towards him.

!” The words came into his mind. “
We don’t want you. We want
and the child.

flared behind Don’s eyes, and he fell to his knees. When he looked up, a figure
stood over him. Its finger touched his head, and Don felt a pain so dreadful
that he fell in a faint on the stone floor.

* *
* *

sweetheart,” said Sue. “We had a good walk, didn’t we Jack?”

jerked awake on the couch as Jack leapt up and licked his face.

wrong, love? Were you dreaming again?”

Uh... yes...” Don stuttered. His mind was whirling. “No, it’s all right. I must
have dropped off.”

jumped to his feet. “How about a cup of tea?”

said Sue, “if you’re so lively, how about sorting out a problem in the kitchen

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