Read A Woman's Worth Online

Authors: Jahquel J

Tags: #United States, #African American, #Urban, #Romance

A Woman's Worth (4 page)

Chapter Seven



I was sitting in this café off Ocean Drive, waiting for the first interview I had for a nanny. I was styled with my hair up in a bun in a cute up do with my bangs swept to the side. I had my favorite Tom Ford sunglasses on, a white Gucci pants suit, and a yellow dress shirt under the blazer. I had on a pair of pink Valentino studded pumps. I hadn’t dressed like this since Madison was born. I was rocking my shit.

I had one of Tyrisha’s housekeepers watch Madison
. She reminded me of my mother before she passed away from breast cancer nine years ago. Her name was Maryann and since I been down in Miami, she had taken a liking to me and Madison. She always came and offered to get me drinks and food when I was over Tyrisha’s house, even when I told her it was no problem and that I could get my own drink. She helped me wean Madison off breast feeding, which was a miracle.

young girl with long black hair and caramel complexion walked into the cafe. She had almond shaped eyes that were green. She had thick thighs and a nice plumped ass, I was even jealous of. She was in a form fitting dress with Steve Madden tan sandals. She was far too young to be being a nanny, I thought as she approached me. 

, my name is Tiffany Mitchell and yours?” I said professionally.

“Epiphany Adams
. Nice to meet you,” she said, extending her hand out.

“Do you have a resume
with your references and your background check like the agency said you would have?”

, I do. I’m very devoted to kids. I have a niece who lives in New York. I may look young, but I could get the job done well, unlike these other old nannies that fall asleep on the job.” She laughed handing me the resume.

“What part of new York
are you from? I’m from New York, too,” I said happy to see another New Yorker.

… East New York.”

I looked over her resume
. She had good qualifications and her background check was clean, but her references were a bit sketchy.

, I’ll look into these and I will call you back.”

hile waiting for the next one, I read her resume. She was twenty-three and had worked for the agency since she was seventeen. How the fuck are you a nanny when you’re seventeen? Wouldn’t that just make you a babysitter? I was going to keep her as a backup.

I gave up
, after waiting for a few more hours, and started walking to my car.

I heard my name
being called.


I turned and saw Tone and some sexy man walking toward
s me. He was about 5’9” dark skin with a bald head and a nice trimmed goatee. He was muscular and was wearing the hell out his suit.

“Hey Tone. How are you?” I asked.

I ha
dn’t seen him since I got there. I always stayed at the hotel when I wasn’t at his house and when I was at his house, he was always gone.

“I’m good
. I’m shocked to see you here. I haven’t been able to see you due to work. How’s Maddie?” he asked, pulling me into a hug.

“She’s good
, big, and bad. She’s starting to walk,” I said, glowing.

Whenever I talked about my daughter
, my face lit up. I loved my baby.

“Where the fuck
are my manners? Tiff, this Quinton, my business partner. Quinton, this is Tiffany. She’s like a sister to me,” he said, pulling me close to him again.

I shook hands with Quinton
. I looked into his eyes and could tell he was feeling me. I was rocking the hell out of my Gucci suit. Why wouldn’t he be?

, Tiff, see you back at the house. I know you’re going there,” Tone said as he gave me a hug.

took off toward his office without Quinton. I knew what he was doing. He was trying to set me and Quinton up, but it wasn’t going to happen. I was going to leave the love to the birds.

, Quinton, see you around,” I said, fishing in my bag for my keys.

“Can I take you out sometime? Not as a date
, but as friends.”

I looked at him and smiled
. “Sure I would love that.” I ripped a piece of paper where Epiphany’s references had been and wrote my cellphone number down. Something about him made me want to get to know him. There wasn’t nothing wrong with being friends, right?

“Call or text me
when you want to grab something to eat or get a drink.” I smiled and extended my hand for a handshake; instead he pulled me into a hug.

, I got you. Stay pretty,” he said and turned around to walk back to his office.

I got in my car
, turned the radio, and put my shades on. I drove down Ocean Drive, heading towards Tyrisha’s house to see my baby girl. I was loving the new me and was determined to keep it this way.


                While on my way to Tyrisha’s house, Reshawn called my phone. I pressed the hand free button on the steering wheel to answer my phone. “Hello.”

“Tiffany, where the fuck are you? How long you gonna keep playing these games?” he barked through the phone.

I wasn’t fazed.

“Why do you care? You never spent time with your daughter, so don’t start no fuckin’ beef. Don’t call me and act like you’re concerned and want to see your daughter now. When we were home, you never spent time with her, so why start now? Because I’m not there and you’re lonely?” I yelled back.

I could tell he was shocked when he heard me yell back because he paused for a bit.

“I wanna see my daughter and I wanna see you. I miss y’all babe,” he spoke calmly.

You want to control me. You don’t miss me. You want your laundry done and dinner cooked. That’s what you want, and if that’s what you want, please hang up and call a maid service.”

I hung up and turned up the volume to Tamar Braxton
“Love and War”.

Like the song,
my love life felt like a battlefield.                                                               








Chapter Eight



, baby, I’ll be there when I’m finished handling business,” I said trying to get Mezzie off my line.

he was becoming a thorn in my side. All she did was complain about me and Tyrisha. I regretted even going in that bitch raw. She was so sneaky and conniving, but could suck the skin off my dick. The bitch was a major freak. That’s why I kept her around.

ith AJ in the picture, that was even more reason to be with her. My son was my world. He was my mini-me. He was the spitting image of me. I tried to spend as much time as I could with Mezzie and AJ, but Tyrisha was getting further in her pregnancy and I couldn’t leave her alone.

Our relationship
was taking a huge turn. We weren’t intimate. We barely spoke. Either I came in and she went, or she came in and I went. When I noticed she was pregnant, I wondered why she didn’t tell me at first.

ll she said was, “I didn’t think you cared.”

I felt something was going on with her
, but I just chalked it up as her being pregnant and hormonal. She was glowing in her pregnancy. She looked so radiant and at peace, even though she complained most of the time about her back and feet.

, on the other hand, had big ass swollen feet. Shit, that didn’t stop her from hitting up the stores shopping at my expense.

I was sitting in my office when Quinton came in with a grin on his face

What’s the creepy smile about?” I asked curiously.

“Tiffany gave me her number
. We gonna go get a drink together.” He smiled.

I could tell he was happy
. He had just broken up with his girl three months ago. He needed to get out there and date.

You know she gotta daughter right?” I quizzed to make sure he knew.

, was I not standing there when you asked how her daughter was doing?”

I laughed
. “Just asking. You know she moved down here to escape her baby father?”

, I’ll let her tell me that. It’s a drink. If it goes further then it goes further.”

Ight, hope it works out ‘cause she deserves a good nigga.”

I left it alone because I had my own problem
s between Mezzie and Tyrisha. I loved Tyrisha, but her constant distance was pushing me into Mezzie’s arms. I decided I was going to go home early, cook her dinner, and catch up with Tyrisha’s friend, Tiffany. I rushed out of the office, jumped into my
Range Rover
, and headed home.                                                    

As I was on the road
, I received a call from Moses, which was strange because he hardly dealt with me anymore. I wondered why, but didn’t address it. I knew he was dealing with his brother, which was fine. We were both business men, not drug dealers fighting for the best corner.

To what do I owe this call?” I said, making a right into my gated community.

, man, I just need one of your best realtors to help me look for a place,” he said, cutting to the chase.

“I'm the best nigga
. I own the company, but I’ll have Quinton give you a call in the morning and arrange something.”

. One,” he said and hung up.

f he wasn’t my friend I would’ve been upset with the abrupt call, but he was and money was about to come my way.



Chapter Nine



“Yes, keep doing it, baby.”

I was at Moses house with my legs shaking from the tongue game Moses was putting on me. He was licking so deep inside my wet juicy lips
that I was for sure the baby felt it. He gave the best head and had the longest dick I’ve ever had.

, baby, keep it going,” I said, fucking his face.

He then flipped me over and I positioned myself to fuck doggy style since my swollen belly got in the way of everything. I got on my knees and threw my ass in the air
, waiting for his dick to enter me long and hard. He got up with his dick still at attention, standing at ten inches long. They weren’t lying when they said Jamaicans had the Mandingo. He slapped his dick on my ass a couple times then jammed it into my dripping love box. He went long and deep with his strokes and I matched his rhythm, throwing my ass back nice and hard.

He slowed his pace and went nice and slow
. Then, he kept ramming his dick in me until we both came at the same time. I knew we wasn’t done, so I got off my knees and went to work on Moses’ still rock-hard dick.

I spit and slurped while massag
ing his balls with my hands, taking his long dick deeper and deeper in my mouth without gagging. He was almost about to nut. I went in for the kill, squeezing his balls and running my tongue down the shaft of his penis. I knew he was about to cum, so I put my whole mouth on his dick and swallowed all his kids.

He pulled me back to lay with him on his king
-sized bed in his 6,552 square foot mansion. I know all he wanted was me in his kitchen with my booty shorts on, cooking dinner with our son in the next room sleeping all so peacefully.

“You know I love you right
,” he said breaking our silence.

“I know
. I love you, too, baby,” I said, kissing his big juicy lips.

, why you won’t leave that nigga alone? You have all that proof about him cheating. What’s keeping you there?” he asked, throwing me off guard.

I didn’t want to mess up the day we were having
, but I knew Moses wouldn’t let it go until we addressed it.

“It’s loyalty Moe
. I’m loyal,” I said, knowing it sounded dumb when it left my lips.

“How loyal are you
? You’re pregnant with my seed and just finished fucking me.”

ears formed in my eyes. I wasn’t about to let him see me cry, so I waddled to the bathroom and locked the door.

e knocked on the door while I put on my retainer and started applying pimple cream on my face.

, Tee-Tee,” he said, using the nickname he gave me. He knew that would butter me up.

I opened the door
and walked past him. “Fuck off, Moe.”

I couldn’t stand that I loved him so much
. I was caught between Tone and Moses. I wished I could’ve just started painting the nursery Moses set up in his house and be happy in love with him, but things weren’t that simple.


The next morning, Moses went to handle business and I had things to check up on at the office later. I hadn’t been there lately. I was preoccupied with my pregnancy. I sat at Moses’ kitchen island, eating my favorite cereal, Captain Crunch. My babe always kept the house stocked with my favorite pregnancy snacks and food.

My phone started ringing
. I waddled to the table in the foyer and searched through my Gucci tote bag for my phone. I answered it just in time and realized it was Tiffany.

, bitch.” I giggled. Being with Moses put me on a high and I loved every minute of it.

, did you plan something with Tone last night?” she quizzed.

“Not that I know of
. That nigga’s been busy and so have I,”  I said getting agitated suddenly.

“Don’t shoot the messenger
. We had dinner last night and he said you were supposed to join us.”

filled me in on the night and told me to meet her at my office because she was anxious to start back working.

dragged my ass off the bar stool to take a shower and meet Tiffany. Carrying around that basketball of a stomach was getting tiring, especially trying to juggle two men. I just wanted to put my feet up and eat whatever was within my reach.

I walked
through Moses’ closet to my section. I decided on wearing a PINK sweat suit with a pair of Nike running shoes. I put my hair in a big bun and put a touch of lip gloss on grabbed my Gucci tote and was out the door.








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