Read Angel in Black Online

Authors: Fela Dawson Scott

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Historical, #Historical Romance, #Romance/Historical

Angel in Black (9 page)


Chapter Six


and quickly left Windsong behind, the endless piles of paperwork forgotten, as were the last weeks spent confined in his office. He didn’t give much thought to where they were headed but soon found the village of Tattershall before him. Almost five weeks had passed since his encounter with Rina at the pool. His nights were filled with visions of the tawny-haired vixen; she haunted him, like a ghost who would not rest. In his dreams, she aroused him to the point of madness.

Why was he so interested in the little spitfire? There were plenty of women to warm his bed, more eager and willing than Rina. So why on earth must he see her? She definitely brought out the worst in him — so why did he want this woman so badly? Blake continued to ask himself all of these questions as Hera trotted through the small village. Would he ever discover the answers, or was he doomed to remain under her spell forever?

He stood at the door, but paused, knowing he should walk away. Instead, he knocked loudly and waited. A plump, jolly-looking woman answered; her pale blue eyes curious and smile welcoming. “Good day, m’lord. What is it I can do for you?” she asked.

Blake responded with one of his most charming smiles and bowed in a respectful, gracious manner. “Please allow me to introduce myself. I am Blake Roberts.”

The woman’s eyes widened; to find the master of Windsong standing at her door was unnerving. Flustered, Jenny giggled like a young lass and replied, “I be Jenny Tidwell. T’ what do I owe this honor, m’lord?”

“I believe the young lady Rina lives here?”

“Aye, she does.” A twinkle came to Jenny’s eyes as she studied the gentleman. “But she’s not here at the moment. Would you care t’ come in an’ wait for her?” At his nod, she let him enter. “Would you sit an’ share a cup of ale, Lord Roberts?”

“I most surely would, kind lady.”

Another giggle escaped as she blushed under his warm, golden gaze. “Well, come right in an’ make yourself comfortable. It’s not fancy, but ’tis home an’ the ale’s good.” Jenny grabbed two cups and poured them full.

Blake sat at the table and gladly accepted the drink. He motioned to the chair across from him. “Please, sit.”

Jenny obliged and Blake took a deep drink. “Just what I needed, I’m most grateful, Madame.”

“Oh, Jenny will do, sir. No need t’ stand on formality in this here house.”

“Only if you will call me Blake, Jenny.”

“Aye,” Jenny popped up, still flustered, “let me fill your cup, Blake.”

Blake stopped her, “Don’t fret over me, Jenny — I am fine. It’s nice here — charming in fact. Not like the stuffy mansions I find myself obligated to visit.”

Jenny beamed proudly at his compliment, and noticed him stretch his long legs out comfortably. She decided she liked this young man. “If you don’t mind an old woman’s nosiness, what did you come t’ see Rina ’bout? Do you have a horse she needs t’ tend?”

“No. I have no horses she needs to see. I met Rina several weeks ago and I wished to see her again.”

His answered amused Jenny as she took in his casual appearance and manner. If the truth be told, she noticed everything about the young lord; the broad shoulders, wide chest and lean waist. There was nothing pampered and soft about this aristocrat, his linen shirt did little to conceal his muscled arms as they flexed beneath the fabric with every movement made. Jenny pursed her lips and she studied his face with a critical eye. “An’ what would a handsome, rich gentleman like yourself be wantin’ with my Rina?” She paused a minute as if expecting an answer, but came to a conclusion on her own. She clucked in dismay. “Ahh … I suppose the answer be clear, but I’m not sure I be likin’ what you’re thinkin’.”

Wary of the direction the woman had taken, Blake feigned a look of hurt. “Would you deny a gentleman the pleasure her company would bring?”

Jenny was not fooled by his smooth talk. “I’m not daft, young man. It’s the other pleasures you’ll be wantin’ that’s not t’ me likin’.”

Blake considered lying, to ease her fears for her niece. But it was not his way. “Your niece is beautiful and I’ll not deny I desire her. Whatever happens between us will be Rina’s decision.”

As Blake drained his mug, Jenny let out a cackle and stood to refill it, despite his earlier protest. “You’re honest — I like that in a man. Well, I suppose if you can tame the girl enough t’ bed her; you certainly will have earned it. So, I won’t be stickin’ me nose where it doesna’ belong. It wouldna’ do no good — has a mind of her own, she does.”

Jenny knew Rina well — the girl would do as she pleased. Rina never allowed what others thought to interfere with her private life. This was, after all, between the two of them. Jenny only wanted her to be happy; she deserved that much in life. Perhaps, she thought wistfully, this would lead to love.

Blake misunderstood Jenny’s casual acceptance of the situation, thinking Rina must have had lovers before. Certainly if she was still innocent, Jenny would object to his blatant intentions.

“I’m glad you understand,” replied Blake, not certain if he was glad or not.

“Well, young man, you havena’ bedded her yet. Me Rina’s no mousy lady. You’ll have your hands full sweet-talkin’ her.”

He took another drink and drawled, “I’m sure I will.”

Rina rode up to the cottage and dismounted in front. She stopped to stroke Hera, happy to see the fine horse, but mostly to give herself time to calm her racing heart. Why on earth should she react this way? Just because Blake Roberts was inside was no reason for her to feel so strange. As serenely as possible, Rina entered the house.

Blake rose to his feet and, suddenly, realized how much he had missed not seeing her in the last few weeks. Her hair hung loose, falling into a mass of tangled curls — curls he ached to touch. Her color remained high from the ride, and her eyes sparkled as she glanced from Blake to Jenny, and back again to him.

“Good afternoon, Lord Roberts.”

Rina looked uncertain, like she didn’t know what she should do. So, Blake lifted her slender hand and gently pressed his lips against her soft flesh. Their eyes locked, the sensation the small, innocent gesture created obvious. “Good afternoon, Rina.”

She pulled her hand free and stood ill at ease.

“I was beginning to think I would miss you — I’m glad I did not.”

Blake’s words were like a gentle caress to Rina’s ears, bringing a flush to her face.

Jenny watched the two young people closely and smiled. Yes — maybe it would lead to love. “Rina, luv, I need t’ take this bread t’ Mrs. McNally — I promised she would have it before supper.” Jenny wrapped the bread carefully and placed it in a basket all the while she talked, “Lord Roberts, it was so nice of you t’ come. I’m sure you will forgive me leavin’, after all, you did come t’ see Rina an’ not an old, married woman.”

Before either of them could say a word, Jenny disappeared through the door, her distinctive cackle drifting behind her retreating form.

“Why are you here?” Rina’s sharp tone cut through the awkward silence; Blake’s presence unnerved her.

“I came to see you — I told you I would. I’d have come sooner, but business kept me away.”

“Why couldn’t you leave me alone?” Rina’s question came out more a plea than a question, recalling the nights she dreamed of the man now standing before her.

“Oh, little one, you could not expect me to stay away. Not when you haunt my dreams at night. I couldn’t bear the torture any longer.”

Rina’s heart jumped when his words echoed her thoughts exactly. “Please, you must go.”

The words were barely above a whisper, and Blake strained to hear what she said.

“I have not seen you for weeks; surely you would not deny me a minute or two?”

Blake took Rina’s hand in his own again, feeling her warmth meld with his. “You are so beautiful — how can I forget? How can I exorcise you from my mind?” He kissed her again, this time palm up, his tongue lightly running to her fingertips. Turning it over, his lips tenderly caressed a faint scar below her smallest finger, frowning at the hurt the injury must have caused her.

Rina jerked free of his grasp, waves of pleasure running over her, muddling her mind further. Weak — she was weak. How could her body continue to betray her?

“Don’t you see? We were meant for one another.” Blake pulled her into his arms, his aching need fully unleashed when his lips possessed hers.

He held her tight against him and her resistance fled, only immense passion remained. They clung to each other and Rina ignored the warnings in her mind, only the sensuality of his touch mattered. Blake stepped back, his eyes smoldered with dark demands; his voice husky and full of angst.

a witch; one kiss and I’m your slave. You cast your spells and work your black magic — how am I to fight against your mystic charms?”

Could it be Blake was as enslaved as she? Could he be feeling as lost and confused? What were these feelings between them? With sudden recollection, she thought of the last time he’d spoken of his desire for her. When he’d asked her to be his mistress — and called her a whore. Did he truly believe this of her? Was this all he wanted, one tawdry night to satisfy his craving? She stiffened and anger rescued her from the temptation his presence created.

Rina whispered, her voice broken and strained, “I have no hold on you, Lord Roberts. You are free to go, and I think it would be best for you to do so.”

Blake laughed; a humorless sound, grating on her raw, strained nerves. His eyes turned cold and he muttered in a low, hard voice, “If you are toying with me, Rina, let me warn you, I am not in the mood.”

“I’m certain you find all this amusing, but I do not. Now, if you would be kind enough to leave, I’m expecting someone.” She turned her back to him, not wanting him to see her turmoil.

“One of your lovers?”

The last straw, Rina spun about, her eyes narrowed and dangerous. Her voice shook from unleashed fury. “I believe it is none of your business who I am expecting. And since you seem so adept at jumping to conclusions on your own, I’ll not bother dignifying your question with an answer.” She spoke the words through gritted teeth. Why couldn’t he leave her be?

“You needn’t act so insulted; it’s obvious what you are. When I made it clear to your aunt I desired you, she laughed and all but wished me luck. She must have grown accustomed to your lovers. How many have there been, Rina?”

The last question came out an accusation and Rina’s resentment peaked like an explosion. “Get out — get out! I don’t ever want to see you again.”

Blake’s own temper reigned free, caution no longer within his grasp and he continued to barrage her with hurtful remarks. “Is it your big blond lover? Are you planning to wriggle and twist with passion beneath him tonight? Do you hunger for his touch?”

His questions pierced her heart, like arrows gone astray, stealing words to leave her speechless. Out of control, Blake grabbed her shoulders and shook her.

“Do you love him, Rina?” The words slipped out before Blake had time to think. He could have kicked himself, for he didn’t care if she did. Or did he? With a growl, he shoved her away, sending her reeling backward into the table. Whether he was disgusted with himself or her, it didn’t matter.

She should have been warned by the evil glow in his eyes, but she had been pushed past her breaking point. Rina had never been able to lie, but she was not averse to not telling the whole truth.

“Yes, I love him,” she all but screamed. Rina knew he would not know her love was as a sister for a brother. She wanted more than anything to hurt Blake Roberts as he hurt her, and anger spurred her on. “I would give my life for him, I would kill for him.”

Her words accomplished what she intended and she knew it, reveling in his pain.

Blake went numb for a moment, unable to understand why it would matter so damn much she loved the man. But it did — and that made him angrier than Rina had.

“Why hasn’t he married you?” Blake no longer cared and he carelessly rambled on. “But then, why would he want to? He can use you until he tires of you then find a pretty little virgin to take as a wife. You must remember, Rina, men do not marry women of loose morals.”

Rina could not take any more of his venomous words and put her hands over her ears to shut out his ugly words. She shook her head back and forth in denial of his cruel accusations. Dashing past Blake, she ran outside and straight into John as he walked up to the cottage door. Relief flooded through her as she looked into John’s soft brown eyes. Seeing her distress, he protectively pulled her to him. Rina felt his muscles tense when Blake appeared in the doorway, eyes smoldering and jaw clenched; his anger barely held in check.

Blake took in the touching scene before him and a strange feeling tugged at his heart when the younger man’s arms wrapped about Rina protectively. With a feigned casual air, he leaned against the door frame, a sardonic grin on his face as he drawled, “Well, we meet at last.”

John ignored the sarcastic words and turned to Rina. “Are you all right? Is this man bothering you?”

“I’m fine, Johnny,” she assured him, wanting to avoid a fight between the two men. Nervous, she glanced at Blake and said, “Lord Roberts was leaving. Weren’t you?”

Her emphasis made it more a demand than a question, and Blake’s eyebrow shot up in amusement as he considered her request. “Yes, I was — another time, little one.”

Without another word, Blake walked past them and mounted Hera. Nodding to Rina and John, he rode off, leaving one confused and the other angry.

He nudged Hera into a gallop and allowed her to run freely. As he pounded down the road toward Windsong, the tension inside him eased slightly. He couldn’t understand why the woman caused him to lose his temper so easily. It would be better if he forgot the willful female — she was trouble and he knew it. He would certainly be better off without her. Yes, he decided firmly, I’ll put her from my mind. There are plenty of women to occupy my time. What do I need with a wildcat like her?

All the way home, Blake lectured himself for letting the wench get under his skin. By the time he cleaned up for dinner, his determination had been renewed; he would forget Rina and her damned beautiful eyes.

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