Read BBW on Fire - Complete Online

Authors: Moxie North

BBW on Fire - Complete (13 page)

“No Eli, that was all good, perfect even,” she answered.

Chapter 9


“Awesome, then time for a shower!” he said jumping to his feet and grabbing her hands, pulling her up from the couch. He wrapped his arms around her swaying body until she found her balance.

“You’re all sticky Angel girl, you get the shower hot and I’ll be right in,” he said kissing the tip of her nose.

Izzy realized she was totally sticky, for a number of reasons.  She headed in the direction Eli had pointed and walked into his bedroom.  She avoided looking at the giant king size bed and hit the lights for the bathroom.  The bathroom looked like it had recently been remodeled.  A double vanity opposite a huge glass walk in shower. A small room to the side with a door that she assumed was the toilet.  She took the opportunity to use that little room before Eli made his way in there.  Once out, she spared a brief glance into the mirror.

Shit, she had sex hair, lots of it. She also realized she was just wearing her bra, with her boobs hanging out! Holy crap on a cracker, she didn’t even realize.  She’d waltzed her ass down his hallway mostly naked and he probably watched! Oh gawd, she was a dork.

Twisting her hair up into a messy knot, she managed to get it to stay although flopping dangerously to one side.  She reached in and turned the handles on the shower, steam rose up and filled the room.  She stepped into the shower and let the hot water cascade over her.  Izzy wanted to contemplate the evening, dissect it, worry over it. But instead she enjoyed the water, let the steam loosen her muscles that were oddly tense after her two screaming orgasms.  Now that was something she could ponder.

She heard the door to the shower open and flipped around covering herself like he hadn’t already seen all her goodies.  Then her hands dropped, forgetting her modesty, as she watched a completely naked Eli step into the shower.

Fuck a duck, he was stunning.  She didn’t even care that she was staring. Her eyes scanned up and down his body. Taking in his thick muscled thighs.  The perfect, and mind you, totally erect cock that was pointing quite menacingly at her. His 8-pack abs, yes you heard right, 8-pack.  His perfectly shaped pectorals and his thick muscled bound arms.

He was smiling at her, “Like what you see baby?” and then he turned around so she could gaze at his high tight ass.

Looking over his shoulder he said, “Take your time Angel, I’ve got all night.”


Playing his game she retorted, “Ok, I’m done.” And turned her back to him to face the water.  She was rewarded when he came up behind her, pressing the length of his body to hers.  His hard cock slipping between her ass cheeks.

“Oh Angel, we aren’t done, not by a long shot,” he said nipping at her shoulder.  “First we need to get you cleaned up, so we can dirty you back up later.”

Izzy looked over her shoulder and saw him reach down and pick up a bottle he’d left on the floor as he walked in.  Looking up at him he said, “Body wash, vanilla,” and grinned at her.

That boy sure liked his sweets.

Eli poured a handful into his palm and reached around the front of her and took a breast in each hand. He massaged as he cleaned, working up and down her body, making sure he didn’t miss an inch.

Izzy felt worshiped, adored, and she totally didn’t care what the nasty little voice in her head usually told her.  That little bastard had been mute all night and she was keeping it that way.

“Can I wash you?” Izzy asked, as Eli was finishing her up.

“Oh baby girl, I would love that, but I just don’t have the control right now to let you. Maybe later, yeah?” he answered her. And he sounded sorry to have to say it.  “Let me wash up, then we can both get out.  Trade places with me so you stay warm.”

They switched places and Eli made quick work washing up.  She noted he did not use the vanilla scented body wash he used on her.  She saw him replace the bottle and the front said Swagger, which made her giggle to herself.

Turning off the faucet, Eli stepped out and wrapped a towel around his waist.  He held up another towel to Izzy when she stepped out.  He wrapped it around her, and she felt that it was warm.  Looking up at him in wonder he said, “I tossed them in the dryer to warm them up.”

Gawd, he was so freaking sweet! Who did that? Who would even think ahead like that?

He carefully dried her head to toe.  Then moved to the counter and grabbed another bottle he had left there.  As he walked back, she noted it was a bottle of vanilla lotion.  Boy was he predictable.  She raised her eyebrow and he just offered her a dazzling smile then ducked his head shyly.  Izzy wasn’t used to being the bolder one.  It seems Eli and her traded the position back and forth.  And she liked that.  She could be shy and him bold and bouncy.  Then she could let his shy side come out when she was feeling confident.  Like say, when a hot guy just scrubbed her down and now was moving towards her with the clear intention of continuing to touch her.

She didn’t say a word as he opened the top of the lotion, he looked at her expectantly and she smiled.  Then dropped her towel.  She sawed his eyes grow dark, from chocolate brown to almost black.  She stood still as his eyes swept her frame, then he moved in and began to rub the lotion on her shoulders, then moving down.  Gently massaging it into her skin, the smell of vanilla permeating the room.

Once he felt she was thoroughly moisturized, which she was, inside and out, he took her hand and walked her into the bedroom.  Turning her towards him he ran his hand up her neck and cupped the back of it.  Twining his fingers into her hair, he looked into her eyes.  His seemed to be working hard, like he wasn’t sure what to say.

Izzy started to get worried, “Eli? Sugar?” she said quietly, bringing her hands up to his waist. Worry starting to etch in her face.

El grunted and brought his free hand up to smooth the furrow on her forehead, “It’s all right Angel, I was just thinking,” he said quietly.

“About what baby?” she asked back just as quietly.

“About everything, whether you’re real, whether this is really happening.  Are you actually this sweet and perfect? Do you really like me? Will you be here tomorrow? And the next day?  Can I convince you to stay if you’re unsure? And about a million other things. My brain usually doesn’t stop, I should warn you now,” he said with a sad chuckle.

Seeing that unease on his handsome face had an ache forming in Izzy’s chest.  She didn’t ever want to be the reason Eli was unsure of anything.  How did she let him know that this has already been the best night of her life? Then she realized what she needed to say.

“Eli, Sugar, this has been the best night of my life.  I’d be a fool to walk away from you. You’re stunning, and not just your looks, which by the way baby, you are freaking hot!” she watched him chuckle and blush.

“But you’re a kind soul, you look at me like I hung the moon, and darlin’ I’ve never, ever, had anyone look at me the way you do. I’m scared I’m not what you think I am.  But when you look at me, I can almost believe what I see in your eyes.  I’ll be here tonight, tomorrow and the next day, until you’re sick of me.  Even if this doesn’t work, I’ll still cherish every second we spent together.”

She saw him studying her, he was reading her, hoping she was telling the truth. “Promise?” he whispered.

“Promise,” she answered.

He smiled, she smiled, then he kissed her. Soft, slow, and wet.  He ran his hands down her back, cupping her ample ass and gave a lift, forcing her up on her toes and making her squeak into his mouth.  She felt his grin against her lips, naughty monkey, she thought.

Then he walked her back to the bed and gave her a little shove.  She landed on the bed with a bounce and a laugh.  She didn’t think she’d ever laughed with a man before, and certainly not naked.  But this felt right, this felt real.

“Lay still for me, huh?” he asked, leaning over her on his hands, keeping his weight off of her.

“Of course, Sugar,” she answered.

She watched him lean over off the bed and heard plastic rustling, having no clue what he was up to.  Then he sprung up next to her and proudly displayed a very long strip of condoms.

“Well that should last us a while, baby,” she laughed at him.

He looked at the strip, shrugged his shoulders and answered, “For the weekend at least.”

Eli dropped the strip onto her belly and dived back off the bed, more rustling and he came up with a can of whipped cream.

Izzy laughed and raised her eyebrow, “Didn’t we already have dessert?”

“Yes, but that was like twenty minutes ago, I’m hungry,” he said wickedly

He proceeded to paint her a whipped cream bikini, which had Izzy giggling in fits.  When he was done, he looked at her, eyes gleaming and said, “Open,” which of course she did and he sprayed a mouthful of awesomeness into her mouth.  He followed with a kiss, their tongues licking the cream and each other.

Again he dived off the bed, popping back up with nuts!  Seriously, a container of chopped nuts.  The look on her face was incredulous.

Eli looked concerned all of a sudden, “Shit baby, are you allergic?” he asked worriedly.

Another peal of laughter came out of Izzy, “No, Sugar, I’m not allergic.”

Goofy grin was back and Eli sprinkled nuts all over her whipped cream bikini, then popping a few in her mouth, followed by a kiss.

Chapter 10


By now Izzy realized, she was in for the long haul as he dived off the bed numerous times, returning with a new topping each time.  There were sprinkles, mini marshmallows, and of course a jar of maraschino cherries.  Each completed with a taste for her and a kiss for him.

Sitting back, Eli surveyed his handiwork.  Izzy surveyed the rock hard body staring at her.  She worked her gaze up his body until she saw his burning eyes.  Then he dove at her, mouth everywhere, licking each section of her over and over again.  He worked his way over her breasts, popping cherries into his mouth then offer them to her in scorching kisses.  He ate at her, sucked, and tickled her.  They laughed, they moaned, there were even a few sighs. 

As he made his way south, Izzy was losing her patience.  She had never been so thoroughly kissed.  Her skin was on fire, she was worried the whip cream would start to melt.  But as he made his way past her belly button, he paused.

Izzy lifted her head to look down at why he stopped.  His head pitched up at her, and she saw heat and a little bit of crazy eyes.  Kinda like a kid hopped up on Halloween candy.

“Eli?” she said cautiously.

“Pull your legs up Angel, spread them for me.  Show me that you’re mine,” he whispered.

Pulling her knees up, she let them fall wide, displaying her cream covered pussy to him.  “I’m yours Eli, for as long as you want me,” she whispered back.

“Then I can keep you forever.” he said quietly, not as a question, but as a statement.

She didn’t want to debate the future with him, she was happy living right in this moment with him.  Izzy didn’t dare to think too far ahead.

He must have seen the lack of conviction on her face. He brought his hands up to cup her face, “Say it Angel, say you’re mine, please, I need to hear you say it.  If you leave tomorrow you’ll break my heart, no joke,” he said his eyes bright.

Oh shit! He looked ready to cry, fucking hell, he couldn’t cry! She’d never forgive herself for being such an asshole as to make him cry.

“Baby, I’m here, I’m yours. Trust me, I’m not going anywhere,” she promised.  She schooled her features, trying to show him that she wasn’t lying, she was here.

He dropped his forehead down to hers. His eyes closing, he whispered, “Baby, my Angel,”

He lifted his head and gave her a crooked grin, then slowly started creeping back down her body.  As he came between her legs, he pushed them wide, took one last look at Izzy, who was still watching him and dove onto her.  He made fast work cleaning all of the sweet treats covering Izzy’s pussy.  She wasn’t sure what sundae toppings and pussy tasted like, but it appeared to be Eli’s favorite snack.

She felt the build of an orgasm as Eli lapped her juicy lips.  Sucked her clit into his mouth, letting his teeth just graze the rigid bundle of nerves.  Her legs started to quiver and Eli used his shoulders to push her thighs wider.  He slid one finger, then two into her pussy.  He stroked her in time with the suction of his mouth.  Izzy felt the release crash over her, her back bowed off the bed and she let out a ragged cry.

“Good girl, Angel, that’s one, the next one will be you clamping down on my cock,” he said huskily, pulling his fingers out and reaching for a condom left on the bed.  He quickly tore it open and rolled it down his bobbing shaft.

“Give me your eyes Angel,” he said thickly.

Izzy managed to pull her heavy eyelids up, her breathing still fast from that slow building climax.  She saw him look at her, as he reached down and guided his thick tip to her opening.  He didn’t say anything as he started to push forward, the crown of his cock breaching the entrance of her pussy.  He was big, way bigger than Izzy’s previous partners, she gasped at the stretch from just the tip of him.

“You’ve got it baby, you can take me, just relax and let me in,” he murmured, pulling back and pushing forward a bit farther.  He repeated his back and forth, letting Izzy’s pussy stretch to accommodate him.  When he was finally able to thrust fully into her, he stopped and she saw him close his eyes and a blissful expression sweep over his face.

Izzy was full, stuffed with his length.  She could feel every inch of him, touching places that were completely virgin inside her.  She needed him to move, the pressure was amazing, but she wanted more.

Eli’s eyes popped open, and he held himself still, “Did you want something Angel? Cause I’m as happy as can be right where I am. I could stay here all night with your sweet cunt squeezing the fuck out of my dick,” he said to her.

She knew he was teasing, but she was too ramped up to tease back.

“Eli,” she managed grumpily.

“Yeah Angel, I’m right here, what do you need. Tell me what you want. I don’t know if you don’t tell me exactly what you want me to do,” he taunted.

“Move!” she all but shouted.

“Sure baby, I can move, arms, legs, what?” he said tormenting her further.

She whimpered and arched her back off the bed, trying to make him at least rock into her. But he held her down with his strong hips.

“Do you want me to move my hips, Angel? You need me to pull my cock out of that sweet, juicy pussy of yours and then thrust it back it? Fucking you hard and long? Tapping your pretty little clit every time I give you my cock?” he finished with a small hip pump.

“Fucckk,” Izzy cried.

“My baby wants it hard doesn’t she? She wants me to pound her sweet cunt so that she feels me for days,” he murmured, moving close to her lips, “Say it Angel, say you want my dick so far inside you you’ll feel me tomorrow.”

“Eli, Sugar, please…” she whimpered.

“Please what?” he teased.

“Please fuck me! Now!” she screamed.

That was what he wanted.  He pulled back and thrust his hips hard into her pussy. His dick dragged through her swollen tissues. Stretching and lighting up a million nerve endings.

“Yes…” Izzy whimpered.

She couldn’t see the shit-eating grin on Eli’s face since her eyes were closed, she knew it was there though.  But she couldn’t have cared less, he was moving finally.  He was filling her up, his thrusts getting faster and harder.  He was pumping so hard into her she felt her head bump up against the headboard.

Before she could complain he rolled onto his back and flipped Izzy on top of him, she made sure he stayed firmly planted in her tight sheath.  Oh shit, this was not a fluffy girl’s favorite position. Way too much skin flashing, she resisted covering her breasts.

“Give me your hands, Angel,” he ordered.

She reached out and he laced his fingers through hers holding them out between them.

“Now, ride me,” he said gruffly.

Izzy was not an expert at this so she slowly started to move.  Eli started pitching his hips up to meet her and she quickly found her rhythm.  She used her thighs to pull her higher up, dragging his cock halfway out of her pussy before slamming back down on him.  She could feel him all the way to her womb and it was awesome. 

“Harder baby, let me see your tits bounce. God they’re are amazing,” he said gruffly.

Izzy ground down on him, speeding up as she felt another orgasm building.  “Sugar, I’m gonna…” she managed to say before it crashed over her. She locked her arms and rubbed her clit on the hard muscles on his stomach. “Eli!” she breathed.

“Thatta girl, take it, then give it to me,” he said as he rocked his hips up into her and held himself there.

She felt her muscles grab onto his cock, squeezing and releasing as she came. Her pussy was dripping, she could feel it coating him and running down to pool between their legs.

“My baby is a star when she comes for me,” he murmured, as he released her hand and pushed a stray lock of hair that had fallen down behind her ear.

“That’s two, Angel, and I told you you’d come on my cock,” he said grinning.  He rolled then back so she was on her back, then he lifted up and said, “Flip over for me baby,” as he pushed her so she would roll over onto her stomach.  He grabbed her hips and pulled her up onto her knees.

Izzy no longer had the strength to argue, she was limp, deliciously so.

She felt him reposition his cock at her opening.  Then the head of his dick slipped through her lips and plunged fully into her.  She arched her back up, giving him more room.  He was so deep, every thrust she saw stars behind her eyes. It was slightly painful, but freaking outstanding.

She felt a sharp slap on her ass cheek and it got her attention. She turned back to look at him, “What the…?” she managed before he responded, slightly out of breath.

“Don’t fall asleep on me baby, I’m not done with this pretty cunt,” he growled.

Normally Izzy was not a huge fan of the “C” word, but fuck her if it didn’t sound like an endearment when he said it.  Whatever she thought, he can call it what he wanted as long as he didn’t stop.

He pounded into her as Izzy tried to grab onto the comforter to keep some traction. When that didn’t work she reached her hands up to the headboard and was able to brace herself against Eli’s pounding.

“Fuck baby, I’m gonna come, come with me,” he said sharply.

“I can’t, Sugar, I really don’t think I can,” she said honestly.

“Fuck that, my baby is coming again for me,” he breathed out and his hand gave another sharp slap on her ass cheek then reached around the front of her and found her puffy, swollen clit.  He circled it a few times, until he got a gasp from her.

“Yeah, my Angel has another one in her, I want to feel you strangle my cock, beautiful.”  With that he started fast circles over her nub with the pad of his fingers.  As he fucked into her she started pushing back to meet her thrusts.  He heard her make a keening sound and knew she was there, he squeezed her clit sharply between his fingers and heard her begin to scream out his name before she shoved her face into the pillow.

Her pussy was contracting around his shaft and he felt the first jet of cum shoot from his dick.  He fucked harder and faster, never letting go of her clit.  He arched his back as the fire raced down his spine and he yelled out her name, “Izzy!”

He let go of her clit and his body jerked with each spurt of hot steamy cum.  He hoped to god the condom held.  But then the thought of knocking Izzy up had some merits.  Later, he thought.

He slowed his thrusts and started using his hands to pet over her hips and ass.  He fucking loved the spread of soft white skin.  There was sooo much to hold onto, every inch was perfect.

Eli pulled out of her pussy, with a wet sucking sound like her snatch wasn’t going to let him go. He placed a kiss on the base of her spine and whispered, “I’ll be right back baby, give me one sec.”

Izzy managed a nod and felt him get off the bed.  She heard him enter the bathroom, the toilet flush and the sink run for awhile.  When he came back, he gently rolled her over and started bathing her with the stack of hot washcloths he’d brought from the bathroom.  He cleaned the cream, cherry juice, and various toppings off of her.  Kissing each spot he cleaned.  Izzy laid there limp, satiated.  She just watched this beautiful man take care of her and swear to god, she fell a little in love with him.  How could she not?  He was perfect, in every way.  Unless he had some horrible skeletons in his closet he was keeping from her.

“All clean, Angel,” he said smiling up at her. “I wasn’t too rough was I? Because if I was we could always do it again until I get it right,” he offered, then gave her the wink.

“I’m more than good, Sugar, I may never be able to move again and you’ll have to let me live here forever,” she said joking.

She saw Eli’s eyes light up at the idea. “Oh no, Sugar, I was kidding,” she said quickly.

“I know, doesn’t mean I can’t like the idea,” he said smiling.

“Well let’s take it slow shall we? This is pretty new for me and it’s a little overwhelming,” she said hoping he realized it wasn’t a rejection just a request to downshift.

“Oh I get it, no trouble sweetness. I won’t rush you,” he said hoping off the bed.  He went to a hamper in the corner and tossed the washcloths in. “Besides, we have plans for tomorrow, remember?” he turned back to her.

Izzy thought quickly, “Um, farmers market?” she hoped that was the right answer.  Judging by his smile she guessed right.

“Yup, farmers market, but I was thinking earlier about our long term plans,” he started saying but was walking down the hallway to the living room.  She could still hear him, since he never stopped talking.

“I texted my mom while you were in the bathroom, she wants to meet you, so we’re having breakfast with her. I told her 10am so we could hit your place for clean clothes. Then we can all go to the farmers market and then have lunch. Some of my brothers will be around and mom told them to show up.”

She heard his voice getting closer as he was moving back towards the bedroom.  She on the other hand was hyperventilating at the change in their timeline and the fact she was meeting his freaking mother in the morning!  Then his brothers!  Or at least some of them.  She tried to focus on what he was saying as she caught her breath.

“Then after that I figured we could go look at puppies. We don’t have to get one yet, but it would be good to start shopping around. What are you thinking big dog or little dog? I have the space for either so whatever you want is fine,” he continued striding into the room.

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