Read Bride of Blood:: First Kiss Online

Authors: Anthony E. Ventrello

Bride of Blood:: First Kiss (35 page)


Miles away, Anton suddenly came out of his sleep and his eyes opened.
It was the connection that he had with Chelsea and the distress she felt. He could see what she saw and felt what she felt. He sat up.
So much for a nap.
He had to help Chelsea.

But before he could sit up he felt a cold wind blow over him.
He fell back into a deep sleep.
The vampire in the corner smiled and looked at him.
Anton was totally helpless and would remain so until it was time for him to awake.
The vampire would make sure of that.
She would protect him with her very life if needed.
She owed him that much.

“Sleep, my love,” she whispered to him.
She pulled the veil back from her face and the moonlight that crept in illuminated her soft Asian eyes.
“You are not strong enough to help your familiar.”
She caressed his cheek and bent down and kissed his lips. “Yes, my love, war is upon us, but war hasn’t started for you, just yet.
Sleep and I will awaken you when the time is right.”
She closed her eyes and whispered an incantation.

Anton returned back to the pseudo-decomposed state he’d been in.
The vampire pulled the veil back over her eyes and returned to her spot in the corner.
One more incantation and she was a statue again.

Coming soon…Bride of Blood II:
Engagement in War

Author’s note:
There are many people who have helped me and have inspired me in the course of writing this book, but two stand out the most.
First and foremost I would like to thank my wife and love of my life:
She is the real-life Velara and this book would not have been possible without her love, patience and support.

To my daughter JoAnna:
You have acquired the gift of writing and imagination from your father.
I love you and I know that greatness awaits you in whatever you do.

To Catherine Zamora at Booktango:
Thank you for your help in creating this E-book.
I couldn’t have done it without you.

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