Dylan's Reaper: Soul Reapers #3 (7 page)

I tripped,

she spat.

Let me carry you.

I did not wait for a
reply as I swept her up in my arms. It felt like the most natural thing I had
ever done each time I did it; like she belonged there. The journey was too
short from the bathroom to my bed as I sat her down. Her towel slipped open
revealing two of the perkiest breasts I had ever seen. Full, pink nipples
hardened from the chill peeked out before she covered herself back up. My cock
swelled at the sight.

Let me get you a t-shirt,

I offered, stepping
away from the bed. I helped her put a clean one on. Dylan hissed in pain as I
removed the plastic bag from her cast.

take these,

ordered, handing her two Advils that Emma had left. Without argument, Dylan
popped them in her mouth and washed them down with the water I handed her. As I
took the glass, Dylan watched me out of the corner of her eye with her arms
crossed firmly over her chest. She was still upset.


I started only to earn
a scowl as her eyes met mine.

In the bathroom
. . .

I tried to explain, but
was interrupted by her.

You don

have to explain. Let me guess. I disgust you. Or is it you feel pity for what
was done to me? Or better yet, you don

want to hurt me any more than I have already been hurt? Is that it?

Each comment more
snarky than the last.

You know what. It doesn




I argued.

Yeah. Ok.

The little attitude she
was throwing my way was new, but affected me like any other interaction with
her. It made me hard as a rock.

You are.

I tugged on her right
arm until I freed it and placed her hand directly on my hard dick.


disgust me. I don

t pity. And I know I

hurt you. So yes. YOU. ARE. WRONG.

My hand snaked to the
back of her neck and my lips crashed into hers. Dylan squeezed my cock
eliciting a deep moan out of me. Her tongue darted into my mouth. The taste of
her exploded on my tongue. I took command of the kiss as I pushed her back into
the bed. Being extra careful so that I really did not hurt her, I kept my weight
completely off of her. She moaned as her good hand snaked under the t-shirt I
was wearing, and ran up and down my chest before reaching for my cock again.

Greedy little thing,

I teased as I trailed
kisses along her jaw and onto her neck. I felt a swat on my back and heard a
giggle from my girl.
MY GIRL. Damn straight.
 I continued to kiss down
her body as I pulled her t-shirt up and over her breasts. For a moment I paused
to take in the beauty before me. Yes, her creamy skin was slightly bruised and
battered, but what I saw still mesmerized me. I wanted nothing but to ram into
her over and over again as she screamed my name, but I knew that I had to wait.
So I settled for a taste that I knew would bring me back for seconds.

Her nipple pebbled as I lavished it with attention
from my tongue and mouth. Palming her other breast drew a moan from Dylan as
she arched her back, pushing her nipple further into my mouth. I released it
with a pop, before moving on to the other one. My tongued swirled around her nipple
until it hardened into a peak. Her moans grew more frequent as I traveled down
the rest of her body with open mouth kisses. Placing a small kiss on her hip
bone, I ran my middle finger through her pussy lips. Her back bowed off the bed
as her moist desire covered my finger. My mouth found her clit at the same time
my finger entered her. Dylan continued to cry out as I built her up slowly. Her
taste like no other; sweet with a hint of spice. I added a second finger as my
tongue continued to explore her clit and lips until I felt her walls clamp down
around my fingers, trying to pull them deeper into her body. I latched onto the
bundle of nerves where she needed me most and sucked hard as I fucked her with
my fingers. Her hips came off the bed as she fucked them back, crying out my
name as she exploded around my fingers. I lapped up everything she had to give
as her body came to rest. 

Making my way back up her body, I found her eyes at
half-mast and her body limp as I placed a soft kiss on her lips. She whimpered
as she gingerly turned on her side and breathed,


There was no reason to
argue, so I lay behind her as she curled into my body. Discreetly, I adjusted
myself so that my raging hard-on would not spear her ass as she napped. For I
knew there was no way I would be able to get any shut-eye, especially when she
continued to rub her ass against me as she burrowed deeper. I groaned at the
same time she sighed. Her breathing evened out immediately as she slid into
sleep. My arms found their way around her as I let my breathing match hers.
Ever so slowly I could feel each muscle relax as each breath brought the scent
of her into me. Before I knew it, I drifted off with the thoughts of how to
keep that scent with me every night.





I came awake slowly, cocooned in absolute warmth. A
sexual satisfaction still hummed in my veins from earlier, and a deep breath
told me that my heating blanket was the man who continued to surprise me at
every turn. How I wished I had met him under different circumstances, in a
different place.

Trying to catch him unaware, I carefully rolled over
in his arms happy to find him still sleeping. He looked younger in his sleep,
his face relaxed. I realized I did not even know how old this man was that
shared my bed every night . . . well actually his bed every night. Someone was
there for me when I needed him the most. I was finding that the more I relied
on him, the less of a burden this all felt. I knew if I continued to let him
grow on me, he would become that root that bounded me here. Could I let that

Ever-so-slowly I traced his jaw with my fingertips,
then up the side of his face, and through his hair.

that feels good.


gruffy-just-woke-up timbre was something that struck me deep in my core every
time I heard it. I squeezed my thighs together to help against the burn I could
already feel building.


I said shyly. Images of
what we did earlier, about how I pretty much threw myself at him, played in my
mind. The images, along with his scent, were making my body pulse with need.

Hi Princess.

His scruff made contact
with my cheek as he buried his nose into the crook of my neck. I wanted things
to progress, but was too afraid to show him how wanton he made me.


know which is harder,

he murmured into my neck.


thinking or my cock.

I giggled.

are too much.

No you are,

he crooned as he rolled
on top of me.

What I won

give . . .

voice trailed off as he kissed up my neck and along my jaw. A quick pump of his
hips told me he wanted me as much as I wanted him. Longing for this man flooded
my core as I rotated my hips to place his hardness where I needed him most.


stopping you?

challenged. His eyes found mine as he whispered a kiss across my lips.

You are,

he said as we locked
lips in a soul-shattering kiss. I gave him access the minute his tongue touched
my lips. He growled as he took control, deepening this kiss until I was
undulating against him. He broke the kiss as quick as he had started. I opened
my eyes to find him looking deep into them.


Knox knew exactly what
I was asking, because he answered immediately.

You still leaving.

It was both a statement
and a question. I took my lower lip between my teeth to stop myself from saying
no, and slowly nodded yes instead. 


He paused before asking,

I even factor into that decision? Well me and this,

he said as he rocked
his hips once, twice, a third time against my clit, making me forget the
question. I moaned as he slammed his mouth over mine taking me in another deep
kiss. We were rocking against each other again when a knock on the door had
Knox lifting up off of me.


He hollered as he



he ordered, pinning me
with his hungry gaze.


dream of it,

cooed as I licked my lips trying to entice him back to me.

You are so bad,

he growled. Turning
towards the door, he adjusted himself right as he cracked the door open.

I heard a feminine voice and then Knox say,

us a few minutes,

as he closed the door.

Well Princess,

he started.

doc is here to check on you and I have a shift at the gate, so I better get

So soon,

I pouted. My hands ran
over my body from my breasts down to my apex of need.


stay for just a little longer?

You really are bad. And no I can


Knox shook his head at
me before disappearing into the bathroom. A few minutes later he reappeared in
a plain, white t-shirt that hugged his muscular torso and arms like a second
skin, making me insanely jealous of a piece of cotton. After putting on his
cut, Knox stalked over to the bed like a predator looking at his next meal.


he instructed. A
customary kiss on the forehead was all I got. My body still primed from our
time together wept as he closed the door leaving me only my fingers to relieve
the ache.





Even bringing myself to orgasm twice did not put a
stop to the throbbing I felt between my legs. I knew Knox held the cure to the
yearning that heated my blood. But did he factor into my equation of whether I
stayed or not? That was an excellent question. And what about everyone else?
Colton was proving to be the type of family I had always wanted, but Wesson was
still standoffish. Or I was keeping him at arm

length? A quiet knock pulled me from my thoughts. A sense of accomplish overcame
me as I walked to the door, finally able to get out of bed and do it myself.


Logan said shyly as I
peered out of the door.


Logan in case you don

t remember, and I have
Doc with me.

Come in.

I opened the door as I
took a step back, allowing them to enter the room.


Hello Dylan. It

good to see you up and about. How are you feeling?

A lot better,

I answered.

stiff, but I am hoping you clear me so that I can start moving around and leave
this room.

Or prison.

Well let

have a look.

even half an hour later Doc gave me the go ahead I needed to escape the bedroom
with strict instructions to ease myself back into activity.

Do you feel like getting out of
this room?

asked, probably already knowing the answer.

That sounds like a fantastic idea.

We both laughed.

Come on, let

go grab something to eat downstairs so you can get a feel for the place and
meet some new people,

suggested Logan.

Sounds good to me,

I agreed as I followed
her out into the hallway. A twinge of excitement and anticipation zinged
through me as I came to the top of the steps and looked down into the main
clubhouse area. Although it was laid out in similar fashion to the Night Demons

place, it had a much
different feel to it from the one time I had been there. There was brothers
hanging around the bar and pool table, and women, lots of women, lounging with
them. They were mixed and mingled among the brothers, laughing and probably flirting.
Sam had told me how the Night Demons made their old ladies wear


cuts, but everyone here
wore normal clothes, so I had no idea who anyone was. I had heard stories from
the other girls working at the club that to make it into a Night Demons

parties you had to come
half naked. But here, the women seemed to be treated as people and not
possessions or holes to stick their dicks in. It was refreshing at the same
time it was alarming. I could get used to this! I could see myself here, among
these women and the men they loved.

As we descended the steps, all eyes were on me. I
felt my cheeks flush with the attention. Colton left his game of pool and met
us at the bottom of the stairs.

are my two favorite ladies,

he said, putting an arm around each
of us.

to see you up and about kiddo.

Colton gave me a brotherly squeeze
and a kiss on my forehead, as he led us over to a large table where a couple of
brothers were eating.


Colton got all of their

I would like to introduce to you my
baby sister, Dylan.

A round of hellos went out as Colton
pulled out seats for Logan and me.

Thank God you are here.

I turned to see another
woman approaching us with a beast of a man walking behind her. His eyes the
darkest I had ever seen, like you could stare into them for a lifetime and
never see light.

Hi I

Campbell, Logan

s sister,

the cute strawberry
blonde said, introducing herself.

this is Tank.

gave me a nod, before turning his eyes to her. Those hard eyes instantly
softened, showing the faintest hint of light around the edges.
was obviously head over heels in love with this bubble of energy who apparently
had not stopped talking the entire time I was watching Tank and her.

So yeah, the Hellhounds are a bunch
of assholes.

Cam. Language please,

Logan scolded, but I
could tell that it was an old lesson that Logan was never going to succeed on
with Campbell.


drew out Campbell.

So they took you too?

Yep. Me and Logan. And then me again
when Tank and I were trying to get back here.

Holy shit,

I exclaimed.


Campbell, Logan, and I
were all shaking our heads in agreement.

Although I would love to rehash the
most chaotic month of my life, between what has happened to the three of you, I
think I am going to pass and go get some food,

Colton said.

Ditto brother,

came a voice so deep I
could have sworn the floor shook from the bass of it. I looked to see Tank
frowning down at us, but then Campbell turned to him and a grin split his
serious expression.

Grab me a banana, or apple, or
whatever is right there . . . please.

Her grin was
infectious. Campbell was really cute.

Sure Sunshine.

Beautiful, want anything?

Colton had his hand on


Just a bottle of water.

He nodded to confirm at
the same time he said,


I did not realize
Colton was talking to me until the entire group fell silent. Startled, I looked
to him to find him intently staring at me.



I stumbled.


he responded before turning
to follow Tank to a door that I was assuming led to the kitchen.


I said in awe of how
amazing it felt to hear him call me sis.

I know right?

I laughed at Campbell

response and Logan

s expression as she
followed my brother with her eyes, because they both took what I said as
something else. These girls were both so in love with the men who just walked

Liking my big brother, huh?

More like madly in love,

Campbell replied,
confirming what I thought.

Something like that,

Logan tried to shrug it
off, but you could tell she did really love my brother.

How did you guys met?

From the smile that lit
her face I knew it was a good story.

Cam and I moved into one of the
Soul Reapers

which happened to be next door to Colt. We hung out for a while . . .

Cam interrupted,

they had a lot of hot sex.

Campbell Eleanor.

What? It


I laughed again at
their sisterly exchange.

Sooooo. We hung out and were
getting pretty serious, when a group called the Iron Knights took Cam and I.
They had been hired by the Hellhounds and Soul Reapers to find our dad, but he
went to ground and no one could find him. They found us instead. Wesson had
been trying to follow some leads so he wasn

really around when Colt and I first started hanging out, so when he agreed with
Crazy Z to have the Iron Knights pull us in, he had no idea.


Just wow.

I know. It gets even better. The
Iron Knights put us in separate tents and let each of the Presidents come in
and check out merchandise. I had Crazy Z first.

The fucking insane glass-eye devil

Cam interrupted.

Yeah I got to know him pretty well
while I was with the Hellhounds,

I commented.

I bet,

Campbell and Logan said
at the same time.


they called out and
pointed at each other. I found myself laughing at them again.
I like these
two . . . A LOT.

And then . . .

I continued, trying to
bring Logan back to her story.

Yeah, so when Wesson came in I knew
instantly that he was related to Colt, because of their eyes . . . well yours
too. We talked and next thing I know Colt is there. Tank took Cam away from the
craziness. I got home with Colt, but the Hellhounds went after Cam again,
because it was just the two of them. But Tank saved her. Then Z reached out to
me letting us know they had our dad. When the brothers saved dad, they saved
you too.

That sparked the memory that they just recently lost
their dad.

Sorry about your dad.

And I was. No one
should lose a family member to violence, no matter what brought it on.

Thank you,

said Logan, as Cam
nodded at the same time.

So enough about us. Your turn.

Ummm. Well. Nothing much to tell

Shit! I could not tell
these two women that I willingly went with the Hellhounds to then be dropped
off with the Soul Reapers to spy on them and report back to the Night Demons.
But I did not want to lie either. So I stuck to the truth.


from a small town. My mom is a bitch.

Both laughed at that.

worked at a bar together. She was the manager, but before that she was a
stripper. I was a bartender who stripped when someone was sick or there was
time that needed filling.



Jesus Cam, lower your voice. Sorry
about that,


No apologies necessary. I would not
say I was a stripper, but I have stripped before. The money is good and I
mostly did it when the bar was in a bind or if a party,

. . .
AKA the Night
Demons or Samael
 . . .

requested me

You gotta teach me. Please,

Cam pleaded.

wanna learn your moves,

she said as she shimmied in her seat.
Logan joined me this time as we both laughed at her. 

Can I watch?

The question had all of
us looking over to the rest of the table to find all eyes on us.

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