Read Dangerously Hers Online

Authors: A.M. Griffin

Dangerously Hers (17 page)

“I think you’re right.” Rasha checked his timepiece. “We have some time before we’re due for the conference call.” He kicked off his boots. “We’ll connect with Taio first and see what his thoughts are.”

She raised a brow. “What are you doing?”

“Going for a swim. The water will help cool us down.”

“But Taio…”

“We’ll be done in plenty enough time for the conference call.”

“Wait a minute. Did you say us and we?” Alarmed, she backed away from the water’s edge. “I’m not going in there.”

“We won’t go out very far. The
won’t be able to reach us in the shallow waters anyway.”

Her eyes snapped to the water. With each rolling wave she feared an unknown monster would wash up on shore to eat her and Rasha. “
Wh…what’s that?”

Something large with scaly green skin, sharp teeth, claws and gills popped in her head.

He peeled off his shirt. “We’ll stay in the shallow end so there’s nothing for you to worry about.”

No, it would have gills
lungs, so it could crawl on land after her, which was exactly why she
worry about it.

He pushed his pants down his narrow hips.

Abruptly, she turned away. “Stop. Don’t do that.”

“You’ve seen me naked before,” he said in a voice so deep, fine prickles crept over her skin.

“That doesn’t mean I want to again.”

But I do
, she inwardly groaned.

“That remains to be seen. But as long as you’re going to stay here, watch my belongings. Make sure the
beasts don’t get a hold of them.”


“They’re not as dangerous as they appear. But you will want to use your blaster and shoot them right between their red eyes. That’s the only sure way to kill them.”

Her mouth dropped as she scanned the trees outlining the sandy beach. The hoots and hollers of the unknown animals seemed to grow louder. More menacing.

She listened as his footsteps faded away.

“Don’t stray too far,” he said.

Half turning, she watched in horror as he sauntered butt-naked in the water.

He’s leaving me alone.

Shrieks sounded from the trees. Her heart leapt in her chest. She didn’t waste any time as she kicked off her shoes. “The hell he is.”

She pulled her shirt over her head and threw it in the same pile as his clothes. As the shrieking began again, she peeled down her pants. Finally free of them, she threw them and ran into the cool water.

He laughed. “I thought you’d see things my way.”

She would kill him. “I’m not scared!”

He waded in water up to his shoulders. His hair was free and flowing around him.

He was beautiful. Which didn’t help matters at all, since she really wanted to drown him.

“Join me. Come out a little farther,” he coaxed. His voice sounded husky and low. Just as she imagined a spider’s would sound to a fly.

“I’m fine where I am,” she yelled back to him.

and Rasha were both the same right about now. Both were too dangerous for her to be around. For added measure she dug her toes into the muddy bottom of the ocean’s floor. Her body swayed in time with the waves.

“Then I’ll come to you.” He kicked off and swam closer to her. He rode the waves gracefully.

She used a hand to splash water in his direction. “Stop! Stay where you are. I don’t want you to come any closer.”

“Why not? There’s such a wonderful prize where you are.” His gaze fell on her breasts.

“Stop looking at me!” She crouched so only her head showed above the water’s surface.

As he drew closer, she splashed harder. Instead of being angry, he laughed and splashed back.

“I’m a warrior. A little water won’t keep me at bay.”

And he was right. In front of her, he stood. The water made an obscene line at his waistline. Fat droplets trickled down the muscles of his chest and arms.

Suddenly her lips were too dry. She licked them as she watched water drip from his hair to his shoulders. The long lashes surrounding his smoldering eyes were thick and darkened by wetness.

She inwardly groaned.
Don’t look at him.
She lowered her gaze.

Why in the hell did she do that?

I’m done.

A drop of water made a slow path down his abdomen and into his hair.

Followed by another.

She gave in to the urge to lean forward and flick a drop with her tongue. He hissed as she followed the path of another drop down his stomach. Her taste buds erupted with pleasure. He groaned as her lips pressed against his stomach.

She inhaled deeply. She could get used to his scent. It made her muscles relax and her body tingle from head to toe. Why had she tried to avoid him? She couldn’t remember.

She kissed him.

Chapter Seventeen


Even as she laid long, sensual kisses on his abdomen, the scent of his skin wafted through her nose and across her senses. Her mouth quivered as her eyes rolled back and her lids shuddered closed.

“You don’t have to—” He stopped on a groan as she made a kissing path to the base of his cock. “But who am I to stop you?” he ground out.

Through the water she found and gripped his muscular thighs. His erect cock bounced in front of her, hitting her on her chin. She pushed back to watch as it rose to the surface, jutting above the water.


Thick and glistening, his cock bobbed with the waves. His distended vein looked as if it would burst. His bulbous head was perfect in every way and seemed to beckon her mouth.

How can I resist?

She twirled her tongue around his slit. He moaned and caressed her shoulders as her tongue dipped inside, retrieving his salty fluid.

His ass tightened. “Great Ancients,” he whispered.

The next swipe was long and sinful, dipping in the water, from his base and up his underside. Her eyes locked on him the entire way. Heavy-lidded lashes framing amber, lust-filled eyes watched her back.

As she reached his head, she parted her lips to engulf him. With a mouth full of him, she witnessed him biting his lip. She pulled back and used her tongue to twirl and tease his rigid head and slit.

Gloriously, she dug her nails into his skin. Her pussy grew hotter and engorged with need. She moaned down the length of him, taking as much as she could. His swollen cock filled her mouth. Her lips stretched to accommodate his thickness.

She widened her mouth and pushed down. As his head hit the back of her throat, she gagged and swallowed, taking him farther.

“Ahh,” he moaned.

He ran his fingers through her hair. His breaths came out in ragged pants. She gripped her lips around him, making them slide up and down with slippery ease. She pulled back to spit on his tip and stroke it.

He hummed low. His muscles flexed within her grip. She started at his head and ran her tongue down the right side of his cock to the base. With her eyes on him, she used her lips to grasp the top side of penis and rode his length back up to his tip. There, she opened her mouth and engulfed him, filling her jaws with shaft.


She repeated the action on the left side. She groaned louder than him. Spit dropped from her mouth to her chin. His legs quaked and shook under her hands. His hands gripped her hair, pushing and pulling as she slid her mouth around and up and down his cock.

“You’ll make me spill my seed.”

She pulled away from his shaft with a wet plop. Her hand stroked him in figure-eight motions. “I don’t see the problem with that. I want to taste you.” Leaning in, she held her tongue out, ready to swipe at him again.

An animalistic sound filled his chest. He held her head away and moved back. “This is not how I’ll spill my seed today,” he stated. He grabbed under her arms and pulled her to stand. In a raspy voice he declared, “My seed will coat the inside of your walls.”

In an instant her pussy slickened with need.

She didn’t object as he palmed her ass and lifted her from her feet. Instinctively she wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist. She hooked her ankles on his fine ass.

He reached between them and positioned his cock against her greedy entrance. She pulled him closer and descended.

As she stretched open, she found herself biting back a cry against his skin. Damn, he felt good. His fingers gripped her ass, squeezing her cheeks together and lifting her. Her pussy was vacant and void without him. Shuddering, she sank back onto him, instantly feeling him stretch her core.

Rasha met her rhythm. His hips thrust to meet hers. Her hardened nipples brushed against the hairs on his chest. Their coarseness made her already sensitive buds fire miniscule pleasure sensations throughout her body.

She grabbed a handful of his hair. “Damn, Rasha. You feel so good.”

He groaned and massaged her ass, bringing her farther down his cock.

Her pussy clenched around him, grabbing and milking. Her juices coated his length with ease as he filled her.

“Your pussy is mine.”

And there it was. The husky sexiness that she loved about his voice. Her pussy quivered as if answering him.

His mouth covered hers. Her tongue met his. Dueling, they danced and tangled in a frenzied motion. Jess settled deep down on him and rolled her hips, his cock too much for her to take. But she tried anyway.

“You are perfect,” Rasha drawled.

That was all she needed to hear.

Her walls spasmed around him. Holding him tight, she rode out the waves, letting him set the pace. Up and down, he drove into her. Faster and harder, he moved within her.

Rasha’s legs and arms shook as his body convulsed. With a roar he threw back his head. His hands bit harder into her skin. Tightening her legs and arms around him, she held on as he released every drop he had.

He cradled her limp body in his arms and walked them to the water’s edge. There, he went to a knee and laid her on the sand and settled next to her, holding her close.

“We have a conference call,” she said sleepily.

“We still have time.”

“That was…” She struggled to find the right words.

“Are you about to compliment me?” he teased.

“Right.” She adjusted her head on the nook of his arm. Using a finger, she trailed a circle around a brown nipple.

He watched her. “I could get used to this.”

She bit her lip.
Get used to this.





“I didn’t mean to cause you to panic.”


“You’re panicking.”

She scoffed. “I’m not panicking. I think you overestimate the effect you have on women.”

He smiled lazily. “I’m not overestimating the effect I have on women. I’m just sure of the effect I have on you.”

She punched him playfully on his chest. “We should get dressed.”

“Later. This is nice. We can talk.”

“I never thought you would be the cuddling type.”

“Is it so bad that I want us to enjoy this time and get to know each other?”

“I guess not.”

“Tell me.”

“What? You suggest we cuddle and talk and then you want
to start it off?”

“I want to know more about you.”

“You know I was a space pirate for a while,” she said, giving in. “I’m an only child. What more is there to know?” She purposely left out the capture from Earth and brothel parts.

“Did you lose family when the Loconuist invaded?”

She didn’t know what made her want to tell him. It could have been the weather or the way they were lying in each other’s arms on the beach, or the way he was stroking her back. She didn’t know and it didn’t really matter. “I was captured along with my father.”

He lay quietly, his hands making a leisurely path up and down her back.

“We waited too long to get out. I packed some clothes and went to my dad’s house first but he wasn’t there. So I went to the only other place I knew he would be, his business. I wanted us to go somewhere secluded and safe.” She laughed as the words spilled from her mouth. “You know, in the end, when we really knew it was over, we still didn’t want to leave.”

“Why not?”

“My dad. He didn’t want to leave the company he had built from the ground up. Even after all the employees stopped coming to work, we still did, just him and me, every day for a week. With the spacecraft hovering above our city, we sat in our offices as if nothing were amiss. We just didn’t want to believe it was over.”

“The Loconuist are known to be relentless in their attacks on worlds. Many great nations have fallen under their assaults. From what I hear, your world tried its best.”

“Eva survived for months after the invasion. Us? We didn’t last two weeks. I mean, how pathetic were we?”

“I’m sure—”

She put up her hand. “No, it is what it is. We had a lot of stuff, a lot of money, a lot of pride and a lot of greed.” She took a hard breath.

“Do you know where the Loconuist sold your father?”

“They didn’t get a chance to sell him,” she said with satisfaction. “He died while we were still on their spacecraft.”

“I’m sorry for your loss.” They lay in silence before he finally asked, “What about your mother? Where is she?”

“She died when I was born.”

“My mother and father are no longer alive either. Do you have other family?”

She shook her head. “I have a couple distant cousins but it doesn’t matter. I wouldn’t want them to know what I’ve become. It’s better if they don’t know what happened to me. They probably didn’t fare so well either.”

“The position of personal assistant to a warrior is a very prestigious one. It is nothing to be ashamed of, Jess.”

“No, not this job. What I was before…at the brothel.”

“You were taken. You did not go to the brothel of your own free will.”

“It doesn’t matter. It’s still disgusting.” With that, she rolled out of his arms and away.

“Jess, I didn’t mean to ruin this for you.”

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