Read Crushed Online

Authors: Marie Cole

Crushed (9 page)

"Neil..." Claire gasped, "I need
you...inside me..." Justice pulled back as I picked Claire up in my
arms. I took her to the bed and laid her down on it. Justice made
quick work with Claire's dress and undergarments. When she was
naked Justice flicked Claire's nipples with her tongue, making
Claire squirm and moan and spread her supple thighs. I got a peek
at her juicy center and hurried with my pants.

I grabbed onto Claire's hips and
slid inside easily. It was heaven and despite having Justice there
I was focused on Claire. I watched her face, ravaged her body and
made her come all night long. Justice was a good filler, she
enhanced Claire's orgasms which enhanced mine but she didn't seem
to want me and for some reason it didn't bother me.

Chapter 13


I woke up in a strange room, my
hand on Justice Petroni's naked breast, my ass pressed back against
Neil's flaccid dick. I held my breath and slowly got up, creeping
out of the bed so I didn't wake either of them. I rubbed the
pounding my head when I was upright and fought back a groan. What
the hell happened last night?

I got dressed as quickly as my head
would allow, grabbed my purse and went back to my dorm room. When I
was safely in my room I yanked off my dress and went to the
bathroom to assess, to try to piece together what the hell had
happened. There was lipstick smeared on my face, my neck, my
nipples and lower. I turned on the shower and scrubbed off the
filth. I had a threesome with Justice and Neil.

Why would he let me do that? Were
those two just playing me? Were they using me? No wonder he was
being so damn sweet and out of character. He was in on humiliating
me, Justice's ultimate revenge on me. She forced me to have sex
with her. Who knew what diseases that bitch was carrying around in
her body. The water did nothing to cover the sounds of my sobs as I
let the water run over my body.

There was a knock on my door as I
pulled my socks over my cold feet. I opened the door and Merit
stood there, her smile falling as she saw my tear-swollen face.
"Claire, what happened?" She came in, shut the door behind her and
hugged me tightly. It was going to hurt to say it out loud but it
needed to be said, maybe it would soften the pain.

"Neil... he and Justice... I got
drunk at the formal and they took advantage of me. I blacked out, I
don't even remember what happened but I woke up this morning with
both of them naked on either side of me... I just thought...I
hoped..." I shook my head and buried my face against her slender
shoulder. She held me as I shook, she rubbed my back tenderly. "I'm
so stupid."

"What an asshole... don't worry,
Claire. We'll find you a good guy." I inhaled shakily and sniffled,
lifting my head.

"I can't seem to find a guy who can
kiss me without losing control of himself. Will couldn't and Damien

"But Neil could. Why do you think
that is?"

I shook my head and shrugged my
shoulders. "Maybe he's incapable of love so it doesn't affect

She walked us to my bed and then
gently pushed me back so I'd sit next to her as she took a seat.
"Well... that makes sense, I guess. And Justice, when you kissed
her?...Right..." She was studying my face and caught the horror in
my eyes. "You don't remember."

I sighed and rubbed the dull aches
that were still churning in my brain. "It is what it is. The curse
of me. I'm destined to be an old maid." Merit snorted beside

"Girl, please. The only thing
that's different between now and a year ago is that you saw a boy
who you wanted... Will, might I remind you. Just try to forget
about Neil and Will and Damien and your love spell theory. Go back
to focusing on you and that gift of yours. You give so many others
love and we all love you back for it. You have friends for life not
just warm bodies in your bed which is all that Neil and Justice

I nodded absently. She was right, I
guess. I didn't need to find a guy. I was fine before I went on
this quest. I'd lose Neil as a friend but I had many other friends.
The ache and emptiness I felt at the thought of letting him go
would go away eventually, I was sure of it. I pat her on the knee
as I stood up, determined to put it behind me and move on. "You're
wise, Merit. Thanks for being such a great friend." When she stood
up I hugged her tight. "I gotta get ready to go to cheer practice.
We're learning a new routine today." She hugged me back and then
took her exit.

I was a few minutes late to
practice but it didn't seem to matter, Neil and Justice both
arrived ten minutes after me, both looked like they'd just rolled
out of bed; probably the same one. I buried my hatred for Justice
deep and put on my best cheer smile. Neil had waved at me but I
didn't wave back. He couldn't seriously think I'd be okay with what
happened last night, could he?

We started in on the new cheer
while the football players went through their plays. Halfway
through practice time Justice called a break so they could mingle
with the football players and get hydrated. I made sure I was at
least four bodies away from Neil the whole time. If he tried to get
closer I'd excuse myself and get farther away. I grabbed another
cheerleader, Leah, she was pretty close to me and chatted with her
about homecoming. After she'd finished telling me about her great
time I looked up and saw Neil smiling down at me. "Hey." Leah
grinned and wandered off. I stood up at the exact time he sat

"Oh hey, I was just going to the
bathroom." I pasted on my cheer smile. "I'll see you later." I made
myself scarce and came back out and went to Chuck, Neil's arch
enemy. They had always been at each other's throats, I think Neil
felt like Chuck was a runner up to him. One time Chuck won at beer
pong and Neil was pissed. He called for a rematch and three games
later he'd declared he was the best, having effectively crushed


"Hey, Chuck. You looked great out
there." I wrapped my hand gently around his bicep and batted my
lashes at him. I saw him eyeing my chest and then my long exposed
legs. He smiled and wrapped his arm around my back.

"Thanks, Claire. I thought you
looked great over there. I get distracted every time you kick your
leg up," he said.


I smiled sweetly at him. "I guess I
don't have to tell you how flexible I am."

He chuckled and I felt his hand
move down to my ass. "No, you don't." He slipped his hand under my
skirt and I felt his finger brush my panties. I gasped, and slapped
him across his cheek, my eyes wide at his audacity. I heard him
shout at me as I walked away. "Come on, Claire. Don't pretend like
you didn't like it..." He laughed and high fived another

I rolled my eyes and went back to
the side of the field, break time was over. We ran through the
cheer a couple of times and in the middle of the third run-through
we all stopped to watch as Neil hit Chuck hard in the middle of his
body from the back. Once Chuck was facedown in the dirt Neil
stepped on Chuck's hand in an effort to get the ball to the field
goal. Chuck cried out in agony, holding his hand to his chest as he
rolled over onto his back. A couple of his fingers were hanging
lifelessly and I looked away.

Chuck was sent to the nurse and
practice resumed. We had the routine down by the time the coach
blew the whistle, signifying the end of practice. I went to the
bleachers and grabbed my water, chugging it down, still dehydrated
from my night of drinking. When I lowered the bottle Neil was
standing in front of me again. "So.... You're mad." He was smiling.
I wanted to smack it from his face.

"I am." I tried to keep emotion
from my face. I pulled on my sweatshirt and pulled my ponytail from
the collar, letting it swish behind me.

"Why?" He was watching me. I tried
to pretend like I wasn't watching him and his clueless

"I was drunk. You and your
girlfriend Justice took advantage of me. That's why." I shifted and
cocked my hip out, watching him blatantly. His smile

"First of all, Justice is not my
girlfriend and second of all, I didn't pour the alcohol down your
throat, you got drunk on your own. You pulled me along after
Justice asked if you wanted to participate with her."

"Were you drunk?" I hoped like hell
he'd say yes, maybe it was just a misunderstanding as to how he
could let her do that to me. Let her manipulate me with her love
powers and have her way with me.

He shook his head and my heart
sunk. "No? Okay so, you, not being drunk, went along with whatever
your drunken date wanted to do, you didn't stop me thinking, 'Eh,
maybe Claire wouldn't be so cool with having a threesome with her
enemy, I should probably stop her at all costs, because that would
be the –decent- thing to do?' Of course not because that would be
thinking about somebody else for a change." I kept my tone even, I
didn't want to draw unwanted attention to us.

"I warned you when you started
drinking that you might be going too fast. After that I assumed you
were a fully capable adult that could make her own decisions, to
include getting stupid drunk. If you were concerned with having
someone baby you, you probably should've let me know that at the
start of the date. I generally treat people like fully capable
equals." Oh hell no, he didn't just try to turn this around on me.
I didn't do anything wrong, I was letting loose and having some
innocent fun. I didn't strap a sign to my chest that said 'Gang
Bang, please!'

I shook my head, "If I wanted to
have someone take advantage of me I would've gone to the dance with
any of the other guys that have been asking me for weeks. I thought
you were different, Neil. Clearly I was wrong. You were just using
me to get your kicks off with Justice. Did you and Justice laugh
about it this morning behind my back?"

He frowned at me and held up his
hands to stop me. "You're off the mark with this one, Claire. You
made a decision. Be an adult and take responsibility for it." I
smiled at him, he was incredible trying to blame me for this. I was
intoxicated, yes, by my own hands, but dammit, he could've and
should've stopped me if his intent wasn't to hurt me. How could he
not know that this would be the ultimate in breaking my

"If the situation had been reversed
I wouldn't have gone off with you and that ass grabbing creep
Chuck. I would've looked out for you." I shook my head and held up
my hand. "Whatever, Neil, it doesn't matter. I told you once and
I'll tell you again, leave me alone. I'm serious. Have wonderful
kinky sex with Justice and leave –me- out of it." I grabbed my shit
and quickly ran away, not bothering to look back. I didn't want him
to see my tears.

Chapter 14



FUCK! I watched as she ran away
from me and felt the anger rising up in my chest. I slammed my
fists down onto the bleachers below me. I was panting loudly as I
stared at the dent I'd made in them and then I made like hell for
Justice's room.

Claire didn't know what the hell
she was talking about. She needed to get that stick out of her
pretty little ass and quit blaming everyone else in the world for
her problems. If Claire wanted me to go fuck Justice, then that's
exactly what I'd do.

I knocked on Justice's door loudly
and she answered the door in a towel, its edges barely met over her
large breasts. I stalked inside, pushed her back into her room, my
arms went around her waist. I pulled her against me and captured
her lips. She moaned against my lips and moved her hands into my
hair. I stepped on her towel as I moved her back to her bed. She
smiled, "Come to beg me now, Neil?"

I kissed from her neck down to her
breasts as I quickly pulled down my pants. I nodded, "Yes, I'll beg
you if that's what you want. You win." I left her body for only a
minute as I got up and grabbed a condom from her bedside table. I
ripped the paper open and slid it onto my already hard dick. I
brought my mouth back to her nipples, biting gently and then
flicking them with my tongue. I reached between Justice's legs and
ran my finger up her wet center. I wasted no time in burying myself
deep into her. I supported myself on my hands as I thrust all my
anger and hurt deep into her. My release came quick and after I was
done I pulled back. Justice didn't mind being used. She didn't
expect anything from me. I pulled the condom off and cleaned up in
the bathroom. I dressed and kissed Justice's cheek before walking
out of her room.

I was lost in my head as I rushed
out of the dorm. Something still didn't feel right. I felt like
someone was sitting on my chest. Maybe I needed to run it off. My
conscious self came back when I heard a female voice. "Neil!
Geez..." I looked down and saw Merit, Claire's friend. We had
nearly collided. She eyed the hallway behind me as I set my charms
on her. I had nothing to hide.

"Hey, Merit. Sorry." I tried to
sidestep her but she blocked me.

"...I thought you and Claire were

"Nope, just took her to homecoming
but now she's back to normal." I tried to sidestep again but she
didn't want to let me go. I stopped, if she wanted to do this, we
could discuss her friend. Even though it was none of her bloody

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