Coming Home: Dominant Devils Book 2 (22 page)

“Get your ass up Prez. The boys from Rock Hill and Charlotte are already here. The rest of the fellas will be rolling in anytime now,” Throttle yelled through the door.

“Shit give me a minute and I’ll be down.”

I heard Throttle laughing from the outside of the door. “Sure Prez, a minute. Hunter’s already up and moving. He’s outside with Athena and Romy. You and Avery make it a quickie. Sounds like some more of the brothers are rolling in now.”

“Go the fuck away asshole. I’ll be down in a few,” I yelled taking his words into consideration. I chanced look at the clock revealing it was now almost two in the afternoon. Shit she shouldn’t have let me sleep this long.

I turned over to wake my girl up for another round before I’d be lost to the fellas for the rest of the day only to find the side of her bed cold. Where the fuck did she scoot off to already? I think I might have to spank that pretty little ass of hers tonight for leaving me hanging. Little minx is gonna get it.




I laid awake waiting until I was sure Axle had fallen asleep before I left him in bed. With a change of clothes in hand I made my way to the bathroom to shower. I was an emotional mess. I found myself struggling with leaving after everything we shared the night before. When he touched me it was like we had never been apart. My body reacted to his touch the same way as it did five years ago.

So here I am standing in the shower feeling the same way I did when I snuck off the last time. The only difference was I have every intention of coming back. This was only for a week and it was for work. I just hoped he would see it that way when he found out I had left. If god was on my side today Romy and I would be long gone before he could realize it.

After my shower I went downstairs to see what I was up against. From the sounds coming from the den the guys were still very much asleep. When I walked into the kitchen I found my dad, Boomer and Ghost sitting at the table with my mom and Queenie at the stove starting breakfast.

I said nothing as I made my way over to the coffee pot. I wasn’t sure how Romy planned to get me out of here with everyone around. I wandered off to the living room to check my messages. Trevor had texted me around six am our time to tell me they were getting ready to taxi on the run way. It was nine o’clock now which meant I still had at least three hours before they would be landing. If all went well Romy and I would be there waiting on them.

I didn’t realize my mother had followed me into the living room until she sat down next to me. “Did you have fun this morning kiddo,” my mother asked me with a smile?

Oh my god even my mother and father must have heard us going at it for hours last earlier this morning. I could feel my face burning at my mother’s statement. I wasn’t sure how to handle this. Yeah my mom would be okay with joking about it but, what would my father have to say? I wish the earth would open up and swallow me hole!

“What’s got Avery red as a beet momma? You picking on her about all the noise? I was hoping I would be the first one to rag her,” Hyde said coming into the living room.

“Oh shit, not you too. I really don’t want to hear anything from either of you, make that from no one! Oh my god I’m going to kill his ass,” I said jokingly.

“It sounded like he was trying to kill you earlier. Damn girl, momma didn’t take you for a screamer,” my mother fired back laughing the whole time.

“I’m going to act like you didn’t just say that mom. I can’t explain it really. He just does something to me. I can’t help myself. I’m sorry everyone heard it but, I’m not sorry it happened,” I said on the verge of tears.

My sister was the first of the two to pull me in for a hug. “Awe little sis what’s the matter? It sounds like you two are in a good place again. I thought that’s what you wanted?”

“I do; it’s just I love him so much. I always have but, I’ve been able to keep it buried so I didn’t get hurt again,” I told my sister trying to make it seem like he would be able to hurt me not the other way around. I’m still uneasy to leave today without explaining myself to him. “Last night just brought back all those emotions. From him announcing to everyone that I was his, to him calling me his old lady and then ravishing my body for hours. My heads just all kinds of fucked up Hyde. I had finally made peace with never getting my happy ending with Axle and now it seems like it’s in my grasp. I’m just afraid that shits going to blow up again and leave me heartbroken without him.”

My mother and my sister sat with me a little while longer. They both promised me that they didn’t see that happening again. That was unless I decided to run off again. Their words were making me feel even more guilty with my decision to go back to California for a few days.

When my mother and my sister finally left me to myself I decided to go wake Romy. It’s was already pushing ten am. If we were leaving we needed to get going.

When I walked into Carrin’s bedroom I found that most of the girls were still crashed out. Madison was the only one awake sitting up in the bed watching TV. When she saw me she placed a finger to her lips telling me to be quiet. She proceeded to climb from bed stopping beside Athena and then Romy to wake them up.

The four of us walked from Carrin’s bedroom to the downstairs apartment before anyone spoke. “Okay girls keep it down we don’t need anyone overhearing this and blow this before we’ve even had a chance to pull it off. Have you heard from Trevor yet Avery,” Romy asked?

“They left around six o’clock our time which should have them here around noon. Maybe a little after. Have you figured out how we’re going to pull this off. Upstairs is already crawling with people?”

“Okay just chill I’ve got an idea I think. Madison were you able to get some clothes together,” Romy directed towards Madison.

“Yeah, but I wasn’t able to get to the supply closet in the hallway so you two are gonna have to stop somewhere for toiletries when you get there. Other than that I’ve packed a hoodie, jeans and tee-shirts for both of you. I made sure none of them had anything club related on it. It’s enough for you to have some clothes to get you through but nothing special to be rubbing elbows with the rich and famous.”

“I have no intentions of doing anything but working. If I’m lucky I’ll be able to get at least ten hours a day in the studio which will keep my stay to a minimum. Romy will just have to buy other clothes or borrow from one of the girls if she needs something. There’s all kinds of things to get into out there.”

“Avery I have no intention of leaving your side. I might be willing to help you but that doesn’t mean I’m going to be that stupid either. We still have assholes looking for us to get back at the club so we’ll be keeping a low profile. Athena were you able to pull together anything last night?”

“Yeah they’ll be waiting at the gate. I’ll give you the number to text Jeremy when you get there. I trust these guys with my life and I know they won’t let anything happen to you two. Just keep your asses in check and do what they say and you’ll be fine,” Athena answered Romy.

Madison and myself just stared at the two confused as hell. Neither one of us knew what the hell they were talking about. “Do you care to explain who Jeremy is? And what exactly is your plan to get us out of here Romy. From the sound of the bikes outside either our guys are starting to move or our guests from the other chapters are starting to arrive. We’re fucked,” I said sounding a little stressed.

“Like I said, CHILL THE FUCK OUT! I can’t pull this shit together with you losing your shit. Athena and I put a plan together last night while you were off fucking your man. Sounded wonderful by the way, but back to our vision. In about twenty minutes we are going to escape through that window over there. Luckily for us this is the only room in the house that hasn’t been baby proofed. I guess they weren’t about Tivie stumbling down to Happy’s dungeon. We’re going to use that particular window because there aren’t any windows looking directly over it. Most of the closets are on this wall so if we stay close to the ground and towards the edge of the house no one will see us.”

“That’s good and all Romy but, how the fuck do we make it out to the road. We’ve got a long bit of distance through the woods before we hit the road, plus Axle had the guys put camera’s everywhere when we went on lock down.”

“That’s why we can’t stop once we get rolling. If we run straight off the far side of the house the cameras are minimal. Not saying we won’t be picked up but Athena plans on keeping Throttle and Hawk busy long enough for us to get a head start. I’m going to have Madison text the cab company giving them the address telling them we are walking due to a hostile environment. Once we’re in the cab we head straight over to the airport. We’ll make sure to have our hoods up with ball caps and sun glasses on. If we sit in the one lounge, Athena wrote the name down somewhere, we can watch the jets come and go to the private hangers. As soon as we see them touch down were on the move again. I know it’ll take some time before we are able to depart but we’re going to make sure our asses are on that plane with the doors closed until we leave just in case they find we’re missing before we have a chance to get air borne. When we land Athena has arranged a few of her ex-marine buddies that have started some kind of security business on the west coast to look after us. All I have to do is text them the gate to meet us at,” Romy said with confidence. It almost felt like we were pulling off some highly top secret mission. When ya think about it I guess it is.

“If anyone asks, Avery and I are down here having a heart to heart. That ought to buy us a little time before the alphas storm down here. Madison I need you to text me everything you see. If someone leaves I need to know. If Axle figures out were gone sooner than later I need to know. I’ll text you when we’re in the air and you can deliver the news to everyone that were gone,” Romy finished while changing the last of her clothes.

“I can do that. I’m going to leave you guys to it. Text me when you’re going through the window so I can send for the cab. I want to be upstairs when Hunter gets up and get him outside before he can start asking to many questions.” Madison pulled each one of us in for a hug and told us she loved us then she was gone.

“Alright ladies whenever you are ready let’s get your asses through that window,” Athena said kicking us into action. Romy moved the backpack Madison packed for us closer to the window. We’d have to get through first then Athena would have to lift it up to us.

In no time at all we were through the window and making our way through the woods with the backpack strapped to me. When we got to the road the cab was still nowhere in sight. With our ball caps and sunglasses on we started walking in the direction the cab would have to take to get us to the airport. The cab picked us up not much longer after we started walking. We promised the cabbie one hell of a tip if he would push the speed limit. In just over fifty minutes we were dropped off in front of the airport in Columbia.

It was just 12:30 when we reached the bar in the airport lounge for the private hangers. I checked my phone to see if Trevor had sent me anything. He was supposed to text me when they were getting close. Still nothing. We each ordered a drink to calm our nerves and wait for our ride

We were on our second drink when my phone went off. Trevor said the captain has just called for them to take their seats and turn phones off. Before I could relay the message to Romy I caught sight of the jet lining up for landing. “That’s our ride chick. Lead the way,” I said to Romy.

We dropped a fifty for our drinks on the table as we headed outside to the security gate that would let us into the private hanger. The security guard we talked to seemed like he wanted to give us shit. I was about to tell the fat fucker where to go when I heard Ben’s voice speak up behind him. “I hope you’re not giving these beautiful girls a hard time. I don’t have a problem kicking your tubby ass mate.”

The guy snapped his head around to see Ben standing with paperwork in his hands. The over-weight security guard looked over the paper work before he finally buzzed the gate to let us through. On the other side of the gate I was quickly swept up into a big ole bear hug by my friend. “It’s so fucking good to see you, girl. Layla and the girls have been so worried about you. Trevor has just been a miserable prick that no one can seem to deal with. I tell ya Ave he’s driving me nuts. I swear if he makes one more comment of bouncing a quarters off my ass I’m going to smoother him in his sleep,” Ben said excitedly.

I laughed a little as the big burly man set me down on my feet. “You know you can’t kill him. Layla would never forgive you. Ben let me introduce you to Romy, my best friend. She’s the one who helped me vanish and will surely be in just as much shit as I am when we get back.”

“I hope you are in a lot of shit Avery. You shouldn’t be doing this. If you’re not safe, I can see why the men would be inclined to protect you. You know I would do the same for Layla or any of you girls. That’s why I flew out here myself to escort you back. I don’t like this shit one bit, kid. Hell, if I was your man I’d be in California before you even landed to drag your ass back home kicking and screaming,” Ben added.

I was about to tell Ben what an ass he was being when Romy spoke up. “Um, we need to get moving Avery. Madison just text me to let me know Throttle just went to wake Axle up.  You know they’re going to put two and two together.  Madison told the old heads about our heart to heart a little over an hour ago. It won’t take long for our cover to be blown.”

I looked into Ben’s eyes pleading with him as I spoke to him. “You know I have to do this or that asshole Leonard will have me fired. If all goes well, I’ll only be gone four and a half days. If I can get in the studio as soon as we land I’m sure I’ll get whatever they want down in no time. Please help me. I know you’ll look out for me and Romy, plus we got some of our own hunky men waiting to protect us when we land.”

“I don’t care who you have waiting at the other end of this god damn flight. If I can’t be with you two one of my men will be. If something happens to you while you’re with us, I’ll never forgive myself. You have no idea how happy I’ll be when the girls finally fire that asshole. I know he’s been looking for a reason to fire you and even if he did I hope you know it wouldn’t be a permanent thing. The girls would hire you back as soon as his contract was up the beginning of the year,” Ben said back to me.

“Uh, guys shit has hit the fan. Avery your dad just went downstairs to check on you thinking you’re hiding away because of all the noise you and Axle made last night. They’re going to be questioning Madison and looking at tapes in no time. We need to get a fucking move on,” Romy said impatiently.

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