Coming Home: Dominant Devils Book 2 (16 page)

“I know some of us are new to this. Once I’m done talking, the others that have been thru this before will help fill you in. Until the club settles this shit trying to break us, we all will be confined to the grounds. Tabby, Momma Bear, Queenie and Vivie you four have been thru several of these. Maybe you could be the ones to answer questions for Ms. Rose and the Commander. Girls you need to get a list of supplies ready when I’m down explaining. Ghost and Viking, take a prospect with you to do the supply run and whatever errands that need to be taken care of. I’m assuming that it will be easier to set up shop here verses the club house but at no time are any of the women or children to be left alone. I don’t even want them outside on the porch by themselves”.

“We’ll have to bring in some of the cots from the clubhouse,” I continued. “Carrin, we’ll use Tivie’s room as the kids’ room, that way someone can use Hunter’s for the time being. I don’t want the club house left unattended but brother’s plan on rotating shifts between here and there. Throttle, pick which ever prospect you want to help but I want camera’s all around the outside of his house. I want eyes on everyone that comes and goes”.

I turn to the Commander to address him, “Commander I’ll fill you in later on but know this is serious shit. I won’t close the shooting range but Athena will not be going anywhere near it until this shit is over with. Keep your eyes open for anything. I wanna know if you have any newbies come in”.

“Blaze and Happy, you need to load Hyde, Izzy and Romy up in the van and take them to get a few things from their places. I’m giving you one hour to make your stops and get back here. Girls I’m warning you not to try my fucking nerves. Get in and get out,” I said to the two men in our crew that I knew wouldn’t cave with the bitchy women of the family.

“Tank, get Athena and Madison to help you round up the artillery they have here at the house and add to it as you see fit. I know we’re cautious with the kids around but I want a piece stashed somewhere in each room. Make sure everyone knows where they are. If for some reason someone gets in here I want to make sure we ain’t caught with our pants down.”

I dished out orders to my father last, “Boomer, you need to call Beau and Brenden and tell them to keep their asses put. If for some reason they sense trouble they need to call. I know they want to see Hunter but I can’t have something happening to either one of them traveling home alone”. My brother’s might be young, but they were tough as nails. If anyone was able to track them down, they would know how to handle the situation. We made sure we had charters close to the schools they choose before even considering letting them go that far away to college.

“Alright crew let’s get this shit done. The sooner the better,” I said as the bitching started. At least they knew better to bitch amongst themselves and not to me. I really couldn’t handle that shit right now. I made my way over to Romy who already had Hunter on her lap looking for bicycles.

“Hey Romy, when you go by your place you mind bringing your ink back with you? I kind of need some work done and being you’ll be stuck here for a while I was hoping you’d be able to fit me in”.

“I’ll see what I can do”. She turned to Hunter and whispered in his ear which had him jumping out of her lap and running up to Ghost. Looks like the little munchkin had something to say she couldn’t in front of the boy.

“What’s up? I can see you’re ready to tear into my ass over something so let’s have it,” I told her before she could speak.

“Oh I’m ready to tear into somebody’s ass but the gods have saved you today. My beef isn’t with you, it’s with that nasty club whore. I’m letting it known that she doesn’t come here. I will end that bitch myself if she walks thru the door”.

“You don’t have anything to worry about. I plan to have the guys put her on a bus by morning, shipping her off far away from here. Believe me when I say I would kill that bitch if she comes near my woman or kid. She will be dealt with,” I tried to reassure her.

“For her sake she better stay gone. We might be confined to this house for the time being but I can’t guarantee you a few of us won’t be sneaking off after the smoke clears to give that bitch what she deserves”.

“We’ll deal with that after the lockdown. You girls better keep your asses put”.

“Easy dude. We know this shit is serious. With attacks focused on us I promise we won’t be taking an unnecessary risks Prez,” Romy shocks me for agreeing with me.

“Good to hear Munchkin. I’ve got enough on my plate as it is. Now did my boy find a bike he wants”?

“I ordered it already. The one he wanted wasn’t in stock though, so we had it shipped to the store. I’ll get an email when it gets there and someone can pick it up.”

“How much do I owe you Munchkin,” I asked Romy calling her by her nickname?

“Not a dime. I haven’t been able to spoil him in the flesh for four years so you’re going to have a little bit of competition big guy”.

I wasn’t in the mood to argue with her so I just kept it moving. With everyone scattering to get this together I said goodbye to my son promising to be back later. I tapped Wall on the shoulder and threw Doc a nod to have them follow me. The three of us had someone to deal with. I needed back up so I didn’t beat the hell out of a woman but that bitch needs to go. The three of us set off to put a bitch on the street. I wanted her ass gone as soon as possible. Then I was coming back to spend time with my kid before hopefully curling up next to my woman.


With most of the guys busting ass to get things done, the girls went to work getting the rooms situated. Carrin and I went to work moving Hunter in the room with Tivie. With the kid’s room situated, Athena and Madison joined us. They agreed to move down to the basement temporarily in Happy’s man cave. We planned on moving Hyde, Romy and Izzy down there as well. The basement apartment was more than big enough for the five ladies. They would have their own space complete with a bathroom down below.  Hawk was going to stay over at his parent’s house which would leave the complete third floor open for the old head’s and their Old Lady’s. Queenie was taking Hunter’s old room and the den was going to be converted into the Dorm for the rest of the guys. I offered to give my room up but apparently that wasn’t happening per Axle’s orders.

“I still don’t see why I get to keep a room to myself while everyone else has to share,” I told my girls as we started putting the groceries away prospect Dalton was carrying in from the van.

“Oh girl if you think that Axle is going to let you have that bedroom by yourself you’ve bumped your head,” Madison said with a snort.

“Oh you’ll have a roommate but of the male persuasion,” Carrin threw in.

“What the fuck are you girls getting at? What aren’t you all telling me,” I questioned, starting to get pissed. These bitches knew something they have yet to clue me in on.

“Really girl, are you that fucking dense? Axle will be rooming with you. You two will be sharing a bed just like you have the last couple nights. Your gonna have a hot piece of ass curling up next to you every night,” Athena told me with a laugh.

Holy shit! This is not happening! I can’t share a room with him and what the hell did Athena know when she said “like you have the last couple of nights”? I didn’t realize the whole damn house knew he was sneaking into my room at night. I looked calm on the outside but I was totally freaking out on the inside.

“Ouch, what the hell was that for bitch,” Carrin punched Athena in the arm.

“She didn’t know dummy. Don’t you remember her trying to figure out who was putting her in bed night after night? I’m sure it’s the reason why he’s been slipping out before the sun comes up,” Madison answered for Carrin.

Athena had the dear in the headlight look on her face. Hunter had innocently informed me of who was putting me to bed each night but I wasn’t about to admit it. I didn’t know what to say, it wasn’t like I haven’t slept with the man. The more I thought about it, the more I was warming up to the idea. It would be nice having someone to curl up with. It’s been way too long since I’ve had the luxury of his arms wrapped around me. It put a smile on my face that the girls quickly called me out on it.

“Well look at that, Avery’s getting her groove back. How bout you tell us what you’re thinking their blondie,” Madison said out loud?

“Oh my god! Do tell girl inquiring, minds wanna know. That man has an ass you can bounce quarters off of. Oh and those eyes are all like McDreamy’s,” Athena added.

“You all need to quit. That was a long time ago. I had no idea he was sneaking into my bed but I can say nothing’s happened and it won’t be happening. We have a kid together. That’s all it is right now. We still haven’t even ventured down the talk of there being an “us” girls, so slow your roll,” I answered more confident then I felt.

“Yeah right woman, keep lying to yourself. Just so you know, me and the girls have a bet going to see how long it takes for the two of you to get your heads out of your asses,” Carrin said as Madison snickered but before she could say anything Carrin continued. “What are you laughing bout there C.B., we’ve got the same bet just a different pool on you and Wall”.

That shut her up and caused me to laugh in the process. I’m glad that little bitch was getting a taste of her own medicine. I had to rub it in a little. “Yeah I think I want in on that bet. How much is the pay off again? Oh yeah, that’s right, between everyone it’s over five hundred bucks. I see another shopping spree in my future. I said by September so do a girl a favor and hold out for me”.

“You all are a bunch of bitches; you know that right. It’s all fun and games when it’s about someone else but I’m not liking being the one you all are betting on. SHIT”! Madison screamed causing a herd of bikers to come storming through the door.

“What the fuck is wrong in here? Why are you all screaming,” Ghost asked?

“Sorry Ghost, just a little girl talk. Apparently our favorite Crazy Bitch doesn’t like it when the rolls are reversed,” Carrin said to Ghost trying to keep a straight face.

We all stayed quiet waiting for the guys to flip out but all they did was laugh. It started with Ghost and the rest of them fell in which caused all the girls to bust out laughing. It felt good to let go of some of the tension that’s been surrounding all of us. Maybe this whole lock down thing wouldn’t be so bad?

Three weeks later….


For three weeks we’ve been chasing these assholes. After dragging Diamond’s ass out of the club house literally kicking and screaming, I had to work my frustrations out on someone else, so we paid the asshole we had strung up in the garage a visit. Before Wall put a bullet in the fucker’s skull, we found out there was nine of them that were sent. That left four of the rogue bikers floating around along with Zeke, Yasmin and Jewels. To say tensions were high would be putting it mildly.

Wall was almost back to his old self. Against Doc’s orders he’s been out of his sling and back to work for the last week. Thank goodness his sled wasn’t ready yet or he’d be riding it. With the girls pulled away from their post at their job’s, everyone’s been picking of up the slack. Blaze and Ghost have been rotating at the shop; when ones at the shop the other is at the club house or at the house with the girls. Zeus and Doc have been doing the same at the store. Aiden has taken over the bar we own in town with a prospect with him at all times. Boomer pulled Tank and Throttle off the long haul shit to carry the local transfers, switching off each day leaving at least one of them available. Boomer brought Viking in the office with him to help dispatch keeping the trucks rolling. Wall and Happy have been switching days at the shop leaving me at the clubhouse every day. It’s been a rough few weeks but everyone is hanging in.

The girls have been great surprisingly. The only bitching I hear is from Romy. She’s not happy that her shop has been closed for the last three weeks. She’s the only one out of the whole group that can hold a tattoo gun, which left no one to fill in for her. We had to change the answering service and put a sign on the door saying closed due to illness. I hated to do it but it had to be done. Until those fuckers showed their faces again I wasn’t budging.

I still haven’t had the time to sit down with Romy for the new tat I wanted but that shit was soon to change. I managed to sneak away from the club house early last night, thinking I’d be able to talk her into it, only to find her working on Athena surrounded by all the other women that were branded with something similar. With Zeus now a full fledge member and Athena being is only relative so to speak, it had led to a club vote to allow Athena the same rights and privileges as the rest of the club princesses. Athena now has the “princess stamp” on her left shoulder blade. It’s a small devil wearing the Dominant Devils cut with the script, club princess, underneath.

Athena saw it as the acceptance of family and jumped at the surprise presented to her. I’m not saying it wasn’t what she thought, but the club had other motives as well. It now meant she had to listen and abide by the same rules the rest of the crazy bitches in our family did. It was a gain for everyone involved. The smile on the girls face while Romy laid the club’s stamp was enough for me to wait my turn. I’d hit Romy up another time.

I was lost in thought sitting at the bar in the clubhouse when pops walked up. Boomer tapped the bar top and the prospect moved quickly to get a shot of whiskey and beer for the old head. He was pissed about something. I waited until he through the shot of whiskey back before I spoke. “What’s crawled up your ass today”?

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