Read Connor (The Kendall Family Series Book 2) Online

Authors: Randi Everheart

Tags: #Romance

Connor (The Kendall Family Series Book 2) (13 page)

That’s where Connor led Sophia next, as they had a big family dinner planned in a few hours.

“I was hoping to get you to myself for a few minutes,” Sophia whispered to him as they followed Tristan and Victoria inside, where Quinn could be heard clattering in the kitchen.

Connor squeezed her close. “Let’s head upstairs.”

She leaned up and planted a kiss on him. She meant to be brief but found herself pushing hard into his soft lips. She’d seen that look of fear in his eyes after he blurted that comment about marriage and a baby. She’d been shocked by the suddenness of his suggestion, that it was too soon, that it was crazy, that it was inappropriate. And yet it hadn’t seemed the least bit wrong. Not to her heart. Her head was saying all those other things but her heart said otherwise. Said
Comfortable. Happy
. And she wanted to let him know that he hadn’t screwed up. Not really. Maybe a little, but she was all in the forgiving mood and didn’t want him to worry, as she could tell he’d been doing.

You have not screwed up, Mr. Kendall
, she meant her kiss to imply. When she pulled back, he seemed bemused, surprised, and happy. Maybe that kiss had worked, but she still felt the need to talk privately for a minute, just to make sure they were on the same, wonderful page. She suddenly realized he might be an emotional loose cannon and might need her help with some stability, and it occurred to her that this impression had been there a while. That made her wonder more about him. Okay, she
needed time together with him and looked forward to it.

Sophia turned to head into the house and nearly collided with a young, smiling blonde woman about her height.

“Hi,” said the blonde, whose green eyes were just like Tristan’s. She exuded vivacious, sexy energy while simultaneously seeming innocent, girlish and carefree, as if she had no idea men fell over themselves to protect her and make her happy, or that some men had practically broken their necks on seeing her, their heads had whipped around so fast.

“Hi,” replied Sophia, extending her hand.

The blonde wrapped arms around her. “From the way you two were kissing, I think we’re at the hug stage. I’m his sister Chloe.”

Sophia flushed and smiled. “Sophia.”

“I hope so, or he’s putting the moves on two women.”

With a coy look at Connor, Sophia asked, “Oh? Is that something he does? Should I be worried?”

Chloe took her hand. “Let’s go talk about him behind his back.”

“Oh! Perfect!” That would be the second time today, as Victoria had made the same joke, but then they had a good rapport with Connor from what she could tell. Maybe they often made that comment.

“Great,” muttered Connor. “Remember, Chloe, I know where you live.”

She winked and led Sophia onto the front porch, where they began shucking corn together while sitting on a white swing hanging from the ceiling. Two ceiling fans slowly twirled overhead and a couple of cats pawed at the loose husks and threads of cornsilk that missed the paper bag Sophia and Chloe were aiming for. A desire to win Chloe’s approval came over Sophia, who felt nervous for the first time around Connor’s family. The others hadn’t caused that reaction, but then she’d never been alone with one of them before.

“I just moved back from veterinary school in the last year,” Chloe said, putting a stripped ear of corn in a big bowl, “so I’m still living here at the house, which used to be my parents’, if Connor hasn’t told you.”

Sophia asked, “Where did you go to school?”

“Cornell, up in New York.”

“Really? I’m up at Syracuse.”

“No kidding. That’s an hour from Cornell.”

“So does that mean you’re technically a doctor?”

“Yep. No one calls me Dr. Kendall, though, mostly because it still feels weird to me. Except my brothers, who like to tease me.”

“That doesn’t surprise me, from what I’ve seen.” With her mind still on Connor, Sophia joked, “Meet any studs at school?”

Chloe rolled her eyes. “That weren’t horses out to stud? Not exactly. Some thought they were hung like one. Sent me pictures of their junk, the idiots.”

Sophia laughed that they had this in common. “I know! What’s up with that?”

“I don’t know. It’s gross. Besides, where’s the mystery if you’ve already seen it?”

“Really. It’s so presumptuous, too.”

“Yeah. I mean if I asked for it, that would be one thing. And it might be different if I’d already seen it in person, but
? After the initial shock, I just laugh about it but never talk to the guy again.”

Sophia said, “My friends and I used to pass those pictures around to each other and dissect every inch, literally, of the guy’s tool. I mean shape, size, grooming, the artfulness, or lack thereof, of the pic. Everything. I could never talk to those guys with a straight face after that, if I happened to run into them.”

Chloe laughed. “That’s great. I once took a picture of one particularly well-hung horse and sent that back, telling the guy to try again when he looked more like that. He called me a ‘size queen’.”

They broke into gales of laughter, making so much noise that Kris and Victoria came out to see what they were missing and join in, leaving the men standing inside wondering what the women found so hilarious.

“Should we be worried?” Connor asked, his arms folded.

“Probably,” replied Tristan.

“Should we go out there?”

“Not on your life,” said Riley, putting hands on their shoulders from behind. “I’m a Marine, and armed, and even
wouldn’t go out there.”

Connor watched a moment longer after the others walked away, thinking how well Sophia fit in with them. His family had always been pretty welcoming, but he felt a new appreciation for them. If he’d asked them to help bring his love into the fold, they couldn’t have done a better job, but then maybe they didn’t need to be told.

Out on the porch, talk soon turned to Victoria’s wedding.

“Now that you’re officially Connor’s girlfriend,” began Kris to Sophia, “he should bring you to the wedding. I thought he’d show up alone like he does to everything, but you’ve rescued him from that for next weekend, at least.”

That Connor was doing things alone saddened her. He deserved far better than that. And what about his friends? Surely he had some. How little she really knew about him suddenly reared its head. She’d been too distracted by her problems and his amorous affections to think about the merits of a relationship with him, or anyone, given the uncertainty Seth had just injected into her life. Still, she doubted that whatever she’d learn about his social life would change her estimation of him. They had a lot of getting acquainted to do. As for this wedding, she hadn’t even thought of it, never mind expected to go.

“Oh,” began Sophia, “I didn’t know it was so soon. Thank you for the invite.”

“Technically that should come from Connor, I guess,” Kris admitted.

“Or me,” remarked Victoria, “but you’re certainly welcome.”

“And if he doesn’t invite you,” said Chloe, ripping off a corn husk, “I’ll kick his ass.”

Amid the laughter, Victoria suggested, “You could be a bridesmaid! We’re sort of short one, not that this is why I’m asking you.”

Sophia couldn’t hide her surprise. Bridesmaids weren’t people you’d just met. Did Connor’s whole family move so swiftly? Was this getting out of hand? It wasn’t nearly as big a deal as his suggestion of marriage and a baby, but she felt like she shouldn’t accept Victoria’s offer even though refusing would be an affront. She didn’t know what to say. This was Connor’s call, not hers.

“Connor’s doubling as best man,” explained Kris, her tone and gaze seeming to acknowledge Sophia’s lack of comfort with the whole idea.

Sophia nodded, thinking he’d make the title live up to its name. His toast would probably be very sweet.

“We have three groomsmen and just two bridesmaids,” continued the bride, “so you’d make three, with Chloe and Kris, who’s also maid-of-honor.”

“She likes symmetry,” joked Chloe.

“But,” she began, “well, I’m very flattered, but I don’t have anything to wear. My hair’s probably a mess. And I definitely need my nails done, too.”

Seeing her look flustered, Chloe said, “Don’t worry. We’re all getting our hair and nails done next week and we’ll just bring you along. I know the salon won’t mind. We’ve been going there for years and know them. As for your dress, I’ll take care of it.”


“I know the woman who made the bridesmaids’ dresses. I know she could pull a favor for me. Let’s go have a look at our dresses. You’ll love it!” Chloe rose and led her inside before Sophia had a chance to protest. Her distressed eyes scanned for Connor, but didn’t see him until she mounted the stairs. He saw her gaze and followed, finding them looking at Chloe’s dress and shoes. It was all getting a little much for Sophia, who turned in relief when Connor interrupted.

“Well, I think you’ve done enough talking about me behind my back,” he joked on entering the room.

Chloe turned and saw a look pass between the couple. She took the hint and put the dress away before leaving with a sisterly pat on her younger brother’s arm. Sophia breathed a sigh of relief and went straight into his arms.

“Can you just stand here with me a moment? I need some quiet time. I’ve been wanting you to myself all day,” Sophia pleaded

“Sure. Dinner won’t be ready for another hour, so we can stay up here together.”


“Is everything okay?”

“Yeah. I’m just a little overwhelmed, I guess. I’m coming to the wedding, by the way, in case you hadn’t been informed.” She chuckled.

“You don’t have to come. I mean, I’d love you to—”

“I know. It’s okay.” She pulled back. “I’m also going to be a bridesmaid, apparently.”

“Ah, that’s what that was about?”

“Yeah. Your sisters are going to work some magic to get me a dress in time.”

“They’re good at that.” He gave her a look. “It’s not too much, too soon, is it?”

Sophia smiled. “Not any more than you suggesting marriage and a baby.”

He bit his lip. “I’m sorry about that.”

“Don’t be.”

“I’m serious. I didn’t mean to put you on the spot. I just—well, I couldn’t help it.”

She caressed his cheek. “Really, I didn’t mind. I probably should’ve, you know, because it’s so soon in our relationship, but after the initial shock, well—” She looked up at him, eyes sparkling. “Don’t apologize for that.”

“You’re sure?”

She nodded. “Let’s just not talk about it again for a while. Let things move along at whatever speed that happens to be, even if that’s light speed.”

“I’m enjoying the ride, personally.”

“So am I, sweetheart. So am I.”

She kissed him and felt a familiar surge between her legs. Sophia melted into Connor, wanting to forget herself in his embrace. This was their first deep kiss since his quasi-proposal and the idea of doing this with him forever seemed wonderfully inviting. His grip tightened and she felt the now-familiar strength of him, like a solid rock of goodness that she could rely on. And then she felt something else, as hard as rock, pressing against her abdomen. She murmured her contentment, her hand sliding down to caress his manhood through the jeans. She gave him a squeeze. Connor moaned into her mouth. She wanted more, but Connor pulled back.

“I wanted to ask you something,” he began throatily.

“Can’t it wait? I just want to kiss you.” And she did, but he stopped her again.

“I just wanted to know why you chose Syracuse for college.”

She blinked. “
what you want to know right now?”

“Yeah, because you have to go back in August, right?”

. She hadn’t thought of that.
. “Yeah, I guess. Let’s worry about it later.” She pressed into him but he didn’t let it go.

“Any chance you can change schools? I mean, I know we just said we’d take it one day at a time…”

“Then let’s do that. C’mon, Connor. I want to live in the moment for now.”

“Yeah I know. It’s just…”

She sighed, feeling annoyed. Her arousal had vanished, tension making her shoulders ache. She really wanted to stop thinking for a while, but apparently he had something on his mind. Torn between telling him to use his lips for something else and being supportive, she asked, “What?”

“I just wanted to get some idea of whether you’d consider that, or if there are even good schools around here for photography.”

“Yes and yes. Now shut up and kiss me!”

Sophia grabbed his head in both hands and planted her lips on his. For a moment he didn’t react and she feared the moment had been lost, but then he crushed their lips together, arms like steel around her, as if he’d never let her go. And that seemed to be what was on his mind. All day. Maybe she needed to convince him that for now, she had no intention of ever leaving his arms. All this time, she had needed his comfort from the horrors of Seth’s intentions, but now it was her turn to convince Connor of her own intentions.

Taking charge, Sophia pushed Connor toward the door without unlocking lips. She fumbled for the knob and slammed the door shut. Then she grabbed his belt and began tugging him toward the bed while undoing it.

“In Chloe’s bed?” Connor asked, breaking the kiss.

“Too weird?”

“A little.”

She glanced around and saw a small, cushioned recliner that rocked back and forth. Before it sat an ottoman, also on rockers. With a smirk, she pushed him to that corner of the room and yanked down his pants, a half-hard cock bobbing gracefully before her eager lips. Forcing Connor onto the ottoman, she knelt and brushed the back of her fingers along his balls and up his shaft, making it pulse with need for more. Gently, she pressed her hands into his thighs and slid his pants down to his ankles while her lips pressed against his cock’s head, which throbbed in response. Another kiss. Another pulse along the entire length, the sensitive head flaring. The next kiss ended with her mouth sliding over to engulf the tip, tongue swirling along the sensitive underside. Connor’s manhood swelled inside her mouth and stiffened rapidly so that, without her moving, another two inches filled her warm, wet mouth.

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