Read bedeviled & beyond 05 - bedeviled & besmirched Online

Authors: sam cheever

Tags: #science fiction romance angels & devils, #Urban Fantasy, #humorous paranormal romance, #paranormal romance series, #action adventure romance comedy, #Dark Paranormal Romance, #sci fi romance, #science fiction romance

bedeviled & beyond 05 - bedeviled & besmirched (18 page)

Milc flew away from him and smashed into the wall thirty feet away, coming to his feet with an angry cry.

I turned to Milc with power still sizzling in my palms. “Step down, Advocate. You’re lucky the king didn’t kill you.”

Gerch closed ranks with me, obscuring Dialle in the bed. But Dialle was way too pissed off to let us shield him. The air before Milc shimmered and Dialle was suddenly standing inches away from the advocate, his fist bunched in the taller man’s shirt. “Get thee from my sight, boil, before I kill thee with my bare hands.”

With a final sneer in my direction, Milc shimmered away.

Dialle stood staring at the wall for a moment, his chest heaving as he fought for control. I glanced at Gerch. “Leave us.”

Gerch stepped close. “Are you certain?”

I was touched, the big guy looked as if he was actually concerned about me. I smiled. “I’m sure. Thanks.”

With a final, uncertain look at Dialle, Gerch nodded and left quickly, closing the heavy doors quietly behind him.

I stood silent for a moment, allowing Dialle to calm before I spoke. I wasn’t worried about Dialle’s anger. It wasn’t directed at me. But the look on his face when he turned around made me suck in a breath.

Maybe I shouldn’t have sent Slayer and Gerch away after all.

I needed to bring his devil down fast or we were both gonna be sorry.

“Too bad you stepped in front of me, I was just about to kick his ass.”

Dialle’s black gaze swirled with the colors of rage. His fists were clenched so hard at his sides that the knuckles were white.

Power flowed from him in angry waves. He growled.

Well. That hadn’t worked.

I tried a different tack.

“You’re looking much better.”

Dialle moved so fast I didn’t see it until it was too late. Suddenly he was standing right in front of me, his face so close to mine I could taste his breath.

One, large, golden hand lifted to tangle in my hair and he pulled me roughly into a kiss, his other hand grasping my hip and dragging me close.

The power ball I’d been holding deflated and disappeared with a pop as my nether regions fired up under a different kind of power.

My Settling surged into awareness and growled, licking its lips in anticipation as Dialle’s mouth ravaged mine.

He kissed me so hard I felt the sharp tips of his slightly oversized canines and I relished the pain. The taste of my blood added a salty-sweet tang to our kisses.

I tangled my fingers in his thick mane of hair and groaned against his mouth, my hips nestling the long, hard thickness resting against my belly.

Dialle’s tongue speared my lips and danced roughly with mine. He tasted of heat and sexual musk. His scent wound me in an unbreakable web of lust.

I dragged at my clothes desperately, becoming frustrated by their refusal to give way. When they disappeared on a wisp of Dialle-induced magic, I immediately climbed his body, my legs wrapping around him like the slut monkey I was. My channel convulsed hungrily as it found his shaft and I pressed against it with manic need.

Moaning, I grabbed his face and lifted my mouth from his, biting his lips and jawline, and licking his face and lips like a submissive pup. I bit and licked my way down his throat, heading for the daemon hickey I’d given him.

He grabbed my chin between two strong fingers, gently but firmly dragging my lips back to his. He carried me to the bed and dropped me onto it, climbing over me and settling his shaft between my legs.

He found the tear-shaped mark on my throat and sucked it. My world rolled and wobbled, crashing, as delight speared through me, sharp and bright.

My hands found his delectable buns and I grabbed hold, trying to force his shaft into my body.

But Dialle resisted. He used the mark on my throat to send me screaming into orgasm over and over again, until I panted from the aftermath.

Finally, I screamed his name, begging him shamelessly with my body, and he drove himself deep. I knew from the moment he entered my body that it would be no gentle mating. He was an animal in need, a beast driven by sheer, unbound lust that needed to be assuaged.

I was no less driven. I wrapped his hair in my fist and held on, my legs twining around his as he pounded me into the soft mattress beneath us.

His teeth closed on my bottom lip and he nibbled it as he thrust into me, lifting my hips to drive even more deeply into my channel.

My world was woven completely from my need and the sexual fire I felt sizzling at the edge of our sphere. I was nothing more than a collection of roiling sexual cells...mindless and ravenous.

My cells had expanded with skin was so alive it hurt. Every touch of his hands burned me as he stroked my arms, back and buttocks.

Dialle’s skin felt as if it was on fire beneath my fingers. A fine sheen of sweat coated us both, creating friction as our bodies ground together in frenzied coupling.

He growled my name as his muscles tightened and I felt him jump within me. As he came, he lowered his lips to my throat and captured the mark that was spitting magic between us. His fevered lips staunched the magic fire and sent me soaring into release with him.

Bright stars fractured before my eyes. Pleasure burst from my sensual core and rolled through me, warming and softening my muscles as Dialle draped himself over me. He covered my lips and face in soft, lingering kisses.

I sighed, running my hands over his arms and back, and wished he would stay with me for a bit rather than jumping up and returning to the fray.

I wasn’t surprised when he started to roll away. Suddenly I couldn’t stand it. I needed him to stay. Placing my hand on his arm, I looked up into his face.

His gaze fixed on mine, unwavering, filled with coolness that made my stomach clench. “Stay. Don’t run away.”

He stared at me for a long moment and then, to my amazement, lowered his lips to mine. His kiss was filled with such tenderness that tears stung my eyes. Even so, he pulled away.

“I cannot. I have dignitaries to entertain and a council to plan.”

“Can’t somebody else do it?”

His perfect lips tipped upward and he reached out to tuck a strand of my hair behind my ear. “Nay. ’Tis my task to perform. I’m next in line, Astra. You received the information on the Dark Council meeting, yes?”

I looked away to cover the guilty expression easing onto my face. “Oh yeah, that. I just forgot.”

I felt his gaze on me but couldn’t meet it. Finally he chuckled and turned away. I watched his perfect backside striding toward the door, frowning as a skintight pair of black pants and a gauzy white shirt suddenly appeared out of thin air to cover him.

“I will see you later, my love. Stay safe.” He turned at the door, something dancing in his gaze. Something that looked a lot like concern. “Please?”

I nodded, fighting tears. If I thought he cared for my sake it would have made me happy. But I had a strong suspicion he really only cared about the health of his court.

Maybe that would be all he ever cared about.

I guessed I’d need to start preparing for that. Problem was, how did one prepare to have her heart shredded?


My Girlfriend’s Back!

She settled down he settled up, their love was meant to die,

Our heroine still rides the edge, but love may be the lie.

Slayer was waiting for me when I got back to my office. I blinked when I saw him sprawled in my chair with his big feet up on my desk. Up until that moment, his report had flown from my mind. It came back with a jolt.

“Hey.” I motioned for him to get out of my chair. “What’s up?”

Slayer dropped his feet and unfolded his long form from the chair. He slipped past me, way too close, and moved around the desk. He didn’t even take the opportunity to flirt with me.

That was when I realized he was upset.

He didn’t sit down, instead he walked around the office, looking at things on my walls and shelves. He touched some of the items without even seeming to know he was doing it, as if he didn’t really see them.

I dropped into my chair and leaned back, putting my much smaller feet on top of my desk so I could watch him squirm. I could have put him out of his misery but, hey, part devil here.

Finally, after a couple of moments of pacing and the appearance of gathering his thoughts, Slayer looked at me and frowned.

“Spit it out, Slayer.”

He expelled a harsh breath and looked at the floor, his hands on his hips. “I think I know who’s behind the kidnappings and your poisoning.”

I sat up straighter. “Who?”

“She came to me about a week ago.”


He looked surprised that I’d figured it out.

“Hey, I do watch the show you know.”

He nodded. “I haven’t spoken to her for a couple of years.”

“I take it you used to have a relationship with her?”

“I did.”

“What happened?” I had a feeling the reason they’d broken up was important.

He glanced at me and looked away, seemingly reluctant to tell me.

“Hey, if it’s too personal...”

“It’s not that. I’m just not sure you want to hear the reason.”

I frowned. “I don’t want to hear most of what people tell me but that never stops anybody from layin’ it on me. So lay it on me.”

“She went through her Settling and came out the other side quite a bit darker than she went in.”

My stomach clenched at his words. It was my greatest fear. That my devil would gain the upper hand during my Settling. As I sat there paling before him, my light and dark sides were head to head in brutal combat. The outcome of the fight was too close for me to call.

Unfortunately for me I hung out with all the wrong people. With that type of constant influence there was a better chance I’d come through my Settling more devilish than I’d been when I went in. “I see. And you couldn’t live with the new her?”

“We gave it a good try. But the first time she jumped on another guy in front of me and was surprised I didn’t want to join the fun, I knew we probably weren’t gonna make it.”

“Okay. So that sucks. And now she’s back? Is she trying to get together with you again?”

My question made him frown. “No. I mean, not really. I’m not sure exactly why she came to me again. She seemed...unsettled. I got the impression that she was mixed up in something she couldn’t handle.” He fixed an intense gaze on me. Worry brought out the black flecks, making his eyes look darker. “I think she was going to ask me to help, Astra. But, stupidly, I sent her away before she got around to asking.”

“Given your history, I don’t think that was stupid at all. If she’s in trouble, you don’t want to get dragged into it, Slayer. Believe me. I know how the devil’s mind works. She would have used you all up and left you to deal with the consequences.”

He nodded. “I know. Which is exactly why I threw her out. I don’t trust her and I’m certain her motives were far less than pure.”

I cocked my head, leaning back in my chair again. “So what’s the problem?”

He expelled a quick burst of air and dropped into my client chair. His gaze was nearly black when he looked up at me again. “I’m about ninety-nine percent sure she’s behind the kidnapping of the Puka King. I’m at least that sure she had something to do with your poisoning. And I’m dead certain she’s working with the devil’s advocate.”

Gulp. Well frunk me right to Hell.

“Tell me everything you know, Slayer.”

He stood and started pacing again. “I caught her magic signature at Mx. Davis’ house. It was faint, so I managed to convince myself I’d imagined it. And what would she be doing there anyway?” He looked at me as if he wanted me to respond.

I clamped down on a surge of impatience and shrugged. “Go on.”

He scrubbed a hand down his face. Such a handsome face. And oh so full of angst. Under the best circumstances I didn’t do angst well. It probably would surprise you to know that I’m not real compassionate.

No really.

I forced myself not to scream at him as he gathered his thoughts before going on. I could be patient when I needed to. I just hardly ever needed to.

“I sensed her again at the Diamon house, stronger that time. Really strong in the kitchen.” He slid me a meaningful look.

“Would she have been working with the bird demons?”

them...most likely she would have been controlling them. Crisanne is a very powerful halfling, Astra. There’s an argument to be made that she’s even more powerful than you are. She comes from a very similar background. Her mother was an Archangel and her father was a powerful sorcerer who was the better part Royal. She’s a dominator and has the ability to manipulate humans and magic users that is almost unparalleled.”

I thought of the booger driver with the blank gaze and the bird demon who flew into my power bubble and fried itself. “Okay, I can see where she might be involved with some of what’s happened. Why do you think she had something to do with my and Dialle’s poisoning...and Milc?”

“Because I sensed her presence all over Dialle’s court, Astra. Most strongly in Milc’s quarters.”

“Maybe she was just in there snooping around.”

“In his bed?” His face twisted with anger. “On his clothes?” He shook his head. “I smelled lust among the sheets, Astra. They’d been together. And if I don’t miss my guess they’re working together to oust Dialle from his spot on the Council and replace him with Milc. And if that’s the case, you’re in a lot of danger, Astra. You both are. Individually, Milc and Crisanne are formidable opponents. Together they’re truly scary. And if he’s marked her...” Slayer shook his head.

“So you think Crisanne stole the poison from Astis and bespelled the Puka and a gargoyle to infect us with their claws?”

“I think that’s highly likely.”

I turned my chair to my thinkin’ position before I remembered I no longer had a window to stare out of. Frunkin’ hell! At least a booger couldn’t fly into the sewer and get me in my new office. “I’m inclined to agree with your assessment Slayer. The question is, what do we do about it?”

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