Read Brie Learns the Art of Submission: Submissive Training Center Online

Authors: Red Phoenix

Tags: #Lu, #alpha male, #BDSM, #doms, #Erotica, #erotica for women, #ertocia with story, #red phoenix, #submissive training

Brie Learns the Art of Submission: Submissive Training Center (40 page)

“Sir, I would rate Faelan a seven.”

The brawny trainer from the other team
jumped on her statement. “Why so high? Explain yourself.”

“I know it may seem odd, considering we did
not have intercourse, but it was that very fact that set him
apart.” Brie braved a look at the Dominant trainer. “I’m not sure
how well I would have handled a more intimate encounter because I’m
acquainted with Faelan outside of class. The fact he chose to tease
rather than conquer me was shrewd. It left me craving another
session with him.”

Ms. Clark asked, “Had he demanded
intercourse, would you have complied?”

“Of course,” Brie answered, remembering to
keep her eyes lowered when she answered the Dominatrix. “However,
it would have been out of obedience, not personal desire.”

Brie heard the woman trainer at the other
table remark, “I did find his choice of scene odd, but it makes
sense now.”

“Miss Bennett.” Brie looked up, and a
distinguished white-haired gentleman nodded to her. “What do you
see as a weakness of Mr. Wallace?”

She answered with apprehension, “Although
Faelan read me well throughout the scene, he did come across a
little overconfident.”

Brie saw the female trainer smile. The
fourth man, a striking Native American, replied, “A valid point.”
Brie had presumed the bald man was the leader of the panel, but the
authoritative way this Dom spoke said differently. He glanced over
to Sir. “I think we have what we need from your submissives.”

Sir ordered Brie to kneel. She followed his
command as all of the Dominant trainers got up from their table and
left the room. Sir followed them out and spoke to the head trainer
in the hallway for several minutes.

It allowed Brie time to reflect on the scene
with Faelan. It shocked her that through that short encounter, Blue
Eyes had accomplished the one thing she did not want. The light
caress of his feather still lingered on her skin, causing goose
bumps of desire for the boy.



A New Kind of Clubbing

Brie had a fitful sleep that night. Her
heart was being pulled in too many directions and that played out
in her dreams. Tono ripped the sash from his kimono and wrapped it
over her eyes while Faelan restrained her in chains, but on the
sidelines the buzzing sound of Marquis Gray’s violet wand all but
drowned out Sir’s command for her. She woke up drenched in sweat,
crying out a name, but unable to recall which man’s name had been
on her lips.

Why? Why did Blue Eyes have to complicate
things even further?

Brie couldn’t go back to sleep, so she
pulled out her laptop and looked up the meaning of Faelan. She read
that it was an old Irish word meaning ‘young wolf’. The boy was
pursuing her like a single-minded predator, but he hadn’t jumped
her like a mindless beast. No, he was drawing her in by denying
—clever boy.

The next day, Brie asked Mr. Reynolds if she
could leave an hour early. He seemed to be in an especially chipper
mood and gave her the afternoon off. She took the extra time to
soak in the tub, cover herself in silky lotion and work on her
hair, makeup and nails. She made sure everything was perfect, down
to the minutest detail. It was important to Brie to make a good
impression on her new community.

Brie pulled up to The Haven and saw Mary
standing outside, next to the five trainers. She was surprised and
a little disappointed not to see Tono in attendance as well. She
had naturally assumed, because of his mastery of Kinbaku, that he
would be part of the outing. She wondered if he was already inside,
showcasing his talents. Even if she didn’t get the chance to work
with him tonight, just seeing him would do her heart good…
maybe not
. Could she really handle watching another sub enjoy
his gift of the rope?

She left her long coat in the car, letting
out a nervous sigh before locking it. The place looked like a
trendy nightclub, complete with neon lights. Couples passed by as
she made her way to the group—men in dark shirts and jeans with
duffle bags over their shoulders and women in fuck-me shoes,
collars, vinyl outfits or extremely short skirts.

Brie suddenly found herself praying that
Tono was
inside. She realized she could not handle
seeing him harmonize with someone else, and that new revelation
disturbed her. What did it mean? She walked over to Mary and stood
beside her, unable to hide the unease she felt.

Naturally, Sir noticed and commented. “Are
you ready for tonight, Miss Bennett?”

She looked him in the eyes and melted, all
other concerns instantly forgotten. “I’m looking forward to
mingling with the local D/s community, Sir.”

Master Coen spoke up. “Actually, Miss
Bennett, you will not be mingling. You are only here to observe and

Brie felt a warm tingling in her loins when
he said the word ‘perform’. What would it be like and who would she
be partnered with? Possibly Sir? The anticipation heightened her
sense of arousal.

Lea had shown up during the short exchange.
The three girls were given strict instructions to remain at the
sides of their trainers and to observe only. Sir paired up each
student with a trainer, giving Brie to Master Anderson. She had to
swallow her disappointment.

Master Anderson held out his arm to her.
Brie looked up into his intense green eyes and was surprised by the
thrill of connection she felt. He definitely had that commanding
Dom quality she adored, but Brie knew so little about the man. She
assumed the connection was due to him being good friends with Sir,
which made Master Anderson a conduit of sorts. Being with him was a
little like being with Sir.

Brie held her breath as they walked through
the doors, curious as to what she would find on the other side. She
was surprised to see that it looked similar to a normal club, with
a large gathering area in the middle full of people milling about.
Her idea of a dark dungeon with the screams of submissives filling
the air was not a reality for this stylish venue.

It wasn’t until she looked to the right that
she saw the real entertainment. Along the peripheral walls were
numerous alcoves. Each one seemed to have its own theme and
equipment. The one closest to her had a spanking horse. It was a
padded bench with side rails so that the submissive could sit
comfortably and remain still during the session. The girl lying
down on the bench had on scarlet vinyl pants with the ass cheeks
cut out, leaving the exposed skin open for punishment. The Dom
behind her was spanking her with a large wooden paddle. Her moans
of pleasure echoed in the room, joining the cries of several

Brie felt a gush of wetness between her legs
in response to their passionate reactions. This was so her kind of

Master Anderson broke from the group and led
Brie around to each scene, adding commentary from time to time. “Do
you see the way she is anticipating each stroke of the cane and
moving slightly just before it hits? The Dom should really correct
her. It’s only showcasing his inexperience and ruining the scene.”
Before they moved to the next alcove, Brie caught a whiff of a
fragrance she instantly identified as sandalwood. She wondered
where it was coming from.

When they stepped closer to the next scene,
she noticed a pleasant trace of musk. The alcove itself had an
impressive St. Andrew’s cross made of smoky glass with black
leather cuffs. The aroma seemed the perfect complement to the

The man bound to the cross was enduring the
focused attention of his Mistress, who was teasing his cock with
electricity. The man’s guttural cries sent a shiver through Brie.
There was no doubt he was turned on, based on the rigidness of his

Master Anderson squeezed her hand and moved
her on to the next scene. He had to part the crowd that had
gathered so Brie could see what was happening.

The scent of jasmine filled Brie’s nostrils,
adding to the visual of three brown-haired subs kneeling on the
ground, attached together by a string of nipple clamps on a chain.
She had never seen anything like it and found the scene erotic,
although she knew from personal experience that nipple clamps

The Dom went to the first girl and allowed
her to suck his cock while the two others watched. His hand combed
through her short hair and he said something to her that made her
smile with his cock still in her mouth. He pulled away from her and
went to the middle girl. He guided his shaft into her mouth and
commanded that the other two play with his balls while he
face-fucked her.

Brie looked down at the floor, overcome with

“Do you like what you see, my young Miss

She made sure to speak loudly enough for him
to hear without disturbing the scene. “Yes, Master Anderson.”

He leaned down and told her, “Tonight you
shall address me as Master.”

Brie braved a look into his luminous green
eyes, realizing that he was more than a trainer tonight; he was to
be her partner. She answered quietly, “Yes, Master.”

Master Anderson smiled mischievously when he
asked, “Can you guess what my specialty is?”

She stared up at the towering Dom, at a loss
for words, so she just shook her head in response.

“I am the master of the bullwhip. Have you
ever felt its bite?”

Again, Brie shook her head, afraid to speak.
The bullwhip was a far more intimidating appliance than any

“Do not fret, Miss Bennett. I can whip you
with the lightest of touches.” He lightly brushed a fingertip
against her arm. “Or cut you deep with a quick snap of my wrist.”
He said it matter-of-factly, without malicious intent.

Brie let out a nervous sigh. “I look forward
to feeling your expertise, Master.”

His laughter was low and engaging. “I like
your enthusiasm, young Brie. It contrasts so well with the look of
apprehension showing on your face.”

Master Anderson led her to an especially
long and empty alcove, ripe with the clean scent of an ocean
breeze, which made perfect sense as the inside walls were painted a
calming blue. It contrasted sharply with the chains hanging from
the ceiling.

“Our time has come, Miss Bennett.”

Brie’s loins contracted in…what? Fear or
excitement? She wasn’t sure. She bowed to him and answered
dutifully, “Yes, Master.”

“You will remove all your clothes, except
for your skirt.”

She quickly undressed to his specifications,
but squeaked unconsciously when she saw Sir hand Master Anderson a
fierce-looking leather whip, the kind Indiana Jones used. It looked
far, far more menacing than Marquis’ flogger. Brie put on a brave
face, knowing that Sir was going to observe the scene. To calm
herself, she focused on keeping her body supple and pleasing while
she waited for the next order.

“Very good, slave. Move over to the X on the
floor and face the wall. Put your feet on either side of it. It
will be the stance you remain in for the entire scene.”

“Yes, Master.” Brie trembled when he took
her left wrist and lifted it high, then buckled it into the leather
cuff attached to the chain.

She could feel the eyes of others on her and
sensed a crowd gathering. Master Anderson took her right arm and
fastened it tightly. Then he pulled on the chain, spreading her
arms out wider and making it taut. She swayed as he adjusted it,
but did not move from her designated spot.

He leaned down next to her ear. “We will use
the common safe words. I normally use a different phrase, but the
rules of this establishment don’t allow for it. A simple ‘red’ will
end our session, although I do not expect you will use it.” He
moved to her other ear. “I plan to make you drip for me, slave.” He
moved her long, brown hair to the front, covering her breasts and
exposing her back. Then his warm lips landed on her neck and he
sucked on the sensitive skin until it burned. Brie moaned softly as
he pulled away, her whole body tingling from the contact.

He said from behind her, “I am going to warm
up first. Listen to the crack of the whip and know that it will
soon be caressing your skin.”

Brie jumped, her heart skipping a beat the
first time the whip cracked beside her head and she felt the rush
of air. Her nipples hardened into tight buds.

“You’re lucky you landed in the same spot,
slave. But I will punish you next time, for I commanded that you
must not
move.” She could hear the amusement in his voice.
He had obviously known she would jump.

She took a deep breath to calm her nerves
and answered, “I will not move, Master.”

The whip cracked on the other side. It came
with incredible speed and the sound of it hurt her ears. Brie
twitched, but didn’t budge from her spot. Surprisingly, her pussy
pulsed in response. Her time with Marquis had accustomed her body
to the idea that pleasure could be found in pain.

“Are you ready, slave?”

Brie closed her eyes and said in a barely
audible whisper, “Yes, Master.”

The first stoke landed and felt like a warm
touch, nothing more. Brie opened her eyes in shock. She heard
Master Anderson chuckle softly. “Were you expecting something
different, slave?”

“Yes, Master.”

“Keep still as I warm up that lovely back of

The large whip came down on her over and
over again, licking and warming her skin. It was exciting and
sensual, while at the same time looking dramatic and painful. Brie
loved it and wondered if the crowd was amazed at her brave

“And now, slave, you will earn your

Brie’s heart stuck in her throat. A whimper
escaped her lips and was not lost on her Master.

“Is your heart racing? Good… I want you to
count as I stroke your back. A set of six to start.”

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