Read Excessica Anthology BOX SET Winter Online

Authors: Edited by Selena Kitt

Tags: #Erotica, #anthology, #BDSM, #fiction

Excessica Anthology BOX SET Winter (25 page)

pushed me over and pinned me underneath him. “You like the penetration huh? I
can give you more.”

Already?” I felt his hardness pressing against my thigh. Yup, he was ready to

your blood inside me I can go over and over again all night long.”

my blood made a vampire more energetic and powerful, this strange side effect
I’d have to think more about later. “Yeah? Well this round, I’m on top.” I
playfully pushed him over and crawled on top of him. I leaned over and kissed
him tasting me and my blood on his lips. I scooted down until I bumped into his
hard shaft which I quickly slipped into my wetness. A moan of pleasure escaped
my lips as he filled me.

was hotter and harder than before. My blood pumped through his veins. I hoped
he wouldn’t have any lingering side effects. I hadn’t considered that before,
that my blood might do strange things to him.

wasn’t a monster; he was a man that had saved my life. A normal man might have
killed to save me too, maybe not with fangs but with a weapon. It wasn’t any

loved Logan and prayed that he would still love me when he found out the truth
about who and what I was. At least he began life as a human. I hadn’t. Not
really. There was so much more to my story than I was ready to tell him.

should have told him all of it right then.

had stopped moving on top of him lost in thought. He sat up, “Shannon, what’s

I said as I drifted out of my thoughts and back into the pleasure of his body.
I pulled him closer wrapping my arms and legs around his hard, lean form. “I
just wanted to get a little closer to you.”

you had to do was ask, baby.” He snuggled under my hair and kissed my neck
where he had bitten me. The flesh was tender and the sensations he aroused in
me were amazing.

doing that and you can do whatever you want.” I moaned into his hair as my hips
swiveled on his lap. The pleasure was intense. It was no time for talking. I
rode him until I could think of nothing but the friction and feeling between

tell him some other time that I was the result of one of the society’s rituals.
That I am the daughter of a demon.





has been a closet writer for years but has just recently started publishing her
work. She writes everything from articles, to poetry, to web content. Her
writing has appeared on many websites including She has been
published in Playgirl and Forever Underground magazines and in several e-zines.
Currently she is a writer and editor at and a columnist at



The Key

Jim Baker


woke slowly, his mind still floating in a nightmarish dream of the past few
hours. He closed his eyes and tried to remember what it had been about, but it
remained just on the edge of his consciousness—he had been terrified but
no way could he remember why, or what it had been that frightened him so badly.
He shook his head, stretched his arms wide, then smiled as his fingers brushed
against the warm body lying beside him. They had been together for only a few
months, and he still wasn’t fully used to having Sue in bed with him when he

rolled towards her, lifted the sheet, and feasted his eyes on her firm round
breasts with their small pink nipples. He pulled the sheet away slowly until
the golden patch between her thighs was revealed, and then her long, slim legs.
His cock stiffened at the memory of being deep inside her, with her heels
rubbing up and down his spine as she wrapped herself around him and urged him
on, deeper and faster until he exploded in ecstasy.

bent and took a nipple between his lips, sucking and running his tongue around
the flesh as it stiffened. Sue came awake slowly, yawning and stretching. Don
walked his fingers down her stomach and rubbed them in the soft down. Her legs
moved slowly apart. He nipped her nipple with his teeth and she gasped. Her
deep violet eyes focused, and she smiled.

lord and master wants more? After last night?”

had gone to bed early and made love for hours, eventually falling asleep in
each others arms.

Sunday morning, wench,” Don said. “All married couples make love on Saturday
nights and Sunday mornings. It’s the law.”

fingertip found her clit and she wriggled her body on the sheets as he stroked
it slowly.

we mustn’t break the law.” She kissed him and it was his turn to gasp as she
wrapped her fingers around his cock.

so hard, my lord?” Her hand moved up and down.

lay together, kissing and teasing, hands moving slowly, until Don moved his
mouth down over Sue’s neck, and back to her breasts.

are you going now, my lord?” she whispered, as he moved still lower and his
cock slid from her fingers.

breakfast, wench. Be still!”

knelt between her legs, and she moaned softly as he sucked on her pussy lips
and flicked his tongue in and out of her vagina.

yes, sweetheart, yes! God, that feels so good.”

licked her pussy in long, slow strokes, working up until his tongue was
touching her clitoris. Then he slipped a finger inside her, then another,
worked them in and out, and then flicked his tongue faster and faster across
the hot button. Sue’s body began to writhe on the bed.

baby, don’t stop, I’m so close!”

moved with her, fingers pumping hard, then took her swollen clit between his
lips and sucked it hard.

Oh, fuck! I’m coming…ahhh!”

liquid splattered Don’s face as Sue ground her pussy against him, then she
slumped back, her eyes closed. Don sat up, savouring the sharp, bitter-sweet
taste of her juice and looked down at her. Her long, blonde hair was in a
tangled mass, and her face was flushed and gleaming with sweat. He took her
hard nipples between his fingers and played with them until she opened her

gorgeous bastard,” she whispered. “That was fabulous. Come here!”

straddled her, moving up until his cock was settled in the valley between her
breasts. She pushed herself up on one elbow, took it in her hand and kissed the
tip, then put out her tongue and lapped up the tiny pearls of pre-come oozing
from the tip, like a kitten drinking cream. Lifting herself a little higher,
she took the head in her mouth and sucked it hard, released him and licked her

you taste nice.”

looked up at him and grinned.

face is all wet, sweetheart. Come down here and kiss me. I want to taste both
of us together.”

slid down, put his arms around her and kissed her, tasting the saltiness of his
pre-come mixing with the sharpness of her love juice. He slid his tongue
between her lips and she sucked it fiercely, while her hand found his rigid
cock and stroked it. Finally she pushed him away, her hand still working.

make you a promise, my lord,” she murmured. She pulled hard on his erection and
he groaned. “I’m going to suck this guy until there’s not a sperm left in your
balls. I love it when you come in my mouth. But right now you’ve got me feeling
so horny I must have him inside me. How would you like me, my lord?”

chuckled. “On your knees, wench.”

sat up and she knelt facing the end of the bed, thrusting her firm round
buttocks high in the air. Don needed no further invitation. He settled behind
her, and admired the two glossy globes. Her pussy lips were red and swollen,
glistening with the juices of her recent orgasm. He stroked the taut skin and
rubbed his fingers up and down her hot, slick slit. She groaned in frustration.

on, Don. Please. I want you inside me. “

reached around, cupped her breasts in his hands squeezed them hard as he eased
his cock between the fleshy lips of her pussy. She groaned softly as it slid
in, inch by slow inch, and Don closed his eyes and relished the feel of the hot
tunnel of flesh closing around him. When his whole length was buried inside her
he flexed his cock, hard, and heard Sue moan as her vaginal muscles clenched
around it. She forced her buttocks back against his balls, for a moment they
were still and then he began to move. Slowly at first, he eased back until just
an inch remained engulfed and then moved forward, burying himself again in the
hot, velvety flesh. Steadily he increased the pace and Sue began to moan, deep
in her throat, as she pushed herself back to meet each forward thrust.

baby! Harder!”

was panting for breath and the bedsprings twanged in protest as Don rammed his
cock in and out.

Don, it’s starting again, I’m going to come, touch me, please, touch me.”

dropped one hand between her thighs and she bucked and screamed when his
fingertip found her clit. He strummed the hot nub of flesh as he felt his own
climax beginning to build and Sue began to babble incoherently.

baby I’m coming don’t stop oh god yes…yes…yes!”

liquid drowned his thrusting cock and he felt himself rapidly approaching the
point of no return. Don opened his eyes—and screamed at the sight of the
small, grotesque skeletal figure standing at the end of the bed. Its empty eye
sockets were trained on him as it raised an arm, and pointed at Sue’s head with
a long bony finger. For a moment he was back in his nightmare, then all went

* *
* *

what is it? Are you all right?” Sue squeezed his hand between hers as she sat
beside him, her face white and scared.

was a kid!” Don croaked the words as he lay shivering on the bed.

figure had vanished when he screamed, and he had fallen back on to the bed with
his erection shrivelling to nothing.

do mean, sweetheart? What kid?”

was at the end of the bed. It was a like dead child, a skeleton, and it moved.
You must have seen it!”

shouted the last words and Sue put her arms around him.

love. I didn’t see anything. I had my eyes closed until I heard you scream.”

half-smile crossed her face. “I was a bit busy at the time. You must have
imagined it. Did you have a bad dream last night? You woke me up once with all
your thrashing about.”

I did have a nightmare,” Don admitted. “But that thing seemed so real.”

had stopped shivering but still felt cold and the picture of the ghastly figure
stayed in his mind’s eye. Sue squeezed him.

was a memory from your dream, sweetheart,” she murmured. “It wasn’t real.”

moved slowly, breasts rubbing across his chest.

me take your mind off it.”

took his cock between her fingers and played with it, cupped his balls and
squeezed them, teeth nibbling his ear.

see if I can get my friend working again.”

kissed his forehead, his eyelids, his mouth, and ran her tongue down his chest.
Her teeth nibbled first one nipple, and then the other. Don felt warmer as a
feeling of arousal spread through his body and his cock grew in her hand. It
twitched as she ran a fingernail up the glans and across the slit, and Sue
laughed, softly.

he looks better, and he feels better,” she murmured. “I wonder if he still tastes

new pearl of pre-come had formed on the tip. She flicked it off with the tip of
her tongue, and then took the whole length of his cock into her mouth. She held
it there for a long moment, and then moved back until just the head remained.
Her tongue flickered back and forth as she sucked hard. She began to work in
earnest, her head bobbed in a steady rhythm while she jacked the base between
finger and thumb. Don kept his eyes closed and was losing himself in pure
pleasure when she slid back up the bed and planted a sloppy kiss on his lips.

back inside me,” she said.

rolled over, and pulled him on top of her. She was soaking wet, and he slid
into her in one easy movement—his cock was engulfed in hot, gripping
flesh. Her legs clamped themselves high around his back as she urged every last
inch of him into her.

Don, quickly!”

body arched up to his as he began to thrust back and forth with long, steady
strokes. Don increased the pace as her voice panted in his ear and the
bedsprings creaked as he rammed into her.

Don, really hard! Harder!”

moaned, and dug her nails into his shoulders, urging him on, writhing under
him, and Don became lost in a world where there was nothing but the pounding of
his cock in her hot, tight cunt. He felt his orgasm begin and was only dimly
aware of Sue’s voice as he hammered into her.

Christ, Don... I’m going to come!” Sue babbled as her nails dug into the flesh
of his back. “Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck...!”

gave a long, ecstatic scream as Don came in a blinding flash of pleasure,
pumping frantically inside her. His climax seemed to go for ever—jet
after jet spurted from his cock until, finally, it ended and he collapsed
across his wife’s body. He lay exhausted, clamped in her arms and legs, and
felt her milking the last drops from him. At last she stopped, and he slid out
and lay back. She propped herself on one elbow and looked down at him.

She laughed and kissed him lightly. “I bet that made you forget the monster.”
She got up and pulled on her dressing gown.

make some tea.” As she opened the bedroom door, she turned her head. There was
a mischievous look on her face.

Sunday don’t forget. We can stay in bed all day. And I haven’t forgotten my

smiled but the word
had made him feel cold, and he shivered.

* *
* *

morning dawned, and sunshine was streaming through the kitchen window making
rainbows on the soapsuds as Sue washed the dishes. She grinned to herself as
she thought back to the previous day. She had kept Don in bed until
lunchtime—kissing, licking, and fucking. Finally she kept her promise and
sucked him slowly to his fourth orgasm of the morning, after which he pleaded
fatigue and begged for mercy. Even so, it hadn’t stopped them making love twice
on Sunday night, and once more this morning before he went off to work. She
rubbed her thighs together and savoured the deliciously sore feeling.

more was said about the ghostly figure that he had seen at the end of the bed,
and Sue assumed that he had accepted it was a flashback to his nightmare. Now
it was ten o’clock, and she had the house to clean before taking their cocker
spaniel, Jack, for a walk in the park. He was sprawled under the kitchen table,
one eye open, following her every move.

took the last saucepan from the sink, put it on the draining board, and pulled
the plug. She watched as the water drained away, and then looked more closely
at the mound of suds. She turned on the cold tap and stared in surprise as the
water washed the suds away to reveal a large, rusty key. She reached into the
sink and picked it up, holding it cautiously between forefinger and thumb. It
was heavy, and old, and Sue was quite sure she had never seen it before. She
bent over and held it out to Jack.

do you think, Jacky?” she said. “Maybe you know where it came from.”

little dog stretched his nose forward, and sniffed. Then, to her surprise, he
backed away, stiff-legged. Sue watched in amazement as he bared his teeth,
growled deep in his throat, and slunk out of the kitchen into the lounge with
his tail down. She dropped the key and ran after him. She found him huddled
under the coffee table, quivering. She dropped to her knees, called him and
eventually he crept out and relaxed as she petted him. She sat with him for a
while then went back to the kitchen. She picked up the key, put it into the
cutlery drawer, and slammed the drawer closed.

rest of the day passed uneventfully and, by the time Don came home, Sue had
forgotten about the key. He changed into a T-shirt and shorts and she remembered
it only when he mentioned that Jack seemed a bit jittery.

she said. “Did you leave a key in the kitchen last night or this morning?”

Which key? Have you lost one?”

I haven’t lost one. I found one.”

told him what had happened. Don looked at her carefully when she finished. Sue’s
love of practical jokes was on a par with her appetite for sex, and he was
always wary of being set up.

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