Read Beyond The Horizon Online

Authors: Connie Mason

Beyond The Horizon (31 page)

Tossing her head back in pure joy, Shannon rocked her body in a slow, undulating motion, nearly destroying Blade’s determination to restrain himself. He wanted to grasp her waist and plunge into her, hard, demanding, driving himself in deep, wild thrusts to possess her totally. Exerting extraordinary control, he allowed Shannon to set the pace. Her passion exploded, her legs squeezing his slim hips as she ground her pelvis against his, her hands clawing at his back, her mouth nipping at his neck and shoulders. Suddenly Blade reached the limit of his endurance as he grasped her buttocks in his big hands, sliding her up, then down along the rigid length of his pole with savage, naked fury.

“Blade—oh, God—I’m—”

“Let go, Little Firebird, it’s time. I want to watch your lovely face soften and glow in passion when you come to me.”

Then he drove her over the edge.

“Blade, I love you!”

Blade groaned and shook as her contractions tightened around him, speeding toward his own fierce release.

Shuddering uncontrollably, they floated back to earth, still entwined, Shannon resting on Blade’s chest, his hands running the length of her spine and back.

“My God,” he rasped reverently, trying to sort through the maelstrom of emotions he had just experienced. What in the hell made him think he could get along without Shannon? he wondered. Without her to brighten his life he’d shrivel up and die. He had never experienced such a tempestuous, white-hot climax. Each time with Shannon got better. She aroused emotions in him that he never felt with any other woman.

“Blade, I’ve never felt anything like that,” Shannon whispered, echoing Blade’s thoughts. She sounded as awestruck as he was. “Don’t ever leave me.”

“Never,” Blade vowed, hugging her close. “You’re my life, my reason for living. You’re mine, Shannon Branigan.”

“And you’re mine, Swift Blade. Do you have a last name?” she asked curiously. “What was your father’s name?”

“Stryker. In the East I was known as Blade Stryker.”

“How soon can I be Mrs. Stryker?”

“If I had my way, it would be tomorrow, but I’m afraid we’ll have to wait,” Blade said regretfully.

“Wait! For what?” Shannon raised herself on her elbows, staring at Blade as if he’d lost his mind.

“You’re going to be in enough danger without my contributing to it. Bailey’s partner will surmise that you’ve told Wade Vance about him, and he’ll live in fear that you’ll recognize his voice. He might decide to eliminate that problem. Now do you understand why your life could be in danger?”

Wide-eyed, Shannon nodded.

“Fortunately, no one knows I’m a government agent or that I’m working with Wade, which means I’ll be able to continue the investigation unhindered. I suspect Wade will be closely watched, though, since our man seems to know that you went to the major with your suspicions.”

“Then he’s in danger too.”

“Possibly,” Blade allowed.

“I still don’t see what all this has to do with us and the way we feel about one another.”

“I’ll be better able to keep an eye on you if no one suspects there is anything between us,” Blade explained. “There are times when I might have to leave the fort, and if we were married you’d be subject to ridicule from the townspeople. Be patient, my love, my job here will be finished soon. Bailey and Mad Wolf are dead, but other renegades will take Mad Wolfs place as long as guns are placed in their hands by men like Bailey and his partner.”

“Blade, you never said why you left your grandfather. What happened to those of his people who survived the attack?”

“Yellow Dog is dead,” Blade said, his eyes sad and remote. “The winter was hard on us. Food was scarce, and we had no proper shelter and much sickness. Grandfather died of pneumonia in February.”

“I’m sorry, Blade,” Shannon said sincerely. “What of the others?”

“Jumping Buffalo is taking the people to Powder River country where I imagine they’ll join with other Sioux. They are too small a group now to survive on their own. White Elk is a friend of Yellow Dog and will welcome them into his tribe.”

“How long before we can be together?” Shannon asked abruptly.

“Not long, I hope,” Blade promised. “This partner of Bailey’s is bound to make a mistake and give himself away. Until he does I’m going to watch you like a hawk. Nothing,
he repeated fiercely, “is going to happen to you. I love you too much to see you harmed.”

“I didn’t think I’d ever hear you say those words,” Shannon sighed happily.

“I never thought I’d say them,” Blade grinned sheepishly. “You deserve better, Little Firebird. I’m a half-breed and a Yankee officer, everything you despise. That you love me at all is a miracle.”

“No, Blade, you’re the miracle. You made me forget the war and all the sadness I endured because of it. I realize now that both sides suffered. You joined the Yankee army out of deep conviction and I respect you for your belief. I’m no longer that shallow, hot-headed girl who listened to no one. I’m a woman now, capable of understanding and forgiveness. Mama would be proud of me.”

“I’m proud of you, Shannon.”

“Do you think…” She blushed furiously, suddenly aware of what she was about to ask.”

“What, Little Firebird? What were you going to say?”

“I was going to ask you to love me again. If you’re not too tired,” she added with a twinkle.

A lazy smile curved Blade’s full lips. “Tired?” he scoffed. “I’m a man in his prime, sweet little love, not yet thirty years old. I could make love to you all night and still have the energy to go out and slay all my enemies tomorrow.”

“You talk too much, Blade Stryker.”

Shannon stared wistfully out the schoolhouse window, as distracted as her students. She’d been back at the fort for days, and an early spring snowfall covered the land. At first all the pristine white snow had enthralled her, but as the dreary season progressed Shannon yearned for the soft Georgia spring she’d grown up with. The heavenly scent of flowers and gentle ocean breezes were as remote as Blade had been since their return.

Then she thought of this sprawling, wild country just bursting with opportunity and remembered exactly why her family had chosen to travel to the Western frontier. And now that Blade loved her, she never intended to leave, unless it was to follow him elsewhere.

Thinking about Blade turned her musings in another direction. Since returning to the fort, she’d rarely seen him. She knew he and Major Vance were secretly involved in unmasking Clive Bailey’s partner. The man was a sly one, wonderfully clever at covering his tracks. By now he must be aware that Major Vance was on to him. Shannon had spoken to Blade but briefly during these past few days, and he’d told her they still hadn’t a clue to the man’s identity. Shannon sincerely hoped something would break soon, for she missed Blade desperately.

Thus far there had been no evidence to suggest Shannon was in danger, yet Major Vance had insisted on assigning a man to protect her. Sargeant O’Brien, a battle-scarred veteran of many campaigns, had been given the task of seeing that Shannon came to no harm. Shannon felt uncomfortable being accorded special treatment but made the best of it. She felt unqualified to argue with Major Vance’s logic.

After school was dismissed that afternoon, Shannon remained a few minutes longer than usual, tidying up for the weekend. When she turned from her task, Blade was leaning lazily in the doorway.


Uncaring who might be watching, Shannon ran into his outstretched arms. “You feel wonderful, Little Firebird. I’ve missed you.”

“You have no idea how much I’ve missed you,” Shannon returned, truly content for the first time in days. It felt so right to be in Blade’s arms.

Suddenly Shannon peered over Blade’s shoulder. “Where is Sargeant O’Brien? What will he think, seeing us like this?”

“Wade dismissed O’Brien tonight. I’m to take his place,” Blade said, his voice hinting of a night filled with rapture. “I need you, Little Firebird.”

Closing the door behind them, Blade pulled her closer, his warm mouth covering hers in a kiss ripe with tender yearning and sweet promise. His tongue slid temptingly along her parted lips, slipping inside to explore the moist insides of her cheeks. He deepened the kiss, sucking her tongue into his mouth, savoring her sweet nectar. When the kiss ended Shannon felt totally drained, leaning limp and breathless against Blade’s massive chest. Blade grinned knowingly as he set her back on her feet.

“You’re far too tempting, Little Firebird. When I’m near you I forget everything but the need to have you in my arms, to bury myself in your sweet flesh. Do you understand now why I’ve been avoiding you? I need to keep my wits about me until Bailey’s partner is apprehended.”

Shannon flushed becomingly. Blade rarely waxed so eloquent about his feelings. “Have you and Major Vance learned anything new?”

“We still don’t know the identity of Bailey’s partner. The man is damn clever. But I suspect he’ll be going after the gold that Bailey owed him one day soon. Naturally he’ll assume it’s hidden someplace in the store and when he shows up to claim it either Wade or I will be there waiting.”

“What will happen to the trading post now that Bailey is dead?”

“A new man will take over soon. The Post Trader’s Store is owned by the army but leased to civilians.”

“Will the new owner be told about the gold?”

“No, and I see no need to tell him, since the gold is no longer there.”

Shannon’s mouth flew open. “You found the gold?”

“Wade and I searched the store thoroughly before the new owner took over. We found the gold in a space under the floor beneath a loose floorboard. Wade has it well hidden in his quarters.”

“You think Bailey’s partner will break into the trading post to look for the gold?”

“I’m sure of it. Wade and I take turns keeping watch on the trading post night and day. Sooner or later the man is going to try to remove that gold.”

“Be careful, Blade,” Shannon whispered shakily. “I couldn’t bear it if anything happened to you.”

“Don’t worry, sweet, I’m always careful. After Wade relieves me tonight I’ll come to you. It’s Wade’s turn to stand guard outside the trading post, so we’ll have a few hours together.”

“I’ll leave the rear door unlatched.”

“No, it’s too dangerous. I’ll knock. It will probably be late.”

“I don’t care how late, I’ll wait,” Shannon promised, eyes shining brightly. “But I think you’re exaggerating about my danger.”

“Perhaps, but I’m not taking chances where you’re concerned.”

He kissed her again, a short, passionate assault upon her senses. She felt the hard proof of his desire rise against her and she quivered with excitement.

“Tonight, Little Firebird. Go home now. Trust no one but me, Wade, and Sargeant O’Brien.”

Shannon left the schoolhouse in a daze of happiness, thinking of tonight and having Blade to herself for a few stolen hours of bliss. She’d soak in a hot tub first, then…”

“Shannon!” Startled, Shannon whirled as Molly Greer hailed her from across the road. Smiling, she waited until the older woman hurried across the street to join her.

“My dear, where have you been hiding yourself? Surely school isn’t keeping you from visiting friends. You’ve not attended a suffrage meeting in ages.”

Most townspeople knew Shannon had been carried off by Clive Bailey, but few knew why or any of the details. It was due primarily to the Greers’ staunch friendship that gossip about Shannon was squelched before it really got started.

Colonel Greer had been informed that Clive Bailey was dealing in illegal weapons and that he intended to sell Shannon to Mad Wolf, but little else. Vance stopped short of telling Greer that he and Blade were special agents working out of Washington. Vance was permitted to tell no one until given permission to do so by the president.

“I’m sorry, Molly, I’ve been rather busy with tests and—and things,” Shannon said lamely. “I’ll try to attend the next meeting.”

“My dear, there is no need for shame or pretense between friends. I don’t know the entire story where Clive Bailey is concerned, but I’m certain you were not at fault for what happened. No one would dare accuse you in my presence. I insist you attend our meeting tonight.”

“Tonight?” Shannon hedged. “I…”

“Oh please—you were so helpful in organizing our group, I know you’re interested.”

Shannon didn’t have the heart to refuse. Especially after Molly’s vote of confidence. Besides, suffrage was a subject close to Shannon’s heart. She felt strongly that women should have a say in their futures. Women were the backbone of civilization and shouldn’t be treated as mere property or an extension of some man. It was time they received recognition for the special place they occupied in society. Since Blade said he wouldn’t show up until late, Shannon decided she’d have plenty of time to attend the meeting.

“Of course I’ll attend the meeting, Molly. And—and thank you.”

“No need for thanks,” Molly said briskly, aware of what she was being thanked for. “Seven-thirty, dear. I’ll send an escort.”

“There is no need.”

Molly merely smiled and waved, the matter already settled.

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