Read Demon Dark Online

Authors: penelope fletcher

Demon Dark (25 page)


Ana crawled toward him, wide eyes fixed on the scene playing out in the centre of the platform.


One handed, Cael had Lochlann by the throat, holding his swaying, rigid body high off the floor.


Lochlann s sword dropped from his limp fingers.



Daphne lunged for Cael who swatted her away with ease.


She landed on her face and skidded along the floor, knocking Ana down. The witch squealed, and sprawled out to stop herself and Conall tumbling over the edge.


Cael s attention switched, and he dropped the fairy lord, letting him crumple into a boneless heap. He stepped over him, dusting his hands off then flung them wide in welcome.

Ah! Rae, finally, you made it. How s the wing?


Breandan hissed and I gripped his shoulder to keep him close to me.


I replied, not letting his nonchalant attitude throw me off balance.


My eyes roamed the plateau, occasionally flitting back to Cael to make sure he was still a safe distance away. I spotted the grimoire lying open, black mist seeping from the pages. Whatever Cael had needed from the spellbook he now knew.


What the hell had he been doing up here?


I feigned disinterest in the grimoire, only letting my attention linger for a scant few seconds.


Cael s gaze slid to Breandan and his face took on a sly expression.

Yes, do keep hold of your pet, won t you. We wouldn t want some tragic accident to befall him.


In anticipation of his reaction, I tightened my hold on Breandan.

Check on Daphne and the others. I ll get Lochlann.


He did not move.


he said bluntly.


Please. We re not going anywhere.

I squeezed his shoulder to reassure him and breathed a sigh of relief when he slinked away, going to join the others.


Cael followed his movement. The intensity between them became so extreme Breandan stood and rocked forward. Cael tensed, ready to meet an oncoming attack.


I sprung between them, holding up my hands.



With me directly in his path, Breandan eased back, scowling past me at Cael.


He really wants to kill me,

Cael laughed gleefully.


You have no idea,

I replied, gritting my teeth. Waves of anger flowed from Breandan to me through the bond. My body trembled alongside his I was so full of fury. It made it hard to concentrate, and that was a bad thing. My hands clenched and I managed to spit out,

Breandan. Calm down.


He closed his eyes and exhaled sharply, visibly controlling himself.


Cael huffed impatiently.

Enough of this.


He flung his arms open and ripples of light blast from his body.


I staggered back and blinked, but was otherwise unaffected.


Daphne shrieked, hands covering her face.


Daphne, I mumbled, my eyes still trying to adjust. Too much sunlight and she would die.


Get Lochlann,

she gasped.

Please, Rae!


Cael reacted before I shifted direction at her pleading. A sphere of light knocked me off my feet and Breandan s head snapped back as a fist of black magic punched him in the head.


I scrambled up, the burns on my shoulder already healing.


Cael held out a hand and flicked his fingers at Ana. Hoisted by the ankle, she was dragged from where she clutched Conall, and hauled along the floor by an unseen force. She flipped over to face him, arms and legs held akimbo. Her head thrashed back and forth, the only thing she seemed to be able to move.


Daughter, my lovely one, did you know the company you ve been keeping of late is trying to kill me?

His tone was light but a sharp edge hidden just below the surface made me fear for Ana s life.


I inched forward.


Shadows of darkness clouded Cael s face and his eyes burned with an eerie golden light.

Did you know when you were born I suppressed your magic with a spell or two?

He pressed his fingertips into her face.


Ana was terrified. Her eyes pinged left to right looking for help.


I glanced at Breandan but he was unconscious. The blow that caved in the side of his head popped out and smoothed over. His eyes blinked open though his gaze was unfocused.


After all,

Cael continued.

I couldn t have my own flesh and blood trying to kill me. Your brothers and sisters really set the wrong example and I had so hoped you and I might work things out. Have the relationship I craved with my own parents.

He tightened his hold on her and clucked, his expression becoming disappointed.

Ah, well. Let s see how you do without a few of those barriers to keep you sane.


Flames burst from his fingertips and set Ana s head on fire.


She screamed, a gut wrenching bellow of terror that made my ears ring.


Cael knocked me aside with another sphere of light then turned to out maneuver Alec, who d finally crept onto the platform. The shifter sailed through the air, teeth flashing, and claws extended, but Cael ducked when Alec s jaws snapped closed. He missed the he-witch, and crashed into Ana.


They both of them tumbled off the platform.


Breandan jumped up just as they fell out of sight, and shot a pained look at me.



I yelled and shifted up onto all fours, letting Breandan feel the full force of my terror for my kin.


Face anguished, he allowed my emotions to guide him and swan-dived off the platform after Ana.


Daphne made her way over to my side. Fangs running out her eyes glossed over black as she embraced the darkness that would lend her more strength and speed.


A warm palm landed on my shoulder. Conall. Movement sluggish, his expression was ferocious as he glared at Cael.


I touched the hand on my shoulder, silently telling him I was thankful he was unharmed.


Cael spied the loving gesture and sneered, his handsome face twisting into something no less beautiful, but a great deal more sinister.

This should be interesting,

he said and spread his legs to solidify his stance. The whole time he seemed relaxed though a predatory gleam had come into his eyes. Skipping back over Lochlann s body, he motioned with a wide sweeping gesture, and a mocking bow.

Brother, I believe this limp thing holds some importance to you. Catch.


He kicked Lochlann in the stomach, slewing him across the floor on his side.


Grunting with effort, Conall dived to catch him. His hand gripped a boot but the momentum was too great and both men slipped off the platform.


Ducking my head, I shut my eyes, and pushed them from my thoughts. Conall would take care of his liege lord against the vampires and witches that may still be hidden below.


One devotee left Rae,

Cael cocked his head and winked.

Scared yet?


Breathing out, fear having nearly the same effects as lump of iron lodged my gut, I tipped my head back to stare back defiantly. Flaunting just how poised I was, I flexed my wings and let my light shine forth.

It would be a lie to say I don t feel fear. Honestly, I m more afraid for you than for myself. You can t cause me as much pain as you think you can. When it comes down to it, you don t scare me at all. I understand you and your pain more than you d like to admit.

I raised my voice and made sure I enunciated my last words.

I pity you.


The confidence in his stance faltered. Regaining his regal composure much more convincing than my own he smiled, and held up his hands. Two plasma spheres appeared above his palms. The surfaces glistened with lashes of black and gold.

You will be afraid of me before the night is through. I promise you that.

The orbs bloated.



Daphne whimpered, hesitating, her alarm breaking past her fierceness.


Get the book,

I ordered calmly.


We drifted apart, knowing our best chance would be to attack from both sides.


Cael seemed unconcerned. He watched me even when Daphne scooped the grimoire into her arms.


The amulets fell from the lock and the book snapped shut with an empty thud, startling her attention from the witch.


A heartbeat after Daphne s attention shifted, Cael twisted, and launched both orbs of power at her, the wide throwing motion setting me into action. Daphne ducked an orb but took the other to the side and was knocked off the platform with a panic-stricken cry.


The amulets jumped into the air and zipped toward Cael s waiting palm. Catching them, he bounced their weight in his hand then slipped them over his head, turning to me the moment I reached him.


I swung my fist. Cael dodged and slammed an elbow into my stomach. My eyes bulged and the breath rushed from my lungs. I was fast. He was faster. Cael swept my legs out from under me and shoved down on my chest. My bowed back impacted first, the back of my head second. I smacked against the floor, hearing a hollow crunch. Numbness spread from the back of my head that made me afraid to move until I healed.


He straddled me and used his shin to press down on my throat. My legs flailed and thrashed. I bucked trying to unseat him, but he held firm.


We didn t need the vampire or the book anymore,

he said serenely.

Needless distractions don t you think? After all, I ve already learnt what I needed to know from the grimoire, the rest,

he shrugged,

matters not. Pesky things they are, vampires. Good for mindless violence though. I couldn t have managed the Rupture without them.

He grinned, watching me struggle for breath, and turn an unhealthy shade of blue.

Well, I probably could, but I wouldn t want to seem conceited.

He lowered his voice to a whisper, the pressure on my throat increasing until I saw black spots and darkening shadows.

I m trying to make a good impression, you being my older sister and all.


The last time I was pinned Breandan had saved me. The wild thought was swiftly accompanied by the realization if Breandan wasn t back here by now there was a reason.


I would have to save myself this time.


Determination renewed, I shoved at Cael s chest and rammed my palms into his face, trying to get him off me. Then I remembered & magic. Still thumping at his sides, I focused and channeled the Source. Like a cooling tidal wave, it saved me, and pushed him off using a battering ram of air.


Cael reeled back and my chest rapidly expanded as I sucked in gulps of delightful oxygen. The burning pain that flooded my lungs on the first gasp eased, making me lightheaded, and very nearly giddy. I wheezed, rolling up, and crawled away a few paces.


Shooting frightened looks over my shoulder, coughing and spluttering, I felt very much in that instant like running the hell away. Blood rushed back to my head as I lurched up, pushing the creeping need to give up and get as far way as possible.


I dug deep and borrowed the steely determination of Breandan, and the unyielding courage Conall lived by. I reminded myself of the pious honor Lochlann so earnestly protected, and I thought of the fierceness of Daphne, the intensity of Alec.


Each of them had taught me invaluable lessons, tried to coax these things from me as if they were there and simply waiting to reveal themselves at the opportune time. I thought of Maeve, and one of the last things she said to me,

They won t follow you if you can t commit to them Rae.

Hell yes, I was committed to this, to the end.


I d come too far to let this unhinged fool take me down.


Get up,

I said fiercely.


Cael, flat on his back, laughed and rocked from side to side. He lifted up as if weightless, his cloak billowing around him like a black cloud. Brushing off the seat of his pants, he slicked his hair back then clapped his hands.

Finally. You do worry me sometimes Rae. Your first instinct always is to hit someone, you never reach to magic. Curious.


I rubbed my throat. The fading bruises were uncomfortable.

I won t pretend to know as much as you, but magic shouldn t be used so often and so freely. It should be respected.


His shoulders slumped.

Just when I think we re getting somewhere you open your mouth and ruin everything. You re boring me already and you ve only said a handful of words.


My expression soured.

What have you been doing up here?




That was not what I expected. I rubbed my nose as an uneasy and temporary truce settled over the two of us.

Um, say-so. Why?


Cael motioned all around him.

There is still so much for me to learn. I always clawed as much knowledge on magic to me as I could. All kinds, though I do have a fondness for witchcraft.

Lights crackled between his fingertips and he spread them in front of his face, lit with boyish glee.

Though I can control fairy magic, black magic has a certain wildness, a brutality that speaks to me unlike any other.


Like Voodoo,

I murmured, remembering the harshness of Papa Obe s magics when it helped protect me against Cael s witchcraft the first time we clashed.


He snorted.

Sickly. The Vodoun are pale imitations of what real magical practioners should be. They suck their power from the Loa, they don t own it like we do.

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