Read Amaury's Hellion Online

Authors: Tina Folsom

Amaury's Hellion (21 page)

BOOK: Amaury's Hellion
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His hands roamed, and he found the zipper of her short skirt and lowered it. Sliding underneath the fabric, he shoved the skirt over her hips and down her legs, baring her ass to his hands. Her tiny panties provided barely a barrier to his touch, but nevertheless, they had to go. It was skin he wanted. Naked, smooth skin. Delicate softness and warmth greeted his needy palms and welcomed his probing fingers.

His attention was diverted from the task at hand when he felt her hands unbuttoning his shirt, her movements hurried, impatient.

Nina sat up, straddling him. “Take it off.” Her voice was husky, her eyes appeared glazed, her pupils widened under her half-lowered lids. He rid himself of his shirt in one brisk move.

“You too.” Employing vampire speed, he threw her shirt to join his on the floor seconds later. Her twin globes shone like beacons in the dim light of the room. Surely a taste was in order. It had been far too many hours since he’d licked those responsive nipples.

He loved burying his head in between her breasts, being sheltered by the softness of them, taking in the scent of her skin. What man, vampire or not, could resist such perfect roundness?

His lips found her nipple and suckled greedily, first on one, then on the other. Neither would be neglected. He felt like a hungry babe who couldn’t quite get enough of the generous meal offered. Such full breasts needed more than a few cursory licks and laps from his tongue.

With his fingers, he tugged at the little buds, making her cry out. She threw her head back and arched her back, offering her breasts for him to continue his sensual assault. He palmed her weight in both hands, then again descended on one of her nipples, his tongue forging ahead, his own deep moan providing the battle cry.

The contact with her hard, erect bud sent more blood surging into his already rock-hard cock. Heat seared through him. Then he closed his lips around her and sucked. His erection added another inch and thanked him for not wearing any underwear to constrict its expansion.

Suddenly he sensed her gaze on him and looked up.

“You’re still wearing too many clothes.”

Amaury made a liar out of her ten seconds later, having rid himself of his pants, lying underneath her, naked now. His impressive shaft stood erect where she straddled him, close enough to feel the tickle of her nest of blonde curls. Untamed and natural.

He caught her look as she perused his erection. Fascinated or frightened? He couldn’t tell. Was he too big for her?

A tentative finger brushed over the head of his shaft, where moisture had already collected. Kissing her had done that, as if he was some inexperienced young kid.

“You’re big.”

, we’ll move at your pace. You’ll take me inside when you’re ready, one inch at a time.” That was why he wanted her on top. If she was underneath him, he would never be able to restrain himself from plunging into her. Too fast, without giving her a chance to adjust to his size.

He pulled her head to him and took her lips for a kiss. As she bent over him, his cock rubbed against her stomach, and the little vixen teased him even more by moving up and down along him, rubbing her sex against his length.

The scent of Nina’s arousal filled the room and drugged him. Not sure how long he could stand it, he palmed her ass and stroked her bare skin. Slipping one hand along her crack, he found her moist center. She stilled her movements instantly and tilted toward his hand, offering her inviting womanly folds to his touch.

Amaury ran his finger along her warm slit, before he slipped it inside. Her tightness was intoxicating. How she would squeeze his cock to completion with her muscles. He could hardly wait. A deep moan dislodged from his chest. She would be his, soon.

When he felt her pull away from him, he didn’t want to let her go, but she sat up. She lifted herself onto her knees, and his hands automatically went to her hips to support her. With painstaking slowness, she centered herself over his shaft. Nina eased herself lower until the tip of his cock touched her moist sex. His heartbeat doubled. How he wanted to drive her down onto him! He clenched his jaw to restrain himself.

“So wet for me.”

Another half inch, and his bulbous head nudged at her entrance, forcing her nether lips apart to accommodate him. Her breath came in heavy pants, her beautiful breasts moving in unison every time she inhaled and exhaled. Her channel widened slightly, and she inched lower.

Her interior muscles squeezed him, and he ground his teeth together. The sensation was too delicious, almost painful, knowing he had to stay still and not move, when all he wanted was to thrust his hips toward heaven and fill her.

Amaury watched her face for any signs of discomfort when she closed her eyes and suddenly bore down on him, submerging his nine inches of marble-hard cock into her tight body.

Fuck, she was killing him!

He was right at the edge, seconds from spilling, like some green kid. Some juvenile who’d never felt a woman’s body before.

His loud grunt was echoed by Nina’s guttural moan. When he felt her move, he instantly locked his hands onto her hips and held her in place.

“Not yet.” His voice didn’t sound like his own. He concentrated on his breathing and tried to settle his thumping heart.

When her lips curled up to form a naughty smile, he gave her a slap on her derrière to warn her not to try anything. What he hadn’t counted on was that the reverberation of the light slap reached his cock a split second later, sending a rippling sensation through his body, nearly robbing him of his control.

So much for paddling her ass while he was inside her. He would have to remember that—and use it when he was more used to her body. But for now, it wasn’t a good idea. Not if he wanted to last longer than three seconds.

The moment he removed his hands from her hips Nina started moving. Like Lady Godiva she rode him, her breasts bouncing up and down. She lifted herself as high as she could, only leaving the tip of him inside her, then dropped down again. This time he met her with his own thrust upwards, doubling the impact, almost knocking the wind out of her. She gasped.

Amaury pulled her torso to bend over him.

“Feed me those gorgeous tits.” He opened his lips to receive the first nipple she guided to him and sucked it into his greedy mouth, laving it with his tongue.

“Oh, yes.” Her encouragement was appreciated. He thanked her by dropping his hand between their bodies to find her most intimate spot as he continued to drive his cock upwards, moving his hips in counteraction to hers.

Coated with cream from her arousal, his finger found her clit and circled it, then flicked it lightly. Her already hard nipple in his mouth stiffened further. So responsive, so ripe. Like a fruit ready to harvest.

His teeth scraped at her skin, but he didn’t bite down. He felt her shudder and instantly stilled. Had he gone too far? Frightened her?

Slowly he released her nipple and looked up at her. She looked like she was in a drug-induced state.

“Do it again.”

Amaury stared at her, not sure he’d heard right.

“Your teeth. Do it again.”

Capturing her other nipple, he lapped at it with his tongue, then sucked at it thoroughly.

“Please,” he heard her say. She was tempting him to bite her.

His teeth glided along her skin, scraping the surface, but only lightly, not breaking the skin, just teasing. When Nina arched her back, thrusting her breast toward him, he sucked more of it into his mouth. In unison with his sucking motion, his pistoning cock surged into her, again and again. And like the experienced rider she proved to be, she held on and moved in rhythm with him.

His fingers played with her clit, stroking, pinching, while his mouth worked her nipples, making them stand up like brave little soldiers. He would have liked to go on forever, but the way her muscles squeezed his shaft, the way he slid in and out of her, deeper every time, he couldn’t hold on.

His teeth clamped down on her nipple as he gave her engorged nub another pinch, then felt her channel clench around him, felt the waves of her orgasm hit him, and tumbled with her—over the edge and into oblivion as he came: hot, breathless and with a seemingly endless stream of his seed filling her. He’d died and gone to heaven, and the golden-haired angel looked down at him.


Nina dropped her head onto Amaury’s chest and exhaled. She hated to admit he was right, but this
better than she’d ever had. Without a doubt. Not that she would ever tell him that. A man could get too bigheaded if he knew. And Amaury certainly didn’t need to get any more full of himself than he already was.

She felt him press a kiss on her hair. His sudden tenderness surprised her. The man had decidedly too many sides to him that needed exploring. And she was just too exhausted to do any more explorations tonight. As for addressing why she was again sleeping with the enemy rather than fighting him and his vampire brethren, she would go on that guilt trip tomorrow.

“Will you tell me now why you came to the club?”

Nina lifted her head, crossed her arms on his chest and rested her chin on it. “Why do you care?”

“We’re working together now. So you’d better tell me what’s going on.”

She sighed. “Fine. I got a text from my informant, saying that a man involved in Eddie’s death is here tonight.”

“You think he was talking about Luther?”

She dismissed the thought with a movement of her head. “No. That creep just hit on me. He didn’t fit the description I got. Unfortunately you interrupted me before I could find the guy.”

“Luckily, I got here when I did. Zane saw you in the club, and Quinn alerted me. They were following a lead.”

“A lead on the bodyguard killings?”

Amaury nodded. “Yes. I think that one of the human employees of Scanguards knows more than he’s telling. Zane tailed him to the club. We were trying to figure out if he was meeting somebody here.”

“It could be the same guy. If he’s an employee of yours it makes sense.”


“Because I was also told he was at the staff meeting that night your friend Zane caught me.”

Amaury lifted himself to a semi-sitting position without letting her escape his embrace and nudged a pillow behind his back. His hands remained around her back, pressing her to his naked body.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes. The information came from the same informant. Not that Benny bothered staying. He hightailed it out of there before he could get caught. Snake. Especially since he’d already sold my hide to those two vampires you and I were fighting the other—”

“Hold it!” Amaury interrupted. “After he sold you out last time, you took his tip at face value and came to the club tonight? Are you crazy?”

Nina made a dismissive gesture. “This time I was prepared.”

Amaury huffed and shook his head in disapproval. “Prepared? Damn it, Nina, you have to stop going around putting yourself in danger.”

She completely ignored his reprimand. “Anyway, Benny was the only one who could identify him. His description could have fit any number of guys.”

“Where’s Benny now?”

“If he values his life, he’s left the city.”

“What if that guy was here to meet Luther? It would be too much of a coincidence of him showing up here, you being given the info to come to the club, and Zane and Quinn tailing our employee here. I don’t believe in coincidences.”

Nina felt his hand stroke tenderly over her ass, a gesture which appeared entirely subconscious considering Amaury seemed preoccupied with Luther.

“Who’s this Luther anyway? He seemed to realize that I knew about vampires.”

“That’s probably because he could smell me on you.”

“What?” She didn’t like the sound of that.

“Luther and I go way back. He would have been able to detect my scent on you. Most likely that’s why he was toying with you.”

Nina frowned. “Old friends, then?”

There was a moment she thought she’d detected a grain of pain in his eyes. But it instantly disappeared.

“Not quite. We used to be. Unfortunately he blames me and Samson for his mate’s death.”


“Luther was blood-bonded to a wonderful woman and was probably the happiest vampire I knew then.”

“Hold on. Don’t throw words around I don’t understand. What’s ‘blood-bonded’?” She tried to pull away a fraction, but Amaury didn’t release her from his embrace. Instead, he made her snuggle even closer to him. She hadn’t pegged him for the cuddly type.

“It’s like a marriage, only it’s for eternity. A vampire blood-bonds with his life mate, and they’re connected forever. They can sense each other. It’s an incredibly close connection between two people.”

“I see.” Nina felt awkward hearing him talk about marriage and love while he still held her against his warm body. A body that only minutes ago had joined with hers in a union so perfect she’d not known it was possible.

“He and Vivian were expecting their first child, when—”

“Child? I thought the undead couldn’t have children.” Amaury threw more incredible things at her than she thought she’d be able to handle. Vampire children? No—way too weird.

“Undead? Where do you get those expressions from? And Luther’s mate was human. As a vampire blood-bonded to a human he was able to impregnate her. It’s the only time a vampire can father children, if his mate is human.”

His hand stroked absentmindedly over her back, up and down, sending delicious shivers along the way.

“And their children, what are they?”

“Hybrids. Half vampires, half humans. They have traits of both species. They can be out in the sun without burning, but they drink blood and have the strength and speed of a vampire. And they are immortal.”

“That’s just so bizarre.”

He smiled. “It’s rare. But it happens. Luther was working with us, with Samson and me. He was working for Scanguards. He was a great guy back then. Loyal, dedicated. And he loved Vivian. And she loved him. But there were complications with her pregnancy. One night she started bleeding. Luther was away on an assignment. We called him, but he didn’t make it in time. She was losing the baby, and we were losing her. There was nothing we could do. By the time Luther came back, she’d died. He blamed us.”

BOOK: Amaury's Hellion
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