Read A Woman's Worth Online

Authors: Jahquel J

Tags: #United States, #African American, #Urban, #Romance

A Woman's Worth (10 page)

Chapter Twenty-Five



Two weeks later …

I walked into my beautiful twenty-five hundred
square foot house. It was breath-taking. It had three bedrooms with two baths, a nice back yard for Madison and a huge walk in closet for me.

I had moved Maryann
in since Tyrisha let all Tone’s help go before she moved out. I didn’t need a maid, I could clean after myself. She was here strictly to care for Madison when I wasn’t able to.

I started working and taking Tyrisha’s place. I styled a couple of clients, I was slowly building my clients list. My biggest client was one of the housewives of Miami
. I was content that she always paid well and kept me the busy, which was always good.

Quinton and I managed to get together when
we weren’t busy with work. As for Reshawn, I hadn’t heard from him and I didn’t know if he was still in Miami or if he went back to New York. Quinton had calmed down and it was like the whole incident didn’t exist which was cool with me; the less drama the better.

I found Maryann in the kitchen cooking with Madison sitting in her high chair.

“Hey Maddie bear,” I baby-talked to her pinching her cheeks.

he swatted my hands and finished eating her spaghetti-o.

, Maryann. How was your day?” I asked putting my bag on the counter and taking a seat.

“It went well
, Mami, Some man came by earlier to see Madison. He said he is her father.”

“Did you let him in?” I asked panicked.

I knew Reshawn wouldn’t hurt his daughter but I didn’t feel comfortable with him knowing where I lived. It left a funny feeling in my stomach. She shook her head no.

“Good when I am not home
, no one is allowed in the house, okay, Maryann?”

“That’s goes without saying
, mama.” She smiled and continued chopping the onions.

I walked up to my room and kicked my shoes off, my feet were killing me. I didn’t know how Tyrisha did it her first seven months of pregnancy. I walked into my bathroom and ran some bath water and poured some bubble bath into

I waited until the tub was full before I got in. I eased into the claw foot tub and let the water fully immerse my sore body
. I could use a good sexual encounter, but both Quinton and I agreed to do it when the time was right. It didn’t stop me from feeling the urge to sex him every time we are together.

I drained the tub and lotioned my body
. I hadn’t started working out yet, but I could feel myself losing more weight and I was loving it. My pouch was barely visible and I loved it.

Maryann knocked on the door with Madison on her hip
. She had a date tonight so me and Madison were on our own tonight.

“The food is on the stove
. Heat it up, if it’s cold. I should be home a little after nine but if it goes well, I will see you and Maddie tomorrow morning.” She laughed.

, Maryann! I’m gonna have to beat your butt for being fresh. Have fun and be safe.” I giggled, tickled that Ms. Maryann was still getting her grove on.

I gave Madison a bath and put her down for bed, I made me a plate of food and poured me a glass of wine and sat in the living room watching
Project Runway
. My phone started ringing so I answered it and put it on speaker.


“Tiffany, it’s Reshawn. You busy?” he asked sounding like something was on his mind.

“Not right now
. I heard you came by today. How did you know where I lived?” I asked, curiously.

“That’s why I need to talk to you
. Can I come by? I promise no funny shit,” he said sincerely.

I knew he was serious
. When did Reshawn ever ask for anything?

“Alright come on by
. I’ll be waiting.” I sighed, finally giving in.

“I'm right around your way, I’ll be there in twenty minutes
,” he promised before hanging up the phone.


Reshawn showed up in twenty minutes as promised with a look I was sure I never saw. I opened the door and let him in.

“Take your shoes off
, boy. This that expensive marble,” I barked smacking him in the head.

“Ight chill
, Tiff, I know how you all OCD and shit when it comes to your house,” he said taking off his LeBron sneakers.

We walked to the kitchen where I had moved my dinner and wine.

“Want something to eat or drink?” I offered.

“I could eat.”

I fixed him a plate and poured him a glass of wine. We both sat at the dining table not saying a word.

“So what you have to speak to me about?” I asked breaking the silence, while he continued to eat like he ha
dn’t eaten in years.

“I got your info from Tone
. Quinton sold you this house and where else would the papers go but in the office he shares with Tone? He found out the info and gave it to me.” He stopped stuffing food in his mouth.

“At first I was all for getting revenge over the whole Quinton thing
, but this nigga Tone is bugged. Talking about killing everyone. I can’t stand Quint and my brother, but that’s because of my personal fuck ups. These last couple weeks, I had some time to think about shit and I’m the reason for my own demise not anyone else.  I ain’t happy with you and homeboy, but I got to respect it. I just want to raise my daughter and be a better father to her than I have been,” he confessed.

“What kind of revenge were you thinking and what made you change your mind
? How do I know that you are not planning this with Tone and this is an ambush,” I asked slightly confused.

hat did I ever do to Tone for him to wanna kill me if this story was true?

“Would I come here and sit and eat your food if I was conspiring to kill you
? If I wanted to do something, it would be when I opened the door. He’s mad about Tyrisha being with Moses and you lying to him to keep it a secret, so now he wants to take out all of you one-by-one, starting with Tyrisha. I’m all for revenge, but when it’s all said and done is that really going to make me happy?”

“We need to tell Moses and Tyrisha ASAP! Honestly I’m scared to be in this house with him knowing my info.”

“Don’t worry I told him it wasn’t the right address as soon as I knew his plan.”

I sighed a sigh of relief and pushed my food away
. I was no longer in the mood to eat. Apparently Reshawn was because he scraped the remainder of my food on his plate.

An hour later me and Reshawn was sitting in the living room watching
Friday After Next
and laughing like old times. I felt so relaxed around him, like when we were dating.

The movie ended and we sipped our wine, I was feeling a little tipsy but nothing where I had a bad choice of judgment. I excused myself and went to my bathroom
. The wine was finally taking a toll on my bladder and I couldn’t hold it anymore. I looked at my phone and saw a text message from Quint.

Working late. Miss you. Lunch tomorrow?
I started pecking away my response.

I would love that
! A lot of stuff to discuss. Night, love.
I put my phone down, flushed the toilet and walked out the bathroom to Reshawn sitting on the edge of my bed.

“What are you doing up here?” I asked.

  “This is nice what you got, not as big as the house in long island, though.”

    “I didn’t want something that big for just me and Maddie.” I snapped walking to my dresser to take my earrings off

Reshawn came behind me and blew in my ear knowing that was my spot.

“Rah-Rah please don’t do this.” I begged knowing what he was doing was making me wet.

I was already sexually frustrated and this wasn’t going to make it better.

“You didn’t think I forgot your spot, did you?” He put his hands in my shorts and inserted two fingers in my pussy making my knees weak.

He held me up and carried me to the bed where I laid with my legs wide open. He put his face right between my legs and started licking my juices like it was his favorite.

“Please, go deeper.” I moaned.

ight after I said it I wanted to slap myself, but I was feeling so good. Reshawn always had the best head and dick game and that was part of the reason it took me so long to leave his ass.

He stuck his tongue as far as it could go and flicked it at a fast speed
. I felt like I was about to explode in joy. It felt so good. He slurped and licked up my juices and continued fingering me while I squirmed and moaned in ecstasy. This man was the truth and I would be lying if I said I didn’t miss this part of him.

He stood up and took his shirt off
, exposing his perfectly ripped body. His six pack looked like there were two more cans added. His pecks were screaming at me to shower them with kisses like I use to. He stripped down to his boxers and started stroking his ten inch member. That had me going crazy.

He climbed on the bed and opened my legs
. Lifting my left leg up, he played with his dick on my pussy for a little before he rammed it into me causing me to gasp.

“Oh shit, harder keep goooing harderrr
, Rah.” I screamed scratching his back. I didn’t care if I woke Maddie, that shit was feeling so good.

In one quick swift moment
, he flipped over and positioned me on top of him. I eased up and down and rode him like a joystick while he moaned in pure ecstasy.

, Tiffany you still got that good shit.” He mumbled.

I kept bouncing up and down on his dick while he caressed my breast and licked my nipples making them wet with his saliva.

“Omg, yess. Yess!” I yelled bouncing up and down until we both climaxed.

I laid my head on his shoulder out of breath and
questioned myself.

Did I make a mistake by sleeping with Reshawn? Was it weird all my old feelings were coming back? He
was treating me how he use to before he got a big head.

“We can’t mention this to Quinton, please
, Reshawn. I’m begging you.”

    “You secret is safe with me
, bae. I love you, Tiff. Always have and always will.” He said kissing my neck.

I felt the same and wanted to curse myself for putting myself in that situation. I dozed off to sleep on Reshawn’s chest. Feeling like I finally got my family back, when in reality it wasn’t that simple.


Maryann hadn’t come home last night so I assumed her date went well. I sat in the kitchen drinking coffee and watching Reshawn play with Maddie. She was giggling and kept pulling his dreads. I thought she didn’t know who he was so it would be no love lost
, but watching her light up with Reshawn made me see that maybe making this move was for the best. It allowed him to see I wasn’t going to take his shit and he had to change and come correct.

“I gotta go take care so business but can I call you later to come by?” he asked handing me an overly excited Maddie.

“Yeah give me a call. Quint may have plans for us but if he don’t, come by.” I said walking him to the door.

He bent down and kissed me on the cheek and I blushed.

“This is a new beginning for us, Tiff. I can see it now.” He winked and closed the door behind him.

“What is your daddy up to?” I asked Maddie who continued sucking on her fingers.

  “I have no clue either.” I laughed.












Chapter Twenty-Six



I was in the hospital suffering from a concussion, multiple cracked ribs and my left eye socket was fractured. Alisha had found me on the floor passed out with A
J in his crib, crying his eyes out. She called the ambulance and I was rushed to the hospital.

I can’t believe Tone would do something like this to me
. The cops already had been by two times and I told them the same thing before, I opened my door and a mask man dragged me to my room and beat the hell out of me. I knew they didn’t believe me but they had no other choice.

Alisha walked in the room with McDonalds.

“How are you feeling?” she asked.

“As good as anybody who just delivered a still born baby a couple weeks ago.” I said barely above a whisper.

“I'm so sorry Miranda, I didn’t know he was capable of something like this. I know how much your daughter meant to you.” Alisha sincerely apologized.

I was over apologizing
. None of that could bring my back my daughter and it damn sure couldn’t change what went down. I wasn’t pressing charges on Tone, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t going to pay. When I was done with him he was going to wish I’d just kill him but that would be too easy.

  “Do you know when you are being discharged?” Alisha asked.

“Tomorrow morning, I don’t know how I’m going to leave this hospital tomorrow knowing my baby girl is in the Morgue.” I whimpered, holding back my tears.

I would never forget holding my dead baby girl
. She looked so much like me already and for that Tone would pay in blood, sweat and tears.


I was finally getting discharged. Physically and mentally I was still fucked up, but I was ready to get out this hospital. I arranged for Alisha to drop AJ with my aunt and uncle so I could fully recover.  I’m was gonna miss my poo-bear but I needed to be hundred percent before I could be there for him.

Alisha agreed to let me stay at her house
. I didn’t want to go home yet. I wanted to let Tone sweat if he came back and saw we weren’t there and hadn’t been since he assaulted me.

Alisha pulled in her assigned parking spot for her complex, she lived in Sunset Garden Apartments.

“Damn, Alisha I didn’t know you were living like this, this complex is nice.” I complimented.

, you know how I gets done. Only the best for me and my little one,” she boasted before getting out the car.

I was confused about what she said about a little one
. Alisha didn’t have kids. I shrugged it off and accepted her help to get me out the car.

I sat on the bed in Alisha’s guest bedroom
. I was amazed at how nice her apartment was decorated.

I wonder who she is fucking
. He must be paid to have her living like this,
I said in my head. I walked into the living room and found Alisha in the kitchen with her Kindle, reading.

“I didn’t know you read.”

“There is a lot you don’t know about me.” She smirked at me.

I didn’t know what she meant by that. I fixed me something to drink
. The doctor had warned me not to mix liquor with my pain medicine but I was feeling like shit and I needed an escape.

“When are you going back home? I’m not kicking you out I just want to know.” Alisha asked, breaking my train of thought.

I started to curse her out for asking such a question. Did she not just hold my hand while I gave birth to my dead daughter? Or was she just being insensitive to my situation and really didn’t give a fuck about what I was going through?

She was the one who offered for me to stay with her for a couple weeks now she was asking when I was going home. Tone did mention he fucked her
. She always threw shad on our relationship so was this really a happy moment for her?

“I’ll go home tomorrow, I got some stuff to handle
,” I mumbled.

I walked back to the guest room with a bottle of a vodka and my pain meds.


I walked into my condo and looked around, everything still looked the same in the dining and living area. I dreaded going into the bedroom

I walked into my bedroom, my stomach immediately got sick. I felt like I was going to vomit all over the floor so I ran to my bathroom and threw up. I rinsed my mouth out and took out cleaning supplies from under the sink. I walked in the room and emptied the whole jug of bleach on the blood and piss stain right beside my bed. I got on my knees and scrubbed the stain while tears ran down my cheeks, not because I was sad but because I used so much bleach.

My front door creak which indicated someone came in.

“What are you doing here? I thought you were staying with your friend?” My aunt Linda asked.

“I was but once someone ask
s how long you’re staying, you know you’re not welcomed. Why are you here? Something wrong with AJ?’ I asked.

, he’s fine. I just ran out of clothes for him. Aare you back home now or do you want to come with me and Uncle Ty?.”

“I'm back home
. I’m ready to put this behind me and move on,” I lied knowing I had a plan for Tone.

I just needed time to map it together.

“Baby, what don’t kill us makes us stronger. I know it sounds like a cliché but you will be an even stronger woman for AJ and raise him to be a good God-loving young man,” she said.

I appreciated my aunt’s words of wisdom, but what I had in mind for Tone had nothing to do with
God except that he might be calling for his ass when I got through with him.

My aunt stayed for another hour and helped me clean up the house and get what we could out the blood
-stained spot in my bedroom. She agreed to keep AJ for another week so I could recuperate and get back in the swing of things without worrying about him.

I poured a glass of wine,
grabbed my pain medicine and washed it down with the wine. I hadn’t ate since I left Alisha’s house. I didn’t want to eat anything. The only thing that was on my mind was revenge.

I was in deep thought when my phone interrupted me
. I looked at the caller ID and it was exactly who I needed.

“I see you
’re finally calling me back.” I answered.

“You know I’m a very busy bitch
. Let’s cut to the chase what do you want? And who done it?” My sister Jazz asked.

I smiled an evil smile and filled her in on what went down in the last.

“What you wanna do about him? I lost a niece so the nigga has to get got,” she said getting hyped.

I loved my sister because she was a go getter
. She lived in Chicago and was married with children, but she always got back to her gully days and now was one of them. I smiled and filled her in on what I wanted to be done to Tone. We set a plan and set the date for when she would fly in. I had to get it taken care of before AJ came back home.

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