Bound for Keeps (Men of Honor) (13 page)

“He won’t even be in country until we wake up,” Keith told him. “Then I’ll be watching him every second.”

Shane nodded, realized his eyes were getting heavy.

“You need to get some sleep if we’re going to start some training tomorrow.”

The ball of nerves started working his stomach again, even as Keith pulled the covers over him. As Shane drifted off into a much-needed sleep, he realized he’d reached out to grab Keith’s hand and held it tight.

In kind, Keith moved closer, put his body against Shane’s.

“Sorry,” he mumbled.

“It’s okay, Shane. I don’t mind.”

Hours later, he woke from a sound sleep at a loud thump outside the house. Before he could figure out where the hell he was or what happened, Keith had pulled him close, murmured, “Just a tree down.”

“On the house?”

Keith snorted. “You’re safe, PFC,” and then in a softer tone, “You’re a good man who’s been through hell. Cut yourself some slack.”

He wondered if there would ever come a time for him that he would actually be a comfort for Keith. Hadn’t realized how badly he wanted that until that moment.

Keith kissed the back of his neck, and Shane shivered. Keith’s hand moved down his chest and abs to his cock, the fat head poking up through the waistband of the shorts.

His body went rigid as Keith’s hand circled him. A few strokes and Shane moaned. Fuck, it felt better than he could’ve imagined. Reed and Keith had been the first men to touch him since Kyle, and it felt right that this was happening when Shane was resting on Reed’s pillow, inhaling his scent. The tall man was still with them and in that moment, Shane figured he might actually be able to understand how this threesome could work.

Don’t think about anything else…all the obstacles on your end
, he ordered himself.

“You’re thinking way too much,” Keith told him, stroked him harder until all Shane could focus on was his cock and Keith’s touch, and it was all going to be over too soon.


Shane had been shaking when he woke to the tree falling. Keith had been awake anyway, tracking Reed’s progress to the LZ. He was always unable to sleep when Reed was actively working but he knew Shane wouldn’t have slept at all without this pretense.

The second he’d gone to comfort him, his body went from zero to sixty, and he knew he wasn’t going to be able to roll over and let Shane go back to bed.

Now, listening to the sweet moans the man was making, he knew he’d made the right decision. He sucked then licked the back of Shane’s neck and the younger man jumped and said, “Yeah.”

Keith thought about asking permission and decided fuck it and moved to flip Shane onto his back. He teased his nipples and he looked up to see Shane’s small smile of pleasure even as he protested a little at the bites.

Just you wait, baby boy. Just you wait.

After he crawled down between Shane’s legs, he bit the inside of the younger man’s thighs lightly and Shane jolted, more in surprise than any pain. He was so fucking sensitive, and Keith was really going to enjoy this. He licked around Shane’s balls, coming close but never touching them, and Shane groaned in frustration, went as far as to try to tug Keith’s head there.

But Keith refused, instead looked up to see Shane watching him.

“Tell me what you want.”

“Your mouth, Keith. I want you sucking my cock.” Shane reached down to give it a few sharp tugs, and Keith watched him. Thought about ordering Shane to jack himself off while he watched and tucked that away for later.

“You sure? ’Cause I thought I scared you.”

Shane was silent for a long moment and then admitted, “You do.”

That made Keith smile, even as his hand trailed down the boy’s stomach and landed over Shane’s hand, which was still curled around his cock. Shane drew in a sharp breath at the contact, and Keith rubbed hard as Shane pushed back moaning at the friction.

His other hand came up to Keith’s head, his touch tender along his shaved scalp, like he was trying to draw the man as close as possible without actually kissing him. Keith moved up finally and did kiss him, hard, fast, loving the way Shane responded.

Their hands moved in tandem, and Shane was moaning—he was at the edge, and Keith pushed him over by telling him, “Come, Shane. And then I’ll clean you up with my tongue while you watch.”

The thought of that made Shane climax harder than he had in forever. He felt the warm come spurt between them, whispered, “Jesus,” with his eyes closed, head against the wall.

And when he felt Keith move away, he looked down to see the big man kneeling between his legs, shaved head bobbing as a rasping tongue cleaned the come off Shane’s belly as promised…and finally, rasped over the head of his cock.

“Jesus. Fuck.” There was nothing for Shane to do when Keith slid his cock inside his mouth, deep-throated him, and he tried not to come again immediately. Wanted the sensation of being sucked to last for fucking ever…

But he was too far gone for that, even after he’d just come.

“I’m not going to last,” he pleaded to Keith, and the man actually smiled around his cock. He bucked his hips up slightly and Keith caught them, pressed them down so he could set the rhythm. Maddeningly slow, and Shane still sensitive and Keith didn’t care. Was tonguing the tip of his cock, circling the slit, pressing it until Shane cried out in frustration and pleasure.

He ran his hands along Keith’s skull, pulled the man in tighter as Keith opened his throat and took him in, letting Shane fuck his mouth and loving every goddamned minute of it. He gripped Shane’s thighs hard, knowing it would leave marks.

He would fuck this baby boy at some point.

Shane whimpered as Keith cupped his balls. He fingered the perineum behind it with a rougher touch, and yeah, baby boy liked that. If he was a sub, Keith would talk about piercing him here, like he’d told Reed he was going to do many a time. Because Reed got turned on by fantasies like that, although in real life, neither was into piercing. But Shane made Keith reconsider all of that.

“Keith, yeah,” Shane breathed now as Keith tongued his balls as his hand stroked the thick, hard cock, squeezing drops of precome from the tip. Keith licked that, looked up at Shane to find the boy watching him intently.

So this was how it was going to be. Another Dom, just like Bobby. And that suited Keith just fine.

He wondered if Reed knew this, but he doubted it. Keith hadn’t realized it until Shane’s kiss.

Keith moved one of his hands down to Shane’s balls again, squeezed them lightly but enough to get the reaction he wanted, which was Shane trying to just not go through the ceiling. He closed his eyes and panted as Keith continued his sweet torture, never letting up until Shane was coming again, this time calling out Keith’s name.

Shane wasn’t sure when Keith stopped sucking him—all he recalled was the big man wrapping himself around him tightly. Shane was shaking, but this time, there was no fear involved. He was content. Satiated. And, for the moment, calm.

Chapter Fourteen

The helo Reed had boarded eventually delivered him to the plane that dropped him in Bogota. Reed had worked that area extensively for the Army, so his familiarity meant he was called often to the location. He didn’t pass up the opportunity to look at recent maps and check out new skirmishes in the area—all of it changed the landscapes he was used to and he had to be prepared for any eventuality.

He’d been surprised when he’d learned he’d been culled for that elite Delta Force training. He’d wanted med school, but he’d been convinced that he could accomplish both.

Delta expanded on what he already had—patience, control and speed. He’d worked on strength but he’d also learned many ways to kill a man that required little effort. That’s where the medical training really kicked in.

“Proph sends his best,” Gary had told him when he boarded. “Couldn’t make it this time, but the file’s on the seat.”

Prophet was hiding something. Correction—Prophet was always hiding something, but this was bigger than most. But he evaded any of Reed’s questions by conveniently not being available for a face-to-face meeting before the op. Instead, Reed worked with Mick, who seemed a little wound up himself but was on point once they broke down the door and watched the kidnappers scatter like bugs.

But they’d regrouped, and he and Mick had made quick work of them. In reality, Reed would’ve liked more of a fight. Had needed more of a fight.

“This went goatfuck in like three seconds,” Mick grumbled, but he wasn’t unhappy about getting to punch someone either.

According to the files, all Reed and Mick had to do was make the drop, collect the merchandise and move on. In theory.

In reality, the whole thing was a setup, which became evident as more men rushed in behind the ones they’d taken down.

Reed grabbed the arm around his throat, but it was, predictably, like steel. Instead of fighting it for long, he threw an elbow and broke the man’s rib.

A howl and the guy loosened his grip, but not before getting a nice slice in along Reed’s forearm. Reed turned and dropped him smoothly with the side of his palm jabbing at the man’s throat. Breaking the Y bone wouldn’t kill him, but it could disable him with pain and stop him from calling out.

He’d interrogate the second one who came at him from the side. Reed gave a hard shove, a quick kick to the front of the knee and he went down, landing on his elbow, the gun he’d been holding clattering away.

Reed went for it first, shoved it into his pants and stood over the man, his booted foot on his throat. “Who do you work for?”

He eased up on the pressure for a few moments, letting the man collect himself. And then he spat up at Reed, who put his foot back down, blocking his air. “Have it your way. I can do this forever, although it’s going to be boring as hell.”

In the end, the man had taken an hour to give up the intel. Reed used a pressure point so he went unconscious instead of killing him. His own people would take care of that. And then he and Mick had moved swiftly back into the plane with their cargo that Mick had found under the floorboards.

Being a doctor in this case was handy—get yourself cut, stitch yourself up and move on. Reed did just that, whizzed the needle through the cut on his arm, shot himself up with antibiotics and moved on.



Shane’s body was still humming from the blowjob—the most intense one he’d ever received. And then he’d fallen back into a deep sleep, no longer noticing or caring about the wind that seemed like it would whip the house off its foundation.

Now, he heard it still howling outside. The storm was far from over. Keith was checking the laptop next to him, reached a hand out and ruffled his hair.

Shane ducked his head into the pillow. “Morning.”

“You had some dream last night,” Keith told him.

His stomach tightened and he sat up. “Shit, did I yell and wake you?”

“You woke me, yeah. But it wasn’t a nightmare.”

“You’re sure?”

“I’ve seen your nightmares.”

“Then what the hell was I…oh.” Oh was right, because the dream came flashing back to him at top speed. Him. Keith. Him, being fucked by Keith on the kitchen table.

“My name was used several times.”

“Not in vain,” Shane offered, his face heated.

“Now you’re shy?”

“Come on. I’m a red-blooded male who needs a good fuck—and soon.”

But Keith didn’t do any more than ruffle his hair again and get up to head to the shower. Shane lay back against the mattress, frustrated. It was obvious that he’d gotten a reaction out of the man, because that was more than simple morning wood he’d seen rising between the man’s legs, tenting the shorts he’d worn to bed. But he was being held at arm’s length.

What did you expect—they’d just invite you in to become a threesome and you’d be one big happy family?

Well…yeah. So stupid on him.



Keith took his phone with him when he showered, keeping it close, just in case. But Reed called when he was making breakfast. He could hear the noise of the chopper blades, knew Reed was yelling even though Keith couldn’t hear him well. But they were used to these conversations.

“How’s he doing?” Reed asked, his first concern for Shane over telling Keith that he was fine.

“He’s okay. Coming around.”

“I’m fine, Keith. Everything went as expected.”

“Which means everything was goatfuck from the first second.”

“Pretty much, yes.” He heard the laughter in Reed’s voice—fuck-ups like that kept him happy. “Business as usual. I’m in one piece. So’s Mick.”

Keith had watched their movements for most of the night, heard the interrogation through the earbud Reed and Mick had both worn for this job. This ring of dealers had been on their radars for some time—they were responsible for nearly killing several young men while using an experimental drug, and Prophet’s boss had been tasked with taking them down. Mick was running point on the mission, but bringing Reed in first for the initial sweep was a bigger part of the plan. After that, Mick would reveal himself to them as a dirty fed who would get the group what they needed to continue with their illegal enterprises.

They’d run scams like this before on criminals, but it was always risky.

“Come home,” he told Reed now.

“Can’t wait, love.”

Keith smiled into the phone. Reed wasn’t always affectionate, but the times that he was, even with a single word, he warmed Keith to his damned soul. “We’ll be waiting.”

“I like the sound of we,” Reed said. “He makes you happy. Make him stay.”

Keith paused for a long second, considering the he-makes-you-happy part and still refusing to admit it, and then said, “For you.”

“For all of us,” Reed said simply before he cut the line.



Keith wouldn’t do anything until he’d watched Reed get onto the helo and got the call saying everything was good.

“Another successful mission,” Shane said.

“Now we train,” Keith told him, brushing past him and forcing Shane to follow into the padded room.

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